Daily Circumstances That Encounter by The Tricycle Driver in Quezon City Background of The Study

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Background of the Study

Based in Wikipedia, Motorized tricycles, or simply known as tricycles the most popular
means of public transportation in small towns and cities in the Philippines. The driver of that
transportation vehicle is known as the tricycle drivers. The tricycle drivers who carry their
passengers to their desired destination for a small fee, but having such work is a risk to a driver’s
life because it can cause a lot of diseases caused by air pollution and other factors that can affect
the life of a driver. Every driver wants to sustain and provide the needs of their families but what
are their technique and solution to surpass all the challenges in their everyday life.

In the study CNN Philippines by Paulo Taruc says that every tricycle driver has a to
operate within their fixed boundary. These boundaries are divided into different Tricycle
Operators and drivers' Association (TODAs) of Under the Local Government code (LGU). But
what if the drivers didn't reach the quota?

An inspiring story of Raphael Yurag written by Joy says that Raphael chose to be a
tricycle driver because due to poverty he was not able to finish his studies. He only earned in a
day minimum of Php 400 enough for their daily needs. Rafael wants to have degree being a
teacher to provide a better life for his family. At first, his wife didn't want Rafael to pursue to
have a degree but how he saw his husband determined and he also find time to study while he is
waiting for passenger. Using his earnings as a tricycle driver Rafael fulfill his dream to have a
bachelor's degree. But Rafael didn't stop there, Rafael decided to have a master degree. For
Rafael there’s a lot of problem he encountered while he’s studying because he has also a family
to support because he has a limited income per day and also school projects. But Rafael didn't let
those problems get in the way of his dreams. Rafael a tricycle driver determined to finish his
Master's degrees within two years and teach high school and college students in a nearby school.

This study aims to know what are the ways and technique of a tricycle driver to surpass
all the challenges in their life, to discover new ideas and to convinced people out there that every
downs, there are ups it depends on how you will handle things proportionally.
Statement of the Problem

With the increasing numbers of circumstances that the tricycle drivers have encountered
which affect their daily living, the researchers attempted to answer the following questions:

■ How do they support their living as a tricycle driver if difficulties comes in?

■ What are the other issues that they’ve encountered?

■ How much is the income they should earn in a day?

■ Do they experience discrimination since they’re a tricycle driver? Do they still love their

This study aims to know how tricycle drivers surpass the challenges like; Typhoon, Oil price
hike, Rules and regulations, Quota or boundaries, Colorum tricycle. Their health is also at risk
that’s why, we, the researcher wants to know how they will maintain their respiratory health
being exposed in an air polluted environment. We also want to know how they support their
families if those problems come in unexpected situation. To also know what is the effect of the
colorum tricycle to the life of registered tricycle drivers.

Significance of the Study

This study will help out to find out what are the strategical solutions that the tricycle
drivers will do with the circumstances that they have encountered in their daily trip.

- It will help the tricycle drivers in Quezon City to adopt the healthy lifestyle.

- It will help the Barangay and the authorities, for them to be aware on what is happening to the
tricycle drivers who is one of the important people in the society.
- It will help those future researcher because this study can be their basis or guide if they want to
have a research about the how the life of every tricycle goes by.

- It will also help those passenger who usually ride in a tricycle because every tricycle driver also
sacrifice for them to bring them in their desired destination.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to know how the tricycle drivers in E. Rodriquez survive and support
their family needs despite of all the challenges and struggles they've encountered in their daily

The study will be conduct at E. Rodriquez, Quezon City, those tricycle drivers that are registered
in that specific area only. Those tricycle drivers that are not registered on that area or also known
as colorum are not included on the study.

Wikipedia. Motorized tricycle (Philippines)


RachFeed, 2018. Tricycle driver’s studying for a master’s degree in education


Taruc, P. 2015. CNN Philippines, Tricycles: As iconic as jeepneys and just as problematic


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