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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings.

Version 1.0
Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

1. “FLS calibration” mode.

This is a simplified method to calibrate fuel level sensors Eurosens Dominator without laptop and
Eurosens Configurator software. Instead of laptop we will use Eurosens Display CAN.

Features and limitations:

With a help of Display RS we can do the following actions:

1. Send a command Calibrate “EMPTY” to sensor.

2. Send a command Calibrate “FULL” to sensor.
3. Monitor current sensor output data: for Eurosens Dominator RS –value N (for both RS232 and
RS485), for Dominator AF – output frequency or voltage (it depends from the chosen sensor

Note that you can’t make change sensor settings with Display RS! It is supposed, that you already
did all settings ”at office” with a help of Eurosens Configurator. Display RS does not replace
Eurosens Configurator + laptop, it just allows to calibrate the sensor and make fuel tank

Calibrated sensor must have firmware no older than:

Dominator RS: 2.9
Dominator AF: 2.3
Dominator CAN: 1.6
Dominator RS (serial numbers start с 75, 76, 77): 1.7

Using Eurosens Display CAN turn Display CAN to calibration mode (pic. 1).

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic. 1 – Choosing calibration mode

How to calibrate sensor (FLS) Empty-Full with Eurosens Display CAN:

Step 1. Disconnect power cable from FLS.

Step 2. Connect power cable and Display with a help of Т-Cable.

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0
Step 3. Connect FLS to T-cable

Step 4. To calibrate “EMPTY” you need to push RIGHT red button. After calibration we will see a
sequence of horizontal symbols.

Step 5. To calibrate “FULL” you need to push LEFT red button. After calibration we will see a sequence
of horizontal symbols again.

After successful connection of Display with sensor, we will see current output value from the sensor.
Red LED must blinks during connection

2. “Adder” mode.

In the Adder mode eurosens Display CAN polls fuel flow meters, fuel level sensors or Difference-T
controllers by one of available interfaces (internal bus RS485_1, RS485_2 or K-line) using protocols
(ModBUS or LLS), calculates sum of sensor values, show individual and total values on display, sends
individual and total values to external interface by desired protocol (external bus RS485_1, RS485_2, K-
line, CAN).

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic. 2 – “Adder” mode

Pic. 3 – FLS and fuel flow meter with eurosens Display CAN in “Adder” mode.

In “Adder” mode eurosens Display CAN polls up to 10. You can set up the type and addresses of polling
devises on the “Adder” tab of Eurosens Display CAN Configurator (pic. 4).
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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic. 4 – Settings of polling devices (type and address)

Note: All installed devices must use same interface and data protocol which was set in Eurosens
Display CAN Internal bus option.
If you want to subtract fuel flow meter data from total volume (for example, in case of differential
measurement) – set device type as “Direct Delta –“.
For fuel level sensors Eurosens Dominator – volume settings, minimum and maximum value must
identical with same fuel level sensor settings.
With “Ignore” option, Display CAN will ignore polling address parameter and will reply to poll from
any address (from 0 to 255).
We use “Passive adder” mode when external device polls fuel flow meters, fuel level sensors or
Difference T controllers. In this case Display CAN will work in read-only mode without polling of sensors
(to prevent situation with 2 “masters” in line).

Display CAN screens in “Adder” mode

Номер Отображаемый параметр
экрана Fuel level sensors (FLS) Fuel flow meters (FFM) Difference-T weighing controller
1 Общий Fuel volume, l - -
2 - Total fuel volume, l -
3 - - Total weight, tons
4 Fuel volume FLS №1,l Fuel volume FFM №1, l Weight №1, tons
5 Temperature FLS №1, ºС Instant fuel consumption FFM №1,l/hour Voltage from sensor №1, V
6 Fuel volume FLS №2, l l Fuel volume FFM №2, l Weight №2, tons
7 Temperature FLS №2 ºС Instant fuel consumption. FFM №2,l/hour Voltage from sensor №2, V
8 Fuel volume FLS №3, l Fuel volume FFM №3, l Weight №3, tons
9 Temperature FLS №3, ºС Instant fuel consumption. FFM №3,l/hour Voltage from sensor №3, V
10 Fuel volume FLS №4, l Fuel volume FFM №4, l Weight №4, tons

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0
Номер Отображаемый параметр
экрана Fuel level sensors (FLS) Fuel flow meters (FFM) Difference-T weighing controller
11 Temperature FLS №4, ºС Instant fuel consumption FFM №4,l/hour Voltage from sensor №4, V
12 Fuel volume FLS №5, l l Fuel volume FFM №5, l Weight №5, tons
13 Temperature FLS №5, ºС Instant fuel consumption FFM №5,l/hour Voltage from sensor №5, V
14 Fuel volume FLS №6, l l Fuel volume FFM №6, l Weight №6, tons
15 Temperature FLS №6, ºС Instant fuel consumption FFM №6,l/hour Voltage from sensor №6, V
16 Fuel volume FLS №7, l Fuel volume FFM №7, l Weight №7, tons
17 Temperature FLS №7, ºС Instant fuel consumption FFM №7,l/hour Voltage from sensor №7, V
18 Fuel volume FLS №8, l Fuel volume FFM №8, l Weight №8, tons
19 Temperature FLS №8, ºС Instant fuel consumption. FFM №8,l/hour Voltage from sensor №8, V
20 Fuel volume FLS №9, l Fuel volume FFM №9, l Weight №9, tons
21 Temperature FLS №9, ºС Instant fuel consumption. FFM №9,l/hour Voltage from sensor №9, V
22 Fuel volume FLS №10, l Fuel volume FFM №10, l Weight №10, tons
23 Temperature FLS №10, ºС Instant fuel consumption FFM№10,l/hour Voltage from sensor №10, V
24 Firmware version Firmware version Firmware version

3. “Adder 1 flowmeter”.

In this mode eurosens Display CAN polls ONE fuel flow meter by by internal bus RS485_1, RS485_2
or Kline) with use of data protocols (ModBUS, Eurosens Delta),shows data on the screen, sends flow
meter values to the external device via external interface (RS485_1, RS485_2, K-line, CAN). This mode is
used to show detailed data (all possible counters) of single fuel consumption meter.

Pic. 5 –Display CAN with single fuel flow meter in

“Adder 1 flowmeter” mode

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic. 6 – Choosing “Adder 1 flowmeter” mode

Setting of this mode is easy. Open “Adder” tab and choose device type in the first row : “Direct Delta +”.
set the flow meter address. All other addresses must be set to 0.

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic. 7 – Setting up the display in “Adder 1 flowmeter” mode.

Note: Fuel meter must use same interface and data protocol which was set in Eurosens Display CAN
Internal bus option.
With “Ignore” option, Display CAN will ignore polling address parameter and will reply to poll from any
address (from 0 to 255).
We use “Passive adder” mode when external device polls fuel flow meter. In this case Display CAN will
work in read-only mode without polling of meter (to prevent situation with 2 “masters” in line).

Display CAN screens “Adder 1 flow meter” mode

Number of
1 Total volume, l
2 Idling volume, l
3 Volume in nominal mode, l
4 Volume in overload, l
5 Volume in cheat mode, l
6 Negative volume, l
7 Instant fuel consumption,l/hours
8 Supply chamber flow, l/hours
9 Temperature in supply chamber, ºС
10 Return chamber flow, l/hours
11 Temperature in return chamber, ºС
12 Firmware version

4. “Difference 01” mode.

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0
In “Difference 01” mode Display CAN acts as analog-digital converter for pressure sensor Eurosens
Difference 01 with analog voltage output. Display CAN stores a calibration table, calculates load in kg
and shows load in kg and pressure in Mpa on LCD screen.

Pic. 8 –Display CAN and Difference 01 analog pressure sensor

Pic. 9 – Choosing “Difference 01” mode

Calibration of the Difference 01 pressure sensor.

1. Install Difference 01 into air suspension system according to Eurosens Difference manual.

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0
2. Connect Display CAN and Difference 01 sensor.
3. Connect external power.
4. Check voltage from sensor on Display CAN when truck is empty. Record also empty vehicle
weight on scales.
5. Check voltage from sensor on Display CAN when truck is loaded. Record loaded vehicle weight
on scales.
6. Based on this data fill the calibration table (pic. 10).

Pic. 10 – weight calibration table, режим “Difference 01”

Note: Display can show axle load, total weight of vehicle or cargo weight, depends on calibration
Example: We have installed sensor at the rear axle and have 2 values from scales : 0.9V for empty
truck and 1.9V for loaded.
Scales data : front axle - 3450 kg, rear axle – 5345 kg (empty)
Front axle – 3720 kg, rear axle – 8934 kg (full)
Calibration table to display axle load:
Voltage, mv Load, t
900 5.345
1900 3.589*

Calibration table to display total weight of vehicle:

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0
Voltage, mv Load, t
900 8.795*
1900 3859**
*3450+5345=8795 **3720+8934=12654 ; 12654-8795=3859

Calibration table to display cargo weight:

Voltage, mv Load, t
900 0
1900 3859*
*difference in total weight of vehicle for full and empty condition

Note: In the Load field we record increment value, not absolute (difference with upper row).

Voltage and weight data we can send in digital format in external interface. Address of Display CAN and
overload threshold alarm we can set in the Difference 01/02 tab (pic. 11).

pic. 11 – external port and alarm settings

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0
Screens of Display CAN in the “Difference 01” mode

Number of
Displayed parameter
1 Load, tons
2 Pressure, MPa
3 Voltage, V
4 Firmware version

5. “Difference 02” mode.

In “Difference 02” mode Display CAN acts as analog-digital converter for sensor Eurosens
Difference 02 with analog voltage output. Display CAN stores a calibration table, calculates load in kg
and shows load in kg and angle on LCD screen.

Pic. 12 –Display CAN and Difference 01 axle load sensor.

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic. 13 – Choosing “Difference 02” mode

Calibration of the Difference 02 pressure sensor.

1. Install Difference 02 according to Eurosens Difference manual.

2. Connect Display CAN and Difference 02 sensor.
3. Connect external power.
4. Check voltage from sensor on Display CAN when truck is empty. Record also empty vehicle
weight on scales.
5. Check voltage from sensor on Display CAN when truck is loaded. Record loaded vehicle weight
on scales.
6. Based on this data fill the calibration table (pic. 14).

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic. 14 – weight calibration table, режим “Difference 02”

Note: Display can show axle load, total weight of vehicle or cargo weight, depends on calibration
Example: We have installed sensor at the rear axle and have 2 values from scales : 0.9V for empty
truck and 1.9V for loaded.
Scales data : front axle - 3450 kg, rear axle – 5345 kg (empty)
Front axle – 3720 kg, rear axle – 8934 kg (full)
Calibration table to display axle load:
Voltage, mv Load, t
900 5.345
1900 3.589*
Calibration table to display total weight of vehicle:
Voltage, mv Load, t
900 8.795*
1900 3859**
*3450+5345=8795 **3720+8934=12654 ; 12654-8795=3859
Calibration table to display cargo weight:
Voltage, mv Load, t
900 0
1900 3859*
*difference in total weight of vehicle for full and empty condition

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Note: In the Load field we record increment value, not absolute (difference with upper row).

Voltage and weight data we can send in digital format in external interface. Address of Display CAN and
overload threshold alarm we can set in the Difference 01/02 tab (pic. 11).

Display CAN screens in “Difference 02” mode

Number of
Displayed parameter
1 Load, tons
2 Rotation angle, degrees
3 Voltage, V
4 Firmware version

6. “Level sensor analog” mode.

In “Level sensor analog” mode Display CAN acts as analog-digital converter for sensor with analog
voltage output. Display CAN stores a calibration table, displays sensor value before and after calculation
on LCD screen.

Pic. 15 –Display CAN and fuel level sensor with voltage output.

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic. 16 – Choosing “Level sensor analog” mode

Pic. 17 – Calibration table, mode “Level sensor analog”

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0
Note: In the Volume field we record increment value, not absolute (difference with upper row).

Display CAN screens in the“Analog sensor” mode

Number of
Displayed parameter
1 Volume or %
2 Voltage, V
3 Firmware version

7. “Frequency sensor” mode.

In the “frequency sensor” mode Display CAN measures the frequency of connected fuel level
sensor. Display CAN stores tank calibration table and shows on the screen input frequency and current
volume in the tank.

Pic. 18 –Display CAN and fuel level sensor with frequency output.

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic. 19 – Choosing “Frequency sensor” mode

Pic. 20 – Calibration table in “Frequency sensor” mode

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0
Note: In the Volume field we record increment value, not absolute (difference with upper row).
Display CAN screens in the“Frequency sensor” mode

Number of
Displayed parameter
1 Volume or %
2 Frequency, Hz
3 Firmware version

8. “Pulse counter” mode.

In this mode Display CAN supports fuel meters with pulse interface.

Pic. 21 – Display RS and pulse flow meter

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic.22 –Choosing “Pulse counter” mode

Tab “Pulse counter” contains settings for this mode.

In the field “Pulse input settings” we can set the volume of pulse. Also we can set thresholds of
modes which is based on instant fuel consumption. Aside from total fuel consumption counter according
to thresholds partial counters will be calculated for each mode. In the “Counters” field we can see actual
counters values.

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic. 23 – Settings of “Pulse counter” mode

Note: Counter values are stored in non-volatile memory of Display CAN. Updating of counters in
the memory is performed each 60 seconds.

Display CAN screens in the “Pulse counter” mode

Number of screen Parameter

1 Total volume, l
2 Idle mode volume, l
3 Nominal mode volume, l
4 Overload volume, l
5 Cheat volume, l
6 Volume since power ON, l
7 Instant fuel consumption, l/hour
8 Total engine operation time, hour
9 Idle mode time, hour
10 Nominal mode time, hour
11 Overload mode time, hour
12 Cheat mode time, hour
13 Total Display operation time, hour
14 Firmware version

9. “Fuel meter, level sensor CAN” mode.

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0
This mode is used with fuel level sensors and fuel flow meters working via CAN bus. No any settings
are needed. Just connect Display CAN to the CAN bus and if there messages with fuel consumption or
fuel level are exists, Display will show it.

Pic. 24 – CAN network of Display CAN, Eurosens Delta CAN, Eurosens Dominator CAN

Pic. 25 – “Fuel meter, level sensor CAN” mode

Display CAN screens in “Fuel meter, level sensor CAN” mode

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Name of screen Parameter

LLS_SU L Total fuel volume in tanks, l
FUEL_SU L Total fuel volume consumed by meters, l
1_LLS L FLS volume №1, l
1_tEP 0C FLS temperature №1, 0C
… …
9_LLS L FLS volume №9, l
9_tEP 0C FLS temperature №9, 0C
1_FUEL L Fuel meter volume №1, l
1_FLr L/h Instant fuel consumption №1, l/hour
… …
9_FUEL L Fuel meter volume №9, l
9_FLr L/h Instant fuel consumption №9, l/hour

Note: Screens with TOTAL volume in tanks or consumed by meters will be added dynamically if
several fuel level sensors or fuel flow meters are connected in CAN bus network.

10. “Onboard weighing” mode.

Mode is used when Display CAN works as a part of Eurosens Difference onboard weighing system.
In this mode user can make settings of output parameter addresses, overload limits, auto-sending option
ON/OFF and time interval of auto-sending data.

Pic. 26 – Eurosens Difference onboard weighing

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Operation modes of Eurosens Display CAN and settings. V.1.0

Pic. 27 –Choosing the “Onboard weighing” mode

Pic. 28 – Setting of output addresses, and autosending

Note: Address #0 means this parameter will not be sent.
More info about onboard weighing settings and its calibration may be found there:

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