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Monday | September 28, 2020


Analysis: Lawsuit
Embracing the strange lingers long
Scooter’s Records still rockin’ and rollin’ amid pandemic uncertainty after bitter 2014
Senate race
2017 lawsuit claims
several people were
part of a network
illegally retaliating
against attorney for his
political activity
The Associated Press

JACKSON — Six years after a

contentious U.S. Senate race that
divided Mississippi Republicans
and more than a year after the
death of the incumbent who won, a
civil lawsuit connected to the case
is still winding through the courts.
A federal appeals court ruled last
week that a Madison police officer
did not violate a man’s constitution-
al rights when she sought search
warrants to investigate whether he
was part of a conspiracy to photo-
Ben Portnoy/Dispatch Staff graph the ailing wife of longtime
Scott “Scooter” Thomas opened his self-titled record store in 2017. Boasting a collection of over 10,000 vinyls, U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran to use in a
he noted the COVID-19 pandemic has added some new pieces to the unique and intimate experience of a record
store, but customers have continued to flock into his shop. Thomas said this summer has been the best since he video criticizing Cochran.
opened the store, though he’s still at a slight loss on the year after having to temporarily close his doors in the The dispute is in a lawsuit filed
spring due to shelter in place orders. by the widow and sons of attorney
Mark Mayfield of Madison County,
BY BEN PORTNOY whose 2014 death was ruled a sui- cide.
The 2017 lawsuit says Mayfield

cott “Scooter” Thomas sits behind the took his own life under pressure
register and basks in the vocals of Tex- as he was facing a felony charge of
as-based bluegrass group The Gourds. conspiracy to exploit a vulnerable
The tune, “Lower 48,” is part of Thomas’ adult. The lawsuit claims that sev-
recent kick on Longhorn State bands, eral people were part of a network
though he explains he tries to flip the music illegally retaliating against May-
playing over the speakers in his store based field for his political activity. A fed-
on the clientele walking in and out. eral district judge dismissed some
“If Grandma and her kids are coming defendants in 2018 and 2019.
in, whenever I see him out the door, I’m Mayfield was prominent in the
probably not going to be playing any heavy Mississippi tea party movement.
During Mississippi’s 2014 U.S. Sen-
metal,” he quipped.
ate race, he supported Chris Mc-
With wrists coated in bracelets, beads
Daniel as the state lawmaker ended
and metal clasps, Thomas’ denim jack-
up losing to Cochran the Republi-
et and long graying hair offer him the
can primary.
befitting look of a man who’s record store An opponent of Cochran took
boasts a collection of vinyl that numbers an unauthorized photograph of the
See PROFILE, 3A Ben Portnoy/Dispatch Staff
senator’s wife, who had dementia
and was living in the same Mad-


1 What term, derived from the Latin Today MEETINGS
word rapere, is used to describe ea- ■ Virtual Hazard Lecture Series: The
Sept. 30:
gles, hawks and other birds of prey? Lowndes
Hazard Lecture Series in Columbus pres-
2 What 1972 U.S. law increased wom- County Board
en’s participation in high school and ents “Music with The Beethoven Celebration
Trio,” a virtual program at 7 p.m. commem- of Supervisors
college sports?
3 What animal would you find painted orating Beethoven’s 250th birthday. Musi- meeting, 9 a.m.,
Joel Heard on the tail of a Qantas airplane? cians Laura Sandifer, Fayth Williams and Lowndes County
4 What classic record label boasted Sophie Wang perform. Watch at facebook. Courthouse,
Kindergarten, Annunciation
the acts Diana Ross & the Supremes, com/heritageacademypatriots.

78 Low 55
Marvin Gaye and Smokey Robinson?
High 5 What was the first flavor of Ramen
instant noodles created by inventor Mississippi/
T-storms likely
Momofuku Ando? Oct. 5: Lowndes
Full forecast on
page 3A. Answers, 6B
TOP OF PAGE County Board
of Supervisors
■ ART IN THE PARK: Volunteers Tiffany
meeting, 9 a.m.,
Gladney, left, and Myles Spillers show a se-
lection of free books to 2-year-old Jay Zacha- Lowndes County
INSIDE ry, the son of Jessica Flowers, at the annual Courthouse,
Classifieds 6B Dear Abby 4B Art in the Park event Saturday in Starkville. Patricia Miner lives in Steens. Her
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A SEE MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE 6A. — Photo son Johnathan plays saxophone in LowndesCounty-
141st Year, No. 170 Crossword 3B Opinions 4A by Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff the New Hope High School band. Mississippi/


2A MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 The Dispatch •

Trump’s tax revelation could

tarnish image that fueled rise
New York Times: Trump paid $750 in federal faced — and survived — devastat-
ing turns that would have sunk any
income taxes in 2016, 2017 and no incomes taxes other politician. That includes, most
notably, the stunning “Access Holly-
whatsoever in 10 of the previous 15 years wood” tape released in October 2016,
in which Trump was recorded brag-
BY JILL COLVIN in 10 of the previous 15 years, large- ging about kissing and groping wom-
The Associated Press ly because he reported losing more en without their permission. The
money than he made, according to video’s release came just two days be-
WASHINGTON — the Times, which obtained years’ fore Trump was set to face then-can-
The bombshell reve- worth of tax return data that the pres- didate Hillary Clinton in their second
lations that President ident had long fought to keep private. debate and was considered a death
Donald Trump paid The development comes at a knell to his campaign at the time.
just $750 in federal particularly precarious moment for At this point in the race, with vot-
income taxes the year Trump, whose Republican campaign ing already underway in many states
he ran for office and is struggling to overcome criticism of and so few voters still undecided, it is
paid no income taxes the president’s handling of the pan- unclear whether any new discoveries
at all in many others demic. It hands Biden an easy attack about Trump would make any differ-
threaten to undercut a pillar of his line heading into Tuesday’s debate. ence. Trump’s support over the years
appeal among blue-collar voters and And with early voting already hap- has remained remarkably consistent,
provide a new opening for his Demo- pening in some states and Election polls over the course of his presiden-
cratic rival, Joe Biden, on the eve of Day just over a month away, Trump cy have found.
the first presidential debate. may be running out of time to turn Yet the tax allegations go to the
Trump has worked for decades to his campaign around. very heart of Trump’s appeal, espe-
build an image of himself as a huge- “Donald Trump needs this elec- cially among the blue-collar voters in
ly successful businessman — even tion to be about Joe Biden as a states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin
choosing “mogul” as his Secret Ser- choice,” said longtime GOP consul- and Michigan who propelled him to
vice code name. But The New York tant Alex Conant. “This keeps the the presidency in 2016. Trump was
Times on Sunday revealed that he focus squarely on Trump’s character supported by about two-thirds of
paid just $750 in federal income taxes and the chaos going into the most white voters without college degrees,
in 2016, the year he won the presiden- important night of the campaign, the according to an analysis by the Pew
cy, and in 2017, his first year in office. debate.” Research Center, versus only about 2
He paid no income taxes whatsoever Of course, Trump has repeatedly in 10 nonwhite noncollege graduates.

Barrett could be Ginsburg’s polar opposite on Supreme Court

Judge says she looks to conservative Ginsburg, who died
this month at age 87, and
Ginsburg believed
deeply that the Constitu-
Justice Antonin Scalia, for whom she Scalia were dear friends,
but they were on opposite
tion protects a woman’s
right to an abortion. She
once worked, on matters of law sides of the most divisive was a firm opponent of a
issues of the day. broad reading of the con-
BY MARK SHERMAN tonin Scalia, for whom Barrett’s conservative stitutional right to “keep
The Associated Press she once worked, and not and bear arms.”
judicial record, her writ-
Ginsburg, on matters of ings and speeches sug- The differences don’t
WASHINGTON — law. gest that she too would be stop there. Barrett has
Amy Coney Barrett paid
“His judicial philosophy Ginsburg’s polar opposite been critical of Chief Jus-
homage to Justice Ruth
is mine, too. Judges must on a range of issues that tice John Roberts’ opinion
Bader Ginsburg in her
apply the law as written. include abortion and guns. upholding the Affordable
White House speech Sat-
Judges are not policy mak- Barrett has cast votes Care Act, which is again
urday as a shatterer of
glass ceilings. She said ers,” Barrett said. She was suggesting she would up- facing a constitutional
she would be mindful of referring to their common hold state abortion restric- challenge at the Supreme
the woman whose place method of interpreting tions that Ginsburg found Court. Ginsburg was one
she would take on the Su- laws and the Constitution violated the Constitution. of five votes that saved the
preme Court. based on what they were Barrett also favors a more law on two prior occasions.
She even commented understood to mean when expansive interpretation
that her children think they were written. of gun rights.
their father is the better
cook, much as Ginsburg
used to talk about her
husband’s prowess in the
But the replacement of
the liberal icon Ginsburg,
the second woman to
serve on the high court, by
Barrett, who would be the
fifth, would represent the
most dramatic ideological
change on the Supreme
Court in nearly 30 years
and cement conservative
dominance of the court for
years to come.
Barrett, a judge on
the federal appeals court
based in Chicago, made
clear in her Rose Garden
address that she looks to
conservative Justice An-

Trump ex-
campaign boss
hospitalized amid
threat to harm self

Fla. — President Donald
Trump’s former campaign
manager Brad Parscale
has been hospitalized af-
ter he threatened to harm
himself, according to Flor-
ida police and campaign
Police officers talked
Parscale out of his Fort
Lauderdale home after his
wife called police to say
that he had multiple fire-
arms and was threatening
to hurt himself when he
was hospitalized Sunday
under the state’s Baker
Act. That act allows any-
one deemed to be a threat
to themselves or others to
be detained for 72 hours
for psychiatric evaluation.
“Brad Parscale is a
member of our family and
we love him,” said Trump
campaign communica-
tions director Tim Mur-
taugh. “We are ready to
support him and his family
in any way possible.”
The Dispatch • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 3A

1963 church bombing survivor University of Southern

seeks apology, restitution Mississippi creates
Sarah Collins Rudolph’s attorneys contend the Addie didn’t answer.
The bombing followed months of
free COVID course
bombing amounted to state-incited violence, racial unrest in the state. Birming-
ham’s public schools were going JACKSON — The University of Southern Mis-
arguing it was inspired and motivated by Gov. through racial desegregation at
the time, and Wallace had vowed
sissippi is offering a free online course aimed to
educate the public about the coronavirus.
George Wallace’s racist rhetoric “segregation forever” at his first in- The six-part, “Understanding the Pandemic:
auguration earlier that year, urging A COVID-19 Public Service Short Course,” is an
BY KIM CHANDLER a little girl,” said Bhabha. whites to “send a message to Wash- effort of Dr. Douglas Masterson, senior associate
The Associated Press The state has yet to respond to ington.” provost for institutional effectiveness and a profes-
Rudolph. Rudolph’s attorneys contend the sor of chemistry and biochemistry at the Universi-
More than a dozen sticks of dyna- The five girls were gathered in a bombing amounted to state-incited
mite planted by Ku Klux Klansmen ty of Southern Mississippi.
downstairs washroom at Birming- violence, arguing it was inspired Masterson said he was inspired to create the
exploded at a Birmingham church ham’s 16th Street Baptist Church and motivated by Wallace’s racist
in 1963, killing four Black girls. course when he realized how much misinforma-
on the morning of Sept. 15, 1963, rhetoric. tion and misunderstanding there was among the
The “fifth little girl,” Sarah Col- when a timed bomb planted by KKK “While the State of Alabama
lins Rudolph, survived but still has public about the novel coronavirus and pandemics
members went off outside under a did not place the bomb next to the in general.
shards of glass in her body from the set of stairs. The blast killed Denise church, its Governor and other
blast that took her sister, her right “As professors, we conduct research in our ar-
McNair, 11, and three 14-year-olds: leaders at the time played an undis- eas and publish that research in journals that are
eye and her dreams of becoming Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley, puted role in encouraging its citi-
a nurse. Rudolph, 69, is now seek- read largely by other academics,” Masterson said.
and Addie Mae Collins, who was zens to engage in racial violence,
ing an apology from the state and “The opportunity to put our scholarly work into
Rudolph’s sister. including the violence that stole the
compensation for what she says has a context related to current events highlights the
Rudolph recalled that she and lives of four little girls, and irrepa-
been a lifetime of trauma. importance of what we do in academia and fulfills
her sister had gone to the wash- rably injured a fifth, the morning of
A law firm working for free on the mission of serving the public good.”
room to freshen up after walking September 15, 1963,” her attorneys
Rudolph’s behalf sent a letter to Al- The six modules are the history of pandemics;
to church. The other girls came in wrote in the letter to Ivey on the eve
abama Gov. Kay Ivey arguing that social and economic impact of pandemics; corona-
after their Sunday school class fin- of the 57th anniversary of the bomb-
the words of state leaders, including virus and epidemiology; spread, prevention, and
ished. ing.
Gov. George Wallace, at the time Denise asked Addie to tie the treatment; vaccines; and personal health and well-
Gina Maiola, a spokeswoman for
encouraged the racial violence that sash on her dress, Rudolph recalled. ness in a pandemic.
Ivey, said that Rudolph’s request is
led to one of the most infamous acts “When Addie reached out to tie being reviewed. It came about af- Each module is presented in a video presenta-
of the civil rights era. Attorney Is- it, that’s when I heard this sound, ter a then-partner in the law firm of tion format by a University of Southern Mississip-
han K. Bhabha said Rudolph’s story boom, the bomb went off,” Rudolph Jenner & Block saw Rudolph speak pi faculty member whose expertise and academic
“cries out for justice.” recalled. in South Carolina. Touched by her focus is on the given topic. The course takes about
“Her life was put on a fundamen- She started calling for her sister. story, he asked the firm to help her three hours to complete.
tally different track in an instant as “Addie, Addie.” without charge. “You’re not going to take this course and be-
come a COVID-19 expert, but when you take this
course you will have a better foundation for what
this pandemic may mean for you. It’s going to help
you navigate the things you’re hearing on the
news,” Masterson said.

Continued from Page 1A
more than 10,000. The … He’s as good if not
store itself, aptly named better than Hendrix, in
Scooter’s Records, is a my opinion.”
passion project of sorts Business has re-
for the Louisville native mained steady through-
and Starkville transplant. out the pandemic at
In his youth, Thomas’ Scooter’s. He’s the only
aunt worked at a record employee at the moment,
store in Hattiesburg — a though there have been a
shop he’d spend countless few college students that
hours wandering aisles have aided his shop in
and navigating boxes
recent years. Following
among greats like Bowie
shelter in place orders
and Springsteen, Led
in late spring, Thomas
Zeppelin and The Rolling
Stones. He said the first reopened full-time in
record he ever received May. He said it’s the
was Elton John’s “Captain best summer he’s had
Ben Portnoy/Dispatch Staff
Fantastic and The Brown Scooter’s Records, located in Starkville, has more than since opening, but he’s
Dirt Cowboy,” while the 10,000 records for sale. still at a slight deficit. In
first album he ever pur- the immortal words of
chased himself was The away from Mississippi inside the door. Rubber David Bowie, Thomas
Kinks’ “Greatest Hits!” State’s campus where he gloves are offered to has simply embraced the
He bought the latter at a spent time as a student anyone that wants them. strange.
garage sale for a nickel. in the mid-to-late 1980s, Thomas himself wears a “People that buy
“I’ve still got that re- the walls are coated with navy blue and yellow de- records in a record store,
cord,” he notes of his first rock n’ roll memorabilia. signed bandanna around they’re in for the experi-
in a long line of record A blowup poster of the his nose and mouth. ence of going into a re-
purchases through the Clash’s hit album “Lon- “It was getting touchy cord store,” Thomas said.
decades. don Calling” covers one there for like a month and “And so in that respect,
Since 2017, Thomas entire box filled with a half,” he said. I’m really not competing
has operated Scooter’s records. Iconography of There have been with Amazon.
Records after a 28-year now-deceased Grateful changes to the experi- “All that being said,
run working as the city’s Dead lead guitarist and ence, sure, but interper- the store is doing good,”
chief water operator. vocalist Jerry Garcia and sonal touches remain at
he continued. “I’m pretty
Like so many other singer Janis Joplin also Scooter’s amid less than
happy with that — thank
locally-owned vinyl shops grace the walls. ideal circumstances. As
God. You know, (the
around the country, But there are pieces to one patron heads to the
the cathartic record store register, he and Thomas pandemic) just kind of
there’s an expectation
experience that have exchange thoughts on showed me that even
upon entrance at Scoot-
er’s. A record store been added in Thomas’ the Frank Zappa album in Starkville, you can’t
experience is hands on. It three years operating the changing hands. predict anything in
requires flipping through store, and, more recent- “You know how Frank Starkville.”
stacks of used records ly, as the COVID-19 Zappa would go off on
in hopes of uncovering a pandemic crippled the tangents?” Thomas
gem or two. It’s personal. country for much of the queries.
In Thomas’ shop, past six months. A bottle “Nobody talks about
within view of the Cotton of hand sanitizer greets Frank,” the customer
District and barely a mile music-searchers just adds. “I love Frank Zappa.

Continued from Page 1A
ison nursing home as the lead investigator into violation, let alone a clear-
Mayfield’s mother. The the violation of Rose Co- ly established one, Officer
image of Rose Cochran chran’s privacy. Currie Currie cannot be liable.”
was briefly posted online was one of the officers The appeals court in-
to try to draw attention to who submitted sworn structed a district court
allegations that Thad Co- statements to a city judge judge to review another
chran was having an af- before the judge issued aspect of the Mayfields’
fair while his wife was in- search warrants for May- complaint about Currie —
capacitated. The senator’s field’s law office and the whether she omitted some
campaign said he was not Mayfield family home. information that might
involved in an improper The 5th U.S. Circuit have cleared Mayfield of
relationship. Court of Appeals said last blame as she sought the
Court records say week that Currie did not search warrants.
Mayfield refused to pho- violate Mayfield’s con- Rose Cochran died in
tograph Rose Cochran, stitutional right against
December 2014. Thad Co-
but he showed someone search and seizure when
chran married a longtime
where to find her room. she sought the search
aide, Kay Webber, in May SOLUNAR TABLE
Another person took vid- warrants. Arguments
eo of her, and a still image centered on the issue of 2015, and he retired from The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tues.
from that video was used “qualified immunity,” the Senate in 2018 amid Major 10:25p —
6:06p 6:37p
online. which shields police of- concerns about his own Minor
Major 10:48a 11:33a

Mayfield died while ficers from liability un- health. He died in May Minor 4:41a 5:19a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department

the charge against him less a reasonable official 2019. of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

Documents filed in

The Dispatch
was pending. A blogger would have understood
later pleaded guilty to a that what he or she was September in the federal
conspiracy charge related doing would violate a con- district court in Jackson
to the photo, and he spent stitutional right. show that the attorneys The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
several months in jail. One of the appeals representing the Mayfield Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
One of the remaining court judges, Don R. Wil- family intend to interview Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
defendants in the May- lette, wrote that “because several people under oath The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
field family’s civil lawsuit the Mayfields have failed to gather more informa- Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
is Vickie Currie, who was to show a constitutional tion for their lawsuit.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Nature all around us
“Nature is the purest thing sugary liquid; his purpose see him again. one tree with obvious shavings where
we can touch and observe. It was far more deadly. Later that Sunday afternoon, Sam nodules had been removed.
can be the most beautiful and I snatched my phone and and I took a hike at the nearby environ- Trails led up and down wooden steps,
also the most devastating.” was soon beside the creature mental center. Cool weather beckoned. over small bridges and around bends in
— Jeff Nichols, American as he rotated his head 180 Maybe we would see unusual the trail where Sam warned,
film director and degrees in my direction. The plants, maybe woodland “Look out for snakes.” No
screenwriter from shape of a praying mantis’s flowers. We read sooner than Sam had
Little Rock, Arkansas head is quite bizarre. It plaques for the his- spoken, I noticed a
reminds me of those movie torical information perfectly still black

utside the kitchen cameras of the ’50s — the of the bluff and snake by a tree,
window the wild cher- kind with two huge flood- the Prairie. Sam half hidden by
ry trees grow with lights at opposite ends of a peered over the leaves.
leaves of red, the harbingers Shannon Bardwell bar. While he was looking rail at the lake “There’s a
of fall. Our trees are freck- directly at me, holding his and the river, snake,” I point-
led with green and red in a front legs in the praying looking for flow ed. I held my
variety of shades. When a ruby-throated position, I snapped his photograph, then and color. We are finger in the air
hummingbird perches on a cherry tree thumped him into the ivy below. always attracted and traced the
limb it is perfectly camouflaged in the Be very careful when thumping a to the “toothache” snake’s body for
leaves. It takes an eagle eye, and maybe praying mantis; they have sharp thorns tree. The plaque Sam to see. Later
a bit of movement, to spot the tiny bird. on the inside of their prayer hands they read indigenous peo- when we returned the
Hummingbirds are still feeding at the impale into their prey as quick as a ple discovered chewing same way, we found the
feeders, flitting back and forth between blink. Exactly as they would do to the the leaves or bark with the snake gone. The plaque
trees and feeders. Last week I glanced poor, unsuspecting hummingbird. The oddly shaped nodules would had said the snake doesn’t want
toward the feeder, and there in the hummingbird is then snared in the pray- relieve toothaches. Today’s herbalists to meet you any more than you want to
darkened shadows lurked a murderous ing mantis’s thorns, never to escape. He use the bark to relieve headaches, heart meet the snake.
praying mantis. The strange looking fel- was the first praying mantis I had seen and kidney ailments, liver disease and Email reaches Shannon Bardwell of
low had no intention of imbibing in the on the feeder this year, and I pray not to as antiseptic powder. We discovered Columbus at


Candidate asks for support
I am overwhelmingly thankfully for
your vote this past Tuesday. My friend
Mr. Wright is admired and respected in
the community. As such, we consider the
results a small victory.
My name is David Chism. I am from
Mississippi and I love Mississippi. My edu-
cational background includes degrees from
MUW, Lee University and a doctorate from
the Institute for Worship Studies. I am a
businessman, now in the October 13 runoff
for House District 37.
My goal from the beginning both polit-
ically and personally has been to remain
relentlessly positive in the face of every-
thing that 2020 offers. However, positivity
has not been easy.
My opponent Mr. Wright penned a letter
to The Dispatch dated 9/21/20, wherein he
curiously repudiated my allegiance to the
Republican Party. To that I respond. I am,
to the core, an open-hearted Republican
whose political philosophy lies somewhere
between that of Reagan and Sen. Rand Paul
(R-KY). I have libertarian friends who have
good ideas, such as increasing privatization
and limiting government control. That said,
the moment they forget about our nation’s
moral compass, I part ways with their
ideology. I stand for liberty and for Chris-
tian values, believing that the two are not
mutually exclusive. I call for less anarchy
and more law and order.
Fresh air is much needed for the sur-
vival of the Republican Party. To attract
younger leadership, we must rid ourselves
of the elitist, establishment mentalities of
yesteryear. The voters I have spoken with
refer to this as “good ole boy” politics, and
they are tired of it. They want a candidate Hypocrisy
who will address issues.
ne of the things the American people. well -- but somehow, Trump is now in
From day one, my campaign has wres-
that people across However, this couldn’t the wrong, a typical double standard
tled serious topics including the pandemic,
the board find be the furthest thing by those on the left.
economics, social unrest, and how these
pathetic, misleading and from the truth because, Democrats and their leftist media
issues affect rural Mississippi. I have
downright disgusting in the same interview, allies have chosen to work against
collaborated with local leaders, talked with is hypocrisy. Especially the president stated he Trump at every turn. Instead of
constituents, built a platform, and made when it comes from a “didn’t want to incite attempting to work with the pres-
that platform publicly available for voter person in a position of panic,” which, ultimately, ident to unite the country to keep
scrutiny. Literally anyone who listened to power, at a lectern with was the right decision. At Americans safe, they’ve opted to
the tale of two speeches at the recent Re- a mic, who is pretending the time of the interview, score political points, although many
publican Women’s meeting will tell you that to be holier than thou. there were still many Democrats iterated the same tone as
I went to the battlefront while my opponent Yet, when they are not at uncertainties about the the president.
spoke about football. Since then I have con- the lectern, their actions Armstrong Williams virus that required more House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
tinued to initiate discussions on difficult, are something entirely research and debate similarly downplayed the virus when
important, and often controversial issues. different: “Do as I say, not as I do.” among experts. It would have been she said: “It’s very safe to be in
Friends, this is no coronation. This Well, that’s the case of former vice grossly negligent for Trump to cause Chinatown and hope that others will
election involves a lot of different people. president Joe Biden, but we’ll come a national panic without being able come. It’s lovely here. The food is
The entire district (including West Point back to this a little later. to articulate why and without the ev- delicious; the shops are prospering;
through Maben where we won big) de- It goes without saying that Pres- idence to back it up. Instead, he took the parade was great. Walking tours
serves a voice. ident Donald Trump should never decisive steps, like banning travel continue. Please come and visit and
From day one I have pushed for broad- have sat down with Bob Woodward from China, to limit the spread while enjoy Chinatown.” Pelosi did this as
band expansion and fiscal conservatism and, to be frank, I can’t understand we gathered more information about to not incite panic and fear among her
while emphasizing freedom, faith, and why the president continues to sit the virus. constituents towards the Asian com-
family. For more info visit davidchism. down with reporters who, as the However, that wasn’t enough to munity. Let’s also not forget that the
com and I adage goes, “Don’t mean him any appease Democratic nominee Joe mainstream media and Democrats
welcome ALL your questions and concerns, good.” It’s no secret that the main- Biden, who went on to attack Trump also heavily criticized the travel ban
and pledge to publicly respond to them as stream media isn’t a fan of Trump, during an interview with CNN’s Jake from China. Democrats like Biden
time allows. and yet here we are again. Mr. Tapper. Unsurprisingly, Jake didn’t and Pelosi are hypocrites and are
The runoff is October 13. I will not let President, why do you keep putting challenge the former vice president using the death of Americans to win
you down. I will remain readily available, yourself in this predicament? Why do on his positions on the same topic, a presidential election. For that, they
with open ears. you continue to give reporters, who COVID-19. Biden has been a hypo- should be ashamed of themselves.
Stay positive! only seek to malign you, the time of crite, and he needs to be called out. Trump didn’t do anything different
David Chism day? It just doesn’t make any sense. He’s attacking Trump for not wanting than Biden or Pelosi, but the media
Lowndes County Furthermore, those around you do to incite panic, yet that is the same ignores the hypocrisy while pounc-
not have your best interests at heart. measured step he took with his very ing on Trump, calling him evil and
A letter to the editor is an excellent way to If they did, this interview would have own statements. all sorts of other ridiculous names.
participate in your community. We request never occurred. If Trump wins the “But I want to take a moment to “Why,” you might ask? Well, the
the tone of your letters be constructive and reelection in November, he needs to say it’s not a time to panic about coro- answer to that is simple; it suits their
respectful and the length be limited to 450 truly clean house once and for all. navirus, but coronavirus is a serious agenda. Trump did the right thing
words. We reserve the right to edit letters for You can’t but the toothpaste back public health challenge,” Biden said. then and continues to do the right
clarity, grammar and length. While commen- in the tube, and now Woodward has He repeated this sentiment for people thing today by leading with a stable
tary on national issues is always welcome, a new book, “Rage.” To build momen- not to “panic” during a speech about and steady hand as we navigate this
we limit candidate endorsements to one per tum for the book, he has released the coronavirus on March 12, the day global pandemic. That’s precisely
letter-writer. We welcome all letters emailed tapes of his interviews with the after the World Health Organization what we need in a president.
to or mailed to The president. The spin so far has been gave the notice that the virus was offi- Armstrong Williams is an Ameri-
Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO Box that Trump knew just how deadly the cially a “pandemic.” Trump attempted can political commentator, entrepre-
511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511. COVID-19 virus was and hid it from to maintain calm -- what Biden did as neur, author, and talk show host.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 5A

A THOUSAND WORDS US colleges struggle

to salvage semester
amid outbreaks
Colleges saw spikes of thousands
of cases days after opening their
doors in the last month
The Associated Press

MADISON, Wis. — Colleges across the coun-

try are struggling to salvage the fall semester
amid skyrocketing coronavirus cases, entire
dorm complexes and frat houses under quaran-
tine, and flaring tensions with local community
leaders over the spread of the disease.
Many major universities are determined to
forge ahead despite warning signs, as evidenced
by the expanding slate of college football games
occurring Saturday. The football-obsessed SEC
begins its season with fans in stadiums. Sever-
al teams in other leagues have had to postpone
games because of outbreaks among players and
Institutions across the nation saw spikes of
thousands of cases days after opening their doors
in the last month, driven by students socializing
Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff with little or no social distancing. School and
Jace Carter Foote, 3, climbs on the equipment at the playground beside Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Trian- community leaders have tried to rein in the vi-
gle last week. Foote is the son of Diamond Brandon. rus by closing bars, suspending students, adding
mask requirements, and toggling between in-per-
son and online instruction as case numbers rise
and fall.
Tension over the outbreaks is starting to boil

The eyes don’t have it: Masks

over in college towns.
Faculty members from at least two universities
have held no-confidence votes in recent weeks

upset classroom communication

against their top leaders, in part over reopening
decisions. Government leaders want the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin-Madison to send its students
home. Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis,
To help with communication, teachers have turned to expressions, a person’s
body language and sort
alarmed by what he sees as draconian rules on
college campuses, said he is drawing up a “bill of
masks with clear patches over their mouths, set up of reading your audience,
and it becomes more dif-
rights” for college students.
In Rhode Island, Gov. Gina Raimondo, a Dem-
plexiglass bubbles inside classrooms so they can speak ficult to read your audi- ocrat, this week blamed outbreaks at two colleges
ence” when they are all for a surge of virus cases that boosted the state’s
without masks, and in some cases turned to props wearing masks. infection rate high enough to put it on the list of
It also will be more places whose residents are required to quaran-
BY SHAWN MARSH To help themselves I’m mad or happy be- difficult for student to tine when traveling to New York, New Jersey and
The Associated Press communicate with stu- cause you can’t see my collaborate, to do presen- Connecticut.
dents, teachers have mouth smiling,” she tations and to speak with The University of Wisconsin-Madison had seen
Placing an order at a turned to masks with said. “So I actually have
deli counter while wear- one another in class. more than 2,800 confirmed cases in students as of
clear patches over their a smile on a stick, which “I like a low murmur Friday. The school shut down in-person instruc-
ing a mask and standing 6
mouths, set up plexiglass is bizarre, but it’s a smile in the room because if
feet away can be difficult. tion for two weeks, locked down two of its largest
bubbles inside class- like, ‘Look, I’m smiling.’” the students are talking,
Try teaching a class full of dorms, and imposed quarantines on more than a
rooms so they can speak School started virtu- they are thinking,” he
schoolchildren and con- dozen sorority and fraternity houses. The school
necting with students who without masks, and in ally for Jon Resendez, a said. lifted the dorm lockdown just this week.
are themselves wearing some cases turned to teacher in Irvine, Califor-
masks. props to get across how nia, but he worries about
Teachers who in ordi- they are feeling. how the required masks
nary times rely on their Stephanie Wanzer, a will affect the dynamic
voices to convey nuances teacher who works with in his 12th grade civics
of language and manage special education stu- classes with some stu-
classroom behavior are dents in Fairfield County, dents now returning to
tasked with not sounding Connecticut, uses a stick the school building.
like the trombone-pro- with an image of a smile “Part of what I do as a
duced “wah wah” of the during her sessions. civics teacher is to teach
Charlie Brown TV specials “I try to be really ex- people to engage in civic
while protecting them- pressive with my eyes. conversations,” he said.
selves and their students He’s looking at me and “That has to do with see-
from the coronavirus. I’m not sure if he thinks ing the person’s facial

Organizer arrested after driving car into California protest

BY BRIAN MELLEY Tatiana Turner, 40, was had surrounded Turner’s
The Associated Press arrested Saturday in Yor- car and wouldn’t let her
ba Linda after speeding drive away, said Anthony
LOS ANGELES — An from a parking lot when Bryson, who helped plan
organizer of a Southern her car was surrounded the event for the Urban
California demonstration by shouting counterpro- Organizers Coalition.
against racism was in jail testers. “People had broken
Sunday on suspicion of Demonstrators on both her windshield,” Bryson
attempted murder after sides who had clashed on told The Associated
authorities say she drove a sidewalk earlier had Press. “She was trying to
through a crowd and been ordered by police leave. She was in fear for
struck two counterpro- to leave the area at the her life.”
testers. time and an angry mob

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH editions. Paid notices must be
OBITUARY POLICY finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
Obituaries with basic informa- the next day Monday through
tion including visitation and Thursday; and on Friday by 3
service times, are provided p.m. for Sunday and Monday
free of charge. Extended publication. For more informa-
obituaries with a photograph, tion, call 662-328-2471.
detailed biographical informa-
tion and other details families
may wish to include, are avail-
Roxana Davis Martha Fortner
able for a fee. Obituaries must COLUMBUS — Rox- Incomplete
be submitted through funeral ana St. Rose Davis, 60, Second Ave. Location
homes unless the deceased’s died Sept. 27, 2020, at
body has been donated to Regency Hospital.
science. If the deceased’s Arrangements are
body was donated to science, incomplete and will be
the family must provide official announced by Lown-
proof of death. Please submit
des Funeral Home of
all obituaries on the form
provided by The Commercial
Dispatch. Free notices must be
submitted to the newspaper Peggy Chandler
no later than 3 p.m. the day COLUMBUS —
prior for publication Tuesday Peggy Chandler, 86,
through Friday; no later than 4
died Sept. 26, 2020, at
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
edition; and no later than 7:30
Windsor Place.
a.m. for the Monday edition. Arrangements are
Incomplete notices must be re- incomplete and will be
announced by Lowndes
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m.
for the Monday through Friday Funeral Home.
6A MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 The Dispatch •


Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff

April Wallace, second from left, an art teacher at Henderson Ward Stewart Elementary School, chats with one
of her students, Nader al-Qahtani, and his mother, Amal, on Saturday at J.L. King Park during the Starkville
Area Arts Council’s annual Art in the Park event. The pizza boxes were full of free art supplies, which Wallace
volunteered to help distribute, and the SAAC will hand out more of them this coming Saturday at Maben Park in
Oktibbeha County. In addition to books and art supplies, the event also included a voter registration booth from
the Oktibbeha County NAACP chapter and a booth distributing health information and toothbrushes from OCH
Regional Medical Center.

Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff

LEFT: Kate Phillips, left, and her sons Yanni, 8, and Abe, 6, look through a pile of free books at the Starkville
Area Arts Council’s annual Art in the Park event Saturday at J.L. King Park. Phillips said they had not been to the
event before and got more from it than they expected, including free art supplies in inverted pizza boxes. RIGHT:
Amy Taylor, left, hands bookmarks to Danta Donald, 10, and his sister Destiney, 11, Saturday at J.L. King Park.
Taylor supervised a booth at the annual Art in the Park event handing out free books via the Starkville-Oktibbeha
Consolidated School District’s grant-supported summer reading program, Reading 2 Succeed. Danta and Destin-
ey are the children of Aquila Grayer.

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GOOD CITIZEN: The Bernard Romans DAR Chapter in

Courtesy photo

Columbus selected Zachary Wilson as recipient of its

The Dispatch
2020 Good Citizen Award. Wilson, son of Michael and
Rashun Wilson, graduated from Columbus High School
in May and now attends Rust College in Holly Springs.

Bulldogs ranked No. 16 in latest AP Poll after upset win at LSU

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ican conferences revers- playing. out by hand in the same 44-34 on Saturday. the preseason poll.
ing course and deciding Fur t her notepad every week,” Back at the top, Flor- Still, 11 voters did not
No. 6 Ohio State, No. to play fall football after c ompl ic at - said Matt Baker of the ida moved up two spots have the Buckeyes on
10 Penn State and No. 14 initially postponing be- ing vot- Tampa Bay Times. “I’ve to No. 3, Georgia held on their ballots, deciding to
Oregon returned to The cause of COVID-19 con- ers’ task never crossed so many at No. 4 and Notre Dame rank only the teams that
Associated Press college cerns. this week: teams out as I did today. benefitted from the up- have played.
football poll on Sunday, None will kick off until Two top- It looks like something sets by moving up to No. “I actually changed my
weeks before they start late October at the earli- 10 teams Leach my 3-year-old would have 5 without playing. As a re- opinion on this and decid-
playing, creating a Top 25 est, but the AP decided lost to un- done, just in black pen in- minder that this season is ed to only vote for teams
as unusual as this season. all FBS teams planning r a n k e d stead of crayon.” anything but normal, the that have played.” said
At the top of the rank- to play in the fall would teams at home Saturday. Oklahoma slipped to Fighting Irish were idle Brett McMurphy of Sta-
ings this week, Clemson be eligible for inclusion in No. 3 Oklahoma blew a No. 18 and LSU dropped this weekend because dium. “Once a team has
remained No. 1 with 55 the Top 25. big lead and fell to Kansas to No. 20. Mississippi of COVID-19 issues and played a game I will con-
first-place votes, followed Most voters put the State. No. 6 and defend- State jumped in at No. 16. won’t play next week ei- sider them. Some of these
by Alabama at No. 2 with most highly regarded ing national champion The Bulldogs are a ther. 0-0 teams are obviously
three first-place votes. teams from those late-ar- LSU was upset by Missis- newcomer to the poll af- Then came the Buck- better (on paper anyway)
The rest of the rank- riving conferences back sippi State in coach Mike ter being unranked, after eyes, who received four than the teams I ranked,
ings was rattled by the into their rankings, but Leach’s debut with the MSU coach Mike Leach first-place votes. Ohio but until they play a game
Big Ten, Pac-12, Moun- not all did. A few stuck Bulldogs. led his team to an upset State is loaded and was a I won’t rank them. At the
tain West and Mid-Amer- with only teams currently “I write my ballot of previously No. 6 LSU close No. 2 to Clemson in See POLLS, 2B


victory BATON ROUGE —

Unranked Mississippi
State, led by head coach
Mike Leach, beat defend-
ing national champion
COLUMBIA, Mo. — and No. 6-ranked LSU at
Nick Saban has never lost Tiger Stadium.
a season opener while To think of typing that
coaching Alabama. sentence eight months
Then again, he’d never ago, let alone eight days
had one like this. ago, you might’ve called
Yet despite an offsea- me insane and shipped
son largely scrapped by me back to Indiana. Well
the coronavirus pandem- folks, it’s reality.
ic, and a delayed start The Bulldogs out-
to the season, Saban’s classed a Tiger team
second-ranked Crimson that endured a massive
Tide looked just fine as amount of roster turn-
they began their SEC-on- over and coaching chang-
ly schedule on Saturday es in the offseason, but
night. the sentiment remains:
Mac Jones threw for Leach returned to the
249 yards and two scores SEC in the most Leach
in less than three quar- way possible, by kicking
ters of work, and Jaylen down the damn door.
Waddle and Najee Har- With that, here’s seven
things we learned from
ris had dynamic per-
MSU and their charis-
formances on offense,
matic first year head
helping Alabama roll to coach in Saturday’s win:
a 38-19 victory over the
rebuilding Tigers.
“I think from a team Pass, pass
standpoint, when you and pass again
play a first game you sort Leach’s offense is laud-
of figure out who you ed for its passing game. Rebecca Warren/LSU Athletics
are,” Saban said after fi- It’s part of the reason he Mississippi State offensive lineman Charles Cross (67) blocks LSU’s Andre Anthony (3) on Saturday. The Bulldogs
nally taking off his mask. led the nation in passing defeated LSU 44-34.
“You figure out where offense five times during
his eight-year tenure at Down a reigning it looked downright scary touchdowns, Costello The air raid, by contrast,
you and the last thing is, All-American cornerback for any team facing the dazzled onlookers in what is based on about 25
Washington State. Well
‘What do I have to do to in Derrick Stingley Jr. maroon and white this he’ll bring to Leach’s of- plays.
that appears it’ll tran-
get better?’ Everybody Saturday, LSU’s defen- fall. fense this fall. There has Costello is likely a
sition to the SEC quite
on our team has a lot of nicely. sive backs were beaten been ample quarterback fringe first round pick,
maturity in what they
need to do to get better.”
On a day MSU fin- time after time by any K.J. Costello is for real stardom in the air raid early second round NFL
Draft prospect at this
ished with 632 yards, 623 number of MSU receiv- Speaking of Costel- before, sure. Gardner
Oh, there are areas to of those yards came in ers, while quarterback lo, how about a debut in Minshew II’s mustached point, but that’s still
improve. The Crimson the passing game. This K.J. Costello had a debut which he broke the MSU run to an 11-win season among the most talented
Tide had a few too many is a new-look offense that for the ages (I’ll get to and SEC single-game at Washington State in signal callers Leach has
penalties, a few too many is as foreign to Starkville that in a minute). passing record, while 2018 was the most recent had in his system.
breakdowns on defense as Leach’s pacific north- Leach has unapologet- also earning the school’s example. The air raid is based
and they allowed Mis- west and west coast ically stuck to his offense single-game passing at- But Costello is differ- on timing and repetition.
souri to finally get its background, but it’s sure for nearly three decades tempts mark as well? ent. He spent four years If Costello was firing on
up-tempo offense going worked well through one and the air raid has its Finishing an 36-of- mastering an innately de- all cylinders Saturday
against their backups in week. detractors, but Saturday 60 for 623 yards and five tailed Stanford offense. See MSU, 3B
the fourth quarter.
They still looked every
bit a national title con-
tender, though. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL
Waddle finished with
eight catches for 134
yards and two touch-
How Heritage Academy quarterback Mack Howard became
downs, and Harris ran
for 98 yards and three
a Power Five recruit before starting his first varsity game
more scores, helping BY THEO DEROSA “He sat back and took work. And it’s paying off: at quarterback for Her- college, high school and
the Crimson Tide spoil what they gave him, and The sophomore is already itage Academy’s junior middle school quarter-
the debut of new Tigers when he does that, he can a Power Five recruit with high team. The Patriots backs.
coach Eli Drinkwitz and Statistically, Heritage make any throw,” Harri- the chance to go national passed every snap to get Howard went to Mo-
win their 27th straight Academy football coach any day.
son said. Howard reps at the posi- bile a few times a month
Sean Harrison thinks, “He’s going to be real-
over the SEC East before For Harrison, How- tion, and he shredded de- the summer after eighth
quarterback Mack How-
a COVID-19-curtailed ard’s physical and men- ly special,” Harrison said. fenses in the process. grade to train with QB
ard’s game against Bay-
crowd of 11,738 fans at tal maturation in just the But Howard wanted Country, which touts
ou Academy on Sept. 18
Faurot Field. wasn’t Howard’s best. fifth varsity start of his Room to improve more. After attending the 2019 NFL starters Daniel
TCU transfer Shawn Which, considering career stood out. Of course, Harrison Manning Passing Acad- Jones, Gardner Minshew
Robinson, who started that Howard finished 16 “It was just another big knew that since Howard emy in seventh grade, II and Devlin Hodges
for the Tigers over Con- of 27 passing for 217 yards step in him growing up, was in sixth grade. Howard’s dad was con- last year. Starkville High
nor Bazelak, threw for and three touchdowns, is and the fact that it hap- That was the year Har- nected with David Mor- School’s Luke Altmyer,
185 yards and a score. pretty promising. pened in Game 5 and not rison came to Columbus ris, the founder of QB a Florida State commit,
Bazelak also got a few The sophomore didn’t next year is huge,” Harri- from Wayne Academy, Country in Mobile, Ala- also trains with QB Coun-
series and was equally take any sacks. He didn’t son said. and right away, he saw bama. The organization try.
ineffective against Dylan throw any interceptions. The game was a sign Howard’s arm talent and offers training and devel- Though Howard was
Moses, Patrick Surtain II He didn’t force any “Brett that in his first season potential as a quarter- opment in footwork and raw, Morris saw a tal-
and the rest of the Crim- Favre throws” into dan- starting, Howard is show- back. body control, throwing ented athlete — How-
son Tide defense, which gerous coverage win- ing the potential he devel- In seventh and eighth mechanics and the men- ard plays basketball for
See ALABAMA, 2B dows. oped over years of hard grade, Howard lined up tal aspect of the game for See HOWARD, 3B
2B MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 The Dispatch •


Starkville earns big road win at South Panola

BY THEO DEROSA Pillow Academy (4-2) on Drake Shaw for the Rams (Tennessee) next Friday. a tackle and an intercep- les, and Rogers and Mat- Friday in Greenwood. (1-5). Lahndon Townley tion. thew Moore each had
Trey Naugher scored had two rushing touch- Hebron Christian Hebron will play at
Unity Christian Academy
eight. Rogers also recov-
two touchdowns for the downs, and Beau Kemp ered a fumble for the Ea-
No. 1 Starkville High Patriots (5-1), and Luke returned a kickoff for a
50, West Memphis next Friday in Leland. gles.
School football team Fisher had a 40-yard touchdown and ran in a Christian (Ark.) 0
emerged victorious in WEST MEMPHIS,
Friday’s battle of the top
score. score.
Ark. — Hebron Christian
Victory Christian Pickens County (Ala.)
The Patriots are off Shaw finished 6 of 9
two teams in Mississippi,
next week before a game passing for 240 yards, in- School earned its second Academy 54 New Life 8, Aliceville (Ala.) 6
beating No. 2 South Pano-
at Lamar School on Oct. 9 cluding his three scoring straight win after an 0-4 Christian Academy ALICEVILLE, Ala.
la 38-20 in Batesville. start, beating West Mem- (Ala.) 38 — Pickens County High
in Meridian. passes to Looney. Caleb
Luke Altmyer was 16 of phis Christian School School (Alabama) won a
Farlow had three catches MILLBROOK, Ala. —
27 for 208 yards and three (Arkansas) 50-0 on the defensive battle Friday at
Starkville Academy 49, for 34 yards and ran for 11 Tyshon Rogers account-
touchdowns, finding Le- road Friday. Aliceville (Alabama).
yards. ed for three touchdowns
Roy Hollingshed, Kobe Washington School 20 Kemp ran for 138 yards Doug Loden had eight and Cameron Henley had Javion Bell had an
Larkin and Jordan Mitch- GREENVILLE — carries for 122 yards and 8-yard rushing score for
on the night, took Kem- two as Victory Christian
ell for passing scores. Starkville Academy im- four touchdowns for the the Tornadoes (4-1) in the
per’s opening kickoff to Academy improved to 2-1
Hollingshed led the proved to 3-2 with a 49-20 Eagles (2-4). first quarter, and Elijah
the house and also con- with a 54-38 win at New
Yellow Jackets (4-0) in re- road win over Washing- Braeden Triplett was 2 Barnes ran in the two-
verted a two-point try. Life Christian Academy
ceiving with 69 yards on ton School on Friday in of 4 passing for 29 yards point try.
Townley ran in four on Friday in Millbrook,
three catches, while Sam Greenville. and a two-point conver- Jermaine Brewer had a
two-point conversions for Alabama.
Hunt caught three passes CJ Jackson had four sion, and he ran 11 times 7-yard touchdown run for
Columbus Christian. Rogers was 4 of 10
for 51 yards. Stacy Robin- rushing touchdowns for for 41 yards, a touchdown the Yellow Jackets (4-2)
Kemper Academy passing for 61 yards and
son had five catches for 42 the Volunteers, Randall and a two-point conver- in the third quarter, but
scored its last two touch- a 15-yard touchdown pass
yards. Futral had a touchdown sion. Brewer couldn’t score the
downs late in the fourth to Anthony Frierson, who
Starkville rushed for pass to Wilkes Stubbs and Bradley Scott had 13 two-point attempt.
quarter with Columbus finished with two catches
230 yards Friday. Amari- ran for a score, and Char- yards on four rushing at- Bell finished 9 of 9
Christian’s reserves in. for 33 yards. The quarter-
yon Howard led the way lie Nicholas had a touch- tempts, including a touch- passing for 140 yards for
Columbus Christian back also had 14 carries
with nine carries for 97 down for the Vols. down. Pickens County, while
will play Delta Acade- for 156 yards and scores
yards and a touchdown, Starkville Academy Dylan DuPoint had Aliceville’s Tyjarian Wil-
my (3-3) next Friday in of 47 and 38 yards on the
while Mitchell had seven will host Pillow Academy four carries for 50 yards, liams was 15 of 31 for 201
Marks. ground.
carries for 38 yards. Alt- and Dash Turman had yards.
next Friday. Henley had 15 carries
myer added 82 yards and three carries for 17 yards Brewer led the Jack-
for 164 yards, including
a score on 11 carries.
Columbus Christian Marshall Academy 32, Jon Garrett Lowe 27-yard and 33-yard rush- ets with 10 carries for 41
Braylon Burnside and
Ronnie Randle had inter- Academy 54, Kemper Oak Hill Academy 14 caught a pass for 26 yards. ing scores, and punched yards, while Xerrance
WEST POINT — Oak Terry Loden had three in a two-point conversion Washington had 42 yards
ceptions for Starkville.
The Yellow Jackets will
Academy 34 Hill Academy lost Fri- carries for 13 yards and a on his first touchdown. on four attempts for the
DE KALB — Colum- day’s home district game two-point conversion, and Rogers and Austin Mc- Tornadoes.
play at Germantown (3-1) bus Christian Academy to Marshall Academy, 32- Kajaveion Byrd was
Davis Foster had a 2-yard Carter scored on two two-
next Friday in Madison. scored all 54 points in the 14. Pickens County’s leading
carry for a touchdown. point conversions apiece.
first half to earn its first The Raiders fell to 1-4 On defense, Terry McCarter led the team receiver with 66 yards on
Heritage Academy 19, win of the season Friday on the season. Loden had a team-lead- with 12 tackles, including three catches.
Pillow Academy 6 at Kemper Academy in No statistics were ing six tackles, and Doug two for a loss, and a sack. Pickens County plays
GREENWOOD — De Kalb. available from the con- Loden had five. He also returned an in- at Brilliant (4-1) next
Heritage Academy won Tyler Looney caught test. Jackson Langley and terception 43 yards for a week, while Aliceville
its fifth straight game touchdown passes of 57, Oak Hill plays at Ross- Zack Corban had four touchdown. plays at Lamar County
with a 19-6 road victory at 80 and 69 yards from ville Christian Academy tackles, and Turman had Frierson had 11 tack- (3-2).

Cowboys’ comeback falls back. He was brilliant in the one missed extra point that McCarthy said. “We need to games, was held to 34 yards
second half against Seattle, rattled an upright, and anoth- change that quickly or we are on 14 carries and didn’t have a
short in 38-31 loss to aside from his fumble on the er that was blocked. And there going to be in these battles run longer than 9 yards.
Seahawks first play of the third quarter. were the two turnovers that each week. It’s difficult to Precott found plenty of open
SEAT TLE — Another Prescott gave Dallas a led to 14 points for Seattle. overcome turnovers.” receivers against Seattle in the
week, another big deficit for chance for a statement road Prescott was intercepted by To the credit of Prescott second half. He tossed a 43-
Dak Prescott and the Dallas victory over the Seahawks on a Shaquill Griffin late in the first and the Cowboys, they nearly yard TD to Gallup with 13:07
Cowboys to try and overcome. day Russell Wilson was setting half, which led to Tyler Lock- did. Prescott picked on Seat- left that pulled Dallas within
The trend is becoming trou- touchdown records. But the ett’s third touchdown reception tle’s porous secondary, finish- 30-28 and Greg Zuerlein’s field
bling, especially with the Cow- issues that surfaced in a Week and a 23-15 Seahawks lead. ing 37 for 57 passing for 472
goal with 3:59 left gave the
boys at 1-2 after Sunday’s 38-31 1 loss to the Rams and last Prescott was stripped by yards, setting career highs in
Cowboys a 31-30 lead.
loss to Seattle. week’s wild comeback victory Benson Mayowa on the first yards and attempts. He was
“We’ve got to get out of our But after finding ways to
over Atlanta showed up again. play of the second half. Two 24 of 35 for 291 yards and two
own way, be cleaner with the “Obviously it’s going to be plays later, Wilson hit Jacob touchdowns in the second half shut down Wilson for most of
ball, play smarter football, find frustrating. We’ve just got to Hollister for another TD and alone. the second half, the Cowboys
a way to start faster, whatever it make those little plays early on the Cowboys trailed 30-15. McCarthy has relied heavi- couldn’t make a final stop.
is,” Prescott said. “We’re going in the game that we’re not get- “We will always start and ly on the arm of Prescott, who Wilson led Seattle 75 yards in
to figure out a way to get this ting, count. We’ve got to make stop with the capability to take is averaging more than 47 at- eight plays — including a key
right and clean it up.” them count,” wide receiver Mi- care of the football and take tempts and nearly 400 passing fourth-down conversion —
For the second straight chael Gallup said. it away and we haven’t got- yards per game. Ezekiel El- and hit DK Metcalf for the go-
week, Prescott nearly engi- There was a muffed kickoff ten that done in the last two liott, who had 185 yards rush- ahead score with 1:47 left.
neered an improbable come- that led to a safety. There was weeks,” Cowboys coach Mike ing through Dallas’ first two SOURCE: AP

Continued from Page 1B
end of the year, I will rank the best 25 factor as I voted for SEC teams the past preseason. got nudged out without playing.
teams — with no bias whether they few weeks. Where I ranked teams previ- Not making it back in were Southern
played 7, 8 or 10 games.”
Others jumped right in with some ad-
ously, especially at the bottom of those
polls, was irrelevant.”
California (preseason No. 17), Minneso-
ta (preseason No. 19), Utah (preseason
Conference call
SEC — 8 (Nos. 2, 3, 4, 7, 13, 16, 20,
justments. This is unlikely to get easier, though. No. 22) and Iowa (preseason No. 24). 21).
“My rationale, such as it may be, No Power Five team has played more
ACC — 5 (Nos. 1, 5, 8, 12, 24).
was that I had voted for SEC teams the than three games so far, but by the time Movin’ up and movin’ out Big Ten — 4 (Nos. 6, 10, 19, 23).
past few weeks before they played,” said Ohio State is scheduled to play its first Not surprising, but there was a lot Big 12 — 3 (Nos. 9, 17, 18).
Chuck Carlton of the Dallas Morning game, Clemson might have played five of movement in the poll. Clemson, Ala-
times. American — 3 (Nos. 11, 15, 25).
News. “To be consistent, had to vote for bama and Georgia were the only teams Pac-12 — 1 (No. 14).
teams in the conferences starting next to hold their spots from last week. Independent — 1 (No. 22).
month. That said, most of those schools Poll points The only big move up for the previ-
are down somewhat from where I had Where did the rest of the Big Ten and ously ranked teams was Miami, which
them in the preseason polls, simply be- Pac-12 come back in the poll compared jumped four spots to No. 8. Ranked vs. Ranked
cause other teams have a body of work with where they were in the preseason? Army, Kentucky and Louisville all No. 13 Texas A&M at No. 2 Alabama.
now.” n No. 10 Penn State fell three spots lost their games against other ranked Aggies couldn’t get their offense going
Not every voter struggled with this from its preseason ranking of No. 7. teams and slipped out of the Top 25. That against Vanderbilt. It better in Tuscalo-
week’s ballot. n No. 14 Oregon had been No. 9 in helped clear some space for re-entering osa.
“Honestly, it wasn’t too difficult,” said the preseason. Big Ten and Pac-12 teams. No. 7 Auburn at No. 4 Georgia. The
Nathan Baird of “I re- n No. 19 Wisconsin was No. 12 in the Louisiana-Lafayette and Virginia Bulldogs had their own offensive issues
ferred back to my preseason research preseason. Tech were bumped out of the rankings in the opener and Auburn is no Arkan-
as a baseline, but that was already a n No. 23 Michigan was No. 16 in the after winning on Saturday, and Marshall sas.

Continued from Page 1B
kept Drinkwitz’s creative of- Harris had the first on He gets open — that’s his job a Butkus Award finalist two eight catches for 89 yards, Mo-
fense out of the end zone un- a short plunge and Waddle — and he does a great job do- years ago who missed all of ses spent most of the night in
til midway through the fourth hauled in 18-yarder for the sec- ing it,” Jones said. “We’ve had last season to an injury. “But the Tigers’ backfield and Sur-
quarter. ond a few minutes later. Wad- a great relationship going back it’s our first game. We just tain jumped on a fumble to
Bazelak added a touchdown dle looked like had another on to summer, 7-on-7s, getting need to improve.” keep things rolling at the start
scamper on the final play of the Tide’s ensuing possession, that chemistry with him, all of the second half.
the game for the final margin. but a review ruled that he hit the late nights at the indoor. COVID-19 Missouri was overmatched
“I saw a lot of fight. I really the pylon before crossing the He’s going to get open and do Missouri defensive backs but showed plenty of fight, and
did,” Drinkwitz said. “I thought goal line and Harris wound up his job. He makes plays.” coach Charlie Harbison was Drinkwitz can certainly build
those guys answered the bell. poaching the touchdown for Harris added his third on that fact. It hardly helped
absent because of COVID-19
I don’t think it was an issue of his second of the game. touchdown on a twisting his cause that the former Appa-
and defensive quality control
not being good enough at all. I Waddle eventually got his 8-yard run early in the second lachian State coach had such
analyst Grant O’Brien filled
thought our guys fought.” second, too, when he hauled half, allowing Saban to see a pandemic-altered offseason
the role. O’Brien also will han-
Alabama’s long wait to start in a spectacular 23-yard grab what freshman quarterback to install his system, and the
dle those duties next weekend
the season actually began with in double coverage that sent Bryce Young and the rest of
at Tennessee. kinks were particularly evident
a thud — a three-and-out on Alabama into the locker room their backups could do. They
when Alabama was pulling
offense. But after forcing a with a 28-3 lead. In fact, the moved the ball in fits and
three-and-out of their own, only slip-up to that point for starts, but it was Missouri that The takeaway away in the first half.
Jones began to find his wide the Tide came at the end of finished the game on a high Alabama won its fifth
receivers downfield and the that play, when Waddle’s cleats note with a touchdown on the straight against Missouri Up next
Crimson Tide got rolling. slipped on the asphalt through final play. and has now won 92 straight The Crimson Tide play their
At one point, the only ques- the end zone and he landed on “We played very well the against unranked foes. Just home opener next Saturday
tion was who was going to his rear. first half but the second half about all their stars got into the against Texas A&M. Missouri
score their touchdowns. “Waddle is a great player. we need to finish,” said Moses, act, too. DeVonta Smith added heads to Tennessee.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 3B

Continued from Page 1B
without spring practices or much of but the 11 yard run he ripped off on Mitchell turned in an eight catch,
a true offseason, this team is only third-and-three gave a glimpse as 183-yard, two touchdown perfor-
going to get more dangerous offen- to why he was the the highest-rated mance in Death Valley.
sively. recruit (No. 16 running back, No. Lauded for his ability to make
138 nationally) in MSU’s 2020 class. highlight-reel catches by Costello,
Kylin Hill’s carries may be down, Only two running backs at
Washington State had more than
his final catch with just over three
minutes remaining on a straight
but he’s just as dangerous 16 rushes last season and it ap- vertical route from 24 yards out,
in the air raid pears Marks could be in line for gave MSU the cushion it needed
Outside of Costello, Saturday the complimentary role alongside in the waning minutes.
was a coming out party for a few of Hill. Minutes before that, Shavers
MSU’s biggest offensive weapons. corralled his second catch of the
Chief among those breakout stars Defensive coordinator Zach day — a 37 yard gain on second
down to move MSU deep into LSU
was Columbus native Kylin Hill.
Hill finished last season as the
Arnett has a plan territory after the Tigers evened
SEC’s leading rusher with 1,350
yards on 242 carries. That was go-
There wasn’t a bigger question
mark this season than the MSU
the game at 44 with just under
10 minutes remaining. Racing

ing to change in 2020, but to what

defense. It lost seven starters
from a season ago and the pre-
into the open field, the former
Alabama transfer’s catch set up a
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Sunday’s answer
degree he’d be involved in the of- Sudoku 2 8 7 4 3 6 5 1 9
game depth chart had 12 under- Brandon Ruiz field goal that put a 9x9 gridis witha several
fense remained to be seen. Then ber-placing
classmen on the two-deep. given numbers.puzzleThe object 4 5 3 1 2 9 8 6 7

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Saturday happened. MSU ahead for good.
Despite that, the Bulldog de- In short, Mitchell was the star
based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 6 1 9 8 7 5 2 4 3
The former Columbus High grid
fense flew around the field and of the day, but he and Shavers’ 1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 9 6 1 2 4 7 3 8 5
School standout finished the night given
with seven rushes for 34 yards
brought constant pressure on massive frames at 6 -foot-5 and so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 5 2 8 6 9 3 1 7 4
LSU quarterback Myles Brennan. object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
while totaling 158 yards receiv- 6 -foot-6, respectively, are going 7 3 4 5 8 1 9 2 6
MSU’s seven sacks were the most numbers
contains the1same to 9 number
ing on eight catches — including to be problems for most defenses 3 4 5 7 1 2 6 9 8
in a game since the 2015 Egg Bowl. the empty spaces so
his 75-yard touchdown catch from and they kept the Tigers on their only once. The difficulty 1 7 6 9 5 8 4 3 2
It also limited a Tiger offense that that each row, each
Costello at the tail end of the third heels for much of Saturday’s con- level increases from
averaged just over 568 yards per column and each 8 9 2 3 6 4 7 5 1
test. Monday
quarter that put MSU up by 10. game last year to just 425 yards to- 3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 9/26

Hill’s carries are going to see a tal and 146 yards in the first half. the same number only once. The difficulty level
downtick, that much is certain. But Of note, four of MSU’s top five Pollsters responded increases from Monday to Sunday.
if Saturday was a preview of games tacklers on Saturday started a to MSU’s win
to come, he’s going to have plenty of combined one game a season ago. As praise was heaped on Leach
chances to get involved and thrive. One contest didn’t cure all ills and his staff for Saturday’s win,
and there were still a handful of pollsters around the country of-
Jo’quavious Marks could be coverage breakdowns in the sec- fered their own congratulations of
ondary that LSU exploited down sorts.
a nice complement to Hill the stretch, but defensive coordi- MSU came in at No. 14 in the
in the backfield nator Zach Arnett’s unit showed Amway Coaches Poll early in the
On the subject of running backs, up to play and held a previously day, while the Associated Press
freshman Jo’quavious Marks con- prolific Tiger offense at bay. marked MSU at No. 16. This
cluded his inaugural in the maroon marked the first time since the
and white with three rushes for 15 second-to-last poll of the 2018 sea- Sunday’s Cryptoquote:
yards and one catch for negative
Osirus Mitchell and Tyrell Shav- son that the Bulldogs were ranked
two yards on three targets. ers give MSU massive bodies on in both the Coaches and AP polls.
Marks’ role may be limited this the outside The win over then-No. 6 LSU
season, if only because Hill is in Just days after being relegated was also the highest-ranked road
front of him on the depth chart, to the second team, senior Osirus win in school history.

Continued from Page 1B

1 Beach creature
5 Little rascals
9 First Lady
before Michelle
10 Fixes, as
holey socks
12 Command
13 French
14 Floorboard
Garrick Hodge /Dispatch Staff sounds
Heritage Academy quarterback Mack Howard (12) scrambles for a first down during a high school football game on 16 Catch
Aug. 21 against Jackson Prep in Flowood. 17 Smooch
the Patriots, too — who could al- “He has the best mechan- straight wins after a season-open- 18 There are
ready throw well. Wide receiver ics of any quarterback I’ve ever ing loss at powerhouse Jackson 13 in a hand of
Trey Naugher, a longtime friend bridge Sunday’s answer
coached, and I’ve taught him zero Prep.
of Howard’s (and now his top tar- mechanics,” Harrison said. “I feel like it’s been great — 21 Filming site 39 You’re read- nude
get) said the two honed that skill At the end of this summer, better than what I even expect- 22 Vestiges ing them 19 Risqué
over years of throwing together Morris put out a video reel of ed,” Howard said. “It’s been awe- 23 Brother’s 40 Whole lot 20 Water cooler
after practice ever since playing Howard’s highlights on social some just winning.” daughter 41 Foot parts 22 Ocean motion
Pee Wee football in fourth grade. media. College recruiters began To keep climbing toward 24 Work week’s DOWN 23 Pen point
But there’s always room to im- to take notice. the next level, Howard has also finish 1 Stephen King 24 Flips out
prove, and Howard wanted to. sought advice from quarterback 26 Chemist’s book 25 Tourist’s car
This summer, he came back
to Mobile following summer with
Passing the test Carter Putt, who owns basically place 2 Least polite 26 Sports group
On Aug. 14, a week before his all of Heritage Academy’s pass- 29 “Jeopardy!” 3 Regions 27 Low joints
renewed effort. He and his family ing records. Putt is now a fresh- host Alex
first-ever varsity start, Howard 4 Seal sound 28 Tour carriers
stayed about a block away from man signal caller for Northeast 30 Bill of fare
got a call from Harrison. 5 Lupino of film 29 Beginner
the QB Country building, and he Mississippi Community College.
A coach from the University of 31 Longing 6 Furious 30 Edison’s —
trained five days a week. “I learned a lot from him,”
Kansas was on the line. He want- 32 Says some- 7 Royal heir Park
Weight lifting and condition- Howard said.
ed to talk to the quarterback. thing 8 Furtive ones 33 Treaty
ing filled the mornings, and the Putt led the Pats to a 14-0 sea-
quarterbacks came back after Howard took the call. He and 34 Assesses 9 Canal parts 35 Pupil’s place
the coach chatted. Then the son and a state title last year, and 37 Protractor 11 Long sand- 36 Direction
lunch to throw for about an hour
coach offered Howard a scholar- Howard and Heritage Academy’s measure wiches opposite NNE
and then head to a film session
ship to play for the Jayhawks. 2020 team have the same goal. 38 Approves 15 Runs in the
where they broke down defensive
“It was crazy,” Howard said. “It But Howard knows that can’t
fronts and coverages.
was unexpected, honestly.” be done without hard work, and
“It’s just the knowledge that
I gain from him, which is huge, Howard said he was a little he’ll keep putting it in for the
and it’s really helped me,” How- nervous about backing up the of- Pats.
ard said of Morris. fer with his play, feeling like he “The neat thing about Mack
Morris, meanwhile, said he had to be perfect to live up to the is, Mack understands that all that
found Howard so motivated to Jayhawks’ faith in him. can be gone in a heartbeat if he
work hard that he had to slow him “That was the only question doesn’t go work for it,” Harrison
down sometimes and just take the about him,” Harrison said. “He’d said.
football out of his hands. never started a varsity game. Morris said he expects a lot
“On Saturdays and Sundays How was he going to react?” more to come from Howard. With
in season, we don’t need to be So far, Howard has passed that two and a half seasons still to
‘grinding’ and training and all test. He has limited turnovers, play, the quarterback can become
that,” Morris told the young pass- gotten rid of the ball when need- — and perhaps will soon be — a
er. ed and made throws Harrison has recruit on a national stage and a
Morris said Howard has never seen someone of Howard’s bona fide star for Heritage Acad-
cleaned up his bad tendencies and age and grade make — including emy.
mechanics to the point where he a bomb to Wesley Miller against “He’s in a position to really hit
could catch a mechanical error in Kirk Academy that went more a new stride, and I think that’s
one of his own throws. Howard’s than 50 yards in the air. what you’re seeing right now,”
coach has seen the same. He’s also led the Pats to five Morris said.

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
4B MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 The Dispatch •

Pandemic playoffs: Brewers, Astros in despite losing records

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS gle playoff matchup set. cisco lost 5-4 to San Diego in a strike-split season. Yadier Molina and the hosted by the top seed in
Then, in a flurry and for the last wild-card spot. “It’s a celebration. We’re Cardinals claimed their ballparks without fans.
Christian Yelich and fury, the entire, expanded Yelich, the former in. We’re in the playoffs. spot despite missing 2 1/2 With no days off, pitch-
the Milwaukee Brewers 16-team postseason field MVP who hit .205 this That’s how you see it,” weeks into August after ing strategies will be
got off to a ragged start was full. year after winning the Brewers manager Craig the club was hit by a virus paramount, particularly
this year. They never Not a bad way to start, last two NL batting titles, Counsell said. “There’s no outbreak. St. Louis played how managers use their
got above .500. And they either: Gerrit Cole vs. and the Brewers happily reason to apologize for get- a total of 58 games — it was bullpens. Following the
dropped their last game Shane Bieber in a me- posed for a team picture ting into the playoffs.” prepared for a doublehead- wild-card rounds, the re-
to finish with a losing re- ga-watt duel as the New in their playoff-clinch “The record’s kind of er in Detroit on Monday if maining clubs will move to
cord. York Yankees face the T-shirts on the Busch Sta- irrelevant in my opinion,” needed to settle the playoff neutral site bubbles in Tex-
Guess what? They’re Cleveland Indians in the dium field. he said. picture. as and Southern California
going to the playoffs. best-of-three wild-card The Astros and first- The other AL pairings: “You had to throw some to crown a champion.
“Weird. I guess that’s round Tuesday. year manager Dusty Bak- Top-seeded Tampa Bay- of the expectations out The biggest losers Sun-
the only way to describe On Wednesday, the NL er also are in at 29-31. No. 8 Toronto, No. 2 Oak- the window not knowing day were Philadelphia and
it. It’s fitting for 2020,” gets going. That’s when Houston got its spot by land-No. 7 Chicago White what to expect after taking the Giants. As it turned
Yelich said Sunday. the Brewers, at 29-31, finishing second in the Sox and No. 3 Minneso- those couple weeks off and out, either team would’ve
A pandemic-altered, open their series against AL West, drawing an auto- ta-No. 6 Houston, with all all those doubleheaders gotten in with a win.
60-game regular season Los Angeles ace Walker matic berth. openers Tuesday. and so many new guys,” “It’s tough sitting here
that many believed would Buehler at Dodger Stadi- The only other team In the NL, it’s No. 1 Cardinals first baseman and not thinking (about the
never get completed and um. in major league history to Dodgers-No. 8 Brewers, Paul Goldschmidt said. “It playoffs),” Phillies slugger
saw games postponed be- In a win-and-you’re-in reach the playoffs with a No. 2 Atlanta-No. 7 Cincin- was very different, very Bryce Harper said after
cause of virus outbreaks, game, St. Louis clinched losing record was the 1981 nati, No. 3 Chicago Cubs- fulfilling to make the play- a 5-0 loss at Tampa Bay.
racial injustice protests by beating Milwaukee Kansas City Royals — at No. 6 Miami and No. 4 San offs.” “We had opportunities to
and a hurricane went into 5-2. But the Brewers also 50-53 overall, they made it Diego-No. 5 St. Louis on All matchups are best- win games and we just
the final day without a sin- made it when San Fran- by winning the second half Wednesday. of-three, with every game didn’t get it done.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: ideas to improve his community speaks among
My husband this situation. — themselves. He often calls me
and I have ALL ABOUT HIM the b-word in fun, as well as
been married DEAR ALL similar names. I have told him
for 30 years. He ABOUT HIM: it hurts me, but he refuses to
has always been Has it occurred acknowledge it, dismissing it as
self-centered. We to you that in “you know, since high school
some areas your that’s how we talk.” He might
have discussed husband may be show some restraint at times,
this over the less self-centered but when he’s drinking (which is
years, and it than an empty often), he reverts back to mak-
hasn’t changed vessel? He may ing cruel or hurtful comments.
his disposition. not help you with I am now a single mother,
I bought him an
ZITS “It’s All About
your daily issues
because he
looking to grow and evolve
into a better person, rebuild
Me” coffee cup doesn’t have the my self-esteem and possibly
years ago as answers. find a partner in life, but my
a joke, and he Assuming you friend keeps pulling me back
enjoys using it!
Dear Abby have talked to into a dark place every time
We both have him about this we speak. I care too much
office jobs and day-to-day until you are blue about him to walk away from
issues and problems with our in the face, the next time he this friendship. What can I
employees and co-workers. If asks for your input, you might do? — BOUNDARIES SET IN
we talk on the phone at lunch consider being less helpful. Or, CALIFORNIA
or over dinner, he describes beat him to the punch and tell DEAR BOUNDARIES: You
his daily issues in excruciating him about your problems before have already taken the first
detail, looking for my feedback/ he has a chance to tell you the step. You told your friend
input and then moves on. There ones he is having. (frenemy?) you will no longer
is never a time I can update As to your adult children, tolerate being called a b**** or
they should go directly to their any other offensive name. For
GARFIELD him on my issues and get his
father when they seek his ad- some in the gay community this
input to help with mine because
he’s too busy thinking about his vice and continue to approach may be considered “fun,” but
issues. him until they get it. it ISN’T funny to you. That he
He cares deeply about our DEAR ABBY: I have a dear would continue doing this after
adult children, but doesn’t give friend I’ve known for 25 years you expressed that it hurt your
them input on their issues ei- and I consider to be family. feelings makes me wonder if
ther. If I don’t remind him about We recently had a falling-out he values your relationship as
the challenges (i.e., buying a because I set some boundaries much as you do.
new car, looking for a new job, I feel are necessary for my own Maintain your boundaries
etc.) they want our advice on, wellness as I grow into my 40s. by leaving his presence if he
he would never reach out to The boundaries revolve around uses that language. Oh, and
them to assist. I am not sure if disrespectful or belittling one more thing: When you know
this is a personality trait I must speech. he’s been drinking, avoid him
live with or if you have some My friend is gay and excus- because, if you don’t, you know
es the disrespect as the way what will follow.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. to be afraid of. worse, spiral and constrict, it’s
28). You’ll get cosmic gifts TAURUS (April 20-May 20). best to jump off.
you would not have thought From the ice cream bin to the LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The
to ask for and be delighted by remote control, there will be clever one who showed you the
a strange twist in November. a number of readily available, ropes, led you down the short-
You’ll provide for your inner cir- cheap pleasures to choose cuts, handed you the recipe
cle and be regarded as a leader. from. Be advised that what has already been repaid with a
You’ll sell a high-ticket item in soothes one moment could helping high and the satisfac-
February. In May, promises will harm the next. tion of your ease. Now you’ll pay
be made and deals struck, and GEMINI (May 21-June 21). it forward.
there’s release from unwanted Novelty is a necessity and can VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
BABY BLUES obligation. Scorpio and Pisces
adore you. Your lucky numbers
keep creativity alive while stav-
ing off depression. However, a
When you get stuck, forget
about who you are and your
are: 8, 17, 30, 22 and 48. little entertainment goes a long role/story/brand... In fact,
ARIES (March 21-April 19). way. Too much makes it difficult forget about all relevant nouns
Stay with what you’re going to focus on what matters. and just do the verb. Action is
through. Avoid the mindless CANCER (June 22-July the way.
activities or busywork that 22). The sort of thoughts that LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
distract you from your thoughts travel ever forward are so fun to Those constantly signaling their
and feelings. There’s nothing ride. But when you hit on those own superiority are actually
inside your mind that you need thoughts that loop back, or sending out a clear indicator of
insecurity. Instead of criticizing
this, you’ll embrace it, realizing
the extra care that everyone
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). It’s easy to discern your
BEETLE BAILEY preferences and easier still to
criticize efforts that don’t meet
the standard. The hard work
is to identify the root cause of
one’s own insecurity. Why does
having superior taste matter so
21). Your storytelling skills can
win or lose points today. The
way you tell a story will not only
make a difference in how you
are perceived; it will indicate
where you are in your personal
19). Inside each problem is
an opportunity to learn, grow,
innovate or conquer. Now the
opportunity will be hard to spot,
though, and it will help to have
an observant friend around to
point it out.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Your dream is bigger than
the gatekeepers who are keep-
ing you from it. If it’s hard to
make things happen, consider
what you can change. How
would this play to a different
FAMILY CIRCUS venue, genre or audience?
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You’ll find charm in natural
objects, sights and sounds. And
if the natural world seems far
removed from you now, turn to
your nature, which is as beauti-
fully wild as any other alive.

Slipped disc
The Dispatch • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 5B
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turer. Electrical back- locations. 662−242−7653
ground w/ mechanical ex- or 205−442−2011.
perience preferred. Quali-
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Service Directory
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Work from a bucket truck.
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