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Introduction to Machine Learning

Gilles Gasso

INSA Rouen - ASI Departement


September 5, 2019

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Machine Learning: introduction

Machine Learning ≡ data-based programming

ability of computers to learn how to perform tasks (classification,
detection, translation. . . ) without being explicitly programmed
study of algorithms that improve their performance at some task based
on experience

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The rise

Big Data : continuous increase in data generated
Twitter : 50M tweets /day (=7 terabytes)
Facebook : 10 terabytes /day
Youtube : 50h of uploaded videos /minute
2.9 millions of e-mails /second

Computing Power The value-adding process

Moore’s law Interest: from product to customers.
Massively distributed Data Mining ≡ discovering patterns in
computing large data sets

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Historical perspective

Today’s IA is Deep Learning (a technique of Machine Learning) learning- and- artificial- intelligence/

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Applications: sentiment analysis

Classify stored reviews according to users’ sentiment

Score(x) > 0

Score(x) < 0

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Product recommendation


Matrix factorization
Purchase history of customers


Purchased item Recommended products

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Image classification
Labeled training images Deep classification architecture
295194831409153@1447391340221/MPCNN- architecture- using- alternating- convolutional- and- max- pooling- layers- 13.png

Input images and predicted category fig4l.png?w=656
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Medical diagnosis

Malignant melanoma detection

130 000 images including over 2 000 cases of cancer
Error rate 28 % (human 34 %)

Digital Mammography DREAM Challenge

640 000 mammographies (1209 participants)
false-positive rate decreased by 5 %

Heart rhythm analysis

500 000 ECG
accuracy 92.6 % (human 80.0 %) sensitivity of 97 %

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Object detection 09- 01128/article_deploy/html/images/applsci- 09- 01128-

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Audio captioning

https://ars.els- s2.0- S1574954115000151- gr1.jpg

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Chatbot*LF5T9fsr4w2EqyFJkb- gng.png

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Implementing a Machine Learning project

Data Data
Real World Strength- Business
Gathering engineering
Industries Cleaning Exploration Interpretation
Insurance Organizing Representation Pattern of
Internet Aggregation Display interests
Social Networks Management Machine Learning Strategic decision
Open data
Medical of errors Data Mining Valuation
... ... ... ...

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Chain of the data engineering process
Pre- Train the
Data the Model
processing model

1 Understand and specify project

goals Y
2 Pre-processing/visualize/analyze
data 1


1 1

3 Which ML problem is it? 1? 1 1

1 1

4 Design a solving approach 1


5 Evaluate its performance

6 Go to to 2) if needed

Course Goal: Study the steps from 2 to 5

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The data

Information (past experience) are examples with attributes

Assume the data set consists of N samples

An attribute is a property or characteristic of a phenomenon being
observed. Also called it feature or variable

It is an entity characterising an object; it is made up of attributes.
Synonyms : instance, point, vector (usually in Rd )

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Data : visualization
hhhh Features
hh citric acid residual sugar chlorides sulfur dioxide
Points x hh h
1 0 1.9 0.076 11
2 0 2.6 0.098 25
3 0.04 2.3 0.092 15
Point x ∈ R4 0.56 1.9 0.075 17
5 0 1.9 0.076 11
6 0 1.8 0.075 13
7 0.06 1.6 0.069 15
8 0.02 2 0.073 9
9 0.36 2.8 0.071 17
10 0.08 1.8 0.097 15


Variable 3 : Chlorides

Variable 4 : Sulfur
0.085 Moyenne des points 15


0.09 2.6
0.07 Va
ria 0.08
bl 2.2
e 0.07 2 r
3 ga
:C 1.8 l Su
0.065 hl
or 0.06 1.6 esid
1.5 2 2.5 3 id 2:R
es a ble
Variable 2 : Residual Sugar Vari

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Data types

Sensors → Quantitative and

qualitative variables,
ordinales, nominals
Text → String
Speech → Time Series
Images → 2D Data
Videos → 2D Data + time
Networks → Graphs
Stream → Logs, coupons. . .
Labels → Expected output prediction

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Approaches of Machine Learning

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Supervised learning
Given a set of N training examples {(xi , yi ) ∈ X × Y, i = · · · , N}, we
want to estimate a prediction function y = f (x).
The supervision comes from the label knowledge

Image classification, object detection, stock price prediction . . .

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Unsupervised learning
Only the {xi ∈ X , i = · · · , N} are available. We aim to describe how
data is organized and extract homogeneous subsets from it.

Applications: Customers segmentation, image segmentation, data
visualization, categorization of similar documents . . .

60 7 7 77
27 7 7777 7777 7 9949
7777777777 777 7 7 77
7 7777 77 7 7777 7 77 7 444444
78 99999 9 77777
7 9 444
399 9 9999 999999 99 99 9999 4 44
44 999999 999 9 777 4 444 44 4
4 99 1 9799 7 777 44 44 4444 44
4 44 4
111111111 11 87
1 111111111
2 77779 9
9 999979 7 47 7 7 444 444444444 4
7 7 7
2 111 1 11 59 999 4 9 94 4
1 1
1 1 1 94 4 44 4 9 9
11111111 7 1 27 2 4 977 9 9 9 2 77 44
2 11111111 111 1 3 722 44 77 9 999 999 4
20 6 1 1 1 11 4 9 9
9 9 4 4 4 4
8 6 1111 111117 233 4 3 98 9 99 49 444
4 4
22 22 2 11111 111
1 7 22 2
9 49 4 44 44
775 4 599494444 9
2222 222 1 111 1111112 6
111 222 2 2222 5
2 22 8 81 11 666 2 77 9
5 115 26 2 88
0 8 8 8 8 12 55555
8 88 888888 888 8888 33 5555 55
88 8 88 8 8 93 13 55 555
88 8
888888888 88 8
8 8 8 8 5588 8 99 55
5 5 5555 666
6 6666
88888888888888 88 8 88 8 883 8888 85 5 55555 6 4 66
8 2 8 8 8 55 3535 555 5 666666666 6
33 35333 85 3
5 8 566 6666 6666 666 222 2
-20 3 8 55
5 55 5 6666 496 6 666 6 66666
2 8 5 33
3338 3 85 8 5 55 5 55 666 666666 6 666 6666 666
22 2
3 3 3359 5 5 5 5 55 6 66666 22222222222
3333 53 333 55 55 5555 5 66 66 66
66 22
2222222 222 23
333333 3 3 3 33 5 3 55 5 55 0 2
5 2
3 333 3 3 3 3
3 2222 2222 2
-40 333333 33 55 000
3 55 0 0 00000000 0
3 3
3 3 3 0
6 0000 00
0 0 0 00 2
53 0000 00 0 000
600 9 0 000
000 00000 00000000
0 00 0 0 00000000
-60 000000000 000000000

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80

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Supervised learning : concept

Let X and Y be two sets. Assume p(X , Y ) the joint probability

distribution of (X , Y ) ∈ X × Y.

Goal : find a prediction function f : X → Y which correctly estimates

the output y corresponding to x.
f belongs to a space H called hypothesis class. Example of H : set
of polynomial functions

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Supervised learning: principle

Loss function L(Y , f (X ))

evaluates how ”close” is the prediction
 f (x) to the true label y
0 if y = f (x)
it penalizes errors: L(y , f (x)) =
≥ 0 if y 6= f (x)

True risk (expected prediction error)

R(f ) = E(X ,Y ) [L(Y , f (X ))] = L(y , f (x))p(x, y )dxdy
X ×Y

Identify the prediction function which minimizes the true risk i.e.

f ? = arg min R(f )

f ∈H

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Loss functions
Quadratic loss : L(Y , f (X )) = (Y − f (X ))2

 L(Y , f (X )) = |Y − f (X )|
`1 loss (absolute deviation):
0 if y = f (x)
0 − 1 loss: L(y , f (x)) =
1 otherwise
Hinge loss: L(y , f (x)) = max(0, 1 − yf (x))

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Some supervised learning problems

Regression 1
Support Vector Machine Regression

We talk about regression when 0.5

Y is a subset of Rd .


Usual related loss function:

quadratic loss (y − f (x))2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

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Some supervised learning problems
Output space Y is an un-ordered discrete set
Binary classification: card(Y) = 2
Example: Y = {−1, 1}
Loss functions: 0-1 loss, hinge loss
Multiclass classification: card(Y) > 2
Example: Y = {1, 2, · · · , K }

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From true risk to empirical risk

Minimizing the true risk is not duable (in allmost all practical applications)

The joint distribution p(X , Y ) is unknown!

Only a finite training set {(xi , yi ) ∈ X × Y}N

i=1 is available

Empirical risk
1 X
Remp (f ) = L(yi , f (xi ))

Empirical risk minimization

fˆ = arg min Remp (f )

f ∈H

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Empirical risk is not appropriate for model selection: if H is large enough,
Remp (f ) → 0 but the generalized error (true risk) is high.
Erreur de prediction

Ensemble de Test

Ensemble d’apprentissage
Faible Elevé
Complexité du modèle
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Illustration of overfitting

Risque empirique


0.1 Val
30 20 10 0
Valeurs decroissantes de k

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Model selection

Find in H the best function f that learned based on the training set
will well generalize (low true risk)
Example : We are looking for a polynomial function of degree α
minimizing the risk : Remp (fα ) = N fα (xi ))2 .
i=1 (yi −
Goal :
1 propose a model estimation method in order to choose (approximately)
the best model belonging to H .
2 once the model is selected, estimate its generalization error.

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Model selection : basic approache
Case 1 : N is really big (large scale DN )
Données disponibles

Apprentissage {X app ,Y app } Validation {X val ,Y val } Test {X test , Y test }

1 Randomly split DN = Dtrain ∪ Dval ∪ Dtest

2 For each α, train fα based on Dtrain
1 P
3 Evaluating its performance on Dval Rval = Nval i∈Dval L(yi , f (xi ))
4 Select the model with the best performance on Dval
5 Test selected model on Dtest

Dtest is used once!

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Model selection : Cross-validation
Case 2 : Small or medium scale DN

Estimate the generalization error by re-sampling.

1 Split DN into K sets of equal size.
2 For each k = 1, · · · , K , train a model by using the K − 1 remaining
sets and evaluate the model on the k-th part.
3 Average the K error estimates obtained to have the cross-validation

Validation Apprentissage Test

Apprentissage Validation Apprentissage Test

Apprentissage Validation Test

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To successfully carry out an automatic data processing project

Clearly identify and spell out the needs.
Create or obtain data representative of the problem
Identify the context of learning
Analyze and reduce data size
Choose an algorithm and/or a space of hypotheses
Choose a model by applying the algorithm to pre-processed data
Validate the performance of the method

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Au final ...
Find your way. . .

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