Attention Augmented Convolutional Networks

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Attention Augmented Convolutional Networks

Irwan Bello Barret Zoph Ashish Vaswani Jonathon Shlens

Quoc V. Le
Google Brain
arXiv:1904.09925v1 [cs.CV] 22 Apr 2019

Abstract 81
Convolutional networks have been the paradigm of 80
79.1% 78.9%
choice in many computer vision applications. The convolu- 79 78.7%
tion operation however has a significant weakness in that it
78 77.7%

top-1 accuracy
only operates on a local neighborhood, thus missing global 77.9%
information. Self-attention, on the other hand, has emerged 77 77.5%
as a recent advance to capture long range interactions, but 76 76.4%
has mostly been applied to sequence modeling and gener-
ative modeling tasks. In this paper, we consider the use of
75 74.7%

self-attention for discriminative visual tasks as an alterna- 74 74.3% ResNet

tive to convolutions. We introduce a novel two-dimensional 73 73.6%
AA-ResNet (ours)
relative self-attention mechanism that proves competitive
in replacing convolutions as a stand-alone computational 20 30 40 50 60 70
primitive for image classification. We find in control exper- number of parameters (millions)
iments that the best results are obtained when combining
both convolutions and self-attention. We therefore propose Figure 1. Attention Augmentation systematically improves im-
to augment convolutional operators with this self-attention age classification across a large variety of networks of different
mechanism by concatenating convolutional feature maps scales. ImageNet classification accuracy [9] versus the number of
with a set of feature maps produced via self-attention. Ex- parameters for baseline models (ResNet) [14], models augmented
with channel-wise attention (SE-ResNet) [17] and our proposed
tensive experiments show that Attention Augmentation leads
architecture (AA-ResNet).
to consistent improvements in image classification on Im-
ageNet and object detection on COCO across many dif-
ferent models and scales, including ResNets and a state-
Both these properties prove to be crucial inductive biases
of-the art mobile constrained network, while keeping the
when designing models that operate over images. However,
number of parameters similar. In particular, our method
the local nature of the convolutional kernel prevents it from
achieves a 1.3% top-1 accuracy improvement on ImageNet
capturing global contexts in an image, often necessary for
classification over a ResNet50 baseline and outperforms
better recognition of objects in images [32].
other attention mechanisms for images such as Squeeze-
and-Excitation [17]. It also achieves an improvement of Self-attention [41], on the other hand, has emerged as a
1.4 mAP in COCO Object Detection on top of a RetinaNet recent advance to capture long range interactions, but has
baseline. mostly been applied to sequence modeling and generative
modeling tasks. The key idea behind self-attention is to
produce a weighted average of values computed from hid-
1. Introduction den units. Unlike the pooling or the convolutional operator,
the weights used in the weighted average operation are pro-
Convolutional Neural Networks have enjoyed tremen- duced dynamically via a similarity function between hid-
dous success in many computer vision applications, espe- den units. As a result, the interaction between input signals
cially in image classification [24, 23]. The design of the depends on the signals themselves rather than being prede-
convolutional layer imposes 1) locality via a limited recep- termined by their relative location like in convolutions. In
tive field and 2) translation equivariance via weight sharing. particular, this allows self-attention to capture long range

Input Attention maps Weighted average of the values Output

H Head Head ²

Nh = 2


Standard convolution

Figure 2. Attention-augmented convolution: For each spatial location (h, w), Nh attention maps over the image are computed from
queries and keys. These attention maps are used to compute Nh weighted averages of the values V. The results are then concatenated,
reshaped to match the original volume’s spatial dimensions and mixed with a pointwise convolution. Multi-head attention is applied in
parallel to a standard convolution operation and the outputs are concatenated.

interactions without increasing the number of parameters. 2. Related Work

In this paper, we consider the use of self-attention for 2.1. Convolutional networks
discriminative visual tasks as an alternative to convolu-
tions. We develop a novel two-dimensional relative self- Modern computer vision has been built on powerful im-
attention mechanism [35] that maintains translation equiv- age featurizers learned on image classification tasks such
ariance while being infused with relative position informa- as CIFAR-10 [22] and ImageNet [9]. These datasets have
tion, making it well suited for images. Our self-attention been used as benchmarks for delineating better image fea-
formulation proves competitive for replacing convolutions turizations and network architectures across a broad range
entirely, however we find in control experiments that the of tasks [21]. For example, improving the “backbone” net-
best results are obtained when combining both. We there- work typically leads to improvements in object detection
fore do not completely abandon the idea of convolutions, [19] and image segmentation [6]. These observations have
but instead propose to augment convolutions with this self- inspired the research and design of new architectures, which
attention mechanism. This is achieved by concatenating are typically derived from the composition of convolution
convolutional feature maps, which enforce locality, to self- operations across an array of spatial scales and skip con-
attentional feature maps capable of modeling longer range nections [23, 39, 37, 38, 14, 45, 13]. Indeed, automated
dependencies (see Figure 2). search strategies for designing architectures based on con-
volutional primitives result in state-of-the-art accuracy on
We test our method on the CIFAR-100 and ImageNet large-scale image classification tasks that translate across a
classification [22, 9] and the COCO object detection [27] range of tasks [52, 21].
tasks, across a wide range of architectures at different com-
putational budgets, including a state-of-the art resource 2.2. Attention mechanisms in networks
constrained architecture [40]. Attention Augmentation
yields systematic improvements with minimal additional Attention has enjoyed widespread adoption as a com-
computational burden and notably outperforms the popu- putational module for modeling sequences because of its
lar Squeeze-and-Excitation [17] channelwise attention ap- ability to capture long distance interactions [2, 42, 4, 3].
proach in all experiments. In particular, Attention Augmen- Most notably, Bahdanau et al. [2] first proposed to com-
tation achieves a 1.3% top-1 accuracy ImageNet on top of bine attention with a Recurrent Neural Network [15] for
a ResNet50 baseline and 1.4 mAP increase in COCO ob- alignment in Machine Translation. Attention was further
ject detection on top of a RetinaNet baseline. Suprisingly, extended by Vaswani et al. [41], where the self-attentional
experiments also reveal that fully self-attentional models, Transformer architecture achieved state-of-the-art results in
a special case of Attention Augmentation, only perform Machine Translation. Using self-attention in cooperation
slightly worse than their fully convolutional counterparts on with convolutions is a theme shared by recent work in the
ImageNet, indicating that self-attention is a powerful stand- natural language processing field [47]. For example, the
alone computational primitive for image classification. QANet [48] and Evolved Transformer [36] architectures al-
def augmented conv2d(X, Fout, k, dk, dv, Nh, relative): tions: H, W and Fin refer to the height, width and number
# X has shape [B, H, W, Fin] of input filters of an activation map. Nh , dv and dk respec-
conv out = tf.layers.conv2d(X, Fout − dv, k)
# [B, Nh, HW, dvh or dkh] tively refer the number of heads, the depth of values and the
flat q, flat k, flat v = compte flat qkv(X, dk, dv) depth of queries and keys in multihead-attention (MHA).
# [B, Nh, HW, HW]
logits = tf.matmul(flat q, flat k, transpose b=True)
We further assume that Nh divides dv and dk evenly and
if relative: denote dhv and dhk the depth of values and queries/keys per
h rel logits, w rel logits = relative logits(q) attention head.
logits += h rel logits
logits += w rel logits
weights = tf.nn.softmax(logits)
3.1. Self-attention over images
# [B, Nh, HW, dvh]
attn out = tf.matmul(weights, flat v) Given an input tensor of shape (H, W, Fin ),1 we flatten
attn out = tf.reshape(v, [B, Nh, H, W, dv // Nh]) it to a matrix X ∈ RHW ×Fin and perform multihead atten-
attn out = combine heads 2d(v) # [B, H, W, dv]
attn out = tf.layers.conv2d(attn out, dv, 1)
tion as proposed in the Transformer architecture [41]. The
return tf.concat([conv out, attn out], axis=3) output of the self-attention mechanism for a single head h
can be formulated as:
Figure 3. Python code for our attention augmented 2D convolu-  
tion. Helper functions can be found in the Appendix 9. (XWq )(XWk ) T
Oh = Softmax  q (XWv ) (1)
ternate between self-attention layers and convolution layers h h
for Question Answering applications and Machine Trans- where Wq , Wk ∈ RFin ×dk and Wv ∈ RFin ×dv are learned
lation respectively. Additionally, multiple attention mech- linear transformations that map the input X to queries Q,
anisms have been proposed for visual tasks to address the keys K and values V .
weaknesses of convolutions [17, 16, 7, 44, 43, 50]. For in- The outputs of all heads are then concatenated and pro-
stance, Squeeze-and-Excitation [17] and Gather-Excite [16] jected again as follows:
reweigh feature channels using signals aggregated from en- h i
tire feature maps, while BAM [30] and CBAM [44] re- MHA(X) = Concat O1 , . . . , ON h W O (2)
fine convolutional features independently in the channel and
spatial dimensions. In non-local neural networks [43], im- where W O ∈ Rdv ×dv is a learned linear transformation.
provements are shown in video classification and object MHA(X) is then reshaped into a tensor of shape (H, W, dv )
detection via the additive use of a few non-local residual to match the original spatial dimensions. We note that
blocks that employ self-attention in convolutional architec- multi-head attention incurs a complexity of O((HW )2 dk )
tures. However, non-local blocks are only added to the ar- and a memory cost of O((HW )2 Nh ) as it requires to store
chitecture after ImageNet pretraining and are initialized in attention maps for each head.
such a way that they do not break pretraining.
In contrast, our attention augmented networks do not rely 3.1.1 Two-dimensional Position Encodings
on pretraining of their fully convolutional counterparts and Without explicit information about positions, self-attention
employ self-attention along the entire architecture. The use is permutation equivariant:
of multi-head attention allows the model to attend jointly
to both spatial and feature subspaces. Additionally, we en- MHA(π(X)) = π(MHA(X))
hance the representational power of self-attention over im-
for any permutation π of the pixel locations, making it in-
ages by extending relative self-attention [35, 18] to two di-
effective for modeling highly structured data such as im-
mensional inputs allowing us to model translation equivari-
ages. Multiple positional encodings that augment activation
ance in a principled way. Finally our method produces addi-
maps with explicit spatial information have been proposed
tional feature maps, rather than recalibrating convolutional
to alleviate related issues. In particular, the Image Trans-
features via addition [43, 50] or gating [17, 16, 30, 44]. This
former [31] extends the sinusoidal waves first introduced in
property allows us to flexibly adjust the fraction of atten-
the original Transformer [41] to 2 dimensional inputs and
tional channels and consider a spectrum of architectures,
CoordConv [28] concatenates positional channels to an ac-
ranging from fully convolutional to fully attentional mod-
tivation map.
However these encodings did not help in our experi-
ments on image classification and object detection (see Sec-
3. Methods tion 4.5). We hypothesize that this is because such posi-
tional encodings, while not permutation equivariant, do not
We now formally describe our proposed Attention Aug-
mentation method. We use the following naming conven- 1 We omit the batch dimension for simplicity.
satisfy translation equivariance, which is a desirable prop- 3.2. Attention Augmented Convolution
erty when dealing with images. As a solution, we propose
Multiple previously proposed attention mechanisms over
to extend the use of relative position encodings [35] to two
images [17, 16, 30, 44] suggest that the convolution op-
dimensions and present a memory efficient implementation
erator is limited by its locality and lack of understanding
based on the Music Transformer [18].
of global contexts. These methods capture long-range de-
pendencies by recalibrating convolutional feature maps. In
Relative positional encodings: Introduced in [35] for the particular, Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) [17] and Gather-
purpose of language modeling, relative self-attention aug- Excite (GE) [16] perform channelwise reweighing while
ments self-attention with relative position encodings and BAM [30] and CBAM [44] reweigh both channels and
enables translation equivariance while preventing permuta- spatial positions independently. In contrast to these ap-
tion equivariance. We implement two-dimensional relative proaches, we 1) use an attention mechanism that can attend
self-attention by independently adding relative height infor- jointly to spatial and feature subspaces (each head corre-
mation and relative width information to the original the sponding to a feature subspace) and 2) introduce additional
attention logits in Equation 1 as: feature maps rather than refining them. Figure 2 summa-
  rizes our proposed augmented convolution.
QK rel rel 
Oh = Softmax  q + SH + SW V (3)
dkh Concatenating convolutional and attentional feature
maps: Formally, consider an original convolution oper-
ator with kernel size k, Fin input filters and Fout output
where SH rel rel
, SW ∈ RHW ×HW are matrices of relative posi-
filters. The corresponding attention augmented convolution
tion logits along height and width dimensions respectively.
rel rel H T can be written as
The entries in SH satisfy SH [i, j] = qi (rij ) , where h i
h AAConv(X) = Concat Conv(X), MHA(X) .
qi is the i-th row of Q (the dk dimensional query corre-
sponding to position i in the flattened matrix Q) and rij is
a learned dk dimensional embedding of the relative height We denote υ = Fdout v
the ratio of attentional channels to
distance, in the original volume, between positions i and number of original output filters and κ = Fdout k
the ratio of
rel W T W
j in X. Similarly SW [i, j] = qi (rij ) , where rij is a key depth to number of original output filters. Similarly to
learned dhk dimensional embedding of the relative width dis- the convolution, the proposed attention augmented convo-
tance between the same pair of positions. This allows rel- lution 1) is equivariant to translation and 2) can readily op-
ative distances in height and width to modulate the atten- erate on inputs of different spatial dimensions. We include
tion distribution, affecting how information is combined, Tensorflow code for the proposed attention augmented con-
in a similar fashion to convolutions. As we consider rela- volution in Figure 3 (see Figure 9 in the Appendix for the
rel rel helper functions.).
tive height and width information separately, SH and SW
rel rel
also satisfy the properties SW [i, j] = SW [i, j + W ] and
rel rel
SH [i, j] = SH [i + H, j], which prevents from having to Effect on number of parameters: Multihead attention
compute the logits for all (i, j) pairs. introduces a 1x1 convolution with Fin input filters and
The relative attention algorithm in [35] explicitly (2dk +dv ) = Fout (2κ+υ) output filters to compute queries,
stores all relative embeddings rij in a tensor of shape keys and values and an additional 1x1 convolution with
(HW, HW, dhk ), thus incurring an additional memory cost dv = Fout υ input and output filters to mix the contribu-
of O((HW )2 dhk ). This compares to O((HW )2 Nh ) for the tion of different heads. Considering the decrease in filters
position-unaware version self-attention that does not use in the convolutional part, this leads to the following change
position encodings. As we typically have Nh < dhk , such an in parameters:
implementation can prove extremely prohibitive and restrict
Fout 2
the number of images that can fit in a minibatch. Instead, we ∆params ∼ Fin Fout (2κ + (1 − k 2 )υ + υ ), (4)
extend the memory efficient relative masked attention algo- Fin
rithm presented in [18] to unmasked relative self-attention where we ignore the parameters introduced by relative po-
over 2 dimensional inputs. Our implementation has a mem- sition embeddings for simplicity as these are negligible. In
ory cost of O(HW dhk ). We leave the Tensorflow code of practice, this causes a slight decrease in parameters when
the algorithm in the Appendix. replacing 3x3 convolutions and a slight increase in parame-
The relative position representations are learned and ters when replacing 1x1 convolutions. Interestingly, we find
shared across heads but not layers. For each layer, we add in experiments that attention augmented networks still sig-
(2(H + W ) − 2)dhk parameters to model relative distances nificantly outperform their fully convolutional counterparts
along height and width. while using less parameters.
Attention Augmented Convolutional Architectures: In nealed with cosine decay [29]. We use standard CIFAR pre-
all our experiments, the augmented convolution is followed processing: mean normalizing, random flipping and crop-
by a batch normalization [20] layer which can learn to scale ping [52, 10, 46]. For the non-augmented architectures, we
the contribution of the convolution feature maps and the at- use a batch size of 1024 and a weight decay of 2e-4. When
tention feature maps. We apply our augmented convolution using Attention Augmentation, the batch size is set to 256
once per residual block similarly to other visual attention and the weight decay is set to 5e-4.
mechanisms [17, 16, 30, 44] and along the entire architec- We compare Attention Augmentation (AA) against other
ture as memory permits (see Section 4 for more details). forms of attention including Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE)
Since the memory cost O((Nh (HW )2 ) can be pro- [17] and the parameter-free formulation of Gather-Excite
hibitive for large spatial dimensions, we augment convolu- (GE) [16]. Table 1 shows that Attention Augmentation
tions with attention starting from the last layer (with small- improves performance both over the baseline network and
est spatial dimension) until we hit memory constraints. To Squeeze-and-Excitation at a similar parameter and com-
reduce the memory footprint of augmented networks, we plexity cost.
typically resort to a smaller batch size and sometimes addi-
tionally downsample the inputs to self-attention in the lay- Architecture Params GFlops top-1 top-5
ers with the largest spatial dimensions where it is applied. Wide-ResNet [49] 36.3M 10.4 80.3 95.0
Downsampling is performed by applying 3x3 average pool- GE-Wide-ResNet [16] 36.3M 10.4 79.8 95.0
ing with stride 2 while the following upsampling (required SE-Wide-ResNet [17] 36.5M 10.4 81.0 95.3
for the concatenation) is obtained via bilinear interpolation. AA-Wide-ResNet (ours) 36.2M 10.9 81.6 95.2

Table 1. Image classification on the CIFAR-100 dataset [22] us-

4. Experiments ing the Wide-ResNet 28-10 architecture [49]. We measure top-1
In the subsequent experiments, we test Attention Aug- and top-5 accuracy on a baseline model against the parameter-less
mentation on standard computer vision architectures such formulation of Gather-Excite (GE) [16], Squeeze-Excite (SE) [17]
and the proposed Attention Augmentation (AA).
as ResNets [14, 45, 13], and MnasNet [40] on the CIFAR-
100 [22], ImageNet [9] and COCO [25] datasets. Our ex-
periments show that Attention Augmentation leads to sys- 4.2. ImageNet image classification with ResNet
tematic improvements on both image classification and ob-
ject detection tasks across a broad array of architectures and We next examine how Attention Augmentation performs
computational demands. We validate the utility of the pro- on ImageNet[9, 21], a standard large-scale dataset for high
posed two-dimensional relative attention mechanism in ab- resolution imagery, across an array of architectures. We
lation experiments. In all experiments, we substitute con- start with the ResNet architecture [14, 45, 13] because of its
volutional feature maps with self-attention feature maps as widespread use and its ability to easily scale across several
it makes for an easier comparison against the baseline mod- computational budgets. The building block in ResNet-34
els. Unless specified otherwise, all results correspond to our comprises two 3x3 convolutions with the same number of
two-dimensional relative self-attention mechanism. output filters. ResNet-50 and its larger counterparts use a
bottleneck block comprising of 1x1, 3x3, 1x1 convolutions
4.1. CIFAR-100 image classification where the last pointwise convolution expands the number
We first investigate how Attention Augmentation per- of filters and the first one contracts the number of filters.
forms on CIFAR-100 [22], a standard benchmark for low- We modify all ResNets by augmenting the 3x3 convolu-
resolution imagery, using a Wide ResNet architecture [49]. tions as this decreases number of parameters.2 We apply
The Wide-ResNet-28-10 architecture is comprised of 3 Attention Augmentation in each residual block of the last 3
stages of 4 residual blocks each using two 3 × 3 convolu- stages of the architecture – when the spatial dimensions of
tions. We augment the Wide-ResNet-28-10 by augmenting the activation maps are 28x28, 14x14 and 7x7 – and down-
the first convolution of all residual blocks with relative at- sample only during the first stage. All attention augmented
tention using Nh =8 heads and κ=2υ=0.2 and a minimum networks use κ=2υ=0.2, except for ResNet-34 which uses
of 20 dimensions per head for the keys. Given the low κ=υ=0.25. The number of attention heads is fixed to Nh =8.
resolution of CIFAR-100 images, we do not downsample We train all ResNet architectures for 100 epochs using syn-
feature maps before the attention operation and instead re- chronous SGD with momentum 0.9 across 8 TESLA V100
sort to a smaller batch size. We train all networks for 500 GPUs and weight decay of 1e-4. We use the largest batch
epochs using synchronous SGD with momentum 0.9 dis- size per worker B ∈ {32, 64, 128, 256} that fits in a mini-
tributed across 8 TESLA V100 GPUs. The learning rate batch. The initial learning rate is scaled linearly according
is linearly scaled from 0 to 0.2B/256, where B is the to- 2 We found that augmenting the pointwise expansions works just as well

tal batch size, for the first 5% training epochs and then an- but does not save parameters or computations.
to the total batch size using a base learning rate of 0.128 for Architecture GFlops Params top-1 top-5
total batch size of 256. During training, we linearly scale MnasNet-0.75 0.45 2.91M 73.3 91.3
the learning rate from 0 to this value for the first 5% of train- AA-MnasNet-0.75 0.51 3.02M 73.9 91.6
ing epochs and divide it by 10 at epochs 30, 60, 80 and 90. MnasNet-1.0 0.63 3.89M 75.2 92.4
AA-MnasNet-1.0 0.70 4.06M 75.7 92.6
We use standard Inception data augmentation as described
MnasNet-1.25 1.01 5.26M 76.7 93.2
in [39].
AA-MnasNet-1.25 1.11 5.53M 77.2 93.6
In all experiments, Attention Augmentation significantly MnasNet-1.4 1.17 6.10M 77.2 93.5
increases performance over the non-augmented baseline AA-MnasNet-1.4 1.29 6.44M 77.7 93.8
and notably outperforms Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) [17]
while being more parameter efficient (see Table 2 and Table 3. Baseline and attention augmented MnasNet [40] accura-
Figure Figure 1). Remarkably, our AA-ResNet-50 per- cies with width multipliers 0.75, 1.0, 1.25 and 1.4.
forms comparably to the baseline ResNet-101 and our AA-
ResNet-101 outperforms the baseline ResNet-152. These
results suggest that attention augmentation is preferable to
simply making networks deeper. We include and discuss at-
tention maps visualizations from different pixel positions in
78 77.7%
the appendix.
77 77.2%

top-1 accuracy
Architecture GFlops Params top-1 top-5 76.7%
ResNet-34 [14] 7.4 21.8M 73.6 91.5 76 75.7%
SE-ResNet-34 [17] 7.4 22.0M 74.3 91.8
AA-ResNet-34 (ours) 7.1 20.7M 74.7 92.0 75 75.2%
ResNet-50 [14] 8.2 25.6M 76.4 93.1
SE-ResNet-50 [17] 8.2 28.1M 77.5 93.7 74
AA-ResNet-50 (ours) 8.3 25.8M 77.7 93.8
ResNet-101 [14]
SE-ResNet-101 [17]
73 73.3% AA-MnasNet (ours)
AA-ResNet-101 (ours) 16.1 45.4M 78.7 94.4 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
ResNet-152 [14] 23.0 60.2M 78.4 94.2 number of parameters (millions)
SE-ResNet-152 [17] 23.1 66.8M 78.9 94.5
AA-ResNet-152 (ours) 23.8 61.6M 79.1 94.6 Figure 4. ImageNet top-1 accuracy as a function of number of pa-
rameters for MnasNet (black) and Attention-Augmented-MnasNet
Table 2. Image classification on the ImageNet dataset [9] across (red) with depth multipliers 0.75, 1.0, 1.25 and 1.4.
a range of ResNet architectures: ResNet-34, ResNet-50, Resnet-
101, and ResNet-152 [14, 45, 13].

4.3. ImageNet classification with MnasNet augmented inverted bottlenecks in the the last 13 blocks out
of 18 in the MnasNet architecture, starting when the spatial
In this section, we inspect the use of Attention Aug- dimension is 28x28. We downsample only in the first stage
mentation in a resource constrained setting by conducting where Attention Augmentation is applied. We leave the fi-
ImageNet experiments with the MnasNet architecture [40], nal pointwise convolution, also referred to as the “head”,
which is an extremely parameter-efficient architecture. In unchanged.
particular, the MnasNet was found by neural architec-
ture search [51], using only the highly optimized mo- In Table 3, we report ImageNet accuracies for the base-
bile inverted bottleneck block [34] and the Squeeze-and- line MnasNet and its attention augmented variants at dif-
Excitation operation [17] as the primitives in its search ferent width multipliers. Our experiments show that At-
space. We follow the training setup described in [40] and tention Augmentation yields accuracy improvements across
train all networks for 350 epochs with the RMSProp opti- all width multipliers. Augmenting MnasNets with relative
mizer using exponential learning rate decay. When train- self-attention incurs a slight parameter increase, however
ing our augmented MnasNets, we divided the learning by 2 we verify in Figure 4 that the accuracy improvements are
and adjusted the learning rate decay so that the final learn- not just explained by the parameter increase. Additionally,
ing rate stays the same. We apply Attention Augmenta- we note that the MnasNet architecture employs Squeeze-
tion to the mobile inverted bottleneck by replacing convolu- and-Excitation at multiple locations that were optimally se-
tional channels in the expansion pointwise convolution us- lected via architecture search, further suggesting the bene-
ing κ=2υ=0.1 and Nh =4. Our augmented MnasNets use fits of our method.
Backbone architecture GFlops Params mAPCOCO mAP50 mAP75
ResNet-50 [26] 182 33.4M 36.8 54.5 39.5
SE-ResNet-50 [17] 183 35.9M 36.5 54.0 39.1
AA-ResNet-50 (ours) 182 33.1M 38.2 56.5 40.7
ResNet-101 [26] 243 52.4M 38.5 56.4 41.2
SE-ResNet-101 [17] 243 57.2M 37.4 55.0 39.9
AA-ResNet-101 (ours) 245 51.7M 39.2 57.8 41.9

Table 4. Object detection on the COCO dataset [27] using the RetinaNet architecture [26] with different backbone architectures. We report
mean Average Precision at three different IoU values.

4.4. Object Detection with COCO dataset crease this fraction to 100%, we begin to replace a Con-
vNet with a fully attentional model, only leaving pointwise
We next investigate the use of Attention Augmentation
convolutions and the stem unchanged. Table 5 presents the
on the task of object detection on the COCO dataset [27].
performance of Attention Augmentation on the ResNet-50
We employ the RetinaNet architecture with a ResNet-50
architecture for varying ratios κ=υ ∈ {0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0}.
and ResNet-101 backbone as done in [26], using the open-
Performance slightly degrades as the ratio of attentional
sourced RetinaNet codebase.3 We follow the setup de-
channels increases, which we hypothesize is partly ex-
scribed in [26, 11] and train the RetinaNet from scratch
plained by the average pooling operation for downsampling
for 150 epochs without using ImageNet pretraining for the
at the first stage where Attention Augmentation is applied.
ResNet backbone. We use the preprocessing pipeline de-
Attention Augmentation proves however quite robust to the
scribed in [26]. We apply multiscale jitter, randomly re-
fraction of attentional channels. For instance, AA-ResNet-
size images from [512, 768] and crop to a max dimension
50 with κ=υ=0.75 outperforms its ResNet-50 counterpart,
of 640 during training. All images are horizontally flipped
while being more parameter and flops efficient, indicating
with a 50% probability. We apply Attention Augmentation
that mostly employing attentional channels is readily com-
uniquely on the ResNet backbone, modifying them simi-
larly as in our ImageNet classification experiments. Our rel-
Perhaps surprisingly, these experiments also reveal that
ative self-attention mechanism improves the performance of
our proposed self-attention mechanism is a powerful stand-
the RetinaNet on both ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 as shown
alone computational primitive for image classification and
in Table 4. Most notably, Attention Augmentation yields a
that fully attentional models may be viable for discrimina-
1.4% mAP improvement over a strong RetinaNet baseline
tive visual tasks. In particular, AA-ResNet-50 with κ=υ=1,
from [26].
which uses exclusively attentional channels, is only 2.5%
In contrast to the success of Squeeze-and-Excitation in
worse in accuracy than its fully convolutional counterpart,
image classification with ImageNet, our experiments show
in spite of downsampling with average pooling and having
that adding Squeeze-and-Excitation operators in the back-
25% less parameters. Notably, this fully attentional archi-
bone network of the RetinaNet significantly hurts perfor-
tecture4 also outperforms ResNet-34 while being more pa-
mance, in spite of grid searching over the squeeze ratio
rameter and flops efficient (see Table 5).
σ ∈ {4, 8, 16}. We hypothesize that localization requires
precise spatial information which SE discards during the
spatial pooling operation, thereby negatively affecting per- Architecture GFlops Params top-1 top-5
formance. Self-attention on the other hand maintains spa- ResNet-34 [14] 7.4 21.8M 73.6 91.5
tial information and is likely to be able to identify object ResNet-50 [14] 8.2 25.6M 76.4 93.1
boundaries successfully. Visualizations of attention maps κ = υ = 0.25 7.9 24.3M 77.7 93.8
(See Figures 10 and 11 in the Appendix) reveal that some κ = υ = 0.5 7.3 22.3M 77.3 93.6
heads are indeed delineating objects from their background κ = υ = 0.75 6.8 20.7M 76.7 93.2
which might be important for localization. κ = υ = 1.0 6.3 19.4M 73.9 91.5

4.5. Ablation Study Table 5. Attention Augmented ResNet-50 with varying ratios of
attentional channels.
Fully-attentional vision models: In this section, we in-
vestigate the performance of Attention Augmentation as a
4 We
function of the fraction of attentional channels. As we in- consider pointwise convolutions as dense layers. This architecture
employs 4 non-pointwise convolutions in the stem and the first stage of the
3 architecture, but we believe such operations can be replaced by attention
models/official/retinanet too.
Architecture Position Encodings top-1 top-5
80 AA-ResNet-34 None 74.4 91.9
AA-ResNet-34 2d Sine 74.4 92.0
78 77.7%
77.3% AA-ResNet-34 CoordConv 74.4 92.0
77.5% 76.7% AA-ResNet-34 Relative (ours) 74.7 92.0
top-1 accuracy

76 76.4% 76.6% AA-ResNet-50 None 77.5 93.7

75.4% AA-ResNet-50 2d Sine 77.5 93.7
74 AA-ResNet-50 CoordConv 77.5 93.8
AA-ResNet-50 Relative (ours) 77.7 93.8
72 Table 6. Effects of different position encodings in Attention Aug-
no position 71.1% mentation on ImageNet classification.
70 with position
Position Encodings mAPCOCO mAP50 mAP75
0 25 50 75 100
fraction of attention versus convolutional channels None 37.7 56.0 40.2
CoordConv [28] 37.4 55.5 40.1
Figure 5. Effect of relative position embeddings as the ratio Relative (ours) 38.2 56.5 40.7
of attentional channels increases on our Attention-Augmented
ResNet50. Table 7. Effects of different position encodings in Attention Aug-
mentation on the COCO object detection task using a RetinaNet
AA-ResNet-50 backbone.
Importance of position encodings: In Figure 5, we show
the effect of our proposed two-dimensional relative posi-
5. Discussion and future work
tion encodings as a function of the fraction of attentional
channels. As expected, experiments demonstrate that our In this work, we consider the use of self-attention for vi-
relative position encodings become increasingly more im- sion models as an alternative to convolutions. We introduce
portant as the architecture employs more attentional chan- a novel two-dimensional relative self-attention mechanism
nels. In particular, the fully self-attentional ResNet-50 gains for images that enables training of competitive fully self-
2.8% top-1 ImageNet accuracy when using relative position attentional vision models on image classification for the first
encodings, which indicates the necessity of maintaining po- time. We propose to augment convolutional operators with
sition information for fully self-attentional vision models. this self-attention mechanism and validate the superiority of
We additionally compare our proposed two-dimensional this approach over other attention schemes. Extensive ex-
relative position encodings to other position encoding periments show that Attention Augmentation leads to sys-
schemes. We apply Attention Augmentation using the same tematic improvements on both image classification and ob-
hyperparameters as 4.2 with the following different posi- ject detection tasks across a wide range of architectures and
tion encoding schemes: 1) The position-unaware version of computational settings.
self-attention (referred to as None), 2) a two-dimensional Several open questions from this work remain. In fu-
implementation of the sinusoidal positional waves (referred ture work, we will focus on the fully attentional regime
to as 2d Sine) as used in [31], 3) CoordConv [28] for which and explore how different attention mechanisms trade off
we concatenate (x,y,r) coordinate channels to the inputs of computational efficiency versus representational power. For
the attention function, and 4) our proposed two-dimensional instance, identifying a local attention mechanism may re-
relative position encodings (referred to as Relative). sult in an efficient and scalable computational mechanism
In Table 6 and 7, we present the results on ImageNet that could prevent the need for downsampling with average
classification and the COCO object detection task respec- pooling. Additionally, it is plausible that architectural de-
tively. On both tasks, Attention Augmentation without po- sign choices that are well suited when exclusively relying
sition encodings already yields improvements over the fully on convolutions are suboptimal when using self-attention
convolutional non-augmented variants. Our experiments mechanisms. As such, it would be interesting to see if us-
also reveal that the sinusoidal encodings and the coordinate ing Attention Augmentation as a primitive in automated ar-
convolution do not provide improvements over the position- chitecture search procedures proves useful to find even bet-
unaware version of Attention Augmentation. We obtain ad- ter models than those previously found in image classifica-
ditional improvements when using our two-dimensional rel- tion [52], object detection [12], image segmentation [6] and
ative attention, demonstrating the utility of preserving trans- other domains[5, 1, 33, 8]. Finally, one can ask to which
lation equivariance while preventing permutation equivari- degree fully attentional models can replace convolutional
ance. networks for visual tasks.
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A. Appendix A.2. Helper functions for two-dimensional multi-
head attention
A.1. Accuracy as a function of floating point oper-
def rel to abs(x):
"""Converts tensor from relative to absolute indexing."""
In the paper, we show the accuracies of our method # [B, Nh, L, 2L−1]
across parameter counts. Parameter count is one of many B, Nh, L, = x.shape
metrics to measure to complexity of a model. The other # Pad to shift from relative to absolute indexing.
metric that researchers often use is FLOPS, which correlates col pad = tf.zeros((B, Nh, L, 1))
with running times. Figures 6 and 7 show the accuracies of x = tf.concat([x, col pad], axis=3)
flat x = tf.reshape(x, [B, Nh, L ∗ 2 ∗ L])
our attention augmented networks across FLOPS counts. flat pad = tf.zeros((B, Nh, L−1))
flat x padded = tf.concat([flat x, flat pad], axis=2)

# Reshape and slice out the padded elements.

final x = tf.reshape(flat x padded, [B, Nh, L+1, 2∗L−1])
81 final x = final x[:, :, :L, L−1:]
return final x
79 78.7%
def relative logits 1d(q, rel k, H, W, Nh, transpose mask):
"""Compute relative logits along one dimension."""
top-1 accuracy.

77.7% 78.4% # [B, Nh, H, W, 2∗W−1]

77.9% rel logits = tf.einsum(’bhxyd,md−>bhxym’, q, rel k)
77 77.5% # Collapse height and heads
76 76.4% rel logits = tf.reshape(rel logits, [−1, Nh∗H, W, 2∗W−1])
rel logits = rel to abs(rel logits)
75 74.7% # Shape it back and tile height times
74 74.3% ResNet rel logits = tf.reshape(rel logits, [−1, Nh, H, W, W])
SE-ResNet rel logits = tf.expand dims(rel logits, axis=3)
73 73.6%
AA-ResNet (ours)
rel logits = tf.tile(rel logits, [1, 1, 1, H, 1, 1])
# Reshape for adding to the attention logits.
5 10 15 20 25
rel logits = tf.transpose(rel logits, transpose mask)
rel logits = tf.reshape(rel logits, [−1, Nh, H∗W, H∗W])
computational demand (GFlops). return rel logits

Figure 6. ImageNet top-1 accuracy as a function of computational def relative logits(q):

demand for variety of ResNet architectures [14]. From left to right: """Compute relative position logits."""
# [B, Nh, H, W, dk]
ResNet-34, ResNet-50, ResNet-101 and ResNet-152. dk = q.shape[−1]

# Relative logits in width dimension.

key rel w = tf.get variable(
’key rel w’, shape=(2∗W−1, dk),
initializer=tf.random normal initializer(dk∗∗−0.5))
rel logits w = relative logits 1d(
q, key rel w, H, W, [0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5])
78 77.7% # Relative logits in height dimension.
77.2% # For ease, we transpose height and width and repeat the
77 77.2% # above steps, and transpose to eventually put the logits
top-1 accuracy

# in the correct positions.

76 75.7%
key rel h = tf.get variable(
’key rel h’, shape=(2∗H−1, dk),
initializer=tf.random normal initializer(dk∗∗−0.5))
75 75.2% rel logits h = relative logits 1d(
tf.transpose(q, [0, 1, 3, 2, 4]),
74 key rel h, W, H, [0, 1, 4, 2, 5, 3])

MnasNet return rel logits h, rel logits w

73 73.3% AA-MnasNet (ours)
Figure 8. Tensorflow code for computing the relative logits. The
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
computational demand (GFlops). attention calculation is augmented with learned representations for
the relative position between each element in q and each element in
Figure 7. ImageNet top-1 accuracy as a function of computational k and v in height and width dimensions. For query index (i,j) and
demand for MnasNet (black) and Attention-Augmented-MnasNet key index (l, m), the logit is qij klm + qij (rl−i ) + qij (rm−j )T ,
(red) with depth multipliers 0.75, 1.0, 1.25 and 1.4. where r and r are the set of relative embeddings in height and
width spatial dimensions.
def split heads 2d(inputs, Nh):
"""Split channels into multiple heads."""
s = inputs shape[:−1]
ret shape = s + [Nh, s // Nh]
split = tf.reshape(inputs, ret shape)
return tf.transpose(split, [0, 3, 1, 2, 4])

def combine heads 2d(inputs):

"""Combine heads (inverse of split heads 2d)"""
transposed = tf.transpose(inputs, [0, 2, 3, 1, 4])
a, b = transposed.shape[−2:]
ret shape = transposed.shape[:−2] + [a ∗ b]
return tf.reshape(transposed, ret shape)

def compute flat qkv(inputs, dk, dv, Nh):

"""Computes flattened queries, keys and values."""
N, H, W, = inputs.shape
qkv = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs, 2∗dk + dv, 1)
q, k, v = tf.split(qkv, [dk, dk, dv], axis=3)
q = split heads 2d(q, Nh)
k = split heads 2d(k, Nh)
v = split heads 2d(v, Nh)
dkh = dk // Nh
q ∗= dkh ∗∗ −0.5
flat q = tf.reshape(q, [N, Nh, H ∗ W, dk])
flat k = tf.reshape(k, [N, Nh, H ∗ W, dk])
flat v = tf.reshape(v, [N, Nh, H ∗ W, dv])
return flat q, flat k, flat v

Figure 9. Helper functions in Tensorflow for 2d Multi-Head-


A.3. Attention visualizations.

In Figure 11, we present attention maps visualizations
for the input image shown in Figure 10. We see that atten-
tion heads learn to specialize to different content and no-
tably can delineate object boundaries.

Figure 11. Visualization of attention maps for an augmented con-

volution in the Attention-Augmented-ResNet50. Rows corre-
spond to the 8 different heads and columns correspond to the 4
pixel locations depicted in the input image (See Figure 10).

Figure 10. An input image. The red crosses indexed 1 to 4 repre-

sent the pixel locations for which we show the attention maps in
Figure 11.

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