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Past habits - Used to

● Check the examples and rewrite the sentences.

Statement: I used top lay with barbies when I was eight years old.
Nega ve: I didn’t use to smoke in high school.
Ques on: Did you use to go by bus to school?

● Rewrite each sentence with used to.

Example: I drank coffee every morning last year.
I used to drink coffee every morning last year.

1. I was in the school basket ball team.

i used to be on school basked ball team
2. My mother had long hair when she was 10 years old.
my mother used to have long hair when she was 10 years old
3. Liliana didn’t like toe at onion soup.
Liliana did´t like toe at onion soup
4. What didn you usually do on Saturday evening?
didn´t you use to do on saturday evening?
5. Jose got up at 6am when he was working in the factory.
Jose used to get up at 6am when he was working in the factory

6. My brother wore glasses when he was small.

My brother used to glasses when he was small

7. Did you live next door to Julieta Venegas?

Did used to live next door to Julieta Venegas?

8. I played the piano and guitar ten years ago at school.
i used to play the piano and guitar ten years ago at school.

9. My grandmother cooked Delicious mole on birthdays.

My grandmother used to cook Delicious mole on birthdays.

● Write three sentences using used to or didn’t use to when you were in junior high

1. I used to do sports in high school

2. I didn´t use to go to junioer high school

3. i used to eat a lot of junk food in junior high school

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