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Proposed a strategy to motivate Malaysian Gen-Zs to register for voting using a

motivation theory. Write up and present your ideas.
When we talk about Gen Z we are talking about the generation that have used digital
technology since a young age and are more comfortable with the internet and social media.
They are the ones born in 1998 to 2002. Another way to define Gen Z is that they fall within
that part of generation that is very social, visual, global and technological. Everything fall in
place within their generation which they happened to be as lucky as they were the most
connected, enlightened and more modern set of generations.
Based on the motivational theories, McClelland’s theory of needs is very much suitable for Gen
Z. McClelland’s theory cited three motivational drivers which are achievements, affiliation and
power. With regards to the Malaysian election, these theories can be applied to motivate them
as everything is already in place for the Gen Z voters. The majority of future voters in Malaysia
are the Gen Z voters.
1. Achievement is a very essential theory here In order to encourage the Malaysia Gen Zs for
voting. This motivational theory of achievement is where there is a need to accomplish
something. Having an achievement as drive, it needs government involvement and political
engagement towards the Gen Z because their votes will be very essential towards the future of
any political party. To grasp the Gen Z voters’ attention particularly the young voters, various
awareness campaign needs to be carried out during the election period through
communication channels such as social media platform and electronic media as an effort to
encourage their voting participation. Gen Z is the generation of game changers as they are
more learned, smart and has the ability to learn quickly due to their high exposure towards the
internet and technologies which serves as a great advantage to them. They also have the
highest population among other generations. Since they were fast learners, if they were being
motivated on the importance of voting then it will encourage their active participation in
politics. Proper funding through the NGOs will be very essential in encouraging the Gen Z to
vote. They need funds and that will help in motivating them during the election thus their active
participation in politics. This will attract them in politics most especially the first time voters.
Affiliation is another motivational theory for the Gen Z. With affiliation it gives them a sense of
belonging and social acceptance. With regards to affiliation, motivating the Gen Z voters is
through political campaigning and advertisement during the general election, through this way
the political parties tends to disseminate their political agenda and manifestoes to them. Since
they were born during the generation were the world is becoming a global village, these
information’s, political campaigning manifestoes and advertisements can be done through the
technological advancements and social media which they were already conversant with and it
plays to their advantage through its utilization of these channels like Whatsapp, Instagram,
Facebook, twitter and YouTube. These channels are extremely popular and economical among
their generations with great accessibility of information and political awareness. These channels
are faster, cheaper and time efficient. Through affiliation, they will be more likely to be
motivated is social activities through the information and communication platforms given to
them. By having a full communication and information on the voting through affiliation, it will
help them to avoid any form of conflict by voting the best candidates due to the abundance of
information’s given to them.
Lastly Power, they can feel very powerful by making the decision to vote for the best
candidates without fear or favor through this power theory. Decision making is very important
in getting the Gen Z voters to register for voting in the upcoming election. Allowing them to
make a proper decision on their political choices will help to motivate them to vote. Their full
involvement in politics serve as a key in helping them to participate in politics. The reason why
it is very good for their active involvement and full participation in politics is that individuals
who had participated in electoral activities from young are most likely to continue their political
participation even when they gets old as they will make it to be their habits. It is very important
to motivate them in politics by letting them know that their opinions on political situations
matters a lot. Their thoughts and participations in politics will have an electoral impact as well.
The Gen Z participating voluntarily in politics made them to be aware of their civic obligations
when led them to actively seek for information.
In order to attract these generation to vote, it requires their attention towards the awareness
of the ongoing political issues surrounding them and not only having the political knowledge
thereby letting them to understand what is happening around their surroundings and letting
their voices to be heard. It is very important to understand the decisive role which the Gen Z
will play in the upcoming elections and use those roles to motivate them. These roles will
reshape the future direction of the Malaysian politics as the turnout of Gen Z voters in the
Malaysian politics during the general election will indicate a new political awakening. Their full
participation during the general election will display their desire for freedom of speech, open
interaction and the latest information. This will help and motivate them as they have the
chance to evaluate the performance of the political parties in overcoming any issues or
promises made during the election.
In conclusion, despite their level of participation, there will be an influence over Gen Z
motivation in political participation. They will be able to make their preferences on receiving
information’s which will serve as an advantage like reading, watching or even listening to
information’s through their smart phones thanks to technological advancements and
developments. Any information they get in politics becomes a knowledge to them which will
help in influencing their decisions in the upcoming elections by making the government to
realize necessary action to be taken to continuously improve their living condition apart from
fighting issues such as corruption and abuse of power which needed to be overcome to instill
the trust of the people. Hence, with this new given mandate, the new government chosen by
the people has a lot to realize what was expected of them should they wish to ensure
continuous support during the next general election.

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