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Summative assessment (Letter to politician)

Goal: Convince government to give a subsidy for the green technology

-Subsidy: Giving money to a business to help make it grow
Role: Concerned citizen
Audience: A politician who can direct investment into green technology
Situation: You are trying to pitch a specific product and argue why it is worth it
Product: a letter
Standards: Criteria A, C, D

Step 1: You can choose which politician you want to write to
-Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
-Senator Jim Inhofe
-Any other (Could be Thai or other nationality)
Step 2: Follow the format and conventions of a letter
Step 3: Paragraph 1: Thank them for reading. Introduce yourself. State the purpose of the letter
Step 4: Paragraph 2: Discuss the environmental sustainability of the product
Step 5: Paragraph 3: Discuss the economical sustainability/viability of the product
Step 6: Call to action. Explain why it is important to have green technology
Step 7: End the letter using the proper format.
Step 8: Complete an OPVL for a different source you used for green technology
Step 9: Cite all the sources you used in APA citations


Name Olivia Bun

Address 4367 Coal Street, Du Bois
Address PA Pennsylvania 15801
Phone 814-371-3799

Dear Senator Jim Inhofe,

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I appreciate your efforts in providing
superb political leadership in the community. I am a citizen living in the U.S. and I want to
express my concern about waste in landfills, specifically food waste. With your lead to create
better policies that support green technology, it will improve the U.S contribution to global
warming and lessen our needs for chemical fertilizers.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, approximately 30-40% of the

food supply is food waste. Which is about “133 billion pounds and $161 billion worth of food”.
When a large amount of food waste goes into landfills it creates greenhouse gases like methane
and carbon dioxide. These gases get trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere and result in global
warming. The use of chemical fertilizers makes the toxins build up in the soil, making the soil not
good to use long term. Those chemicals also runoff to pollute nearby water supply. Eventually to
the ocean, killing off the biodiversity in that particular ecosystem. In addition, humans consume
the crops grown by fertilizers. The chemicals can possibly mutate that cell's genetic material that
makes us sick. An illness caused by excessive fertilizer is cancer.

Our organization WISErg specializes in composting food waste. Our product is

combining biological science with engineering to convert food waste into agricultural products.
The goal of our product is to create organic fertilizers to replace chemical fertilizers. With the
WISErg product, we can compost food waste into agricultural products. Composting can
promote organic farming without the use of chemical fertilizers that is bad for the environment
and citizens. When the food waste is composted and turned into organic fertilizers, it can help
save the environment. By creating less greenhouse gases, less water pollution, promote
healthier diets, and less soil pollution. Meaning food waste will be composted rather than going
to landfills and that creates less greenhouse gases. With less chemicals going into soil and
water, it will help maintain biodiversity in the natural ecosystem. Also to keep us safe from crops
that are grown by chemical fertilizers that can harm our health. With your support, we can
partner up with more grocery stores to accumulate more food waste and support organic
farming around the country.

Speaking economically, the country is demanding more and more chemical fertilizers for
agricultural use every year because of the mass production of agricultural crops. But with our
product the U.S. can lower our needs on chemical fertilizers.The billions of dollars that goes into
investing in chemical fertilizers can lower, and can be invested in other needs that will boost the
economy. Such as our organic fertilizer. WISErg products depend on food waste that can be
locally sourced. To create organic fertilizers, which can replace chemical fertilizers. Agricultural
farmers can buy the organic fertilizers to use in their farms. WISErg organic fertilizers are safer
than chemical fertilizers. Mostly because the fertilizer does not contain any chemicals or toxins
that is bad for the environment and human health. The crop that is grown organically can be
imported or exported to make money for the economy as well.

WISErg food waste converter is a green technology that needs to be used more in the
United States. Our product is similar to the proverb, “Kill two birds with one stone.” Meaning our
product can replace chemical fertilizer(economically) and lower the U.S contribution to global
warming(environmentally). Replacing chemical fertilizers, we can save billions of dollars, to
invest in other needs. The money that usually goes into investing in chemical fertilizers can go
into our green technology. Additionally, less food waste going into landfills means creating less
greenhouse gases. Which is what we need to help the environment. Also this technology can
create more job opportunities for people who are interested in this field of work. Such as
engineers, scientists, and easier jobs like truck drivers to collect the food waste. When the U.S
grows 100% organic crops it will attract a large group of global consumers who are willing to buy
our locally grown crops. We can import and export the crops to earn money too. Creating more
jobs, lowering our needs for chemical fertilizers, and selling organic crops will soon help the
country economically. Investing in our product will significantly help the country’s economy.

Thank you once again for reading this letter. I hope we can meet and discuss more
about how WISErg green technology will help lower the U.S contribution on global warming by
food waste in landfills. I will be waiting for your investment and support in this green technology.
Together we can lower the amount of greenhouse gases that goes into the atmosphere which
creates global warming, and boost the economy at the same time. The world is rapidly changing
everyday, we have to adapt to the new way of living without hurting the environment to maintain
a healthy lifestyle for everyone.

Reducing the Impact of Wasted Food by Feeding the Soil and Composting. (2020, May 08).

Retrieved from

-soil-and-composting#:~:text=Organic waste in landfills generates,higher yields of

agricultural crops.

Origin Purpose Value Limitations

This source is The purpose of this ● “Organic This site was biased
called the United information is to waste in towards the
States inform people about landfills benefits of
Environmental a solution for generates, composting and
Protection Agency. wasted food. The methane, a how it helps the
The site is also an solution is how potent environment. I
official government composting helps greenhouse wouldn’t trust this
site. with reducing food gas. By site 100% because
waste. The purpose composting it’s biased toward
was to inform wasted food composting. I will
people about and other only use the
composting organics, information in the
methane site to talk about
emissions the benefit of
are composting. If I
significantly want to decide
reduced. whether or not it is
● Compost good to compost, I
reduces and will find a different
site with the cons.
in some Then think about
cases the cost and benefit
eliminates of the two to decide
the need for on the final choice.
chemical Also the website
fertilizers.” was supporting
saving the
environment as
This information is well. So it is biased
important because towards
it shows the composting.
benefits of
composting. I can
use this information
to persuade the
senator to consider
the green


Delventhal, S. (2020, August 28). The 10 Fastest Growing Green Startups in 2019. Retrieved



Food Waste FAQs. (n.d.). Retrieved from the

United States, food,worth of food in 2010.

Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Reducing the Impact of Wasted Food by Feeding the Soil and Composting. (2020, May 08).

Retrieved from
-soil-and-composting#:~:text=Organic waste in landfills generates,higher yields of

agricultural crops.

Wreglesworth, R. (2019, June 10). What happens to food waste in landfills? The full

environmental impact. Retrieved from


Gardener, E. (2018, November 18). The Pros and Cons of Organic and Chemical Fertilizers.

Retrieved from

s#:~:text=Doesn't Improve Soil Structure,do not contain organic matter.

Criterion The student does not The student: The student: The student: The student:
A: reach a standard 1. Makes limited use 1. Uses some 1. Uses considerable 1. Consistently uses a
Knowing described by any of of terminology terminology relevant terminology range of terminology
the descriptors below. 2. Demonstrates basic accurately accurately accurately
knowledge and 2. Demonstrates 2. Demonstrates 2. Demonstrates
understand understanding of satisfactory substantial detailed knowledge
ing content and concepts knowledge and knowledge and and understanding of
through limited understanding of understanding of content and concepts
descriptions and/or content and concepts content and concepts through developed
examples. through simple through descriptions, and accurate
descriptions, explanations and descriptions,
explanations and/or examples. explanations and
examples examples

Criterion The student does not The student: The student: The student: The student:
C: reach a standard 1. Communicates 1. Communicates 1. Communicates 1. Communicates
Communic described by any of information and ideas information and ideas information and ideas information and ideas
the descriptors in a style that is not in a way that is in a way that is mostly in a way that is
always clear somewhat clear appropriate to the completely clear
2. Organizes 2. Somewhat audience and purpose 2. Structures
information and ideas organizes information 2. Mostly structures information and ideas
in a limited way and ideas information and ideas completely according
3. Lists sources of 3. Creates an adequate according to the task to the task instructions
information reference list and instruction 3. Creates a complete
Inconsistently. sometimes cites 3. Create adequate reference list and
sources reference list and always cites sources
usually cites sources

Criterion The student does not The student: The student: The student: The student:
D: reach a standard 1. Begins to analyze 1. Completes a simple 1. Completes a 1. Completes a
concepts, issues, analysis of concepts, substantial analysis of detailed analysis of
Thinking described by any of models, visual issues, models, visual concepts, issues, concepts, issues,
critically the descriptors representation and/or representation and/or models, visual models, visual
theories in a limited theories representation and/or representation and/or
way 2. Summarizes theories theories 2.
2. Begins to identify information to make 2. Summarizes Summarizes
connections between some adequate information to make information to make
information to make argument 3. Analyses consistent, usually consistent, well
simple arguments sources/data in terms valid arguments supported arguments
3. Recognizes the of origin and purpose, 3. Analyses a range of 3. Effectively analyses
origin and purpose of recognizing some sources/data in terms a range of
few sources/data as values and limitations of origin and purpose, sources/data in terms
well as few values and 4. Recognizes usually recognizing of origin and purpose,
limitations of different perspectives values and limitations consistently
sources/data. and suggests some of 4. Clearly recognizes recognizing values
4. Identifies different their implications different perspectives and limitations
perspectives. and describe most of 4. Clearly recognizes
their implications. different perspectives
and consistently
explains their

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