Most Essential Learning Competencies (Melcs)

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SCHOOL ID: 307906
Lesson 1: Background, Rationale, And
Development Of Melcs
Answer the following reflective questions in your Study Notebook:
1. The closure of schools around the world due to the global pandemic posed serious challenges
on the delivery of quality basic education. As a teacher, what do you think are the
fundamental concerns in terms of curriculum standards that need to be addressed in order to
ensure learning continuity? Cite a specific example. Do you think these concerns could be
solved by teachers alone? Why or why not?
2. Even prior to the spread of COVID-19 that eventually led to the closure of schools
nationwide, the congested curriculum has been a perennial problem of teachers (Andaya,
2018). This is perceived to be one of the hindering factors on the poor performance of Filipino
learners. Do you agree with this observation? Why or why not?


1. As a teacher, I think the fundamental concerns in terms of curriculum standards that need
to be addressed in order to ensure learning continuity are as follows:
 Mapping of the essential and desirable learning competencies within the curriculum;
 Identification of prerequisite knowledge and skills needed to prepare students for
essential learning competencies; and
 Analysis of the interconnected prerequisite knowledge and skills among the learning
competencies for each subject area.
I think these concerns could not be solved by teachers alone because Curriculum
specialists, academic experts, and field implementers should work together in continuing
commitment to ensure quality, relevant, and liberating education.
2. Yes, because of the congested curriculum it resulted to insufficient mastery of the basic
competencies and reflected on the poor performance of the Filipino learners.

Familiarize yourself with the course reading on the Development and Design of the MELCs.
After going through the document, provide a brief and concise response to the following guide
questions. Write your answers in your Study Notebook.
1. What are the general and specific purposes of the development of MELCs?
2. How does curriculum review aid in the identification of essential learning competencies?
3. What is the difference between essential learning competencies and desirable learning
4. How were the most essential learning competencies identified? What were the decisions
made in order to trim down the number of the essential learning competencies further?
5. What is the importance of the MELCs in ensuring the delivery of quality instruction??

1. The Department of Education affirms its commitment to sustain the delivery of quality,
accessible, relevant, and liberating Philippine basic education services anchored on the
Sulong Edukalidad framework. Moreover, DepED continue striving to produce holistic
Filipino learners with 21st century skills and for that reason, the Bureau of Curriculum
Development ensures that learning standards are relevant and flexible to address the
complex, disruptive, volatile, and ambiguous impact of COVID-19 in the Philippines
particularly in the basic education sector. The release of the MELCs is not just a response
to addressing the challenges of the current pandemic but is also part of the Department’s
long-term response to the call of SDG4 to develop resilient education systems, most
especially during emergencies.
2. The review focused on articulation within and across learning areas and grade levels,
which led to the identification of gaps, issues, and concerns. Moreover, areas for
improvement that would enhance the learning engagement, experience, and outcomes
were identified and consequent solutions were recommended.
3. Essential learning competencies were defined as what the students need, considered
indispensable, in the teaching-learning process to build skills to equip learners for
subsequent grade levels and consequently, for lifelong learning. On the other hand,
desirable learning competencies were defined as what may enhance education but may not
be necessary in building foundational skills.
4. The most essential learning competencies were identified by determining the criteria for
the selection of the MELCs and endurance was considered the primary determining factor.
A learning competency is considered enduring if it remains with learners long after a test
or unit of study is completed or if it is useful beyond a single test or unit of study. In this
process is the decision whether a learning competency is to be retained, merged, dropped,
or rephrased.
5. The identification of MELCs intends to provide instructional space among field
partners/implementer to deliver quality instruction amidst the limited learning modalities
and shortening of the school year.

Prepare a copy of your learning area’s original K-12 Curriculum Guide and corresponding
list of MELCs. Go to the sections of the curriculum guide and MELCs that are relevant to your
instructional needs. Copy and accomplish the following table in your Study Notebook and compare
the two documents to determine which learning competencies were retained, dropped, or merged.
Lesson 2: Unpacking And Combining Melcs
Into Learning Objectives
Familiarize yourself with the course reading on Unpacking and Combining the MELCs. After
reading the document, provide a brief and concise response to the following guide questions in
your Study Notebook:
1. What is the importance of unpacking and combining the MELCs?
2. What considerations must be taken in unpacking and combining the MELCs? Explain each.
3. Do all the MELCs need to be unpacked or combined? Why or why not?

1. The importance of unpacking and combining the MELCs is to systematize learning
activities and effectively address the varying needs of learners and the challenges of
instructional deliveries.
2. In unpacking the MELCs into learning objectives, you need to consider the following:
 Alignment on the Content and Performance Standards - The MELCs are not a
departure from the standards-based design, which is one of the main features of the K
to 12 Curriculum. In fact, there are no MELCs without the content and performance
 Prerequisite knowledge and skills-It is worth noting that the identified MELCs cater to
higher-order cognitive demands. As such, lower cognitive demand may be considered
first in creating learning objectives. This ensures that prerequisite knowledge and
skills that would enable the achievement of MELCs and eventually the content and
performance standards are addressed.
 Logical sequence of learning objectives-Since the intention of unpacking the MELCs
is to provide systematic learning experiences for learners, it is incumbent that the
unpacked learning objectives follow a logical sequence.
3. Yes, it is important to unpack or combined the MELCs for us to deliver effectively the
lesson so that topics would be easily too understood by the learners.

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