Technical Essay Evaluation Rubric: 1 Writing Performance

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Technical Essay Evaluation Rubric

1 Writing Performance
Purpose: Evaluate a student’s ability to write a technical essay on a given topic.

Student Name: Evaluator:

Title: Date:
Ranking: On a scale from 1 (lowest performance) to 10 (highest performance), assign points to each
dimension based on the criteria below.
Writing Does Not Meet
Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Dimensions/ Expectations Score
(4-7 points) (8-10 points)
Weight (1-3 points)
Has well-organized
Paragraphs are poorly
Has introduction, body introduction, body, and
organized; some
Structure, and conclusion paragraphs. conclusion paragraphs.
paragraphs may be
Organization, Sequence of paragraphs is Sequence of paragraphs is
missing. Sequence of
Coherence for the most part logical logical and transitional
paragraphs is illogical and
25% and helps to make expressions are used to
hinders document
document navigation easy. allow for easy navigation
through the document.
Ideas are described
Engaging, clear, elegant,
Ideas are not formulated adequately but some
and concise description of
and described clearly; refinement is missing.
Focus, Clarity ideas. Sentences are well
long-winded and confusing Sentences are occasionally
30% formulated and use
sentences; does not focus hard to read but are
wording appropriate for
on task/topic at hand. mostly focused on
task/topic at hand.
task/topic at hand.
Formatting of the Document is formatted
Document is formatted
document is mostly uniformly and
poorly, lacks title, author,
consistent and adequate professionally, and includes
Formatting date and/or page
and includes title, author, title, author, date and
15% numbering. Figures and
date and page numbering. page numbering. Figures
equations are of poor
Figures and equations are and equations are of high
of acceptable quality. quality.
Sentences are poorly
Sentences are generally Sentences are well-written;
written; there are
well-written; there are a there are no incorrect word
Mechanics numerous incorrect word
few incorrect word choices choices and the text is free
15% choices and errors in
and errors in grammar, of errors in grammar,
grammar, punctuation and
punctuation and spelling. punctuation and spelling.
All Sources are correctly
Fails to correctly Most sources are correctly
Sources, and thoroughly
document sources and/or documented; appropriate
References documented; appropriate
to utilize appropriate forms of citation are
15% citation forms are utilized
forms of citation. generally utilized.
Total 100% Writing Criteria

2 Technical/Content Performance

Student Name: Evaluator:

Title: Date:

Ranking: On a scale from 1 (lowest performance) to 10 (highest performance), assign points to each
dimension based on the criteria below.

Technical Does Not Meet

Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Dimensions/ Expectations Score
(4-7 points) (8-10 points)
Weight (1-3 points)
Provides an adequate
Provides an engaging
Fails to provide an overview, a general
overview, thoroughly
Overview overview and define the explanation on the scope
defines the scope of the
15% scope of the work. Fails to of the work, and gives a
work, and gives a clear
give any sense of purpose. reasonable sense of
sense of purpose.
Main concepts and ideas
Confused about Ideas and concepts are
are visible but not always
Concepts, assignment and relevant logical and work together
logical and/or too broad.
Reasoning concepts. Lack of support as a unified whole. Main
Support for main points is
25% for main points. Illogical points are supported with
given but not always
presentation of ideas. specific evidence.
sufficient and/or focused.
All necessary analysis
Analysis and/or sources of Sufficient information and/or sources of
Soundness, information are either not and/or analysis is given information are clearly
Relevance clearly specified, or not but results are not always stated. All results and
25% reliable, and/or not credible, reliable, and/or references are valid,
relevant to the assignment. relevant to the assignment. reliable, specific and
relevant to the assignment.
Most of the directions are
Directions are not followed followed and most parts of Followed all directions and
and/or work is incomplete the assignment are responded to all parts of
Completeness and does not address one addressed. Work covers the assignment. Work is
20% or more of the points most of the stated scope self-contained and
necessary to treat the and is reasonably complete with respect to
given topic. self-contained and the stated scope.
Ideas are unrefined and/or Some ideas display
Content clearly displays
Originality fail to demonstrate capability of independent
evidence of independent
15% independent and critical and critical thinking or
and critical thinking.
thinking. perspective.
Total 100% Technical/Content Criteria

8/10 PM

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