Dele Exam Preparation Course in Madrid

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Dele Exam Preparation course in Madrid

Madrid, Spain, – In these difficult times one has to find the strategy to maximize the time and
effort at maximum. With the objective of helping the students wishing to pass the DELE Exam,
Estudio Sampere has developed a special DELE Exam Preparation Course in Madrid.

Are you not sure what the DELE exam is? Well, this is the most important, well-known, and
internationally recognized certification of a candidate´s level of Spanish in the world. The
exam is held by the Instituto Cervantes, a worldwide non-profit organization created by the
Spanish government in order to promote the Spanish language and the Spanish culture in the

The DELE certificate is of great help when entering a university or looking for a job in any
Spanish-speaking country. Once approved, the validity of the certificate is forever. The DELE
exam, similar to other language exams has 4 main parts: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and
Writing. The maximum evaluation of each part is 20 points, and in order to successfully pass
each part, the candidate has to acquire a minimum of 14 points.

There are 8 levels available: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. The candidate has to choose the level of
the exam he/she wants to take, then complete the enrollment process which normally finishes 2
weeks prior to the exam, and pay all the necessary fees.

The exam is not easy, especially talking about the advanced levels. Even many Spaniards
struggle with the right answers in grammar or vocabulary sections. It requires serious
preparation even if the candidate has a good level of the Spanish language. One of the tricks is
to confuse the students, to mislead him, which is understandable, as the objective of this
certification is to evaluate correctly the candidate’s level of Spanish.

Estudio Sampere Madrid is an official preparation and examination center. Being the official
examination center means that the school is allowed to conduct the exam on its premises, is
perfectly familiar with the exam procedure and structure. Also, some of the teachers are
accredited DELE examiners, in other words, they are those who hold and evaluate the oral
part of the exam.
As for the preparation center, this wants to say that the teachers are allowed to give classes
focused on the DELE exam. The schools have got all the necessary materials to prepare the
student on any level.

If you are the one who is preparing for this exam right now taking advantage of the world´s
pause during the COVID crises, we highly recommend you to contemplate the preparation
with professionals. Taking the DELE Exam preparation course in Madrid will not only save
you time and energy but will also guarantee you’re the successful results.
Please contact at

Tel: +34 957 488 002

Fax: +34 957 488 199

Victoria López

Estudio Sampere Madrid

Don Ramón de la Cruz, 83. 28006 Madrid, Spain.
+34 91 431 43 66

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