Most Important Consideration in Any Relationship. Use Specific Reasons and Examples To

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TOEFL writing exercises

● Do you agree or disagree with the following statement ? Always telling the truth is the
most important consideration in any relationship. Use specific reasons and examples to
support your answer.

○ A relationship is an agreement between two parties that relies almost entirely on

trust. Determining how good or bad a relationship is, depends heavily on how
trustworthy each member considers the other to be. I believe one of the simplest
and easiest ways of building trust is by being honest with your partner, friend,

By being transparent, you are telling your significant other that they can rely on
you, their wellbeing is safe on your hands, nothing unexpected is coming your
way. Being truthful about something can prove and say many things about your
person and intentions, for example, telling your partner you dislike something
instead of silver lining it can avoid future arguments when you unexpectedly
show you don’t like something, demonstrating you couldn’t be honest about a
simple thing; this kind of behaviour can really change how the other person sees
you, they could start questioning the most basic things about your decisions.
Another important aspect of this is showing you are aware of a mistake you’ve
made, and are willing to correct it, this is only possible if you are honest about
your missteps and care enough for the other person to accept them and be
transparent about them. Being honest is especially important when it dictates
certain parts of your partner’s life, deciding for them, or forcing them to take
certain decisions by hiding important details of a situation is very unfair to the
other person, even if you have a “good intention”, telling them the truth from the
beginning can show your trust and belief of them, you trust everything to be okay
if you are together on the matter, working and cooperating to solve an specific
issue, this cannot be achieved if one the people involved is hiding things.

It’s very hard to build trust around a person who constantly tells white lies,
because you know there is always a hidden agenda to it. Personally, I prefer
when someone is straightforward, even if it turns out to be tougher to
acknowledge at the moment, however it definitely is more constructive in the long
run. Telling the truth won’t always be easy, but it really shows how much you
care about someone and their interests, to have your words backed up by your
actions leaves you in high regard, not only with your partner, but everyone else
around you, creating a healthier social environment.
● I agree with the sentence "always telling the truth is the most important
consideration in any relationship", in my opinion, honesty is fundamental to build
solid bonds with others. And I am going to tell you why.

When people tell the truth, they show themselves as they really are. You can get
to see the real qualities of a person, his or her weaknesses and strengths, so that
you decide whether you want them or not in your life and if you are capable of
handling the things you dislike about them. That would prevent future
misunderstandings and disappointments.

On the other hand, trusting one another enough to tell the truth shows that you
feel supported and understood. If you feel good enough to always tell the truth to
someone, then that person provides you with a feeling of confidence and sort of
security, because not everything that is true is pleasant to say, but with certain
people it's less difficult than with others.

If you are conditioned to telling the truth, it diminishes the probability of doing
things that would bring uncomfortable sensations to the other person. I've heard
many people that think "well, if he or she doesn't know what I am doing, then he
or she won't suffer, so it's fine". Making another person feel bad when you tell
them about something you did, is going to make you think twice before doing that

In conclusion, always telling the truth is a basic for having solid relationships. It is
a sign of bonds that are built upon reality, and that are constantly motivated by
trust and empathy.

I love you jajaja I love you too

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