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The upper repiratory system consist of those part which are out side of
a) Thoracic cavity
b) Inside thoracic cavity
c) Both
d) None
2. The lower respiratory system is

a) Thoracic cavity
b) Inside thoracic cavity
c) Both
d) None
3. Epithillium in nasal mucosa is
a) Cilliated
b) Non cilliated
c) Squamous
d) None
4. Function of paranasal sinus is
a) Lighten skull
b) Rasonance of voice
c) Both
d) None
5. Eustachian tube open into
a) Nasopharynx
b) Oropharynx
c) Both
d) None
6. Oropharynx and laryngopharnx is passegeway for
a) Air
b) Food
c) Both
d) None
7. Second name of larynx is
a) Windpipe
b) Vocal box
c) Airway
d) None
8. Larynx located between
a) Pharynx and trachea
b) Naso and oropharynx
c) Both
d) Trachea and esophagus
9. Larynx composed of……..cartillage.
a. 7
b. 8
c. 9
d. 6
10. During speaking vocal cords are pulled across the glottis and viberated by exhaled air so
a) Sound
b) Rasonance
c) Secretion
d) None of the above
11. Speaking impulse from the brain is transmitted by which of the following two cranial nerves
a) Accessory and glossopharyngeal
b) Accessory and vagus
c) None
d) The statement is wrong.
12. Trachea is made up of how many C shaped cartilage
a) 16-30
b) 16-25
c) 13-19
d) 16-20
13. Bronchial tree extend from trachea to:
a) Diaphram
b) Vertebra
c) Esophgus
d) Alveoli
14. Lungs are protected by :
a) Pericardium
b) Pleural cavity
c) Madiastinum
d) None
15. Pleural fluid normal value is
a) 10-15ml
b) 15-20ml
c) 15-30ml
d) 10-20ml
16. Pleura has ……….. of membrane.
Two layer
Three layer
One layer
17. Two layers of pleural cavity are
a) Parietal and saggital
b) Saggital and coronal
c) Parietal and visceral
d) None.
18. Gaseus exchange in respiration occur through
a) ACTIVE transport.
b) Passive transport
c) Diffusion
d) None
19. One heamoglobin has the capability to transport ……oxygen
a) 2
b) 3
c) 6
d) 4
20. When diaphram contracts ,it moves;
a) Upward
b) Downeward
c) Lateral
d) medial

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