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Course Code: MGN572 Course Title: Individual Dynamics and Leadership

Course Instructor: Amit Kumar Sharma

Academic Task No.: CA2 Academic Task Title: Assignment Task-2

Date of Allotment: Sept 1, 2020 Date of submission: September 10, 2020

Student’s Roll No: RQ1954A22 Student’s Reg. No: 11900221

Learning Outcomes: To analyse a field of study using various methods of analytics tools
and provide proper assignment report highlighting issues, analysis about the case.

I declare that this assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other
student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made
explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by any other person.
Student’s Signature: Chethan S N

Evaluator’s Comments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observation Suggestions for Improvement Best part of assignment

Evaluator’s Signature and Date: ______________

Marks Obtained: ______________ Max. Marks: ______________


The accomplishment and concluding result of this assignment required a lot of supervision
and assistance from several individuals and I am exceptionally privileged to have got this till
the conclusion of this assignment. Whatever I have achieved is only owing to such guidance
and assistance.

I would like to express my appreciation and deep regards to our course instructor Amit
Kumar Sharma for her constant guidance, valuable information and encouragement
throughout the course of this assignment. I would also like to thank Mittal School of
Business, Lovely Professional University for including this assignment in our course
curriculum as it has proved to be very beneficial for our growth and development as business

Furthermore, we would like to thank him for introducing us to the subject of Individual
Dynamics and Leadership which helped us in gaining more practical knowledge for our
degree specialization. I am overwhelmed to acknowledge in depth to all those who have
helped me to put this idea, well above the level of simplicity and into something concrete.
Any attempt at any levels can’t be satisfactorily completed without the support of our
classmates, who have willingly shared their precious time and helped us whenever we
required their assistance.


1. Introduction 4

2. Problems 6

3. Analysis 8

4. Solution and Alternatives 12

5. Conclusion and Recommendation 16

6. References 17

Hunley Inc Casting for Growth
1. Introduction
Hunley, Inc. produces sticks for a niche fishing game. Focusing on freshwater
rods seen as products of the "middle market", targeted at "interested" fly fishermen, in
the face of declining revenues and falling prices per unit sold, the company president
considers a number of growth strategies, including introducing a stick made of
modern building materials (high-end delivery) and increase distribution at Walmart
(low market). Hunley’s president has to decide whether an alternative is possible and
if so, what kind of marketing plan is needed for each to succeed. If no options are
available, he should decide what other ways Hunley can grow. This is a rich blending
case that needs to improve the quality and quantity line of Hunley's product line under
two very different growth options. The discussion can shed light on a number of
emphatic marketing issues, including: product expansion, market and corporate status,
suspension statements, market segregation, introductory marketing plans, launch of
new products, channel conflicts, human resource management, among others. It can
also be used in the placement and increase phase of taxpayer-willingness within the
strategic study.
Along with it, the company also creates value in ways to incorporate a healthy
point into its products. The company has made some efforts to provide healthy
products and reduced the share of Hunley Inc: Casting For Growth case Analysis for
general environmental degradation. The analysis has taken a number of steps in line
with human and environmental sustainability including the 2009 declaration of
ambitions and commitments linked to the market and society.
Companies should ban the use of nitrogen fertilizers and should seek the
resources of those farmers who do not use fertilizers to get their produce. An entity
may use renewable energy sources in their production facility to compensate for the
release of greenhouse gases from the use of nitrogen-rich products.
Along with environmental costs there are certain social costs associated with
the food and beverage sector that must be considered by the big food and beverage

business in order to achieve market growth and avoid criticism from environmental
Market-related social costs have a growing number of health problems related
to weight problems, heart disease, diabetes and more. Big business can play a positive
role in addressing these issues.
Business can move to healthier products by reducing the amount of harmful
substances in the processed food, namely dioxin, which can lead to deadly human
illnesses. Companies can also make efforts to deliver consumer preferences to healthy
products as they actually control consumer tastes for a few decades.

2. Problem

Problems are areas, skills or abilities lacking Hunley. Limits the company's ability to
create a competitive advantage. Problems stem from a lack or lack of five resources
and skills - jobs and processes, financial resources, past experience and success,
resources such as land, construction and labour.

If we had taken any significant steps regarding the environmental impacts of its
products, however, these measures are not sufficient to eliminate criticism of the
company's responsibility in addressing social and environmental concerns. This is
necessary to take some strategic steps to change the market structure of its popular
names and to highlight Case Analysis as a company that produces healthy products in
the market. In this regard, companies and other food and beverage companies should
use their power to convey consumer taste to healthy products to eliminate barriers to
the growth of the food industry. Some of them could be explained below as:

1. Lack of diversity of labour force - I believe the Hunley is not different enough
because their growth so far is in their domestic markets, this could diminish Hunley's
success in the international market.

2. Record tracking in environmental monitoring is not very encouraging -

Hunley's track record in environmental issues is not very encouraging, this could lead
to consumer attacks as consumers now consider environmental protection as part of
doing business.

3. System Implementation Technology - Although Hunley's has incorporated

technology into the background processes but you have not yet been able to apply the
technical force to the previous processes.

4. Cultural Organization - It seems that Hunley's culture of order is still dominated

by wars that have erupted at various levels, which has led managers to keep the details
close to their chests. Inc.

5. Lack of critical talent - I believe Hunley faces a shortage of critical talent

especially in the field of technology and digital transformation. Hunley's has a

problem reorganizing processes due to advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) and machine learning.

6. Customer dissatisfaction - Although the demand for products is not yet low but
there is a negative feeling of dissatisfaction among Hunley's customers. Appears in
updates on various online platforms. Hunley should focus on areas where he can
improve customer acquisition and back-end shopping experience.

3. Analysis

SWOT analysis has been performed for the Hunley Inc Casting for
Growth case:


Hunley's energy and resources can be used to create a competitive advantage in the
market. Strength comes from the positive aspects of the five resources and skills -
human resources, past experience and success, jobs and processes, financial resources,
and resources such as land, construction.

- Robust Hunley Home Market - Hunley's home market is a source of energy and an
obstacle to the growth and innovation of the company. According to information
provided by Hunley, Inc. Growth case Trials - Hunley's can easily grow in its home
market without much innovation but will require further investment in research and
development to enter global markets. The temptation so far for Hunley management is
to focus only on the domestic market.

- Successfully Go to Track Record Market - Hunley's has a very successful track

record of launching new home products but also food in various markets depending
on information from local consumers. , Hunley explored a variety of concepts in
various markets and developed effective Sales & Marketing solutions.

- Hunley's Diverse Product Portfolio - Hunley's products and product portfolio allow
it to target different parts of the domestic market at the same time. This allowed
Hunley's to create a variety of sources of income and a combination of profits.

- Strong Balance Sheet and Hunley's Financial Statement can help it invest in various
new projects that can continue to spread revenue distribution and increase Return on
Sales (RoS) and other metrics.

- High productivity and quality of services can help Hunley continue to expand his
market share as the current customer is more loyal to it. In Hunley, Inc: Broadcasting

a growth study - there is ample evidence that with such high-quality products and
services, Hunley can compete with other international players in global markets.

- High Margins - Hunley Charges pay a premium compared to competitors. The trial
of growth cases, this has provided Hunley's resources not only to prevent competitive
pressures but also to invest in research and development.

- Strong Brand Equity and Brand Awareness - Hunley's has some of the most popular
brands in the home market in which it operates , product recognition plays a key role
in attracting new customers looking for solutions in nearby industries.


In addition to the various strengths, the company also has some weak points that resist
the company's prosperity in the form of growing profits. One of the apparent
weaknesses of the business is the anxiety associated with gender discrimination and
diversity with the company it has been dealing with for years. At the same time,
criticism of the company's strong-looking policy, access to targeted markets and high
pricing policy alike are some of the major weaknesses of the company that resist its

1. A steady decline in annual collections

2. The decline in the per capita wage in Toronto has stopped working to get money
from here

3. Some franchise owners disappoint their willingness to participate on the day of the
annual event due to the assumption that their participation in Wonder Treat Day
causes a reduction in profits in addition to significant changes before and after the
revenues of their companies and businesses.


Opportunities that are part of the larger nature and development Hunley can use to
consolidate existing market position or to use them for further growth. Opportunities
may arise from a variety of factors, such as - new technology, economic growth,
increased consumer revenues, political and policy changes, and consumer preferences.

- Access to International Talent in the Global Market - One of the challenges Hunley
currently faces is limited access to a high-level talent market due to limited budgets.

Expansion of global markets could help Hunley enter the overseas talent market. , it
can also help bring talent to the domestic market and expand into new areas.

- Reducing the Cost of Market Entry and International Market Marketing - , global
trade and the proliferation of digital advertising and communications have
significantly reduced the risks of market penetration and marketing in global markets.

- Growth of Market Size and Consumer Development Preferences - Over the past
decade and a half the size of the market has grown exponentially. The influx of new
customers has also led to a shift in consumer preferences and preferences. This
highlights two of Hunley's biggest challenges - how to retain loyal customers and how
to take care of new customers. Hunley tried to differentiate between different types
and then add different features according to customer preferences.

- Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Hunley's can use advances in predicting skills

to better predict customer demand, target niche components, and create better search

- Profitability in International Market Profits - Globalization has led to opportunities

in global markets. Hunley is in a good position to take advantage of those
opportunities and increase market share. , growth in global markets could also help
Hunley differentiate risk because it will be more dependent on the domestic market
for revenue.

- E-Commerce Business Models and Social Media - E-commerce business models can
help Hunley connect with local suppliers and suppliers in global markets. The growth
of social media can help Hunley reduce the cost of entering a new market and
reaching customers with a much lower marketing budget. It can also lead to the
availability of people to access a variety of services and consumer-focused marketing
based on data and purchasing behavior.


Threats are major environmental factors and developments that could disrupt Hunley's
business model. Threats may come from various sources such as economic growth,

political development and policy changes, new technologies, increased consumer
spending, and consumer preferences.

- Credit Binge post 2008 Recession - Easy access to credit is more than ever, so
Hunley should focus on reducing its dependence on debt in order to increase it. The
club has been in power for more than a decade and being sent back to the Fed could
lead to huge costs for Hunley's descendants.

- Industrial pricing culture - Hunley works in an industry where there is a pricing

culture. The trial of the Growth case, this could lead to the organisation's inability to
raise its fair share premium prices.

- Threats to New Entrepreneurs for Cost Reduction and Increased Performance - As

Hunley can use lower cost of customer access using social media and e-commerce, so
do competitors - local and foreign competitors.

- Increasing security - Hunley should place risks in increasing security from - storing
data on the international market to risk sharing by operating countries with a different
economic cycle.

- Increasing operating costs in developed markets due to environmental laws -

Hunley's must address these costs as governments try to impose higher environmental
taxes to promote cleaner practices. Hunley may have higher packaging costs and
higher packaging costs.

4. Solution and alternatives

The new CEO has focused on purchasing the healthiest products for sustainable
business development and providing a healthy future for people and the world. Under
a brand new perspective, the company's motto has changed and it has gone from
"enjoy" to "better for you".

Human Sustainability:

The company acquired Quaker Oats which produces True North nut and SoBe snacks,
and Naked Juice which produces soy and natural beverages to introduce a variety of
healthy products to its portfolio. Aside from considering the product name of the Case
Solution product, Quaker Oats products contained several active ingredients that are
harmful to health.

In conjunction with the inclusion of healthy products in its acquisition portfolio,

Hunley Inc: Casting for Growth CaseAnalysis has actually taken certain steps to
stabilize its market areas. One of the biggest examples of this is the Company-based
marketing strategy. The company only markets low calories and healthy beverage
options in schools. One step taken by CaseSolution in terms of human sustainability is
to focus on research and development to introduce new and healthier products to its
portfolio. The company has increased its research and development budget and has
actually deployed a team of health researchers to design specific health products.

Environmental sustainability:

In this regard, the business is committed to reducing its product packaging by millions
of tons to prevent high pollution. The company is committed to reducing greenhouse
gas emissions and achieving energy efficiency.

Based on the above analysis, it can be seen that the business has taken a number of
steps towards human and environmental sustainability. These actions are still
insufficient to achieve the preferred commercial development and reduce criticism
over the social work of CaseAnalysis.


Special long-term strategic options can be acquired by the company on the basis of
the above analysis. These alternatives can be tested on the basis of the fact that the
alternative is to enable the company to achieve its goal of possible development and
reduce criticism than the company. In addition, options may be evaluated on the basis
of the amount of time that will be taken for the option to be made and the costs and
risks associated with the alternative

Alternative 1: a new product line introduction with healthy food and beverages

Step One Hunley Inc: A Learning Growth Solution Solution that can take us to
introduce a new line of food-related food and beverage. The business must deliver
more healthy products through its research and development costs.


• Ability to identify multiple consumers i.e. health consumers.

• Decreased criticism of environmental communities and neighbourhood development


• Satisfaction of social responsibility by removing harmful products with healthy


• It can be killed within a few years that is about 3 to 5 years.


• The risk of failure of new products in the market that is consumers may not like the
taste and may not accept the healthiest products due to addiction to dangerous

• Harmful products in the product portfolio can make the installation of healthy
products less effective to reduce criticism.

• The huge cost of research and development needed to create new healthy products.

Alternative 2: Acquisition for a high level of Health-related business

One way you can do this is to achieve growth and reduce criticism to get your health-
related business up to standard. Investing in this type of business will allow Hunley
Inc: Introductory Growth Research Solution to present a large range of the healthiest
items in the short term without the need for huge research and development costs. The
benefits and risks associated with the other 3 are given below:


• Save a lot of research and development costs to develop a new product.

• Installation of brand new products within two years.

• Ability to identify multiple customer’s i.e. healthcare consumers.

• Reducing criticism of environmental communities and community development


• Fulfilling social obligation by paying for hazardous substances through healthy



• The findings may not indicate a change in the image of Hunley Inc: Casting For
Growth Case Analyses as happened with Quake Oats.

• Demand for large sums of money.

• The risk of failure of new products means consumers may not like this product and
may not accept the healthiest products because of the addiction to harmful products.

• Hazardous products in the product portfolio can make the inclusion of healthy
products fail to reduce criticism.

Aletrnative-3: Replacing Dangerous and Healthy Products in a Portfolio

Another alternative for Hunley Inc: Imitation Growth Case is transforming all of its
harmful ingredients into healthy products. Replacing harmful products with healthier
products will completely change the company's market position and may require a
large number of important steps to take.


• Hunley Inc Market Reform: Implementing Growth Case Analysis

• The ability to identify multiple consumer’s i.e. healthcare consumers.

• End all criticism of environmental communities and community development


• Satisfaction of social obligation


• The threat of the failure of brand new products in the market i.e. customers may not
like the taste and may reduce the most healthy products due to addiction to harmful

• Significant costs for research and development are needed to create new and
innovative products.

• Employee can withstand changes in business design and service strategies.

• Different ages required for use.

• Shift of focus from core capabilities.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation


Based on the analysis conducted it is clear that Hunley Inc has been operating in the market
in a balanced sense but there is ample room for improvement. The company can name one of
the marketing tools to improve their marketing and sales activities. Network recovery and
marketing performance can be improved enough in the company which means that the 4 p
marketing combination covers almost all aspects of the company's marketing operations.


The study was conducted with detailed analysis conducted on Hunley Inc’s marketing and
production activities during the year. This study identified the identification of marketing
problems and the changes that a company needs to make its production operations and
marketing processes presented. Not only that, this study has included several analytics of
various marketing metrics to identify the sufficient matrix that Hunley's Inc can incorporate
in order to improve their marketing activities and returns. The identification of marketing
problems and the purpose and vision of Hunley Inc were also conducted in the study.

6. References
1. Bierly, P. & Hämäläinen, T., 1995. Organizational learning and strategies.
Scandinavian Administrative Journal, 11 (3), p. 209-224.
2. Cole, G., 2003. Strategic Management. Boston: Cengage Learning EMEA.
3. Collier, D. & Evans, J., 2009. Performance Management. Boston: MA: A study of
4. Haron, A., 2016. Local Comparative Strategy Journal of Accounting and Marketing, 5
5. Hartline, M. & Ferrell, O., 2006. Marketing Strategy. Boston: MA: A study of
6. Keller, L., 2006. Strategic Brand Management Process, with a focus on Brand
Modern management. s.l.:s.n.
7. Kotler, P., 1997. Marketing Management: Analysis, planning, implementation and
control. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.


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