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Brooke Johanna Dawn

January 29
Hey sorry to post twice in one day but I wanted to inspire others but also remind you that we are all human
and make mistakes. On the left is me in June 2017 as maid of honour for my sisters wedding weighing
over 300lbs like 315lbs. I started keto on Jan 16th 2018 and I was so good at it and stuck to it for over a
year. I probably didn’t have a cheat day until after 5 or 6 months since starting that year...I was that on
board. After the few cheat days I had that year I went right back on keto the next day. I was succeeding!
On the right is a selfie of me weighing my lowest weight of 190lbs. It was great and I was doing so well. I
only had 20lbs to go! Unfortunately I had a stressful situation last August and I fell off the wagon hard and
gained back almost 60lbs 😞 but I’m back in it and I am as determined as ever to make it to 170 (which is
what I should be). I’ve lost the weight before and I can do it again! Keto works! You just have to keep
trying. When you fall off forgive yourself and get back on it!

Gaylene Hills You're a beautiful girl!! You can do this. Healthy, happy, beautiful YOU!!

Jennifer Catone What did you do when you stalled? I’ve weighed exactly the same for a whole week
now 🤦🏻‍♀️

Brooke Johanna Dawn Jennifer Catone you need to completely change your keto food would be one
suggestion. For example at one of my stalls I kept eating spinach salads but when I switched to keto Mexican
salads it then dropped. That’s 1. Another would be a fat fast as in for just 1-3 days just have eggs and maybe
chicken as your one meal a day. No veggies. Still hungry? Have some more chicken. Also you could see how
much water you are taking in and get a large bottle of water or even (I know you could just get water at home
but just so you feel like you are doing something) you can get xl bottle of water some are like 1.00 and make
sure you are drinking one a day. That is if you don’t think you are drinking enough water. I personally like the
egg and meat fast. It’s like you are going carnivore diet for a few days see if that helps you. Don’t forget to
watch a Thomas de Lauer video on stalls I’m sure he has one.

Jennifer Catone Brooke Johanna Dawn thank you so much!!!! This is super helpful

Tamiko Woolfalk You got this! Thanks for sharing

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