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Notes :

1. Concepts of discourse
According to Schriffin There are two categories in understanding a discourse put forward,
they are formal paradigm and the functionalist paradigm.
• Formal paradigm is where a discourse is a particular unit of language (above the
• functionslist paradigm is where a discourse is a particular focuses on language use.
Meanwhle, Hymes(cited in Schriffin, 1994, p. 21) claimed there are some differences
between structural and functional paradigm, one of them is, in term of structural paradigm
the structure of anguage is seen in terms of the grammarwhile in terms of functional it is as
seen as ways of speaking.
Also there are two ways of looking at discourse, namely by using contextual facts and
formal facts. Contectual facts refer to facts outside language and formal facts may be
understood as features of the language.

2. Approaches of discourse

There are 5 important aproaches to discourse.

1.) Speech Act Theories , Theories of speech acts that had been pioneered by two important
philosophers, John Austin and John Searle can become an important approach to study and
analyze a discourse.
2.) Interactional Sociolinguistics, The field of sociolinguistics presents the greatest number of
problems in doing DA. Also Schriffin (1994) has noted that interactional sociolinguistik as one
approach to discourse is based on anthropology, sociology, and linguistics and shares the
concerns of three fields with culture, society and language (p. 97, 134).
3.) Ethnography of Communication, Ethnographic method is used as an approach in doing DA.
As a method qualitative research, ethnography becomes appropriate method in doing
research, especially in social sciences.
4.) Pragmatics, According to Crystal (2003) pragmatic is a study about factors governing our
choce of language in social interaction and the effects of the choice on others. Pragmatics in
its meaning provides a broader areo explore people’s communication.
5.) Conversation analysis (CA) is a method of studying the structure of speech using the e
technique used during linguistic interactions.
6.) Variation of analysis another approach to discourse that is based solely on linguistics.
Its about the variation of language use. As we know in everyday conversation for
An example is when teenagers talk with their friends the will use their own language or
some terms that we called slang.

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