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Assessing: Is it worth it to go renewable energy

D1, D2,D4

1. Read the articles
2. Research using at least 2 other sites to find the cost and benefits.
3. Cost-benefit analysis table: List 2 costs and 2 benefits of switching to a specific
renewable energy source from fossil fuels.
4. Cite each information with where you found it.
5. Answer the 3 questions below the cost/benefit analysis table

1. Articles: Choose either option: Don’t need to read all three

Easy to read (very general):
1. Renewable energy:
2. Non-Renewable Energy:
Advance (using a case study from the US):
1. Debate on the Green New Deal:

Change to a renewable resource:

D1: Analyze concepts, issues, models, visual representation and/or theories

Cost: What do people/societies have to give Benefit: What kind of benefits are there to
up if they change to a renewable source of using renewable resources.

1. The price to install some renewable 1. Solar/wind.hydroIt doesn’t run out.

energy resources is expensive. You You can always make it and not worry
need to invest a lot of money and it's it will run out like nonrenewable
not guaranteed that it will do well. resources.
Good job looking at the risk of 2. It is better for the environment. Some
switching over the power source renewable resources don’t pollute the
2. Technologies that use nonrenewable environment. This helps with global
resources to function. You will have to warming and climate change. They do
give up those technologies and buy not create byproducts like Carbon
new ones. Also you will have to pay dioxide. Try to be a little bit more
for them too. So it also falls into the specific
category of price too. 3. Less pollution = healthier for living
3. Natural resources can be destroyed things (humans, animals, plants)
by installing renewable technology.
For example, hydroelectric power
plants damage the original river
Good job analyzing the impact of the
cost of switching. I like the focus on
both buying new technologies and
giving up on the old one

D4: Recognize different perspectives and explain their implications

1. Explain: Who/Which groups of people would benefit from this switch from fossil fuel to
renewable energy?
I think the middle and higher social class will benefit from switching from fossil fuels to
renewable energy. Good job identifying a specific group of people This is because they
have more money to buy the new technology and they can provide themselves with
renewable energy. For example, when the government switches to renewable energy
only some groups of people can access it. That would be the middle and higher class
people. Those people can benefit from renewable energy because they are fast on new
information and can get the new technology that uses renewable energy. They have
more connections and it's easier for them to switch to renewable energy. Good job
showing your reasoning on how it will exactly benefit these groups of people but there
might be some misunderstanding unless you are saying the infrastructure of the electric
grid needs to change

2. Explain: Who/which group would least benefit or would not benefit from this switch from
fossil fuel to renewable energy?
The group of people that will least benefit from switching from fossil fuel to renewable energy
are lower working class people, and people who work at fossil fuels companies. They will least
benefit from switching because they don’t have enough money to pay the price to get their
hands on the renewable resource, and it could leave them unemployed. Good job assessing the
impact of the switch Just like the example of the coal miners. When the government tries to
change to use renewable energy many coal workers get unemployed. When the coal workers
are unemployed it affects their families too. For instance, in a family the dad works at a coal
mine. Then the dad loses his job because the coal mine shut down. The family would not have
enough money and it will be hard for the dad to find a new job and take care of the family. GOod
job going in to details of what the impact of unemployment is. So the lower working class would
least benefit from switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

D2: Summarize information to make valid, well-supported arguments.

1. Justify your answer: Do you think it is worth it to switch over from fossil fuels to
renewable energy?
Is it worth it to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy? For me I think it could work for
richer countries where the most citizens have enough money not to be called lower class. I think
it will only work for some countries and communities because they will be more equipped with
money and the majority of people can get their hands on renewable energy. For example,
Thailand wouldn’t be a good country to start using renewable energy. Why? Because there are
way too many financial problems in Thailand right now. Good job showing why not every
country should switch right now. Very nuanced thinking Also it's not guaranteed that it is
accessible for everyone. But for another country that can benefit from renewable energy is
Germany. Germany is the leading country for renewable energy according to
It would be easy for them to switch to a fully renewable nation because they already have tried
to switch to renewable energy and it worked. Renewable energy is mostly accessible to the
majority of people in Germany. That’s why Germany would benefit from switching to renewable
energy. Good job showing the impact in different countries. This is very well argued!

Criterion The student does not The student: The student: The student: The student:
D: reach a standard 1. Begins to analyze 1. Completes a simple 1. Completes a 1. Completes a
Thinking described by any of concepts, issues, analysis of concepts, substantial analysis of detailed analysis of
the descriptors models, visual issues, models, visual concepts, issues, concepts, issues,
critically representation and/or representation and/or models, visual models, visual
theories in a limited theories representation and/or representation
way 2. Summarizes theories and/or theories 2.
2. Begins to identify information to make 2. Summarizes Summarizes
connections between some adequate information to make information to make
information to make argument consistent, usually consistent, well
simple arguments 4. Recognizes valid arguments supported arguments
4. Identifies different different perspectives 4. Clearly recognizes
perspectives. and suggests some of 4. Clearly recognizes different
their implications different perspectives perspectives and
and describe most of consistently explains
their implications. their implications
1. This part could be a little bit more detailed about the impact. Just supplement it with a specific example
2. Your opinion about the suitability for different countries was very well done! Good job recognizing how it
might be better for some countries than others
3. Good job assessing how the switch could impact people from different parts of the communities.


Types of renewable energy. (n.d.). Retrieved from



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