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Writing (a letterto a friendreviewingsth)

Readthe rubric.
Thisis partof a letterfromyourEnglish

f Haveyou everbeento a livemusicperformance?

E pl"asewrite andtell me.l'd loveto hearall aboutit.

Whatareyougoingto writeabout?Whichof the followingcanyou includein yourletter?Circle.

ee . p e r f o r m a n c e . f a n s . f e e l i n- ng "se&s s i o n s
p r i c e . c l o t h e s . n a m essoonfg s . f o o d

Let'slook closer

2 a. Readthe letterbelowandcomplete the paragraph

planwith the
. whatyoudidn'tlikeandwhy . singer/band
youwentto see
. whatyoulikedandwhy . recommendation
Howmanyof yourideascanyou find in the letter?

Dear lohn,
& ffl How are you? It wasgreat to getyour letter.You askedme
if I had everbeento a live musicperfonnance. Well,I actually went
to a pop conceft on Saturday- it wasgreat!

k fr rtaryed the singerAlsou - maybeyou've heard of her? The

ticketsweret50 eachbut it was well wofth it!

@ fhere was a wonderful atmosphere- the cheeful fans shouted

enthusiasticallyas she came onto the stage.She looked fantastic
thanks to the elaboratelighting and her trendy wardrobe.Her voice
soundedangelic. There was a vaied programme, with songsfrom
all of her albums and plenty of oppoftunity to danceand sing along!

@n Ho*"r"r, I was a little disappointedthat the concertfinished so

early.Even thepeople around me werecomplainingthat the concetl
was too shortfor theprice of the ticket.

@x Anyway, we still had a great eveningand came away with the

best impression.If you everget the chance to seeAlsou in concert,
you should definitely go. Have you heard her new album? Wite
soon snd tell me what vou think of it.

b. Readthe letteragain.Whatdid Alexlike/dislike

aboutthe concert? aregiven
to supporteachviewpoint?

3 Replace
the underlined andadverbs
adjectives in the letterwith the following.
e entertaining
. fabulous
. modern.wildly . complex
. heavenly
. upset. lares.
4 Readthe extracts(1-4)belowthat review 5 Thereview/premieresaidthat it was one of
variousevents.Fillin the missing
topic the bestproductions
of the year.
sentences(A-D),thensuggestothersuitable 6 lt wassucha predictable/superb performance
onesof yourown. that shewasgivena standing ovation.
7 TomHanksreceived praisefor hisrole/actorrn
A Theopening nightof the MoscowStateCircus in
Glasgow wasa hugesuccess.
8 The routinesand the oositioninoof the
B TheFarnborough AirShowwasa bighitagainthis
dancerson stageare the responsilility
of a
C I wassoimpressed conductor/choreographer.
withtheperformance I wentto
on Friday. Matchitems(1-6)to (a-fl.
6 thenouns
D I havenever
beento anythingsoborrng

1 m famous/ frlm/televrsron a screen

were all verytalentedand they gave
t live/studro/solo b performance
c novel
100%to the performance t big/small/silver
lt wasa fantastic
out - there was never a dull moment. The m c h i l d r e n ' s / f a n t a/ s y
d film
e actor
programme was well-arrangedand well_
choreographed.In my opinion,it is definitely ETI horror/ silent/ feature

That new exhibitionhad nothingto capturemy

imagination.I stronglydisagreewith the critic
who wrote, 'highlyoriginaland entertaining'.
Background information
thinkthe completeoppositeistrue!
Theexhibition/theatre openedin 1989
Thedancecompany/band formedin 200'1.
TheAir Showrunseverysecondyearand takes
Theringmaster had an excellent senseof humour p l a c ei n . . . .
a n d the crowd enjoyedthe spectacular show ln
my o p i n i o nt,h e h i g h l i g hot f t h e w h o l ee v e n i n g
Thesoundsystem wasexcellent.
The spectacular sights and soundsof all the
Thecastwas superb/amazing/very
different planes kept the crowd captivated I
believeit is the bestphotoopportunity
you could Generalcomments/opinion
D o n ' tm i s si t !
wish for r
!r"?€@**q@sdtFr*$$".,-i!*s-*r!1*Fq'4'$a'"ii.' " '
It'swell worth seeing/going
You reallymustsee/gollistento it.
5 Underline
'l Yourturn
Shakespeare sometimes used plots/
programmesfrom ancientGreekplays Usingthe language
7 above,writea letterto a
u s u a l l yg o t o s e e
E v e nt h o u g h I d o n ' t friendreviewing something youattended
I reallylovedMlssion ( exhibition/the
recently. openingof a
lmpossible. newvenueor a concert.) (100-120words).Use
Tonight, ballerinaSylvie Guillem wrll be the ideasbelowaswellasyourown.
appearing/performing the role of Clara :r . name/time/place
of evento cost o whatyou
TheNutcracker. o
likedaboutit whatyoudidn'tlikeaboutit
Thesuccessof a playcomesdown :o a ?col . iinalthoughts
and a gooddirector

Ina ldentifythejobsfromthe descriptic:rs
t h eo e o o l d
of what

'- i ce'sonfliesaeroolanes
iLad \ c. ^ \y ,U^U ,l , r - ^ f +L U^ *L hl l ir sr n e r rsv n - -- ^- ^- .- . -ey n aired.
Ldl p-,

* - ., o f s i c ke - - ; .
^^.-^^ +^1.^- -^-^

T'rispersonworksin an office..,c"g letters,

arswering the phoneandarra.9-: i'neetings
VocabularyPractice T n r sp e r s o nw i l l h e l p y o u ; r . : s : ' n o n e yi n
6 Thispersoncontrols the move-:^:sof aircraft.
7 Thispersondesigns pagesfo' .- - ^iernet.
Whatdo thesepeopledo for a living?Lookat
8 Youpaymoneyto thispersor- i sropor bank.
the pictures
the correctword.
9 T h l sp e r s o nh e l p sc h i l d r e ra ' : ' a n r r l i ews h o
10 Thispersonwill giveyou t;: .r.=,-c yourhotel

3 with verbsfrom the

Completethe exchanges
a r a ( t a in

1 doctor/ scientist
1 A: So,areyou go ng .c
for the job?

A : l a nr sg o i n gt o
B : R e a l l yW
A : H e ' sf o u n da D e : : : ' - : ?r : :

3 A l f f_h i s' r ' n- rl -o-i _c . -

' ' <
'- ,' manager
will me.
B : G o o dl u c k !


5 A :
: -:xt month
B : O h ,n o
lawyer/ architect
5 artist/ photographer,
Fillin thecorrect
fromthe list.
o (nmohndv nnr i': r- .

o Let'scallit a dar
. T h ew a ys h e 'gsc ' :
. She's beeni,vo'< ':. ="- -,': .^: : :ck

1 A : I c a n ' tw o t I m very
busdriver/ ItreO
/ y
8 business
factoryworker B:Soaml

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