How To Make/Produce Antiseptic (Dettol Formula) : Ebook Manual On Production of Dettol

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Ebook Manual On Production Of Dettol

Quickly, I will like to define An antiseptic as any chemical combination or solution that helps or has the ability to
prevent infection by preventing the growth of micro-ogarnisms. I have explained earlier in our germicide lesson
that some bacteria are harmful while some are helpful. These bacteria are every where, I mean everywhere.
Wherever you find human beings, you find them. They are said to be 'micro' because they are so small that they
can't be seen with the unclad (Unclad) eyes. So, our effort here is to get rid of the harmful ones. Hence, our
focus will be on how to mix or combine our chemicals in the right proportion to help us achieve this purpose. 

Materials Needed
1. Texapon
2. Pine oil
3. Phenol
4. Chloroxylenol
5. IPA (Isopropanol)
6. Dettol colorant
7. Water

You notice some of the chemicals used in the production of germicide are also mentioned here.

Materials And Quantity Needed For Production Of 1 Litre Of Antiseptic (Dettol Formula)
(Using tin milk cup as our measuring tool)

1. Texapon................1/2 tin milk cup of texapon

2.Pine oil................1 tin milk cup
3. Phenol.................1 tin milk cup
4. Chloroxylenol..........1/2 tin milk cup
5. IPA (Isopropanol)......2 tin milk cups
6. Dettol colorant........As desired or quantity that will give you the exact color of dettol (brown yellow).
7. Water..................3 tin milk cups

Chemical composition of the product in percentage as follows:

Texapon.............. 5 0/0 percent
Pine oil.................9 o/0
Phenol...................9 o/0
Chloroxylenol........4.5 0/o
IPA (Isopropanol)......12 o/0

Step 1. Turn the texapon into an empty bowl
Step 2. Add the pine oil and stir properly
Step 3. Add the phenol and stir also
Step 4. Add the chloxylenol and stire properly
Step 5. Add the IPA (isopropanol) and stir thoroughly
Step 6. Finally, add water to the content and stir properly.
The colour should be the last thing to add. Just dissolve the colour in water and add slowly till you obtain your
desired colour.

Now, your antiseptic is ready for use. Go and buy dettol no more!

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