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Original Paper

Received: July 23, 2002

Caries Res 2004;38:67–74
Accepted after revision: August 28, 2003
DOI: 10.1159/000073923

Scanning Electron Microscopy of

Softened Enamel
M. Eisenburger a R.P. Shellis b M. Addy b
a Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Medical University of Hanover, Hanover, Germany;
b Division of Restorative Dentistry, University of Bristol Dental School, Bristol, UK

Key Words Acid erosion causes a bulk loss of surface enamel and
Demineralisation W Enamel softening W Replicas W leaves a thin layer of softened, partly demineralised sur-
Scanning electron microscopy face enamel. After exposure to citric acid, the softened
layer seems to be about 2–4 Ìm thick [Schweizer-Hirt et
al., 1978; Eisenburger et al., 2000]. Owing to its reduced
Abstract mineral content this layer has a lowered physical resis-
After exposing enamel specimens to 0.3% citric acid at tance and can be easily removed by mechanical forces
pH 3.2 for various times, the acid was titrated to pH 7 such as abrasion [Schweizer-Hirt et al., 1978; Davis and
before rinsing the specimens in water. After freeze-dry- Winter, 1980; Attin at al., 1999; Jaeggi and Lussi, 1999]
ing the specimens were examined by scanning electron or ultrasonication [Eisenburger et al., 2000]. There is
microscopy. This procedure eliminates artefacts due to great interest in the possibility of remineralising softened
drying and mineral precipitation. The results showed enamel, since this would result in its rehardening and
that the outer region of softened enamel is much more preservation. Softened enamel has been remineralised
delicate than previously thought, even after short (5- to experimentally by exposure to supersaturated solutions in
20-min) etching times. Mineral was lost from both prism vitro [Koulourides, 1968; Feagin et al., 1971; White and
boundaries and the prism bodies, resulting in a surface Nancollas, 1988; Collys et al., 1990; Eisenburger et al.,
presenting thin, separate crystal bundles. In further stud- 2001a] and by exposure to the oral environment in situ
ies, replicas of subsurface pores, created by resin im- [Gedalia et al., 1991; Collys et al., 1993; Attin et al.,
pregnation, showed the softening depth to be several 2000].
times greater than is suggested by techniques based on The aim of the work reported here was to examine
removing the softened enamel by physical forces. The enamel softened in vitro by scanning electron microscopy
results point to a need for improved methods of measur- (SEM) using two approaches. We directly examined the
ing softening depth. More importantly, it appears that enamel surface exposed to the acid solution. However,
the outer region of the softened layer remaining after an this approach can give only limited information about
erosive challenge might be too fragile to resist frictional subsurface changes so, in addition, we used a replica tech-
forces in vivo. nique as an indirect means of visualising the internal pore
Copyright © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel structure of softened enamel. Such techniques have been

© 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel Dr. Michael Eisenburger

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used in previous studies in cariology [Shellis and Halls- 12 specimens exposed to acid for 2 h (3 by each technique). In addi-
worth, 1987; Shellis, 1996; Gray and Shellis, 2002]. tion, the 6 specimens exposed for 5–20 min were processed by tech-
nique 1:
There have been numerous SEM studies of acid-etched
(1) Titrated/Freeze-Dried. To reduce the chances of artefactual
or softened enamel surfaces but all used a preparative pro- reprecipitation on transferring specimens from the citric acid to
cedure in which, following exposure to acidic solution, an water, the acid was carefully neutralised after the exposure to acid
enamel specimen is rinsed in water. Except in a few stud- before removing the specimens. In the case of the specimens exposed
ies which used critical point drying [Meurman and Frank, to acid for 2 h, 0.5 ml 1 mol/l NaOH was added every 30 s until the
solution reached pH 7.0. The specimens exposed for 5–20 min were
1991a, b], the washed specimens were air-dried, either
titrated somewhat more quickly; 0.5 ml 1 mol/l NaOH was added as
directly or after removing the water by washing in alcohol. soon as the pH approximately stabilised after addition of the pre-
Specimens prepared in this way are prone to two kinds of vious aliquot, resulting in a rate of addition of about 0.5 ml every
artefact. Firstly, there may be precipitation of mineral at 20 s. After titrating to neutrality, all samples were placed in de-
the surface, resulting from a sudden rise in pH at the sol- ionised water. To avoid collapse of surface structure through surface-
tension effects, the samples were freeze-dried. Specimens were
id/solution interface when samples are transferred from
removed from water and directly submersed in iso-pentane cooled to
the erosive medium to water [Boyde et al., 1978]. Sec- near its freezing point in liquid nitrogen. The frozen specimens were
ondly, the surface of softened enamel is likely to be unsta- then placed on the stage of an EPTD-2 tissue drier (Edwards High
ble because of thinning of the crystals. Boyde et al. [1978] Vacuum, Crawley, Sussex, UK), pre-cooled to –60 ° C, and freeze-
suggested that the SEM appearance of etched enamel is dried for 24 h.
(2) Titrated/Air-Dried. The citric acid was titrated as in (1) above,
influenced by collapse of the surface structure, due to sur-
then rinsed by transferring them to de-ionised water. After rinsing,
face tension effects during the drying process. Therefore, the specimens were removed from the water and allowed to air-dry.
it was necessary, as part of this study, to develop a tech- (3) Rinsed/Freeze-Dried. At the end of the exposure to acid, spec-
nique for avoiding these artefacts. imens were rinsed by transferring directly from citric acid to de-
ionised water. The specimens were then freeze-dried as above.
(4) Rinsed/Air-Dried. Samples were rinsed in de-ionised water
directly after exposure to acid, then removed from the water and
Materials and Methods allowed to air-dry.

Sample Preparation Softened/Ultrasonicated Enamel

Six specimens exposed to acid for 2 h were rinsed with distilled
Enamel specimens were cut from buccal and lingual surfaces of water. To remove the softened layer, the specimens were ultrasoni-
unerupted human third molar teeth and embedded in epoxy resin cated for 30 s at 20 ° C in 70 ml 0.9% saline in a plastic beaker which
blocks as described previously [Eisenburger et al., 2000, 2001a, b]. was in turn placed in 300 ml tap water in an ultrasonic bath (Pul 55,
For the current study blocks were produced in two sizes: small blocks Kerry Ultrasonics Ltd., Hitchin, Hert. UK: power output 100 W at
in moulds measuring 8 ! 5 ! 2 mm and large blocks in moulds 38 kHz). The specimens were then air-dried.
measuring 30 ! 10 ! 7 mm. All specimens were polished with
1,000-grit abrasive papers to produce flat exposed enamel surfaces.
Parallel strips of self-adhesive PVC tape were applied to the polished Replicas
surface of each block to leave an exposed window of enamel approxi-
mately 2 mm wide. Specimens
Eight specimens (4 small, 4 large blocks) were exposed to acid for
2 h, rinsed with distilled water and the tape strips removed. Two
Acid Treatment specimens of each type were ultrasonicated for 30 s as above and
rinsed with distilled water.
Samples were exposed at 35 B 0.2 ° C to 0.3% citric acid adjusted
to pH 3.2 with NaOH. The samples were placed at the bottom of a Resin Impregnation
1-litre glass beaker 10 cm in diameter, containing 300 ml citric acid The specimens were air-dried. The enamel window was then con-
stirred with a two-blade propeller stirrer (RW 11 basic, IKW-Werke, tinuously moistened with drops of acetone for a period of 1 min and
Staufen, Germany) at 270 rpm. Most samples were exposed to acid the specimens left to air-dry again. A dentine adhesive (Scotchbond:
for 2 h, as in previous studies, but 6 further samples were exposed for 3M Dental Products, St. Paul, Minn., USA) was used as the impreg-
5, 10 and 20 min (2 samples each). nation resin. A first coat of the bonding agent was applied using a
disposable mini-sponge applicator and a second coat applied after
30 s. The resin was light-cured for 20 s using a mains-powered light
Samples for Direct Observation curing unit.

Softened Enamel Preparation of Complete Replicas

To assess the effect of preparative technique on the SEM appear- Small blocks were bonded using fissure sealant (Conseal F, South-
ance of the softened enamel surface, four techniques were applied to ern Dental Industries Ltd., Bayswater, Australia) to a Perspex block

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approximately 1 ! 1 cm square with the enamel window contacting by grooves marking the prism boundaries. However, the
the Perspex. The fissure sealant was light-cured for 60 s. The surface crystals were clumped together to give each prism body a
of the block facing away from the Perspex was ground on a lapping
pointed appearance (fig. 3). A crystalline enamel structure
machine to reduce the thickness to less than 1 mm. The specimens
were then exposed to 1 mol/L HCl until the enamel had been dis- could be recognised in specimens that had been rinsed
solved completely (approximately 4 h). Finally the specimens were with water and then freeze-dried (fig. 4), but in this case
gently rinsed with distilled water and air-dried. the surface was partly obscured by a network of material
that consisted partly of sheet-like material and partly of
Preparation of Cross Section Replicas
rod-shaped crystals (fig. 4). The extraneous crystals were
On the large blocks, a thin layer of fissure sealant was applied on
top of the dentine adhesive and light-cured for 60 s. This measure scattered widely over the surface and also formed chain-
was taken to stabilise the bonding agent during the following section- like aggregates. Finally, specimens that were rinsed with-
ing and polishing procedures. Specimens were then sectioned in two out prior titration and then air-dried showed surfaces cov-
across the acid-treated area using a water-cooled diamond-edged ered in a feltwork of randomly orientated crystals lying
blade in a sectioning machine (Microslice 2: Malvern Instruments,
parallel with the specimen surface. The specimen surfaces
Malvern, UK). The cut surfaces of both halves were hand-polished
with 3-Ìm diamond paste on a polishing disc (Engis, Maidstone, showed round lighter areas, apparently associated with
UK). The lengths of the halved blocks were then reduced by cutting prisms, where the crystals appeared to be more closely
off the excess on the sectioning machine, to fit the SEM stubs. The packed (fig. 5).
resulting specimens were etched in 1 mol/l HCl for 5 s, rinsed with The surfaces of specimens that had been ultrasonicated
distilled water and immediately freeze-dried.
after 2-hour exposure to acid showed less relief than in
specimens that had only been acid-treated. The prism
Scanning Electron Microscopy bodies were demarcated by a change in crystal orienta-
tion, and sometimes by a shallow depression, from the
All samples were glued to aluminium SEM stubs and then sput- prism tails (fig. 6). All parts of the surface were obviously
ter-coated twice for 30 s with gold and examined at 20 kV in the
crystalline, but the exposed crystals were much shorter
secondary emission mode in a PC-controlled ISI 60 scanning electron
microscope (SEM Tech Ltd., Bonsall, Derbyshire, UK). and more robust than in surfaces that had not been ultra-
sonicated (fig. 1, 6).

Complete Replicas
Results These presented a view of the internal pores, viewed
from beneath the enamel surface. In specimens which had
Direct Observation of Enamel Surface simply been acid-treated for 2 h before replication, a hon-
Titration of the citric acid solution to pH 7.0 took 5.5– eycomb was formed by replicas of sheet-like, intercon-
6 min. The pH reached 4.5 after 2–2.5 min. In specimens nected pores at the prism boundaries (fig. 7). The upper-
exposed to acid for 2 h, then titrated to neutrality before most edges of the prism-boundary replicas appeared
rinsing and freeze-drying, the prisms appeared as brush- rounded. In the intervening pits which were the sites of
like bundles of delicate crystals or groups of crystals sepa- the prism bodies, the surface of the replica was often
rated by etched prism junctions (fig. 1). In the prism bod- rough and perforated by numbers of holes (fig. 7). In spec-
ies the crystals were mostly parallel with the prism direc- imens which had been ultrasonicated after exposure to
tion, although some deviation from this orientation was acid, the replicas again had a honeycomb-like appearance
seen at the outermost part of the surface. The difference in but the pits were shallower (fig. 8). A commonly observed
crystal orientation between the prism bodies and the feature was the presence of a row of prominent holes at
prism tails was easily distinguished (fig. 1). the junction between the prism body and the prism
Specimens that had been exposed to acid for shorter boundary.
times showed thin, delicate crystals projecting from the
surface, even after 5 min (fig. 2), but the crystals were Cross Section Replicas
somewhat shorter than after 2 h of acid treatment These gave a lateral view of the morphology of the
(fig. 1, 2). internal pores within the softened layer. In specimens that
Various combinations of treatments are compared in had been only acid-treated, most of the pore replicas
figures 3–5. Titration to neutrality, followed by rinsing in appeared as sheet-like structures which, from their tube-
water and air-drying, produced a surface in which the like form and their spacing, represented the prism bound-
prism bodies were elevated and separated from each other aries (fig. 9). The prism-boundary replicas extended for

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Fig. 1. Surface of enamel softened by acid treatment for 2 h. Fig. 6. Surface of enamel softened by acid treatment for 2 h, follow-
Titrated/freeze-dried specimen, showing prisms consisting of bun- ing ultrasonication and air-drying. Crystal aggregates, much coarser
dles of fine crystals. The change in crystal orientation at the prism than in figure 1, are seen. The division into prisms is marked by
boundaries can be seen. Bar = 2 Ìm. changes in orientation of the crystal bundles. Bar = 2 Ìm.
Fig. 2. Surface of enamel softened by acid treatment for 5 min. Fig. 7. Complete replica of enamel softened by acid treatment for
Titrated/freeze-dried specimen, showing prisms from the surface of 2 h, viewed from beneath the original surface. A continuous, pseudo-
which project thin, delicate crystals. Bar = 5 Ìm. hexagonal network of prism-boundary replicas is prominent. The
Fig. 3. Surface of enamel softened by acid treatment for 2 h. intervening surfaces, representing intraprismatic pores, are rough
Titrated/air-dried specimen. The crystalline structure of the prism and present holes which are presumably the sites of large crystal
bodies and tails is evident but there is obvious aggregation, and the aggregates. Bar = 4 Ìm.
fine crystals visible in freeze-dried specimens (fig. 1) cannot be dis- Fig. 8. Complete replica of enamel softened by acid treatment for
tinguished. Bar = 2 Ìm. 2 h, then ultrasonicated. Prism-boundary replicas are much shorter
Fig. 4. Surface of enamel softened by acid treatment for 2 h. Rinsed/ than before ultrasonication (see fig. 6). Pronounced holes in the intra-
freeze-dried specimen. The finely crystalline structure of the true sur- prismatic regions tend to be concentrated next to the prism bound-
face (see fig. 1) can be seen, but this is overlaid by a network-like aries. Bar = 4 Ìm.
deposit which is partly amorphous and sheet-like, and partly crystal- Fig. 9. Cross section replica of enamel softened by acid treatment for
line. Bar = 2 Ìm. 2 h, disclosed by etching with HCl. The resin layer is at the top of the
Fig. 5. Surface of enamel softened by acid treatment for 2 h. Rinsed/ field. Replicas of prism boundaries (examples marked by asterisks)
air-dried specimen. The true enamel surface is covered by randomly extend into the enamel. Between these, rough profiles represent the
arranged rod-shaped crystals. Round, light areas where crystal densi- surface of replicas of intraprismatic pores. Bar = 4 Ìm.
ty appears to be highest appear to correspond in size and spacing to Fig. 10. Cross section replica of enamel softened by acid treatment
prisms. Bar = 2 Ìm. for 2 h, then ultrasonicated, disclosed by etching with HCl. The resin
layer is at the top of the field. Prism-boundary replicas (examples
marked by asterisks) are very short (see fig. 8). Bar = 4 Ìm.

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9–12 Ìm from the inner boundary of the Scotchbond into associated with the air/water interface as it moves through
the enamel, becoming thinner with depth. Between the the tissue during drying [Boyde et al., 1978].
prism-junction replicas the surface of the replica appeared We do not, of course, claim that the images presented
jagged (fig. 9). In specimens which had been ultrasoni- here are free of all artefact, only that we have minimised
cated after exposure to acid, the prism-boundary replicas two kinds of artefact of which we were aware. For
were distinctly shorter and thicker (fig. 10). instance, the titration/freeze-drying technique introduces
some error into the etching time, which is extended by the
titration process. However, demineralisation rate falls
Discussion logarithmically with pH [Davis and Winter, 1980] and is
negligible at pH 4.5, which is reached during the titration
The concentration and pH of the citric acid solution procedure after only about 2 min. Therefore, the increase
used here were selected on the basis of analyses of soft in demineralisation time is probably relatively small,
drinks tabulated by Hughes et al. [1999]. Under the con- even for short acid exposure times, e.g. 5–10 min.
ditions used here, the thickness of the softened layer pla- In the mouth, pH does not rise abruptly after ingestion
teaus after 1 h, so is at a maximum after the 2-hour acid of an erosive drink [Millward et al., 1997], but rises pro-
exposure time [Eisenburger et al., 2000, 2001a, b], pre- gressively, at about the same rate used in our titrations.
sumably having reached a steady state in which the rate of Moreover, in vivo softened tooth surfaces normally re-
enamel loss at the surface equals the rate of acid penetra- main moist and are not exposed to drying processes which
tion into the tissue. The shorter acid exposure times were would expose them to forces tending to collapse the sur-
chosen to be more representative of single intakes of ero- face structure. On these grounds we believe that the titra-
sive drinks. tion/freeze-drying procedure provides a reasonably accu-
As noted in the ‘Introduction’, Boyde et al. [1978] rate image of a surface freshly softened in vivo. Specimens
identified two possible artefacts in acid-treated enamel prepared using both the titration technique and freeze-
surfaces and we have adopted techniques intended to drying show that the surface of softened enamel left after
eliminate or minimise them. Our comparative experi- exposure to acid under the conditions used here, with
ments support the hypothesis [Boyde et al., 1978] that partly dissolved bundles of crystals separated by relatively
simple, conventional preparation methods tend to intro- large spaces, is much more delicate than previous SEM
duce artefact. The crystals which covered, partially or images have suggested. The outermost layer will clearly be
completely, the surfaces of specimens which had been extremely vulnerable to mechanical forces. This has ob-
rinsed without prior neutralisation of the citric acid seem vious implications for intra-oral wear, which are dis-
to be extraneous, since there seems to be no reason, if they cussed later in the paper. However, our observations on
were a genuine part of the acid-treated surface, why they softened surfaces also have implications for accuracy of
should not also appear on the specimens which had been measuring the thickness of the softened layer. First, dry-
titrated before washing. The presence of the crystals is ing will cause the outer softened layer to collapse, result-
explicable by the hypothesis [Boyde et al., 1978] that ing in underestimation by any technique. Secondly, the
where an acidic, saturated solution diffusing out from the mineral content of the outermost softened layer might
subsurface enamel contacts water at the enamel surface, well be too low for microradiography. Thirdly, profilom-
the resulting rapid neutralisation leads to precipitation. eter measurements will be affected by the tendency of the
Whereas rinsed/air-dried specimens were covered with a stylus to penetrate the outer, most demineralised layer.
quite dense layer of crystals, rinsed/freeze-dried speci- The replication technique used here is quick and sim-
mens presented a network of material which appeared to ple and, as described below, provides useful information
be only partly crystalline. We suggest that the partly amor- about subsurface changes in structure. However, it is
phous appearance is due to the inhibition of crystal important to be aware of potential artefacts. Both com-
growth by the low temperature during freeze-drying, plete and cross section replicas of softened enamel give
while the discontinuous distribution is the result of a the impression that most of the subsurface porosity was
phase separation during freezing, solute-containing solu- associated with the prism boundaries. While this is con-
tion becoming concentrated at the interfaces between sistent with the higher porosity and raised solubility at
growing ice crystals. The clumping of the partly dissolved these sites [Shellis, 1996], and with the etch pattern
enamel crystals seen in specimens air-dried after titration observed at the surface [Meurman and ten Cate, 1996], it
of the citric acid is attributable to surface tension forces seems likely that the present replica techniques under-

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represent the extent of intraprismatic demineralisation. The discrepancy is probably due to penetration of the out-
The extremely fragile outer layer will probably contain ermost softened layer by the profilometer stylus, so that
such a high proportion of resin that it would appear as the height of the trace is inaccurate.
part of the supporting resin, rather than of the enamel. Problems in measuring the softening depth, such as
Replication of deeper, less demineralised intraprismatic collapse of the outer layer on drying, could in principle be
enamel might have been incomplete because the contact overcome by the use of confocal laser scanning microsco-
time between resin and enamel was very short, and py of hydrated samples. However, so far confocal laser
because infiltration was not assisted by thorough dehydra- scanning microscopy has only been applied to early stages
tion and slow polymerisation as used in more exacting of softening [Duschner et al., 2000] and its application to
methods [Shellis and Hallsworth, 1987]. Finally, it was advanced softening needs to be tested. In addition, stud-
found in pilot experiments that when complete replicas ies to correlate the CLSM image with mineral loss, as
were freeze-dried, the thin terminal portions of the prism- measured by microradiography, and resistance to physi-
boundary replicas collapsed and formed a film which cal forces such as ultrasonication, indentation or abrasion
obscured the surface of the specimen. For this reason, the are required.
complete replicas were air-dried, but this causes the prism It has been shown that etch patterns at the surface of
boundaries to appear shorter and more rounded than in acid-treated enamel can persist for long periods in the
the cross section replicas. mouth [Garberoglio and Cozzani, 1979; Collys et al.,
Despite these limitations, the replicas provided valu- 1991; Kuroiwa et al., 1994]. However, the relevance of
able information. The complete replicas showed that sof- these observations in the context of softening is limited,
tening had resulted in confluence and enlargement of the since in all these studies the enamel was etched with 30–
prism boundaries, which would have removed support 50% phosphoric acid for 15–120 s, as in clinical practice.
from the prisms. The cross section replicas show that acid This etching technique is much more aggressive than an
damage extends to a depth of 9–12 Ìm below the surface erosive challenge and is usually followed by thorough
and even this depth will be an underestimate if, as sug- washing to remove secondary calcium phosphate precipi-
gested above, the most demineralised part of the softened tates, so results in a mechanically robust surface, capable
layer is not detectable within the resin. These observa- of resisting intra-oral forces. In contrast, it seems highly
tions indicate that the depth of 2–4 Ìm measured by ultra- unlikely that the delicate outermost layer of citric acid-
sonication after 2 h exposure to acid [Eisenburger et al., softened enamel revealed by the titration/freeze-drying
2000] is a considerable underestimate of the softening procedure would withstand even mild intra-oral frictional
depth. The discrepancy is probably accounted for by two forces for long. If this were the case, the layer would prob-
factors. First, the outer, most demineralised part of the ably be lost irreversibly soon after being created by an ero-
softened layer probably offers so little resistance to a pro- sive challenge and would stand little chance of being con-
filometer stylus (see above) that it does not register. Sec- solidated by remineralisation. To explore further the fate
ondly, the deeper parts of the softened enamel, where of softened enamel, further studies to examine specimens
demineralisation appears to be mostly confined to the exposed to erosive challenges in situ are necessary.
prism boundaries, might offer the same resistance as
sound enamel to ultrasonication, thus causing the sof-
tened/sound enamel interface to appear higher than it is.
After ultrasonication of softened enamel, the reduction
in length of the prism-boundary replicas to 3–4 Ìm from
9–12 Ìm showed that most of the softened enamel is vul-
nerable to this physical force. Figure 5 suggests that enam-
el left behind by ultrasonication is still partly demineral-
ised, showing that this technique does not remove all sof-
tened enamel but only that fraction which has passed a
certain threshold of mineral loss. Nevertheless, the differ-
ence in depth of the prism-boundary replicas between
acid-treated and acid-treated/ultrasonicated enamel (5–
9 Ìm) still exceeded previous estimates of softening depth
after 2-hour exposure to acid [Eisenburger et al., 2000].

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