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Box 3.14 Supe rnjde~Pho tos hop ped for H& M ads in Dubai
The Swed ish muftiiqi o nal Hennes & M auritz AB, popu larly known as H&M , is famous for
its fast-fash ion clothing in over the world. H&M, as its business strategy, w ants to communicate its
consumers across 57 co untries (where H&M has its own store out lets) about the laun ching of new design , latest
dress materials, etc., as fast as possible. Usually they do it by developin g inn ovative advertisements involving
supermodels. The famo us super model Gisele BUndchen was roped in to populari se its new range of apparel
products. She successfully did it in most of the European countries and the company was also very hap py with
her effectiveness in popularising H&M 1s apparel products. However, the company was not very sure about
the effectiveness of the same campaign in Middle East countries. On scrutiny it was found that in almost all
the photo shoots the model was wearing bikini and those campaign were super hit in EU. The company was
sure about huge demand of that particular apparel range in Middle East countries too. But the company was
not sure about acceptance of an European model in Middle East countries. However changing m odel and re
shooting w ould take time as well as an expensive proposition. The company first as ked its local office to verify
acceptability of Brazilian origin super model Gisele BUndchen in Middle East countries. To t heir surprise it was
reveal ed that Gisele BUndchen is hugely popular in this part of the world and advertising appeal invo lving her
woul d also be massive in the Middle East. Hence the company decided not to change the model for its cam -
paign in Middle East countries. But the main problem was with the bikini she was wearing as because she need
to have full body cover for the advertisements meant for Middle East countries. The company decided to obey
th e law of the land and put a full body cover on Gisele B0ndchen by digitally altering the campaign. The images
w ere, thereafter all subjected to Photoshopping with at-shirt or vest added under the clothes al lowing only
revelation of arms. When these campaigns came out for public viewing in magazi nes circulated in GCC co un-
tri es there were no controversy regarding disobeying country1s legal system. At the same time H&M did a brisk
business in the M iddle East countries. H&M s recourse through photo shopping was not altogether the new
thing amongst international marketers when they came to market their products in to somewhat orthodox
co untries where legal system is dictated by the r~gion. Th~ Great Barbie did it previous ly when her usual sl im
model li ke body was made to be fully covered wi th cloths Just to go along the legal system of the countries.
Source: The Daily Mail Online, 16 May 2011.

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