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Conflict Theory

Dr Guy Hungerford, University of New South Wales

Presented at Professional Development Day, August 8, 2008

At the heart of the differences between functionalism Whereas conflict theory says that what is, is a
and conflict theory is a different conception of the nature consequence of the struggle between different classes.
of “society” and “the social”. The way that Durkheim If a society is stable over a long period of time, this does
writes about society, one is continually called upon to not at all indicate that it is therefore a “good” society or
think of society as a distinctive entity in itself. Hence that it ought to somehow be left to follow its “natural”
the analogy to the human body, with different social course. This is because conflict theorists see history as
institutions playing the role of different organs; while the product of struggle. A stable society may be stable,
to some extent the heart has a different and separate for example, much in the way that a prison is stable
identity from the lungs, if one takes a broader view, – all of the power is concentrated in a few hands and
it’s very clear that these are different components of an therefore nothing changes, but this does not mean that
entity that is fundamentally the same thing. Therefore, there are not reasons why it could or should change
when something adversely affects the heart, the lungs to something different or something better. Unlike
are affected to, if only indirectly; no part of the body functionalism, which tends to picture the sociologist
can prosper long if another part is terminally unwell. as a neutral observer, looking dispassionately at society
Similarly, functionalists would tend to say that a society much as a botanist might look at plants, conflict theory
in which any one institution is “sick” (the government, calls on the sociologist to make judgements about
the army, schools, the family, the media., &c) will societies; is this a good society, a just society, a fair and
suffer overall. free society? Are resources and life chances distributed
On the contrary, conflict theorists do not see the society equitably? Not only does conflict theory call on the
as a single, united whole. Instead, society is made up sociologist to make a judgement about the society that
of different groups who have competing or conflicting they study, it often goes even further and calls on them
interests and some of whom would in fact be better to take action to do something to change it for the
off if others were to do less well. Rather than the kind better, or to advocate certain kinds of changes as being
of harmonious co-operation between different bodily improvements.
organs envisaged by functionalists, conflict theorists “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in
see a sort of involuntary co-operation much like that various ways; the point is to change it.” – Marx.
between a parasite and its host. This arrangement may
work for both parasite and host, but for the host it Change
would work even better if the parasite were not there.
It is in their understanding of the causes of change that we
Hence, functionalists tend to assume that what is, see one of the largest differences between functionalism
ought to be – or will “naturally” change. Societies and conflict theory. Functionalists see society adapting
remain the same when the circumstances in which they in response to changes that come from outside of
exist are stable, and when those circumstances become itself (such as climate change) or within itself (such as
unstable, the society adapts until it once again fits its social movements like feminism or reconciliation), in
circumstances. In this way, functionalism structurally order to best meet the needs of the society as a whole.
resembles the theory of evolution – tortoises are very Conflict theorists see the main engine of change as a
unlike giraffes but each is well adapted to the particular changing balance of power between different groups
environment that it is found in. Therefore, if we find and especially different classes. Feminism therefore is
a society that is much the same as it was ten years not seen as a product of some abstract “social evolution”
ago, then as functionalists we might say, this is a well- or expression of social forces to meet newly developing
adapted society, and however different it might be social needs; it would be interpreted by conflict
from some nominal ideal, it cannot and should not be theorists as the result of action taken by feminists
changed to something else, because then it would be against patriarchy. Entrenched power is challenged
less well adapted to its circumstances. by such social movements and tries to defend itself,

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Conflict Theory (continued)

and therefore requires willful and sometimes violent 3. Where functionalists see a social reality that is above
struggle in order to overthrow it. Conflict theorists and separate from the individuals who compose it
often make use of the metaphors of war to describe at the level of the whole society, conflict theorists
such movements and this is no accident; in a sense, see that social reality existing at the level of groups
they see society as a kind of battleground for endless who have common interests.
war between competing interests. Indeed, war itself is
seen as an expression of class interests.
Atttractions and Dangers
Conflict theory is attractive, then, if we see social
problems or social situations which seem deeply
“Class” is a central concept for conflict theory. Marx problematic and we want an explanation more satisfying
(the first and most important of the conflict theorists) than “it’s natural” or “it happens for a reason”. Conflict
divides social phenomena up into an economic “base” theorists say it happens for a reason but the reason is to
and a political and cultural “superstructure”. All do with human agency (rather than impersonal “social
important changes happen in the base; changes in the forces”) and that through our decisions and our actions
superstructure happen as a consequence of changes we can do something to improve the world.
in the base. Thus class, being the grouping of people
However, this attraction also has pitfalls – it tends to
according to their economic interests, is the most
create a very black-and-white picture of the world,
important grouping, and changes in the power of
blaming some for all its ills and making others into
classes are the source of the most far-reaching changes.
victims. There is also the tendency to ascribe “false
Durkheim saw industrialisation as a kind of advance
consciousness” to others who do not want to pursue
for society but also a source of considerably new
the conflict theory agenda.
problems and challenges because of the social upheaval
involved. He wrote about the modern social era with
a kind of concerned hopefulness, looking for solutions Conflict Theory Applied to Vietnam:
to the social unrest and individual sense of dislocation For conflict theorists, the Vietnam war tends to be seen
that came with the massive urbanisation of the modern as a symbol of how the powerful work to maintain their
era. Marx, on the contrary, saw industrialisation and power. Vietnam became a colony of France because
modernisation as an important opportunity, because the French had modern weapons and the Vietnamese
it put large numbers of people with common class did not; ie, this change in Vietnamese society is a
interests in geographical proximity to each other. consequence of a struggle in which one side wins (the
Where the exploited peoples of the past had been French) and another loses (the Vietnamese). Then
spread thinly across the whole terrain of nations, now Japan invades because Vietnam has valuable resources
they were focused into the big cities – the centres and Japanese military power in the region has eclipsed
of political, administrative and economic power in the French. Then at the end of WW2, rather than
nations. Far from wanting to ease tensions and resolve allowing the Vietnamese to govern themselves, the
problems, Marx thought that these tensions should be victorious powers (America and Britain) try to set up
made use of in order to drive rapid social change, in a puppet government to serve their own interests. In
order to overthrow the inequalities and injustices of the each of these changes, conflict theorists would see the
preceding society and produce a communist Utopia. workings not of some abstract or impersonal “social
However, one need not be a Marxist or a communist forces” but specific interests – not only French or
in order to adopt some part of the conflict theory British or American national interests but specific class
approach. The three key elements which can most interests within those countries.
readily be separated from the communist agenda are: The Doi Moi seems to pose a challenge to the conflict-
1. That conflict theory makes judgements about the theory interpretation of Vietnam because it seems to
society that it observes be a clear functional improvement over the previous
2. Conflict theory sees social change as the product of system. Still, conflict theorists would argue that the
struggles in which human agency plays the key role. catalyst for this particular change must still be particular

30 The Journal of the Society and Culture Association Inc.

Conflict Theory (continued)

people, striving to maintain their advantage, even if the Microsociology eschews “grand narratives” or
result produces social benefit. For example, economic explanations of whole social structures. Sociologists in
stagnation in Vietnam may have been producing social this vein argue that such approaches tend to simplify
unrest which if allowed to develop further would have complex specificities away in order to make the reality
undermined the political position of the ruling clique fit their theory. By using the same theoretical framework
– so they acted to forestall that instability. to explain churches, schools, prisons, armed forces,
families, governments, &c, they tend to exaggerate the
similarities between these very diverse structures while
Conflict Theory in Japan
ignoring or minimising the differences. There is a good
The post-war situation in Japan is in some ways parallel case to be made for this kind of approach but I think
to that of Vietnam. Having accepted the surrender of it is still best to start by looking at macrosociological
the Japanese government, the Americans wanted to approaches because typically this approach is a reaction
create a stable and peaceful democracy in Japan but to flaws that only become clear once one has a thorough
without overly disturbing the peace and stability of the understanding of those “grand theories”. The response
country. While they broke up some power structures makes sense only in context of what it is a response to.
– especially in the military – others were allowed to Empirical sociology is the approach that studies the
remain unchanged – particularly the zaibatsu. Hence, social world by recording numbers of people, amounts
the democracy which was supposedly modelled on that of income, responses to surveys, and so on. This can
of America resulted in a very stable system indeed – the be combined either with macro or micro sociological
same party (the LDP) won every election until 1993! theory, or left to stand alone as data without a particular
American military experts speak of Japan as “the theory attached to it. This kind of social research is more
unsinkable aircraft carrier”. This reflects the fact that hands-on than other sociological work but tends to
Japan is an extremely useful ally to America, even cluster around theoretically interesting phenomena; in
though the country has been demilitarised. The pacifist many cases things are not studied because the answer is
clause in the Japanese constitution could be interpreted likely to be what one would guess it to be. For example,
as a functional response to the dysfunctional, excessive do we need a study to see if incomes are higher in the
militarism that lead to the war – or it could be seen as eastern suburbs than the western suburbs?
an expression of specific interests. According to conflict Postmodernism includes a vast range of different
theory, whoever has the power, gets the results that suit approaches. Some, such as Foucauldian theory, can be
them best. seen as variations on modernist approaches. Others,
Capitalism has been very successful in Japan, and yet in like the work of Derrida, are entirely novel. All are
many ways the stresses and challenges of the society still intensely complex and difficult to get right; experts
fall heavily on the lower and middle classes, while the frequently disagree with each other about the basic
benefits go to the same six families who were dominant intent and meaning of even the most commonly read
even before the war. texts and theorists. For this reason I believe it is largely
unsuitable for secondary students; summaries tend
to be either too abstract to make sense of or actually
Contemporary Practice in Sociology wrong in substance. The best preparation a student can
Contemporary practice can be divided into four have to embark on a tertiary study of postmodernism
main categories, with some overlap between them: is a strong grounding in “modern” ideas.
macrosociology, microsociology, empirical sociology,
and postmodernism.
Macrosociology includes all “grand theories” of
society. Any attempt to explain the structure or nature
of society as a whole is a type of macrosociology.
Both functionalism and conflict theory fall into this

Culturescope Volume 87 November 2008 31

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