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Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical


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Visco-elastic behavior of articular cartilage under

applied magnetic field and strain-dependent

Usman Ali & Javed I. Siddique

To cite this article: Usman Ali & Javed I. Siddique (2020): Visco-elastic behavior of articular
cartilage under applied magnetic field and strain-dependent permeability, Computer Methods in
Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2020.1744134

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Published online: 07 May 2020.

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Visco-elastic behavior of articular cartilage under applied magnetic field

and strain-dependent permeability
Usman Alia and Javed I. Siddiqueb
Department of Mathematics, Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan; bDepartment of Mathematics, Penn
State University, York, Pennsylvania, USA


In the present article, we investigate the biomechanical response of a fiber reinforced solid Received 20 November 2019
matrix (soft tissue) saturated with an electrically conducting fluid. A constant magnetic field was Accepted 15 March 2020
exposed to the binary mixture of fluid and deformable porous solid. The governing mechanism
of multiphasic deformation was based on the loading imposed at the rigid bony interface. The
fluid flow through the cartilage network depends upon the rate of applied compression and (MHD); mixture theory;
strain-dependent permeability of the solid matrix. The components of the mixture were intrinsic- articular cartilage; solid
ally incompressible; however, in the derivation of governing dynamics, the visco-elastic behavior deformation; bio-medical
of the solid and an interstitial fluid was developed. The continuum mixture theory was engineering
employed in modeling solid deformation and local fluid pressure. We incorporated strain-
dependent permeability in the governing equations of binary mixture that was found in an early
experimental study. The governing non-linear coupled system of partial differential equations
was developed for the solid deformation and fluid pressure in the presence of Lorentz forces. In
the case of strain-dependent permeability, a numerical solution is computed using the method
of lines (MOL), whereas, the exact solution is provided when permeability is kept constant.
Graphical results highlight the influence of various physical parameters on both solid displace-
ment and fluid pressure.

1. Introduction depends upon numerous factors, like, depth, topo-

graphical positioning, age, degeneration, ultra-
The continuum mixture theory successfully employed
structural fixation, and inter-molecular arrangement.
in modeling the problems of fluid-solid interaction
during the passage of fluids through elastic as well as On a micro level, this complex organic mixture
rigid porous materials. This theory used to specify the behaves like a fiber reinforced deformable porous
multiphasic nature of the saturated tissues during material. The governing dynamics involved in the
deformation, either by external loading or fluid sur- deformation depends upon the forces associated with
rounding the cavities of hydrated tissues. Although the fluid flow.
morphology between interconnecting tissues, like, Pioneering work in this area dates back to the
skin, cartilage, cornea, and aorta is different, but all study of Hunter (Hunter, 1743). Until the nineteenth
these soft biological tissues composed of similar century, this soft tissue was devoid of all the bio-
organic constituents in different proportions. The bio- logical activities. This consideration was due to the
mechanical response of these tissues depends upon fact that cartilage tissues are virtually isolated from
the composition, configuration, bonding, and inter- the body. It is worth mentioning here; cartilage tis-
action of mixture during deformation. Particularly, sues have no blood flow along with complete isolation
articular cartilage is a complex biological tissue com- from the lymphatic and nerves system of the body. In
posed of dense woven type collage fabric matrix cov- the advancement of modern technology, a variety of
ered and filled with aggregate proteoglycan fluids. different pictures have been presented using a radio-
The organic composition of the solid matrix consists active tracer, electronic microscopy scanning, and bio-
of approximately 65 percent of collagen, 25 percent chemical technology, etc. These studies opened a new
proteoglycans, and the remaining 10 percent other era for researchers in understanding the dynamics of
glycoproteins, in the dry weight. This composition fluid lubrication and solid deformation. An unsolved


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problem was of pertaining fluid flow through the cav- equations by which they described the solid deform-
ities of diarthrodial joints that was the main obstacle ation produced in the cartilage domain.
which needs to accommodate (Mow and Lai, 1979). Spilker et al. (Spilker et al., 1992) employed the
The fluid-solid interaction during the passage of fluid finite element method in solving the governing system
was challenging because the motion of the fluid and of equations that were used to explore the stress
solid deformation take place simultaneously (Mow relaxation behavior of soft tissues. In this study, a
and Lai, 1980; Lai and Mow, 1979). Due to this multi- thin layer of hydrated tissue of the circular plane was
phasic deformation, a non-linear linkage has been investigated. They divided the specimen into both
established between the components of the mixture thin and thick wall and studied the effects of tissue
(Mow et al., 1982; Hlavacek, 2010). Later on, this thickness on the solid expansion (deformation). This
non-linearity was managed using non-linear perme- study predicted that the rigid bony interface has a
ability, in modeling these problems for attaining more negligible influence on tissue response far away from
feasible theoretical results. the interface. In the present study, we employed con-
Mow et al. (Mow et al., 1980) have examined the tinuum mixture theory in modeling the deformation
creep and stress relaxation behavior of articular cartil- during the passage of fluids, in the presence of mag-
age. They considered mechanical properties of the netic fields.
constituents, as well as physical interaction between The pioneering work in the development of this
phases, were rheological. The solid matrix and fluid theory is due to the study of Fick (Fick, 1855), which
were assumed to be intrinsically in-compressible and was followed by Darcy (Darcy, 1851). Moreover, the
latest version has been formulated by Truesdell
non-dissipative. They formulated the governing
(Truesdell and Noll, 1965), and Atkin and Craine
dynamics using constant permeability which was
(Atkin and Craine, 1976) as well. In the field of bio-
independent of the rate of solid deformation; how-
science, this theory has been used by Lai et al. (Lai
ever, the volume-metric ratio of solid to fluid was
et al., 1990) and Myers et al. (Myers et al., 1995).
taken in such a way that it changed with the depth.
Furthermore, Siddique and Kara (Siddique and Kara,
In this study, large separation in the permeability
2016) used binary mixture theory and modeled the
coefficient has been reported due to the fixed rate of
magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) effects on a capillary
solid deformation. Their theoretical predictions were
rise phenomenon through sponge type material. The
inconsistent with experimental findings.
main idea used in the modeling MHD process is the
Later on, Myers et al. (Myers et al., 1984) studied
forces action of applied magnetic field on electrically
an ion-induced swelling of cartilage tissues. They
conducting fluids. These processes have relevance in
placed a thin and dimensionally measured specimen
various contexts, like, MRI (magnetic resonance imag-
in the ionic bath of solution (NaCl solution in water). ing), the study of plasma, drug targeting, and separ-
An ion-induced swelling behavior has been reported ation of isotopes, etc. In 2011, Eldabe et al. (Eldabe
that conformed an isotropic in-homogeneous nature et al., 2011) studied the effects of magnetic fields on
of articular cartilage. They found a linear contraction the flow of a bi-viscosity fluid through deformable
in the tissues network by increasing molar concentra- porous materials. His work was followed by many
tion ac of the solution. Their work extended the bin- authors (Naseem et al., 2018; Siddique and Kara,
ary mixture model to a triphasic model, in which an 2016; Siddique and Ahmed, 2019) to examine MHD
ion-induced strain was introduced. Particularly, the effects on the solid deformation produced in the
theoretical prediction of this study successfully soft tissues.
explained the transient forced history described in the In the articular cartilage, proteoglycan aggregate
isometric experiment. (PGA) are immobilized as well as restrain within the
Armstrong and co-authors (Armstrong et al., 1984) tissues network. These PGAs contain sufficiently large
modeled an unconfined compression of articular car- molecules range between 1  108 to 2  108
tilage. They examined the creep stress-relaxation (Maroudas, 1975; Muir, 1983). These molecules con-
behavior of a cylindrical specimen. In this study, a tain negatively charged ions in a large proportion
saturated tissue was placed between impermeable (S0 
3 , C00 ), within their glycosaminoglycan (GAG)
plates to measure the elasticity of the soft tissues. network. These movable charges have the efficiency
Equilibrium has been established with surrounding by to generate an induced magnetic field. The motivation
the radial fluid flow through deformable tissues. They of the present study is to model the governing
found an analytical solution of governing system of dynamics involved in the application of external

magnetic field on the mobile charge fluid within the deformation of the tissue. This phenomenon plays an
tissue. This will help in understanding the influence important role in both the compactness of the solid
of external magnetic fields on the swelling behavior of matrix as well as the passage of the fluid. This multi-
cartilage as well as other types of elastic por- phasic deformation limits the value of strain-depend-
ous tissues. ent permeability to an average if not, an apparent
In the present article, we formulated the effects of value kapp. It is important to mention here, this
an applied magnetic field on a moving charge fluid apparent value of the permeability links to the driving
through the articular cartilage using continuum mix- pressure rP (Mansour and Mow, 1976). On the other
ture theory. The governing system of partial differen- hand, when kapp measured with various values of the
tial equations was derived for the solid deformation clamping strains, it depends upon both applied pres-
and local fluid pressure which was solved numerically sure, and clamping strains. These experimental justifi-
using the method of lines, when fluid flow was per- cations given in (Lai and Mow, 1980) convinces us to
meability dependent, whereas, an exact solution is use equation (1) in the present study.
computed by eigenfunction expansion method for The multiphasic nature of biological tissues limits
constant permeability case. In section 2, the mathem- the single-phase modeling approaches, even though
atical formulation is given. Section 3 contains the sol- these approaches have been employed in some special
utions methodology of governing partial differential circumstances, i.e., when equilibrium is achieved. In
equations. Section 4 contains the results and discus- the present study, we assumed the bio-rheological
sion that was followed by the conclusion in section 5. behavior of soft, hydrated tissues that consist of
deformable porous solid filled with fluids. The gov-
erning dynamics of such a problem deals with the
2. Theory and model
idea of continuum mixture theory. The modeling
The intrinsic permeability was introduced in model- technique we used in the present article has a rela-
ing multiphasic deformation of soft biological tissues, tively brief; however, details can be found in (Bowen,
during the passage of fluids. The elasticity of soft tis- 1980), and a compressive review also given in
sues links the consequences of drag forces on the (Friedman, 2008) and (Holmes, 1983) as well. In these
solid deformation that change the permeability of the types of modeling, each constituent of the mixture
solid matrix (Lai and Mow, 1980; Mow et al, 1984). manipulating in such a way that it occupies at every
Experimental studies have proved that the mechanical material positioning within the mixture. The kinemat-
response of cartilage tissues is extremely sensitive ics involved in the derivation of governing dynamics
even for a slow rate of compression. The dependence depends upon the components of a mixture, here
rate of sensation related to the drag forces is very these components are solid matrix (cartilage body)
high; also, this factor plays an important role in mod- and fluid phase. Moreover, we fallow a similar model-
eling the mechanical behavior of cartilage and other ing approach reported in (Lai et al., 1981), with suit-
types of soft biological tissues which makes it import- able modification for the problem of our interest
ant to consider the effects of strain-dependent perme- (Figure 1). We considered that the solid matrix (car-
ability in modeling these problems. In the present tilage tissues) could only be squeezed into a special
study, we considered that fluid flow is permeability control volume, when an equal amount of the fluid
dependent, and assumed the following form of strain- fluxes in the opposite direction. The motion of the
dependent permeability constituents described using classical conservation
@u laws of the mass and momentum balance. The vol-
k ¼ k0 em@x , (1)
ume fraction /g of each phase is defined by / ¼ VV ,

where k0 and m are the material constants, @u@x is the other useful relations are / þ / ¼ 1, and qg ¼
s f

dilatation, and u(x, t) corresponds to the solid dis- qgT /g , where qgT is true and qg is the density of mix-
placement. We assumed that cartilage tissues fixed to ture (g ¼ s, f ). Using the model of an incompressible
the interval 0  x  h, where x ¼ 0 and x ¼ h corres- binary mixture, conservation of mass can be written
pond to the soft and rigid bony interface respectively. as in (Lai et al., 1981)
Due to the symmetry, only non-zero components of
r  ðvf þ avs Þ ¼ 0, (2)
the velocities are vs ¼ vs ðx, tÞ, and vf ¼ vf ðx, tÞ
(s¼solid and f¼fluid). where a is the ratio of volume fraction, i.e., a ¼ , Vf
When fluid flow through the cartilage tissues, drag for articular cartilage tissues a  0:2 (for an adult
forces associated with the flow result in the joint). In modeling the governing dynamics, the

Figure 1. Articular cartilage tissues (Synovial joint, (Synovial joint XXXX)) vs Specimen under loading.

quantitative relation between fluid and solid velocities i.e., vs vf : Lai and coauthors (Lai et al., 1981) have
are given in equation (2) has been reported in numer- studied compressive stress relaxation behavior of soft
ous studies (Armstrong et al., 1984; Barry and Aldis, tissues for transversely isotropic permeability. For the
1990; Hou et al., 1992), identical to the present study. special case, all load carried by the elastic tissues, and
The momentum balance for the mixture can be writ- binary problem changes to the elasticity problem.
ten as Furthermore, for a confined compression, equilibrium
strain, as well as lateral expansion, are controlled by
g @v
q þ ðv  rÞv ¼ r  T g þ qg bg þ pg þ J  B
g g
the Es and vs (Mow and Lai, 1980; Mow et al., 1980),
(3) where Es and vs are the elasticity and velocity of the
solid respectively. In literature, different studies have
where T g is the stress tensor for g phase, bg represent been reported that used elasticity theory in modeling
body forces, pg is drag force between the mixture the behavior of soft tissues (An et al., 1990; Anderson
constituents (ps þ pf  0), J and B are the current et al., 1990). In 1678, Robert Hook formulated a
density and applied magnetic field respectively. In the quantative relationship between the stress and strain
case of infinitesimal deformation along with small (Hooke, 2016). In many physical situations, it has
velocities, the effects of inertial forces become negli-
been assumed that an accurate governing model for
gible (Barry and Aldis, 1993). Barry and coworker
solids as well as deformation and forces are small.
(Barry and Aldis, 1991) considered the contributions
Moreover, in the development of theory of elasticity
of inertial forces, in the derivation of governing
proved that Hook’s law say that strain directly related
dynamics, and proved that these forces had been
to the applied strain, whereas, the proportionality fac-
ignored, when t0 >kqT , where t0 is the typical time,
tor is not a single real number, but a tensor corre-
and k is the permeability. Using these assumptions
sponds to a matrix consist of real numbers. This
help us to rewrite the equation (3), in the absence of
body forces, for both the phases as follows configuration of the matrix depends upon the solid
material taken from seven classes of crystals (Royer
r  T s þ ps þ J  B ¼ 0, (4) and Dieulesaint, 1999). On the other hand, elastic sol-
r  T þ p þ J  B ¼ 0:
f f
(5) ids divided into two classes, i.e., isotropic and aniso-
It is important to mention here, the magnetic field tropic, in the present study, we considered that solid
B has maximum effects, when apply perpendicular to matrix of the tissues is isotropic. These types of solid
the moving charged fluid, and minimum for parallel having properties independent of the direction,
orientation. The diffusive resistant forces for the solid whereas, an anisotropic material has property that
and fluid can be written as depends upon direction due to their structure. In lit-
erature, many studies have used the isotropic materi-
ps ¼ pf ¼ Kðvs vf Þ, (6) als (Achenbach, 1975; Graff, 2012), to discuss tissue
where K corresponds to the drag coefficient of the resist- dynamics for more details (see (Olivier et al., 1998;
ance, which is related to the permeability by a relation Wang and Hutter, 1999; Massoudi and Antaki,
K ¼ ð1þaÞ
2 : The linear momentum has been affected
2008)). It is a well-established fact that the visco-elas-
by the relative velocities of the mixture components, tic behavior of soft tissues purely depends upon the

fluid fluxes through the permeable porous solid Maxwell, and Ohm’s law are given, which were used
matrix. In the derivation, we considered the biological in simplifying the expression J  B, later on
tissues consisting of a porous material that is intrin- @B
sically elastic, isotropic, and filled with fluid. We con- 䉮  B ¼ lc J, 䉮  B ¼ 0, 䉮E¼
@t (9)
sidered the following forms of stress relations for the J ¼ r0 ðE þ vg  BÞ,
solid and fluid phases
where lc correspond to the permittivity of the
T s ¼ apI þ ks es I þ 2ls e þ k_s divðvs ÞI medium, E is the electric field intensity, and r0 is the
þ 2l_s Ds 2Kc C, (7) electric conductivity of the charged fluid. The expres-
sion J  B can be written as
T ¼ pI þ kf divðv ÞI þ 2lf D þ 2Kc C,
f f f
J  B ¼ r0 ðE þ vg  BÞ  B, (10)
where e is the infinitesimal strain tensor, es ¼
traceðeÞ, Ds is the deformation tensor, C is the spin where B ¼ B0 þ B1 , i.e., B is sum of the applied and
tensor, p local pressure of the fluid, I is identity ten- induced magnetic fields. The contribution of induced
sor, Df is the rate of fluid deformation tensor, ks, ls magnetic field (B1 ) may be ignored due to the low
are isotropic elastic moduli, k_s , l_s are visco-elastic magnetic field Reynold number approximation. Thus,
equation (10) for negligible induced magnetic and
moduli, kf, lf are bulk and dynamical viscosities of
electric can be written as
the fluid, and Kc is the diffusive interaction between
mixture constituents. J  B ¼ r0 ðva  B0 Þ  B0 : (11)
The infinitesimal binary mixture theory described After some mathematical manipulation, we get
fluid-solid mixture using ten material constants, i.e.,
a, ks, ls, k_s , l_s , kf, lf, Kc, r, K, where r is the contri- J  B ¼ r0 ðB0 ðva  B0 Þ  vg ðB0  B0 ÞÞ: (12)
bution of capillary forces. It is difficult, either impos- The term vg  B0  0 (magnetic field has negligible
sible, to access all these parameters at once for effects in parallel orientation to the fluid flux). This
modeling and solution point of view. Moreover, Mow leaves the following form of the equation (12)
et al. (Mow et al., 1980) developed a model using fol-
lowing assumptions J  B ¼ r0 B20 vg : (13)

We assumed that the solid and fluid deformations are

1. Solid and fluid phases are linearly elastic,
along the x-direction. In what follows, the vector
i.e, k_s ¼ l_s ¼ 0, kf ¼ lf ¼ 0,
form of equations change into one-dimension form.
2. The permeability of the solid matrix is constant,
Using the assumptions of linear binary mixture the-
3. Kc ¼ 0, r ¼ 0,
ory, and employing divergence operator to the equa-
4. a is constant.
tions (7) and (8), we get
They used the resulting linear equations success- @T s @u
¼ ap þ Ha , (14)
fully in addressing the problems of one-dimensional @x @x
confined compression stress relaxation behavior of and
cartilage tissues, meniscus, and nasal septum,
@T f
although these restrictions were quite severe. Using ¼ p, (15)
these assumptions, they find the permeability constant @x
1015 mNs that made an excellent agreement with the where Ha ¼ ks þ 2ls : Inserting equations (6), (13)-

available experimental data (Mansour and Mow, 1976; (15) into equations (4)-(5), we obtain
Mccutchen, 1962). On the other hand, Lia and coau- @p @2u
thor (Lai et al., 1981) gave a detailed comparison a þ Ha 2 þ Kðvs vf Þr0 B20 vs ¼ 0, (16)
@x @x
between stress relaxation experiments with biphasic @p
linear mixture theory findings. They had proved that  Kðvs vf Þr0 B20 vf ¼ 0: (17)
certain inconsistencies occur when the theory was
From equation (2), we get
generalized to include the non-linear strain-dependent
permeability relationship given in equation (1). Thus
in the present study, we will extend linear theory by @vf @vs
¼ a : (18)
including non-linear permeability function in the @x @x
presence of magnetic fields. In the following, the

The cartilage was divided into elastic as well as @p Ha ð1aÞM @ u
¼ 1 : (23)
rigid, which correspond to the soft and bony inter- @x 1 þ a ð1 þ a2 Þð1 þ MÞ @x2
face, respectively. Integrating equation (18), and using
condition vs ¼ vf ¼ 0 for cartilage rigid boundary Integrating equation (23), we get
interface (for adult joint), we get  
Ha ð1aÞM @u
pðx, tÞ ¼ 1 þ gðtÞ,
vf ¼ avs : (19) 1þa ð1 þ a2 Þð1 þ MÞ @x
Thus, we have the following equation (24)

@u where g(t) is constant of integration, which can be

vf vs ¼ ð1 þ aÞ , (20) found using the condition pðh, tÞ ¼ 0, at the rigid
where vs ¼ @u edge. This leaves the following form of equation (24)
@t : Equation (20) allow us to rewrite
equations (16)-(17) as follows   
Ha ð1aÞM @u @uðh, tÞ
! pðx, tÞ ¼ 1  :
Ha k0 em@x @ 2 u 1þa ð1 þ a2 Þð1 þ MÞ @x @x
¼ , (21) (25)
@t 1 þ Mem@x @x2

where K ¼ k1 ð1 þ aÞ2 , and M ¼ k0 ð1 þ a2 Þr0 B20 is Equations (25) is partial differential equation for the
the dimensionless magnetic parameter. Equation (21) fluid pressure. In order to close the system, we have
is the governing non-linear partial differential equa- the following initial and boundary conditions
tion for the solid deformation. The non-linearity is _ _
uð0, tÞ ¼ PtðHðtÞHðtt 0 ÞÞ þ Pt0 Hðtt0 Þ, (26)
due to the strain-dependent permeability. In the case
of m ¼ 0, equation (21) reduces to the linear form, uðx, tÞ ¼ 0, uðx, 0Þ ¼ 0, pðx, tÞ ¼ 0, at, x ¼ h,
the resulting linear equation used successfully in (27)
describing one- dimensional stress-relaxation behavior
where H(t) is a Heaviside step function. It is import-
of soft tissue, even though this restriction is quite
hard. For the case of constant permeability, it is not ant to mention here, our choice of left boundary con-
possible to elaborate on the exact nature of the prob- dition potentially significant. For 0  t  t0
lem. So, it is important to consider the consequences corresponds to a stage of compression, whereas, t>t0
of strain-dependent permeability that was changed in represents the relaxation.
accordance with tissue deformation, in the presences The governing system of equations is converted
of the magnetic parameter M. These two factors are into the dimensionless form using the following
the main features, which were considered in the fore- choices
going section, and reported their effects on both solid _
u ¼ h, x Pt p
deformation and fluid pressure. ¼ ,
u h x ¼ , t ¼ , p ¼ :
h h0 h h Ha
Now, we turn our attention toward the fluid pres-
sure (p). For this, adding equations (16) and (17), we (28)
get These variables allow us to rewrite the governing sys-
" @u
# tem of equations as follows
@p Ha Ha Mð1aÞem@x @2u " #
¼    : @
@x 1 þ a ð1 þ aÞð1 þ a2 Þ 1 þ Mem@u @x @x2 @
u em@x 
¼R , (29)
(22) @t 1 þ Mem@x @x 2

   t Þ

1 ð1aÞM @u @
u ðh,
Equation (22) is used in finding the fluid pressure p ðx , t Þ ¼ 1  ,
when the solution of solid deformation (u) is avail- 1þa ð1 þ a2 Þð1 þ MÞ @x @x
able. The non-linear permeability k appeared in both (30)
the equations (21) and (22). However, it seems quite  ð0, t Þ ¼ t ðHðt ÞHðt t 0 ÞÞ þ t 0 Hðt t 0 Þ,
u (31)
physical without altering the nature of the problem to
 ð1, t Þ ¼ 0,
u  ðx , 0Þ ¼ 0,
u  t Þ ¼ 0,
p ðh, (32)
handle the equation (22) for constant permeability
_ 0
because the permeability contribution comes through where t 0 ¼ , and R ¼ HPh
h _ : In next section, we pre-
a k0

the calculated solution of u from equation (21) into sent solution methodology employed in solving gov-
equation (22). In this setting, equation (22) can be erning system of equations. Next, we will be dropping
written as the bars for convenience purposes.

3. Solution methodology derivatives using the finite difference. This transform-

ation changes the system of partial differential equa-
We divided the solution of the governing system of
tions (PDEs) into the system of ordinary differential
the equation into two groups for both constant and
equations (ODEs). The resulting system of ODEs is
strain-dependent permeability parameter. Particularly,
solved using a well-established MATLAB ODE solver.
we find an exact solution for constant permeability
The partial derivatives in equation (29) are approxi-
using the eigenfunction expansion that is followed by
mated as follows
a numerical solution, in case of permeability depend-
ent flow. @u ujþ1 uj1 @ 2 u ujþ1 2  uj þ uj1
 ,  : (35)
@x 2h @x2 h2
3.1. Exact solution Equation (35) allows us to rewrite equations (29) and
(30) as follows
We considered tissue contraction (when applied com- " ujþ1 uj1
pression have maximum effects) as well as expansion. @u emð 2h Þ ujþ1 2  uj þ uj1
¼R ujþ1 uj1 ,
We employed the eigenfunction expansion method @t 1 þ M  emð 2h Þ h2
using Green’s formula to solve the governing equation (36)
for solid deformation and fluid pressure. The main
difficulty in solving the equation for solid deform- and
ation was the in-homogeneous left boundary condi- 1 ð1aÞM
pðx, tÞ ¼ 1
tion. For this, we define a special transformation 1þa ð1 þ a2 Þð1 þ MÞ
!    (37)
ujþ1 uj1 3unþ1 4un þ un1
2 X 1 2
eb ðnpÞ t 1
uðx, tÞ ¼ tð1xÞ þ 2 3 sin ðnpxÞ: 2h 2h
b p n¼1 n3
n also j ¼ 1, 2, 3,    n: Below are the
where h ¼ ba
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi boundary conditions
where b ¼ 1þM : From equations (30) and (33), we
uð0, tÞ ¼ tðHðtÞHðtt0 ÞÞ þ t0 Hðtt0 Þ, (38)
  uð1, tÞ ¼ 0, uðx, 0Þ ¼ 0, pðh, tÞ ¼ 0: (39)
2 ð1aÞM
pðx, tÞ ¼ 1  In the following section, we presented the graphical
b2 p2 ð1 þ aÞ ð1 þ a2 Þð1 þ MÞ
" # results for the solid deformation and pressure vari-
X1 2
eb ðnpÞ t 1
ation for various cases. The main objective is to high-
ð cos ðnpxÞ  cos ðnpÞÞ:
n2 light the influence of different physical parameters on
fluid flow through the soft tissues during compression
and relaxation.
Equation (33) and (34) are the closed form solu-
tion for solid displacement and fluid pressure,
respectively, for compression. On similar dynamics,
4. Result and discussion
one can find the exact solution for tissue expansion In Figure 2(a), we made a comparison between the
(t>t0 ), which we left as a trivial case. It is important exact and numerical solutions when time changed
to note that we obtain a trivial steady-state solution from 0.015 to 0.1. Particularly, dotted curves corres-
for solid displacement and fluid pressure as suggested pond to the exact solution that is given in equation
by equations (33) and (34) t ¼ 0, and the solution is (33); however, dashed curves show numerical solu-
independent of permeability and magnetic parameter tions found in solving equation (36). An excellent
effects. In the section below, we discuss some detail agreement can be noticed between both the solutions,
related to the numerical algorithm used in solving which verify the convergence of the numerical scheme
governing equations numerically for a strain-depend- used in solving the governing system of equations. In
ent permeability. both of these solutions, we considered constant per-
meability, however, strain-dependent permeability sol-
utions also obtained. In Figure 2(b), we plotted solid
3.2. Numerical solution
deformation along the space variable, when the values
We use method of lines (MOL) in solving the govern- of magnetic parameters are M ¼ 0, 1, 2, 3: This solu-
ing system of equations for solid deformation and tion is plotted for constant permeability (m ¼ 0) using
fluid pressure. MOL required to approximate spatial both exact and numerical solutions of solid

Figure 2. (a) Gave a comparison between exact and numerical solution, whereas, in (b) show change in solid displacement for
various values of magnetic parameter M.

Figure 3. (a) Shows solid deformation for various values of magnetic parameter M using the numerical solution for strain-depend-
ent permeability for t0 ¼ 0:2, whereas, (b), shows different solid deformation, when the normalized time changed from 0.05
to 0.2.

deformation u. It is clear that the solid volume frac- dimensionless constant R and time t. In this plot, we
tion gradually decreases when the value of magnetic explore the influence of magnetic parameter M on the
parameter increases. This effect is due to the Lorentz solid deformation in the case of compression. This
forces associated with the flow of charged fluid in the illustrated that elastic porous tissues remain under
presence of magnetic field. These effects become loading throughout the course of compression; how-
more profound in the middle part of every curve for ever, every curve undergoes expansion in the middle
different values of M, which gradually decreases and for every value of the magnetic parameter. This fact is
become linear at the end. These plots (2a) and (2 b) due to the annular stretching of the tissue medium
can be used as a base to understand the dynamics of because of the inner region of the tissues when fluid
strain-dependent permeability in more com- flows out of them. On the other hand, when fluid
plex scenarios. fluxes through the deformable porous tissues, macro-
In Figure 3(a), we plotted the solid deformation molecules associated with the flow captured within
against the coordinate direction for a fixed value of the medium to recover after the fluid flow stops.

Figure 4. (a) Shows solid deformation, when strain-dependent permeability was considered, whereas, (b) corresponds to the
change in the solid volume fraction for various values of dimensionless constant R.

Although, average sized particles travel further due occurred when the value of the normalized time
to which an initial behavior fluctuates downward reached to 0.2. It is clearly noticed that time directly
before they are trapped in the cartilage network. In proportional to the deformation produced in the soft
plotting these curves, four different values of the tissue. Also, it is worth mentioning that this dynamic
magnetic parameter are used. As time goes on, the is opposite to the fact observed in case of the mag-
effects of pressure on the soft tissue become linear netic parameter on the solid deformation. The max-
which results in the maximum deformation at x ¼ 1 imum deformation has been reported at t ¼ 0.2 (solid
that corresponds to the limit of consolidation for curve), and least for t ¼ 0.05 (dotted curve).
the present study. It is remarkable to mention here In Figure 4(a), we analyze the effects of strain-
that by increasing the value of M, solid volume dependent permeability on solid deformation. In
fraction decreases. In fact, this phenomenon plotting these curves, we fix the value of magnetic
occurred due to the increase of resistance during parameter M, dimensionless constant R, and nor-
the fluid flux by increasing Lorentz forces effects on malized time t. Four different curves correspond to
the fluid flow. On the other hand, the predominant four different strain-dependent permeability parame-
effects of applied compression can be seen in the ters while the fluid is passing through the tissues.
middle part of every curve for various values of the The dash-dotted curve shows solid deformation for
magnetic parameter. This is due to the annular m ¼ 4, after this further increase of non-linearity in
stretching of the elastic medium of the tissue during the permeability, parameter effects sudden change in
loading circumstances which were balanced by the the solid deformation. Large gap between dash-dot-
elasticity of soft tissues after every curve moves lin- ted and dashed curves provide justification for this
early. For M ¼ 3, the equilibrium is reached faster; behavior. This effect is due to an increase of resist-
the solid curve corresponds to these dynamics, ance during fluid flow through the cartilage tissues.
whereas the dotted curve shows the change in solid In conclusion, our present study clarifies that in
displacement in the absence of magnetic effects understanding the material nature of soft biological
which clearly shows maximum deflection in which tissues, especially articular cartilage, it is important
equilibrium is attained slowly. to consider the fluid flow through the interstitial
Figure 3(b) corresponds to the change in the solid spaces of the solid matrix. It is clear that elastic
displacement as a function of x for various value of porous tissues were reasonably soft as well as large
time (t), when pressure having maximum effects. consolidation occurred; however, non-linear effects
These curves show that the existence of consolidation during fluid flow through cartilage network must be
region grows with time. During compression, four considered. These effects were particularly encoun-
different curves correspond to four different values of tered by considering the non-linear strain-dependent
the normalized time t, and maximum deformation permeability.

Figure 5. (a) Represent a compression between exact and numerical solutions of fluid pressure, whereas, (b) corresponds to the
change in the local fluid pressure for various values of M.

Figure 6. (a) Change in the fluid pressure is plotted for various value of strain-dependent permeability (k), whereas, (b) gives
change in the local fluid pressure for various values of time (t).

In Figure 4(b), we show the change in solid dis- correspond to the limiting case for applied compres-
placement for different values of dimensionless con- sion that moves the process toward the stage of equi-
stant R, keeping other parameters constant. This plot librium. In Figure 5(a), we show the compression
was devoted to studying the effects of R, which is between the exact and numerical solutions of fluid
function of compression on the solid deformation. pressure at different values of time t. Particularly, the
Theoretical prediction of applied compression for dotted curves correspond to the numerical, whereas, a
non-linear interaction of binary mixture of fluid and dashed curve correspond to exact solution for k ¼ 1.
solid shows that stress at the surface of cartilage tissues The pressure gradually increases for growth in time
are required to overcome between the relative motion and become linear after attaining equilibrium due to
of interstitial fluid and solid matrix. Particularly, R ¼ 0 the elasticity of the tissues.

In Figure 5(b), change in the fluid pressure is plot- 2. By increasing the time range we observe more
ted for various values of the magnetic parameter M deformation for the same applied pressure.
using exact solution of pressure found in equation 3. The strain-dependent permeability has enough
(34). It is interesting to highlight the fact that, when effects during compression.
M increases fluid pressure becomes reverse after a 4. Increasing the value of dimensionless parameter
certain value of the space variable x  0:3: It is quite R represents the same effects that were observed,
physical because of the strength of applied magnetic for the case of varying the time on the soil
field effects in the change of fluid pressure. In the consolidation.
beginning, pressure gradually increases which 5. The pressure suddenly changed by increasing the
becomes smooth and finally become linear at the end. non-linear effects in the permeability, for
This variation occurred in the dynamics of fluid pres- compression.
sure due to physical interaction within the elasticity
of the cartilage tissues. From the modeling point of view, continuum mix-
In plotting Figure 6(a), we use different values of ture theory is a well-established theoretical framework
material constant m. This physical variation in the employed by many researchers in modeling the
permeability alters the dynamics for fluid fluxes squeezing phenomenon for both linear and non-linear
through the solid matrix of deformable porous tissues. permeability in a biological setting. However, the
A dramatic change in fluid pressure has been noticed, results of the present study can be further enhanced
when m increases from 2. Initially, for m ¼ 0 to 2, an using more sophisticated forms of permeability and
increment in the pressure noticed, which suddenly revisiting the experiments which we are unable to
decreases, when m attain the values 4 and 6. This perform due to lack of resources. In conclusion, our
peculiar behavior in the pressure function is due to present study suggests that governing dynamics is
the enhancement in the non-linear effects during the affected predominantly due to permeability and the
passage of fluid through the elastic porous tissues. fluid flow through tissue boundaries. The magnetic
This confirm that pressure change is dependent on parameter behaves like an opposing force on the fluid
permeability parameter which play an important con- flow in outward direction from the cartilage tissues.
tribution in understanding interstitial fluid fluxes
through soft biological tissues. These types of studies Disclosure statement
are very important that prescribe a direct link
No potential conflict of interest was reported by
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