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Faculty of Higher Education, Lilydale

Unit of Study Outline

Unit Code: CIS11

Unit Title: Information Methods

Study Period 1, 2013

© Swinburne University of Technology, 2013

Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968, this document may not be
reproduced in any form without the written permission of the University.
Unit of Study Outline

Unit of study code CIS11

Unit of study name Information Methods
Study Period & Year Study Period 1, 2013
Prerequisites None
Corequisites None
Credit Points 12.5

Teaching Staff
Name Role Phone No. Email Address
Nelson Vargas Convenor/tutor 9215 7183
Robert Baxendale Tutor TBA
Endre Bihari Tutor TBA
Halina Sykes Tutor TBA

If you have any queries or problems about the unit or the course (including unit content and/or
course/ unit administration), you should contact your tutor in the first instance. If necessary, and
based upon your tutor’s advice, you may need to consult with the convenor of the unit.

All emails sent to either your tutor or the unit convener of this unit need to be sent from your
student email account. This will ensure your email is received in a timely manner and not
automatically sent to the SPAM filter used by Swinburne. Swinburne email accounts can be
forwarded to personal accounts. The Swinburne Student email system, Outlook Live, is located at See for more information on how to use it.

As part of the email criteria please clearly place in the subject heading the Unit Code and a brief
topic description, also inside your email state your name (first name and last name) so that your
email can be attended to as soon as possible.

Voicemail Messages

If you are leaving a voicemail message, please make sure you leave your name and a contact
phone number, the date and time of your call and the unit code (CIS11) clearly so your call can
be returned as soon as possible.

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CIS11 Information Methods requires you to undertake studies and practical exercises that
encourage skills and independent use for developing, manipulating and communicating information
within a variety of global and cultural contexts.

Your I.T. skills will provide an excellent foundation from which to develop information skills. A
multi-disciplinary approach is taken so that you may gain a broad understanding of information

Learning Objectives
After successfully completing this unit, you should be able to:

• Understand the what, why, when and how of information;

• Apply I.T. skills to the development of information tools;
• Apply structured techniques and referencing styles to report writing;
• Develop confidence in use of library and data research skills for information collection;
• Develop confidence in critical and creative thinking about the use of information;
• Develop an understanding of the semiotic attributes of information and their value in gaining
• Develop an understanding of the influence of culture over the creation and interpretation of
• Understand what constitutes quality and timely information and how to achieve it.

Resources and Reference Material

Recommended Text (prescribed)

• Vargas, N, 2012, Information Methods, Pearson Australia, Australia

This textbook is a great resource that will cover most of the topics covered in this unit. While the
majority of the learning materials for CIS11 will be made available via the subject website, it is
highly recommended that you purchase this text book.

The textbook can be purchase through the OUA bookseller, Unibooks (

The eBook version can be purchased from this link.

Please be aware while the eBook version may be cheaper in price the flexibility and ability to freely
print certain areas of the text may be restricted.

Recommended References (optional text)

• Summers, J & Smith, B 2010, Communications Skills Handbook, 3rd Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, Australia

This textbook while available (from Unibooks) and recommend to those that may be new to
academic studies, it is not a prescribed text. The purchasing of this textbook is purely optional.

You are encouraged to make use of any other texts that may cover the topics covered in this unit,
for example; academic skills, information development skills, problem solving, critical thinking and
globalization. Practical texts that cover information technology skills for example; understanding
the Microsoft Office suite (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, and MS Access), Introduction to
Database systems, Human Computer Interaction and other similar text would also add value to
your learning.
Swinburne Library contains texts suitable for the study of this unit. By using its search facility you
will be able to locate texts covering the various topics covered in this unit.

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The significant content of the unit relates to the concept “Information” including abstract and
contextual material, skills for searching and processing material located, and aspects of quality,
timeliness, and cultural context.

This unit forms an essential element in your learning skills-base. While the content is relatively
prescriptive the application to various disciplines is dynamic and the teaching/assessment
approach will reflect this.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Information Methods

Learning Object 1-1: Information Literacy

Lesson 2: Writing for Communication

Learning Object 2-1: Report Writing
Learning Object 2-2: Harvard System for Referencing

Lesson 3: Research Methods and Techniques

Learning Object 3-1: Resources and Techniques for Research
Learning Object 3-2: Online Resources for Research

Lesson 4: Information Quality/Timeliness

Learning Object 4-1: Assessing Information
Learning Object 4-2: Understanding and Using New Media

Lesson5: Information Communication

Learning Object 5-1: Information Collection Techniques
Learning Object 5-2: Database basics
Learning Object 5-3: Human Computer Interaction
Learning Object 5-4: Creating Information from Data

Lesson 6: Creative and Critical Thinking

Learning Object 6-1: IDEAL Problem Solving Framework
Learning Object 6-2: Critical Thinking

Lesson 7: Information Fundamentals

Learning Object 7-1: Semiotics
Learning Object 7-2: Language Tools
Learning Object 7-3: Mind Mapping

Lesson 8: Global and Cultural Implications

Learning Object 8-1: Disneyfication and McDonaldisation
Learning Object 8-2: Globalisation

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Key Generic Skills for this Unit of Study
You will be provided with feedback on your progress in attaining the following generic skills:

Swinburne University of Technology works to produce higher education graduates who are
capable in their chosen profession. Learners bring to Swinburne University of Technology a
diverse wealth of experiences and graduate with individual understandings, abilities and attitudes.
Within this context it is the intent of unit CIS11 Information Methods that students will begin to
develop the following key generic skills:

• Analysis skills assessed through assignment requiring analysis of a text based

• Problem solving skills assessed through assignment requiring creation of a database,
spreadsheet and presentation.
• Communications skills assessed through written reports.
• Ability to work independently attained through participation in online activities, such as
tutorials and discussion forums.

Learning and Teaching Structure

CIS11 Information Methods is a stage one unit available during study periods 1 and 3. Ideally this
unit is taken during your first year of study.

The study period consists of 13 weeks. There is a total of thirteen weeks worth of learning material
for you to study. Approximately 7 - 9 hours per week of personal study will be required, to
complete the readings, exercises and assignment work.

There are no prerequisites for this unit but a sound knowledge of the tools of Information
Technology will be highly advantageous, particularly experience with the Microsoft Programs of
Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint.

A series of training resources making up Learning Object: Information Technology Literacy of this
unit are provided online for the use of students. It is strongly recommended that you make use
of this resource, as necessary, to maximize your capacity to complete the laboratory tasks and
assignment one. A lack of computer skills will not be an acceptable reason for failure to
complete tasks.
As an online stage 1 unit, you will need to take control of your learning processes. While teaching
staff will be available to assist when required, it will be up to you to take the initiative and contact
your convenor or appointed tutor by email, discussion thread or phone.

You will be expected to undertake all the reading and research of your own in addition to the
materials provided. Your revision and exercise completion, particularly for the first 5 weeks of
study period, should be tackled as indicated on the schedule.

Lessons and Learning Objects.

There are 8 lessons with associated learning objects in this unit. The learning material will provide
the following, but will not attempt to deal with every relevant aspect of the week’s topic:

• Major learning objects

• A basis for further, private study
• A basic understanding of the principles involved

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On Line Tutorial Chats
There are 12 weeks of on line tutorials/chats commencing from Week 2 of the Study Period. The
on line tutorial sessions are accessed through the unit’s online learning site by clicking on the
menu item ‘Online Chats’ and selecting the appropriate chat room.

Participation and attendance at these online tutorials is not compulsory but it is highly
recommended, especially if you’re new to university studies or are finding the content difficult to
grasp. Those that are unable to attend any of the online tutorials can view the recorded transcripts
of the online tutorials available on the online learning site.
Depending on student attendance numbers, some tutorials sessions may be cancelled.

Collaborate (Online tutorial) Sessions

Throughout the study period the tutors will be running a series of online tutorial sessions. The
purpose of these sessions is to review the subjects’ content and to provide a venue for general
discussion on matters associated with this subject. The software used to run these tutorials is
called Collaborate, so before the first session commences, please ensure that you have the latest
version of Java installed on your computer. The sessional will be announced at least 1 week before
the scheduled running time and the link will also be provided well before the start time. You will
also need to have access to a headset or a computer with speakers, so you can listen to the audio
from the session. While we try and select times that will fit in with most students, we do understand
that not everyone will always be able to attend. These sessions are not assessed and are simply
'added extras' to the subject that give you all an opportunity to discuss both the course work and
any issues you would like to bring up. Please do not worry if you cannot attend the session, as we
will be providing a link to the sessions recording, as well as uploading all presentation notes to your
'Learning Materials' section of the subject website usually within 48hrs.

Peer Support
As you study this unit, you will not be alone. You will be participating in a community of students
studying the same unit. Your fellow students will have slightly different skills and levels of
knowledge, but they will experience similar problems to those that you will face. Other students
can be valuable resources, and you can be a valuable aid for your companions, so help other
students and seek the help of others. But, please remember that all the work you submit for
assessment must be your own work – do not submit the work of others as if it is your own as heavy
penalties will be applied.

Self Assessment

As it is necessary for you to take responsibility for your own learning, it is also important that you
find a means of assessing for yourself the stage and quality of learning that you are achieving.

In Your Own Time

Study Process Suggestion:

1. Consider the self assessment questions. Are you confident you can answer them correctly?
2. Use the materials provided, particularly the lectures in the learning objects to gain a deeper
understanding of the concepts and skills involved for each lesson. This includes working
through the accompanying presentations, readings, tutorials, links and references.
3. Discuss what you’ve discovered with members of your online tutorial group including the tutor
and fellow students, or on the discussion forum in the online learning website.
4. Apply your new skills and knowledge to your own assessments, reflecting on how they apply in
your situation.

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CIS11 Weekly Schedule – Study Period 1, 2013
# Week Lesson Learning Objects Assessments
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Information Literacy
1 25 February
Information Methods

Lesson 2 - Writing for Report Writing

2 4 March
Communication Harvard System for Referencing

Resources and Techniques for

Lesson 3 - Research Methods
3 11 March Research
and Techniques
Online Resources for Research

18 March Census Date

Lesson 4 - Information Assessing Information

4 18 March

Lesson 4 - Information Understanding and Using New

5 25 March
Quality/Timeliness Media

• Online Library Quiz to be

Information Collection completed during this week
Lesson 5 - Information Techniques
6 1 April
Communication • Assignment 1 Due:
Database basics Friday, 5th April

7 April – Last Day to withdraw without academic penalty (WD)

Creating Information from Data

Lesson 5 - Information
7 8 April Human Computer Interaction

OUA Examination Services Venue Selection Open 8-28 April

IDEAL Problem Solving

Lesson 6 - Creative and Critical
8 15 April Framework
Critical Thinking

19 April – Last day to withdraw to receive (WDFP)

Lesson 7 - Information
9 22 April Semiotics
19 April – Students withdrawing after this date will receive (NLWD)

10 Lesson 7 - Information Language Tools

29 April

11 Lesson 7 - Information
6 May Mind Mapping

12 Disneyfication and Assignment 2 Due:

Lesson 8 - Global and Cultural
13 May McDonaldisation Monday, 13th May

13 Lesson 8 - Global and Cultural Globalisation

20 May Implications
Review and Exam Briefing


To be advised by OUA Examination Services EXAM supervised by Invigilator

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Blackboard Site for this Unit of Study

Important information concerning this unit of study is placed on the Swinburne course management
system (Blackboard), accessible via
It is your responsibility to access on a regular basis
• the Blackboard site for your unit of study. Type in your ID number and your password. Note
your ID number is your student ID and your password is initially set to your date of birth in the
format DDMMYY
• the Announcements section on Blackboard, and
• any emails sent by the teaching staff to your student email address via Blackboard.
• If you access your email through a provider other than Swinburne, it is your responsibility to
ensure that your Swinburne email is forwarded to your private email address. To redirect your
Swinburne email, go to for information on how to do

Please note: Not all internet browsers support Blackboard. The compatible browsers are as

PC users: Firefox version 3.6 and above, Internet Explorer version 8 and above, Chrome.
Mac users: Firefox version 3.6 and above, Safari version 5, Chrome.
See for more information.

Your Blackboard password is one of many that is controlled by the Swinburne Identity
Management System (SIMS). Once you have synchronised your account, your password will be
your SIMS password. See for more information.
Keep your password secret! If you think that someone has discovered your password, change it

Using Blackboard

Getting help
If you have any problems with Blackboard, please contact the ITS Service Desk
( or (03) 9214 5000. In addition, there is a Help Request web form
(recommended for non-telephone queries) on the Blackboard login page.

(On-campus)Teaching Periods: (On-campus) Non-Teaching Times:

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

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Student Feedback:
Swinburne seeks student feedback in a number of ways, including through periodic Student
Feedback surveys, as part of the university’s approach to quality assurance and improvement.
Possible improvement based on both student and staff feedback is considered by Unit Convenors,
Unit Panels made up of relevant teaching staff, Program Panels, Faculty Academic Committees,
and the Academic Programs Quality Committee, as appropriate.
Recent updates and improvements made to this unit of study include:
• Online polling for class interaction
• Online lectures provided as webpages

a. Assessment Task Details:

Assessment Task Individual Related Learning Weighting Due Date

Online Library Quiz Individual 4 5% See Website for due
Assignment 1 Individual 2 20% See Website for due
Assignment 2 Individual 3, 5, 6 25% See Website for due

Final Examination Individual All 50% TBA

b. Participation Requirements
Students are encouraged to make use of all the electronic facilities and resources available on the
unit website, which are online tutorials, discussion boards and emails. These methods of engaging
in the unit are advised but not mandated.

c. Minimum Requirements to pass this Unit of Study:

In order to be awarded a pass in this unit of study you must complete the following requirements:
• To achieve a pass or higher grade in this unit you must obtain a pass in the exam (greater
than 45% of the available marks) and a minimum aggregate of all available marks of at
least 50%.

A final grade will be assigned, based on the aggregate marks after moderation in accordance with
University Policy

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d. Assessment Criteria:

Online Library Quiz (Part of Assignment 1)

Marks: 5%
Due Date: The assessment is to be taken during the week stated in the schedule.

This assessment is designed to allow students to utilize their skills using the Library services.
Students are required to undertake an online quiz. This quiz is a component of assignment one
and must be completed in this unit.

Assignment 1
Marks: 20%
Due Date: Assignment to be lodged in Blackboard by midnight of the due date stated in the schedule.
This assignment will be based on using the acquired skills gained through studying the Learning
objects 1-5. This assignment will require you to research one (1) of the five (5) topics listed in the
assignment outline and then develop a comprehensive short report based around your chosen
topic. This assignment will also require you to complete an online assessment quiz which will also
test your skills and knowledge in the areas of information gathering, library skills and referencing.

Assignment 2
Marks: 25%
Due Date: Assignment to be lodged in Blackboard by midnight of the due date stated in the schedule.

This assignment is designed to allow students to utilize their acquired skills and knowledge gained
in Information Methods. The focus of this assignment is to give students the opportunity to
practically undertake an assessment that investigates the practical elements of information
gathering including the storage, delivery and presentation of information to the end users.
The assignment will require students to plan and design the structure of an information system as
well as developing a concept design for the user interface. This assignment will require students to
research current database systems designs as well as aligning their user interface design with
current Human Computer Interaction design principles.
The other focus of this assignment will include a semiotic analysis of the information used as well
as investigating the critical thinking and cultural aspects of understanding information within a
given context.

Full details of all assignments will be released through the online learning website.

Final Examination:
Marks: 50%
Due Date: To be advised by OUA Examination
Duration: 2 hours writing time, preceded by 10 minutes reading time.

The exam is marked out of 100, and worth 50% of the overall assessment. A mark of at least 45 of
the total possible 100 marks on the exam is required in order to be eligible to obtain a Pass or
better grade in the unit.

Note that ONLY writing materials (such as pens and highlighters) and a hard copy (printed) ‘other
language – English’ or ‘straight’ English dictionary are permitted in the exam room. Electronic
dictionaries, thesauruses and similar hardware are strictly forbidden.

NB. The exam marks may be subject to moderation by the teaching panel, based on faculty
guidelines, statistical distribution and comparative assessment tasks from previous study periods.

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e. Submission of Assignments:
All work you submit for assessments must be submitted in the form prescribed by the unit
convener. Unless otherwise indicated, all the work you submit for assessment in this unit must be
submitted in Blackboard with an appropriate cover sheet.
Note that when you submit any work for review or assessment, you thereby declare that the work
submitted is your own, that no part of the work submitted has been copied except where due and
explicit acknowledgment has been made within the content of the work, and that no part
whatsoever of the work submitted has been produced by any other person.
Note that all assessment tasks should be completed and submitted by the specified submission
date. Any late or unsatisfactory assessment submissions made without prior agreement with the
Unit Convenor may incur a loss of marks in accordance with the University's Extensions and Late
Penalties policies (see below)

f. Extensions and Late Submissions:

Assessment due dates are published in Unit Outlines at the start of the teaching period and will not
normally be extended except where students had their studies adversely affected by acute illness,
misadventure or other extraordinary cause or circumstance reasonably beyond their control.
Students who need to request an extension of time to the due date for a piece of assessment
(excluding end of teaching period final examinations) should contact their Unit Convenor directly to
discuss their circumstances and submit the extension form located at:

If approved, the convenor will notify the student of the extended date. For more information refer

g. Assessment Results:
All results (excluding final examination and final results) will be available in Blackboard Grade
Centre. This can be accessed by students through their Blackboard site via ‘My grades’.
Students must retain all assessed material that contributes to the final result up until such time as
the final results are published.

h. Groupwork Guidelines:
Not applicable in this unit.

i. Plagiarism:
Swinburne University of Technology defines Plagiarism as the action or practice of taking and
submitting or presenting the thoughts, writings or other work of someone else as though it is your
own work. Plagiarism includes any of the following, without full and appropriate acknowledgment to
the original source(s):
(i) The use of the whole or part of a computer program written by another person;
(ii) the use, in essays or other assessable work, of the whole or part of a written work from any
source including but not limited to a book, journal, newspaper article, set of lecture notes,
current or past student’s work, any other person’s work, a website or database;
(iii) the paraphrasing of another’s work;
(iv) the use of musical composition, audio, visual, graphic and photographic models,
(v) The use of regalia, that is objects, artefacts, costumes, models and the like.

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Plagiarism also includes the preparation or production and submission or presentation of
assignments or other work in conjunction with another person or other people when that work
should be your own independent work. This remains plagiarism whether or not it is with the
knowledge or consent of the other person or people. It should be noted that Swinburne encourages
its students to talk to staff, fellow students and other people who may be able to contribute to a
student’s academic work but that where independent assignment is required, submitted or
presented work must be the student’s own.
Enabling plagiarism contributes to plagiarism and therefore will be treated as a form of plagiarism
by the University. Enabling plagiarism means allowing or otherwise assisting another student to
copy or otherwise plagiarise work by, for example, allowing access to a draft or completed
assignment or other work.

j. Assessment and Appeals Policy and Procedure

The information outlined in the Assessment sections above is covered in more detail in
Swinburne’s Assessment and Appeals Policy and Procedure. Students must be familiar with the
Policy and Procedure, found at:
The Policy and Procedure provides details about:
• Assessment issues such as the conduct of examinations, plagiarism policies and details
explaining how to apply for a review of results and other appeals, and
• Student progress issues such as unsatisfactory academic progress and early intervention
procedures, and
• Information for students with disabilities and special needs and procedures for applying for
special consideration.
Students should make themselves familiar with all aspects of the Policy and Procedure, as failure
to do so is not grounds for appeal.
Students are advised to seek advice from the staff at the Swinburne Student Amenities Association
SSAA ( if they require assistance with advocacy for Sections
12 (At-Risk and Progress Review) and 13 (Appeals) of the Policy and Procedure.

k. Safety Standards and Conduct Requirements:

Student misconduct is an action by a student which is in breach of the policies specified by
Swinburne in the student General Misconduct policy. This extends to publishing on websites even
where those sites are not set up or managed by Swinburne. Swinburne accepts no responsibility
for unauthorised material posted in social networking sites (such as Facebook).

If you have any issues resulting from the behaviour of other students, you should immediately
contact the Swinburne Student Amenities Association (SSAA)
Relevant links:
Student General Misconduct policy
Information Technology (IT) Systems Acceptable Use Policy

All students are expected to respect the rights and sensibilities of their fellow students and
teaching staff. This also applies in respect of the content of video and audio work submitted for

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assessment. The University has rigorous anti-discrimination and harassment policies and

l. Special Needs

Students with disabilities who require extra time or have special requirements in examinations may
seek advice from Swinburne Equity Unit
(Telephone: +61 3 9214 8852).
Students should also notify the Unit Convenor by e-mail, fax or phone. See also the “Students with
Disabilities and Special Needs” Section of the Assessment and Appeals Policy & Procedure, at:

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Open Universities Australia
Withdraw from a unit
If you need to withdraw from a unit the date of the notification is very important. See below for
further information.
From week 1 - 6
Please advise Open Universities Australia, of your intention to withdraw up until the end of week 6,
the unit(s) will be removed from your record. From weeks 1 – 3 you will, however, incur an
administration fee. Please refer to the OUA website
admin-and-support/changing-your-study/withdrawing for these details. You will not incur a FEE
HELP debt for the unit(s).
Financial penalties are based on the date that Open Universities Australia receives your withdrawal

From weeks 4-6 you will incur your fee help debt.

Weeks 7-13
Please submit a withdrawal form , to
advise Swinburne University of Technology, Higher Education Lilydale, of your intention to
withdraw from week 7 and no later than eight weeks after the start of the Study Period, the unit(s)
will receive a WDFP – Withdrawn, Fee Payable grade on your academic record. You will retain the
FEE HELP debt for the unit(s).
If the notification of withdrawal is received after Week 8 of the Study Period, the unit(s) will receive
a NLWD – Not Pass, Late Withdrawal grade on your academic record. You will retain the FEE
HELP debt for the unit(s).
If you do not formally withdraw and you have submitted work, it will be assessed and a grade
awarded accordingly. If no work for assessment has been submitted, a “Not Assessed” grade will
be awarded.
Refunds for withdrawal after the Census Date are available under Special Circumstances for
students who have paid their registration fees upfront. Please refer to the Special Circumstances
section of the Refund Guidelines in the Open Universities Australia handbook or the website for further information.

Further Information
For further information on OUA through Swinburne University of Technology a website has been
provided. The address for this site is:

Student Advisers - Open Universities Australia
Swinburne University of Technology, Lilydale GPO Box 5387
Locked Bag 218 Level 1, 131 Queen St.,
Lilydale VIC 3140 Melbourne VIC., Australia 3001
Phone: (+613) 9215 7206 Phone (+61) 1300 36 36 52
Fax: (+613) 9215 7254 Fax (+613) 8628 2955

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