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Introduction: When an incisor does not grow normally, it is the duty of a dentist to determine its

cause and formulate an appropriate treatment plan. Maxillary permanent incisor impactions are

rare in dental practice, nevertheless their treatment is challenging because of its importance for

facial aesthetics. Case report: A 27-year-old adult male visited the Oral and Maxillofacial

Surgery Department of the Hasanuddin University Dental and Oral Hospital with the chief

complaints of the right front maxillary teeth which growing towards the lip and pain was felt on

the lip in the area of the teeth since ± a year before. He has a history of having his upper-right

canine and -left incisor extracted by dentists. A panoramic radiograph shows impaction of teeth

11, 21 and 48. The treatment given was extraction of the impacted 11, 21 and 48 under general

anesthesia. Conclusion: In addition to extraction, orthodontic treatment is suitable for 11 and 21


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