Reading Competition

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1.Recount text
Ahmad Hamdan : 1,2,3,4,5

M.dony : 6,7,8,9,10

Source :

2.Narrative text
Elsadora : 26,27,28,29,30

Ellen C.S : 31,32,33,34,35,

Source :

3.Descriptive Text
Deva Annisa : 11,12,13,14,15,

Fika Ayu S. : 16,17,18,19,20

Source :

Elza Devi : 21,22,23,24,25

Source :

5.Rearrange words and Pharagraph

Imel Rosandy : 36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43

Source : Student Work Sheet (daily competition 1,2,3),

6. Short Message
Imel Rosandy: 44,45
Ahmad Hamdan: 46, 47

Source :

7. Invitation
M. Dony : 48, 49

Elsadora : 50

8.Texts Arranger and editing

Rr.Kunti Dewi Adriane K.W

For questions number 1 -10 !

My Vacation with my beloved person

One day,my sister named putrid said to me that she really wanted to go
to the beach.So I promised her that next week we would go to Mutun beach
in Lampung.

The next week,we prepared everything needed in the morning.We

brought some foods,and beverages,such as chocolate wafers,potato
chips,water and orange juice.Before going to the beach, I asked our
brother,Bayu,to join us.He ageed and we went there by car.It took three
hours,then we bought tickets in enterance gate.Before swimming,we
changed our clothes first.We swam there more than an hour.We felt so
tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought.Next,the three of
u created a very big castle,while my parent were enjoying the beautiful
scene there.After that,we decided to go home because it was getting dark.

On the way home,we still felt hungry.So we stopped at a restaurant to

have dinner.I ordered sruit,lampungnese traditional food.After that,we paid
our bills,then we went home and arrived at 9 in the evening.We were tired
but we were absolutely happy.

1.What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe the writer in general
b. To announce something
c. To tell the readers about the writer’s past experience
d. To describe about the writer’s sister

2.Where did the writer’s sister really want to go ?

a. Museum
b. Restaurant
c. Hotel
d. Beach

3.When did they go to the beach?

a. A Week after the writer promised his/her sister

b. A week before the writer promised his/her sister
c. A day after the writer promised his/her sister
d. A week after the writer promised his/her brother

4.How did they go to the beach?

a. By motorcycle
b. By car
c. By bus
d. By train

5.How many persons that came with the writer to the beach?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

6.The text is written in the form of a/an …text

a. Announcement
b. Recount
c. Narrative
d. Report
7.Who was invited to go to Mutun Beach?

a. Bayu
b. Father
c. Mother
d. Putri

8.What did they do after swimming at the beach ?

a. Made sand castles

b. Played soccer
c. Went back home
d. Bought some clothes

9.How long did it take from the writer’s house to the beach?

a. 5 hours
b. 6 hours
c. 9 hours
d. 3 hours

10.When did they get home?

a. 7 am
b. 9 pm
c. 9 am
d. 10 pm

Fill the dots with the most suitable words,this text is for number 11-

My Friend, Tim

His name is Tim.He (11)…. in Nottingham,(12)…. is a city in the UK.He

lives in a small detached house with his wife ,jenny,and (13)….. two
children,Lisa and james.He(14)….. at Debenhams in Nottingham.And he
really enjoys his job.He is a sales manager (15)… the sports clothing
department.When he is not at work,he(16)… to play tennis with his
friend,Joe.At the weekends,he sometikes(17)…. his family to manchester
to (18)…. Jenny’s mom.She lives at Pine view Nursing home in a nice
suburb of the city and(19)…. there about five years.Tim always(20)…. her
about her grandchildren.


a. With
b. Have
c. Had
d. Their


a. Who
b. Which
c. Whose
d. Whom


a. With
b. Have
c. Had
d. Their


a. Working
b. Works
c. Work
d. Worked


a. In
b. For
c. At
d. Of


a. Likes
b. Like
c. Love
d. Loves


a. Invite
b. Take out
c. Takes
d. Follow


a. Leave
b. Abandon
c. Feed
d. Visit


a. Have been
b. Has Been
c. Live
d. Living


a. Tells
b. Told
c. Tell
d. Taught

Pay attention to this announcement and answer the questions on

number 21-25!

For all students of SMAN English,we announce The English speech contest in our

Time : Saturday,22 March 2098

Place : Hall of SMAN English

Each class should register at least one student and max. 2 students with one of these
following topics :

-The advantage of learning English

-The difficulties of learning English

-The effective ways of learning English

For further information,visit the OSIS room or contact Slamet by WA.

21.The announcement is about …

a. The advantage of learning English

b. The English Olympiad
c. English club enrolement
d. English speech contest

22.The statements below are true,except..

a. The contest will be held on Saturday

b. All students can join the competition
c. Each class should not register 3 students
d. One of the topics is the effective ways of learning english

23”.We announce the English speech contest”

b. Chair person
c. Committee
d. All students

24.The contest will be held in…

a. The OSIS room
b. Ballroom of SMAN English
c. In the balcony of SMAN English
d. In the teacher’s room

25.”Each Class should register”

The underlined word means ..

a. Saved
b. Preserve
c. participate
d. Entry

This text is for number 26-30!

The Goose and The golden eggs

Once a farmer went to the nest of is goose and found an egg,all yellow
and shiny.When he picked it up,it was heavy as rock.He was about to throw
it away because he thought that someone was playing a trick on him.But on
second thought,he took it home and discovered to his delight that it was an
egg of pure gold.

He sold the egg for a lot of money.Every dawn,the goose laid another
golden egg,and the farmer soon became rich by selling the eggs.As he
grew rich,he also grew reedy.”why should I have to wait to get only one egg
a day?”he thought,”I will cut open the goose,and take all the eggs out of her
at once.”

But the goose eard the farmer’s plan.And so she flew away to a nearb
farm.And when the farmer came out the next day,he found nothing but an
empty farm.

26.Why did the farmer want to cut open the goose?

a. He wanted to be nice so that the goose would lay another golden egg
b. He was so greedy so that the goose would lay another egg and he
would eat it
c. Because he became greedy and he wanted to produce more
d. He liked the goose

27.”And so she flew away…”

The Word she ,refers to …

a. The farmer
b. The villagers
c. The egg
d. The goose

28.Approximately,When did the goose usually lay another golden egg?

a. Every 5 pm
b. Every 10 am
c. Every 7 pm
d. Every 5 am

29.”He took it home and discovered it to his delight..”

a. observed
b. Found
c. Created
d. Broke

30.What made the goose flew away?

a. She wanted to be free

b. Because the farmer tortured her
c. She knew what whas going to happen to her
d. She wanted to have a family

31.Why did the farmer throw the egg of pure gold?

a. He didn’t like it
b. He thought he was tricked
c. He was stupid
d. Someone tricked him

32.How was the condition of the egg when the farmer picked it up?

a. Soft and smooth

b. Like a paper
c. Felt like rock
d. Flexible

33.”He found nothing but an empty farm”the word isn.t similar with..

a. Hollow
b. Clean
c. Lonely
d. Solid

34.What happened to the egg after the farmer took it home?

a. Split
b. Hatch
c. Roll
d. The farmer sold it

35.What can we learn from this story?

a. Do not leave your farm

b. We should not be greedy ,because it can make people hate us
c. You should respect your goose
d. We have to be wise enough to know what is right to do

II.Rearrange these words into a rational sentece!

1. A laptop – moreover-which-free access – in – places-public –allows –

to-access-provide- us –the internet
2. Has – a laptop – very – become – why – popular –that’s – why –
3. But – they – to – man’s – least- belongings – kill – so –spiders - many
– the – do –never – insects – harm
4. That – a wildfire – any- countryside –is –or –area –the – a wilderness
–fire –uncontrolled –in-occurs
5. Root – three- of - a –are- tree-main-crown-parts-trunks-and

41. Arrange these jumbled sentences to form a meaningful paragraph.

1. On the first day, the four guide told them to check their travel
2. and Mrs. Kevin were on a tour of Indonesia.
3. They were travelling on a guided tour.
4. Such as their passports and visas.
5. He told them to keep them safely.
6. They stopped at a famous hotel for the night.
7. The tour guide was an Indonesian.
8. The tour guide explained about interesting and historical places to

a. 2-3-7-1-4-5-6-8
b. 2-3-7-1-4-5-8-6
c. 2-3-5-4-1-6-8-7
d. 2-7-1-4-5-8-6-3

42. . Arrange these jumbled sentences to form a meaningful paragraph.

1. Arsya works shifts.

2. He can cook many kinds of dishes, both local or international.
3. However, he doesn’t mind the working hours.
4. Arsya is a chef in a five-star hotel in the city.
5. He enjoys his job.
6. He may start working in the morning or in the afternoon.
7. He can make delicious soto, spaghetti, and Japanese sushi.

d. 4-2-1-6-7-3-5
43. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph
1. Nature’s recycling programme for water is called the water cycle.
2. Rain or snow eventually finds their way back to the ocean.
3. Water falls from the air as rain or snow.
4. Water goes from the ocean, lakes, and rivers into the air.
5. One of the things nature recycles is water.
6. Did you know that nature recycles too?
7. Maybe you recycle cans, glass, and paper.
A. 7-6-5-4-3-2-1
B. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
C. 5-6-3-4-7-1-2
D. 2-1-4-3-6-7-5

Rina, mom and Mr Borris are going to uncle Ferry’s home. You can buy
foods from the market in front of our home, the money is on the refrigerator.
I’ll be back in two hours.


44. Who’s going to uncle Ferry’s home?

a. Rina

b. Rina’s uncle

c. Rina’s Mom

d. Uncle Ferry’s sister and Mr. Borris

45. “I’ll be back in two hours.” What is the meaning of this sentence?

a. Mom will be back at two pm

b. Mom sure she can go home after two hours

c. She will be back after two minutes

d. Mom not sure she can go home

To: Liz
Sorry honey, I can’t keep my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight.
I’ve to meet Mrs. Cathy at 07.00 pm. Please, don’t be angry.


46. How is Liz's mother feel about her promise?

A. Impressed
B. Confused
C. Relieved
D. Guilty 

47. Mom writes the text in order to …

A. apologize for not keeping the promise. 
B. remind Liz that she has a promise with her.
C. tell Liz that she has to go to the meeting.
D. say that she cannot meet her in the Mall.

48. How old is Caleb?

a. 4 years old
b. 5 years old
c. 14 years old
d. 40 years old

49. Who should we contact to make confirmation?

a. Caleb
b. Caleb's mother
c. Caleb's sister
d. Anne Marie

50. Which of the sentence is right based on the invitation card?

a. The card is to invite the receiver to Winter party
b. Its begin at six o clock in the morning
c. Jordan’s rooftop isn’t located in Boston
d. The party will be held on 25 of July

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