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Name : S.

Reg no. : 11917847
Subject : OPR623
Section : Q1954

Case Studies of Procurement

And Contracting Best Practices
It has been estimated that between 70% and 90% of ADA paratransit programs use one or
more contracted operators. Some systems also use contractors to perform reservations and
scheduling and sometimes the dispatch function as well; depending on the contractual
arrangements and relationships, these can be part of a turn-key operation contract or could
be a contract for call center management or brokerage management services, with separate
contracts for operations.
Because the use of contractors for ADA paratransit is so predominant, the ways in which
contractors are procured bears examination relative to their impact on the recruitment and
retention of operators.

Key people:

1. ADA paratransit members

2. Contracted operators(call center or brokerage or sepreate contracters)
3. Recruiters

Key things :

 ADA paratransit programs use contracted operators to perform reservations,

scheduling and sometimes dispatch function as well. Because the use of the
contractors for ADA paratransit is so predominant.
 The way of recruitment process is based on examination relative to there impact.
 Some transit agencies include in their procurement documents that result in effective
operator recruitment and low turnover rate.
 Moreover, some transit agencies have asked in their RFP for proposers to provide
detailed information about wage rates and the fringe benefits that are available to
operators. These agencies have discovered that it is not sufficient to question
whether or not a proposer offers health care coverage to its employees, which only
tells half the story.
 By including such terms, these transit agencies are working to discourage the
submission of proposals that include low operator wages, which are too often a
casualty of the competitive bidding process.
Evaluation of case :
70%-90% of ADA paratransmit programs use some contracted operators to perform
reservation, scheduling and some times dispatch function as well. It depends on contractual
arrangements and relationships. This process may come under part of turnkey operation
contract or could be a contract for call center management or brokerage management
services. Because the use of contracters for ADA paratransmit is so predominant. The
contractors are procured on the basis of examination related to their impact on the
recruitment and retention of operators. Some transit agencies include in there procurement
documents that result in effective operator recruitment and low turnover rate because
agencies have developed procurement documents that specify a minimum vehicle operator
wage rate. Some agencies have asked in their RFP for proposers to provide detailed
information about wage rates and the fringe benefits that are available to operators. These
agencies have discovered that it is not sufficient to question whether or not a proposer
offers health care coverage to its employees, which only tells half the story. Some agencies
provide operator recruitment and retension of stable workforce that include evaluation
criteria and providing bonus for 100% pull out coverage. These agencies are working to
discourage the submission of proposals that include low operator wages. The goal is to
generate competitive cost proposals that also accurately reflect competitive vehicle
operator wage rates and fringe benefits and result in a more stable vehicle operator

Alternate solution :
The agencies that fulfill all the criteria based on the ADA paratransit recruitment process
with no mistake made they should be the perfect contractors that would be procured for the
ADA paratransmit.

Selecting the best Solutions :

The objective of this portion of the research was to collect best practice examples of
procurement documents that directly or indirectly resulted in a fair vehicle operator
compensation package and to determine how positively those strategies effected operator
recruitment and retention.

Conclusion :

The objective of this portion of the research was to collect best practice examples of
procurement documents that directly or indirectly resulted in a fair vehicle operator
compensation package and to determine how positively those strategies effected operator
recruitment and retention. The first step in the research was to identify transit systems
who indicated in the national survey that they crafted their procurement documents to
contain one or more of the following provisions:
a. Statements that a stable, experienced operator work force was expected along with
the evaluation criteria.
b. Requirements to provide detailed information about specific operator recruitment
and retention activities.
c. Requirements for a minimum operator wage rate along with the additional
requirements to provide details of the operator wage rates.
d. Requirements to provide detailed cost information and required employee
percentage of contributions of health care insurance for each category of employee.

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