Philosophy - Who Am I (Word)

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John Marvin S.

Miciano Philosophy
STEM 12 – Structure Mr. Enrico Inigo Xavier Quodala
Who Am I?

Who am I? Am I just an ordinary person? What is my purpose in life? Almost all of us

ask at least one of these questions at least once in our lives. These are some of the many

questions that make us human. Humans as we are we always have a thirst to know. We want to

know ourselves and we also need a reason to live.

So who am I? I want to start with the obvious. I am a member of the most intelligent

species in this planet, the human being. Unlike plants and animals I have the ability for reason,

logic, mathematics and many other complex cognitive abilities they don’t have. My actions are

governed not only by instinct but, by intellect, rationality and morality. Even the children of our

kind are smarter than the equivalent of adults in the smartest of the animals. I and my kind have

the ability to make this world a better place to live in and the ability to destroy it. We as humans

also have the knowledge of right and wrong the ability to choose from them.

I am a human being, the greatest being in this world. Just like any other human beings I

have rationality, intellect, morality and logic. What do I make of me? How do I use my intellect,

rationality and other extraordinary abilities? Am I just a normal human being? I prefer to use

them for my improvement and to help my fellow humans. If I would not use them for the

improvement of myself and of humanity, my abilities and intelligence would be useless and I

would be no different to an animal. I am also a unique individual different from any other human

beings. My set of values and attitudes are mostly derived from my family, school, community

and various experiences as I become a mature person. I have parents and brother and sister who

are always behind me in everything I do. I derive my strength and ability to stand from the many

failures in my life from my God who always carry me to the right path in my journey in this life.
One of the best things that I improve in myself is my talent in the sport of chess. Chess is

not an easy sport. Not many people excel in the field of chess yet, I excel in chess. I won many

competitions and awards in chess. I also have a National Master title in chess, the youngest NM

in Mindanao and a regular member of the Philippine National Chess Team supported by the

Philippine Sports Commission. However, I still do not stop dreaming. I am aiming to be a chess

Grand Master a super chess GM. There are about one thousand five hundred seventy chess

Grandmasters in the whole world as of September 2017 and only eighteen are from the

Philippines. I want to be the next chess Grandmaster and the first one from Mindanao. I am on

my way to becoming a Grand Master through my trainings, hard work perseverance discipline

and lot of sacrifices. I say lot of sacrifices because my trainings need focus on this dream in

which I do not have time to have the opportunity to live like a normal teenager who usually goes

to the malls, computer shops and other social activities for teenagers. On top of this, I still want

to finish my studies so that I can provide for my future family. I plan to be an engineer or a pilot

someday. Yes I am a normal and ordinary human being but, I choose to achieve extraordinary

things that not many humans can achieve.

Who am I? I am an ordinary human. I have an ordinary family, I have friends just like

any ordinary human beings and I have intellect and rationality, but, I choose to achieve

extraordinary things. I want to improve myself and help other humans. I use my God-given

intellect, talent and gifts for my improvement, for the betterment of humanity and for the greater

glory of God. I am National Master John Marvin Miciano. I am a student of Far Eastern

University Diliman and member of the Philippine National Team in chess and future super

Grand Master.

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