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All lives matter

Discrimination in the United States is a situation that occurs continuously in the country,
there are different types of discrimination such as xenophobia, and racism. In regard to
racism, it is a discrimination and a problem that has arisen for a long time, and refers to
considering a person inferior, treating him differently, believing himself superior because
of skin color, that is, it consists of ideology in the one that a race only because of the skin
color is believed and considered superior to the others, and creates a need to have separate
groups where the races do not come together.

 If Blacks/African Americans/ POC are humans then why are Blacks being killed by
cops? Why is this continuously happening?

This happens due to the lack of solidarity, respect

and tolerance, people have become accustomed to
not respecting people's differences, now people
are criticized for their tastes, for their physical
characteristics, for some disability, for religion
Due to the country of origin and other situations
that really build us as a society, the differences
really make it a world with differences in
opinions, in characteristics, people need to
understand that being different is not bad.

In the United States, the police situation frets black or

African-American people, it is not good, the
discrimination that exists against these people is too
cruel, they have been treated as slaves, as different
people who cannot have the same opportunities as
women. White people, it is something that does not make sense, with all the differences that
can be had physically or conceptually at the end of the day we are all people.

The United States police have discriminated and killed black and African-American people
for this reason only because they have a different color, they have no compassion for these
people, they have no respect, solidarity or tolerance towards these people.

Today, African Americans face a serious problem of police violence. According to the
Mapping Police Violence organization, 24 percent of deaths in police custody correspond
to African-American citizens, a disproportionate figure, considering that 13.4 percent of the
American population is black. This figure of police violence against African Americans is
part of the Presidency of Donald Trump, a president who is criticized for exacerbating
white supremacy and discriminating against black, Latino and Muslim populations, among
many others.

 What did the social movement "black lives matter" consist of?

It is an international and decentralized movement originating within the African-American

community. It began in 2013 with the use of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag on social
media, after George Zimmerman's acquittal for the shooting death of African-American
teenager Trayvon Martin. Black Lives Matter began to gain national recognition for its
demonstrations after the deaths of two African Americans in 2014 - Michael Brown and
Eric Garner, leading to protests and riots in Ferguson and New York City.1 2 Since During
the Ferguson protests, movement participants have demonstrated against the killing of
numerous African Americans by police actions, including those of Tamir Rice, Eric Harris,
Walter Scott, Jonathan Ferrell, Sandra Bland, Samuel DuBose, Freddie Gray and George
Floyd .

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