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                        Summative Assessment 
                    ******* Early Learning Centre

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Summative assessment–What does it mean?

The term summative describes assessment processes that ‘sum up’ what a child has learned by
reviewing documentation gathered over time from a range of sources.
These processes bring together information about what the child knows, understands and can do in
relation to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Learning Outcomes.
Educators’ Guide to the EYLF refers to assessment as: … an ongoing process of using observations or
evidence to make judgements about children’s learning and educators’ pedagogy.
  Assessment includes interpreting children’s learning against learning outcomes in order to plan for
further learning and to report to parents and others about children’s learning.
Reflection is particularly important in summative assessment.
We question what we know about the child, interpret and analyse the information collected and reflect on
what this tells us about their learning and development and how we can support the child further.

Assessment helps us to:  

 Celebrate strengths, interests, learning and
 Acknowledge cultural backgrounds.
 Notice if there are gaps in our knowledge.
 Notice if there are social and/or learning
difficulties that require further support. 
 Discuss progress with families and children
 Plan to further support each child’s learning and
 Meet the requirements of the National
Regulations and the National Quality Standard

In all  of the EYLF Outcome Areas, demonstrated learning is assessed through observations of your
child's time here in the Zebra ELC setting. Demonstrated learning will be assessed for the Outcome
Areas using the following indicators:
- Working towards-taking first steps in this direction
- Requires support & encouragement
- Frequently…a little help needed sometimes
- Always…this happens often during attendance

Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity

Educators promote this learning when they:    This is evident when children: 
 Spend time interacting & conversing with  Build secure attachments with one & then
each child.  more familiar educators. 
 Display delight, encouragement &  Be open to new challenges & discoveries
enthusiasm for children’s attempts   Reach out & communicate for comfort,
 Share children’s successes with families assistance & companionship 
 Model care, empathy & respect for  Show interest in other children & being
children, educators & families. part of a group

Demonstrated learning as observed in the Zebra ELC setting:

Working towards-taking first steps in this direction
Requires support & encouragement
Frequently…a little help needed sometimes
Always…this happens often during attendance

Outcome 2: Children are connected & contribute to their world

Educators promote this learning when they:   This is evident when children:
 Demonstrate positive responses to  Begin to show concern for others.
diversity in their own behaviour & in  Use play to investigate, project & explore
conversations with children. new ideas.
 Provide children with access to a range of  Participate with others to solve problems &
natural materials in their environment. contribute to group outcomes.
 Embed sustainability in daily routines &  Build on their own social experiences to
practices explore other ways of being

Demonstrated learning as observed in the Zebra ELC setting:

Working towards-taking first steps in this direction
Requires support & encouragement
Frequently…a little help needed sometimes
Always…this happens often during attendance

Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Educators promote this learning when they:   This is evident when children:
 Show genuine affection, understanding &  Demonstrate trust & confidence.
respect for all children.  Enjoy moments of solitude
 Draw on family & community experiences  Are happy, healthy, safe & connected to
& expertise to include familiar games & others
physical activities in play.
 manipulate equipment & manage tools
 Build upon & extend children’s ideas. with increasing competence & skill
Demonstrated learning as observed in the Zebra ELC setting:
Working towards-taking first steps in this direction
Requires support & encouragement
Frequently…a little help needed sometimes
Always…this happens often during attendance

Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners

Educators promote this learning when they:   This is evident when children:
 Provide learning environments that are  Use their senses to explore natural & built
flexible & open ended. environments.
 Intentionally scaffold children’s  Explore their environment.
understandings  Manipulate objects & experiment with
 Provide sensory & exploratory cause & effect, trial & error, and motion.
experiences with natural & processed  Are curious & enthusiastic participants in
materials their Learning. 

Demonstrated learning as observed in the Zebra ELC setting:

Working towards-taking first steps in this direction
Requires support & encouragement
Frequently…a little help needed sometimes
Always…this happens often during attendance

Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators

Educators promote this learning when they:   This is evident when children:
 Engage in enjoyable interactions using  Engage in enjoyable interactions using
verbal & non-verbal language. verbal & non-verbal language.
 Read & share a range of books & other  Listen & respond to sounds & patterns in
texts with children. speech, stories & rhymes in context.
 Build on children’s family & community  Begin to use images & approximations of
experiences with creative & expressive arts letters & words to convey meaning.

Demonstrated learning as observed in the Zebra ELC setting:

Working towards-taking first steps in this direction 
Requires support & encouragement
Frequently…a little help needed sometimes
Always…this happens often during attendance





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