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 For it to be efficient, must have the ability to transport

the sewage effectively.
 It’s classified based on the type of the wastewater
flowing in the pipe:
 sanitary sewer - carry only the water from
residential, commercial and
industrial with the stormwater
 stormwater sewer - carries the water coming from roofs,
paved areas, pavements and roads.
 combined sewer - sanitary sewer + stormwater
 Design must be in accordance with
 MS 1228:1991: Code of Practice for Design and
Installation of Sewerage system

 It’s designed to discharge the wastewater flows as

 Sewage treatment plant (STP)
 converts the sewage into a form which can be safely
discharges to the environment, or reused for various
compatible purposes.
 Effluent discharge must meet the standard A & B
 The diameter of the pipe is
 chosen based on the availability of the size provided
 Consideration of the economy
 sufficient size to handle the total discharge, Q. (Q > Peak
flow total )

 Lateral sewer
 minimum of 150mm diameter
 receives the channel sewage from individual buildings to
another branch sewer, or directly to an on-site treatment
 Reticulation sewer
 225mm to 300mm.
 receives the channel sewage collected from groups of individual
properties to branch sewers

 Main sewers/ trunk/ outfall sewer

 450mm to above 900mm diameter.
 receives sewers from branch sewers and transfer flows to large
sewage treatment plant.

 Branch sewers
 300mm to 450mm diameter
 receive the sewage from reticulation sewers and thereafter
transfers the flow to small sewage treatment plants, or to main
 The depth of sewers is
 1.2m below the ground surface.
 invert depth – minimum of 1.2m

 Velocities
 minimum of 0.8 m/s
▪ self-cleansing
▪ prevents the sludge to settle in the pipelines
 maximum is at 4.0 m/s
▪ prevent scouring of sewer by erosive action of suspended
 The slope
 1:200 to 1:25 in order to maintain the velocity.
 Design should be:
 Allow easy access for inspection and cleaning for the pipe
 Made from durable structure,
 cause minimum interference to the sewage flow.
 minimum of 1.2 m in depth from the ground level
 at least at 100m apart of each other for eases of maintenance
 Gradients from 1: 40 to 1: 110 will should be use to give
normally give adequate flow velocities.

 Locations are situated

 end of line
 intersection of sewer
 changes in grade and alignment except in curved sewers.
 The minimum diameter of manholes constructed from
precast concrete
Sewer dia. (mm) Chamber dia. (mm)
225-300 1200
375-450 1350
600-750 1500
 Drop manhole
 installed to reduce the turbulence in the manholes cause by the
elevation differences.
 if the difference between the incoming sewer and manhole invert is
more than 500mm
 If the difference between the incoming sewers is less than 600mm,
 invert shall be filleted at the corners to prevent solids deposition
 6 procedure

1. Network sewer plannning

2. Sewerage layout plan
3. Determination of population equivalent
4. Determination of peak flow, discharge, type
and size of pipe
5. Determination of velocities
6. Determination of invert level and outlet level
 Based onMS 1228 : 1991 : section 4.3.2 several factors
must be condiser in the planning:

 The sewerage pipe must be located in the surrounding area of

the road.
 The pipe to be located in private property due to certain
topographies must apply for permission to certain individual
before the construction can begin.
 Before any construction work can begin, the layout and
overall existing building, pipe and electrical must first to be
 During the construction work, the separation of sewer and
main water should be requires of minimum horizontal
separation of 3 m and a minimum vertical separation of 46 cm
from water mains.
 The system must be drawn to show the location of the pipe
and so on.The process involved of:
 Preparing the sewerage layout plan to show the flow of sewerage,
position of the network, size of pipe and position of manholes

 Sewer follow natural drainage ways to minimize excavation

and pumping requirements. Large trunk sewers are usually
constructed in low-lying areas closely paralleling streams or
channels. In general, pipes should cross contours at right

 Located pipe
 place for easy connection for future user
 provide access for maintenance.
 accomplished by placing them in streets or other rights-of-way.
 number expressing the ratio of the sum of the pollution
load produced during 24 hours by industrial facilities
and services to the individual pollution load in
household sewage produced by one person in the same

 parameter use to convert the number of person

contributing to volumetric flow rate of wastes

 flow rates are measured in cubic meters per second

 calculated for both existing land use and for expected

future development.
Type of establishment Population equivalent
Residential 5 per house
Commercial 3 per 100m² area
Educational Institutions
- Day Schools 0.2 per student
- Residential Schools 1 per student (residential)
Hospitals 4 per bed Hotels 4 per room
Factories 0.3 per employee
Market (Wet Type) 3 per stall
Market (Dry Type) 1 per stall
Petrol Stations 18 per service bay
Bus Terminal 4 per bus bay
Taxi Terminal 4 per taxi bay
Mosque 0.5 per person
Church or 0.2 per person
Stadium 0.2 per person
Swimming Pool or Sports Complex 0.5 per person
Public Toilet 16 per WC (water closet)
Airport 0.2 per passenger/day
Airport 0.3 per employee
Laundry 10 per machine
 PE = population equivalent x per capita waste
 PE = population equivalent x 225 L/c.d (1)

 Cumulative PE = PE 1 + PE2 (2)

 Peak flow
 the combination of infiltration and inflow, and wastewater flow.
 in unit of flow rate per contribution area or unit of flowrate per pipe




 flow discharge, Qd depends on the pipe gradient and diameter
of the pipe.

Pipe area, Apipe = π r2 (3)

Perimeter, P = 2 π r (4)

Hydraulic radius = A/P (5)

 Design must be Qd > Peak Flow

 (6)
 Manning
coefficient, n Material Manning coefficient, n
Concrete 0.013 ≤ n ≤ 0.015
 Depend on the
Vitrified clay 0.013 ≤ n ≤ 0.015
selected pipe Cast iron 0.013 ≤ n ≤ 0.015
material Brick 0.015 ≤ n ≤ 0.017
Corrugated metal pipe 0.022 ≤ n ≤ 0.025
Asbestos cement 0.013 ≤ n ≤ 0.015
Earthern channel 0.025 ≤ n ≤ 0.030
 Full flow velocity Vfull can be calculated from
the pipe discharge
 4m/s > V (full flow) > 0.8 m/s

 Manhole level
 find by ground surface elevation

Fall in sewer = Upper end elevation – Lower end elevation (8)

Sewer invert lower end = Gound surface elevation – fall in sewer (9)

 However, if ground surface gradient is not suitable,

 new pipe gradient can be proposed

Fall in sewer = slope x Lower end elevation (10)

Sewer invert upper end = Gound surface elevation - cover of
pipe - diameter of pipe (11)
Criteria Remarks
Pipe gradient, s 0.5 % ≤ s ≤ 4 %
Full flow velocity, Vfull 0.8 m/s ≤ Vfull ≤ 4 m/s
Discharge, Qd PF < Qd

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