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Road Space Reallocation According

to Car Congestion Externality

Carlos Alberto González-Guzmán1 and Francesc Robusté2

Abstract: The mobility management tool proposed in this paper estimates the percentage of road space that should be reallocated from
private vehicles to public transport according to internalization of the congestion externality generated by private vehicles. This reallocation
measure could be implemented on a strategic mobility corridor in the city. The initial increase in trip time that a private vehicle experiences
because of the reduction of its road space favors an improvement in mobility. This improved scenario is characterized by a more efficient
reassignment of the traffic of private vehicles in the network, a modal change toward public transport, and better trip times in public transport.
This tool could achieve a better social welfare compared to an uncontrolled user equilibrium condition. It could have, under specific circum-
stances, similar results to those by road pricing regarding the discouragement of the travel demand of automobiles and a greater acceptance on
behalf of citizens and local administrations. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000070. © 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Transportation management; Travel demand; Traffic management; Traffic capacity; Urban areas.
Author keywords: Transportation management; Travel demand; Traffic management; Traffic capacity; Urban areas.

Introduction From the point of view of economic theory, the use of prices has
been widely defined as the mechanism that guarantees an efficient
The key task for urban transport sustainability is to understand the use of road infrastructures. After the pioneer task of Pigou (1920),
urban road space as a scarce resource, the use of which must be writers such as Walters (1961) and Vickrey (1963) established the
rationalized according to greater operative and environmental bases to fix an optimal tax for the use of infrastructure in accor-
efficiency of the urban transport system. The practical evidence dance with the costs of congestion. Recently, this idea has gained
shows that an equitable distribution of the travellers according force in multiple theoretical and empirical reports: Newbery
to the mode of transport is not sufficient, because even though pri- (1990), Hau (2005a, b), Small (1992), Small and Gomez-Ibáñez
vate transport, public transport, and other nonmechanized modes (1998), Nash et al. (2000), Nash and Sansom (2001), and DeBorger
(walking and cycling) had equal parts of the total of trips carried and Proost (2001) among others; today, it is the policy established
out in a town, more than 80% of the network is being used by pri- by the European Commission (1995, 1998, 2001). Thus, conges-
vate vehicles in many cities of developed countries. tion pricing has gained great importance as an effective tool for
This situation gives rise to a complex situation: the free individ- traffic management to achieve several objectives, such as reducing
ual decisions regarding the purchase and use of private vehicles emissions and promoting improvements in public transport (Yang
conflicts with the welfare of society, because the negative external- and Zhang 2002; TfL 2005).
ities that the private vehicle generates largely exceed those of public In spite of its technical coherence and sufficient theoretical sup-
transport, and more specifically, private transport requires more port, the introduction of congestion tax always implies a high ret-
space on the road network and generates more contamination icence from the citizens because it is a monetary penalty with a
per passenger than public transport. This gives rise to the need political cost for the local authorities, who have to make the deci-
of developing tools for the management of urban road space to sions. Several writers such as Rentziou et al. (2011), Ison and Rye
give priority to public transport. However, if public transport is fa- (2005), and Cain (2005) show that gaining public acceptability re-
vored and there is no penalty for the use of private vehicles, the mains a major barrier in implementing congestion pricing in urban
demand that public transport could attract from uses of private environments. This is one practical reason why alternative tools to
transport would be replaced by a potential demand for private manage traffic congestion, such as capacity reallocation strategies,
vehicles. have been explored.
Pulichino and Coughlin (2005) stress the need for implementing
Graduate Researcher, School of Civil Engineering, Technical Univ. of innovative policies to give priority to public transport systems to
Catalonia (UPC), Campus North, Building B1-006, Jordi Girona St. 1-3, mitigate the growing traffic congestion in urban environments.
08034, Barcelona, Spain (corresponding author). E-mail: cargonza6@ This improvement in urban mobility is done by offering competi- tive levels of service in public transport through schedule adherence
Professor of Transportation, School of Civil Engineering, Technical and high commercial speeds, among other operational features, to
Univ. of Catalonia (UPC), Campus North, Building B1-101, Jordi Girona attract more users from private vehicles. A piece of research con-
St. 1-3, 08034, Barcelona, Spain. ducted on 11 case studies (European, North American, and South
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 1, 2010; approved on
American cities) shows that opposition to preferential treatment
October 25, 2010; published online on August 15, 2011. Discussion period
open until February 1, 2012; separate discussions must be submitted for initiatives was not from the general public but from influential
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Urban Planning interest groups, which suggests that the principles of preferen-
and Development, Vol. 137, No. 3, September 1, 2011. ©ASCE, ISSN tial treatment have gained greater public acceptability in re-
0733-9488/2011/3-281–290/$25.00. cent years.


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A review made by Johnston et al. (1995) on a variety of existing penalty in time units is imposed on the private vehicle, related to a
and proposed methods for allocating existing highway capacity to monetary penalty based on an optimal tax, that increases its trip
lessen congestion (these schemes take a variety of approaches to time on the regulated link, which favors both a more efficient traffic
distribute limited roadway capacity so that congestion is reduced reassignment on the network and a change in the modal choice
and roadway use is available to certain groups of users) shows that toward public transport. In other words, it is about the use of
even though both equity and efficiency criteria are important for the congestion level as a regulator for modal distribution and route
such allocations and pose difficult problems, the potential capacity choice.
cost savings achievable with capacity-allocation methods may be As a first approach to the development of this alternative tool for
considerable. Allocation methods might spread traffic-demand travel demand management, the first best is used as a pricing
peaks to more efficiently use existing roadway capacity, avoiding system, and the considered externalities are limited to the conges-
construction of new capacities that may only be needed for a few tion. This method is used in accordance with writers like Santos and
hours each day. Alternatively, allocation techniques might function Newbery (Working Paper, Univ. of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK),
like market prices to allocate a scarce resource by creating incen- Yang and Zhang (2003), and Vivas (Working Paper, Universidad
tives for deferral, consolidation, or elimination of discretion- del Valle, Cali, Colombia), among others, who accept the tradi-
ary trips. tional method of first best to estimate the congestion tax to be
Reallocating road space from general traffic to improve condi- applied for the simple case of two routes, but not for the case
tions for public transport systems, pedestrians, or cyclists is often of complex road networks to avoid inequities in taxation of the
predicted to cause major traffic problems on neighboring streets. A different links of the network.
detailed study of over 70 case studies of road space reallocation Some important considerations:
from 11 countries (and the collation of opinions from over 200 1. The existence is formulated of an equivalence between a mone-
transport professionals worldwide) reported by Cairns et al. tary regulation tool such as the urban toll based on an optimal
(2002, 1998) and MVA (1998) suggests that predictions of traffic tax and a spatial regulation tool based on the reduction of the
problems are often unnecessarily pessimistic, and that, given appro- road space for private vehicles such as SRC, because both (the
priate local circumstances, significant reductions in overall traffic first by means of a monetary penalty and the second by means
levels can occur, with people making a far wider range of behav- of a penalty in trip time) can have a discouraging effect on the
ioral responses than has traditionally been assumed. Thus, in the generalized use of private vehicles on a certain link, from the
presence of well-designed and well-implemented road space reallo- reduction of the surplus of the consumer (user).
cation schemes in urban environments, traffic levels can be reduced 2. In the case of the SRC spatial regulation tool, the initial in-
by significant amounts, with the average being of approximately crease of the trip time produced by the reduction of the road
11% on the treated road or area. Moreover, these schemes can help space of the private vehicle and its transfer to public transport
in achieving a wide variety of benefits including accident reduc- causes an improvement in mobility by generating a more effi-
tions, air-quality improvements, increased business investments, cient reassignment of private vehicle traffic on the network
more attractive living and working surroundings, and improved re- (transferring traffic from the congested link to other underused
tail vitality. or less congested links) and by a modal change toward the pub-
This is why there is a need to develop an alternative tool of lic transport, the trip time of which has been improved.
transport demand management that penalizes the private vehicle 3. In principle, this means an intervention applied to a congested
not in monetary terms but in spatial terms by using the generated corridor identified as strategic for the mobility of the city that is
congestion externality as a referent for this penalty. The alternative needed to give priority to public transport systems (and other
tool proposed here could achieve better social welfare with respect nonmotorized modes); therefore, the penalty is established
to the uncontrolled user equilibrium condition; under specific from the calculated existing congestion for this corridor. It
circumstances, it could have similar results to those by road pri- is possible to extend the application of this tool to the case
cing regarding the discouragement of the travel demand of auto- of an area of regulation (particularly the center of a city where
mobiles and greater acceptance on behalf of the citizens and local the congestion is greater) identifying a set of strategic links to
administrations. be regulated inside this area and establishing penalties from the
existing congestion calculated for this area, but this necessarily
implies making some additional considerations.
Road Space Retribution Charge by Congestion 4. The SRC searches for a reduction in the surplus of the consu-
Costs mer (surplus of drivers of private vehicles) expressed in time
units. Because the consumer surplus is the difference between
The reduction of the demand of private vehicles in urban environ- the maximum quantity that the drivers are willing to pay in trip
ments should be found by generating a scenario for the driver in time to use a given corridor and the amount they are paying at
which he is led to consider two alternative options: a new choice present to use this corridor, a more rational use of the infra-
of the route, opting for an alternative link (underused or less con- structure is encouraged by reducing this surplus (increasing
gested) or a modal change toward public transport (understanding the price, that is, inducing an additional delay). This promotes
that public transport presents an improvement in trip time as a result the idea that fewer drivers are willing to choose to travel on the
of the implemented measure). In this sense, the tool presented here, regulated corridor because it implies a greater trip time than
called road space retribution charge by congestion costs (SRC), can more competitive alternatives such as nonregulated links
be efficient in generating this scenario. and other transport modes.
The SRC expresses the percentage of road space of the private 5. It is understood that the regulation role of this tool lies not only
vehicle in a strategic road for the mobility of the city that should be in the act of reducing the road space for private vehicles,
transferred to other modes of transport with greater environmental because first of all this generates more congestion, but in
efficiency according to the internalization of the external cost gen- the effect that this additional delay has on the decision making
erated by the private vehicle. With this transfer of the road space of a driver given the new scenario. This makes it possible that a
from the private vehicle to the public transport and other modes, a reduction in demand is presented on the regulated link because


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of a reassignment on the network and a modal change toward penalty (τ  ) that makes the driver internalize his social marginal
public transport. costs (in this case, the congestion is the additional delay that he
6. Initially, the analysis of the revenue redistribution must be generates for the other drivers on the road). The increase in cost,
excluded, because of practical reasons and also to avoid until an optimal cost (C  ) is reached, generates a reduction in the
possible interpretations of social welfare that would invalidate quantity of trips from q0 (related to the intersection of average costs
the equivalence set between the classical model of optimal tax and marginal benefits or demand) until q (related to the intersec-
by congestion and the alternative model SRC proposed here. tion of marginal costs and marginal benefits).
This decision is supported by the fact that in the optimal tax However, the reduction in road supply for private vehicles and
model, in practice, a direct redistribution of revenue of the ur- its transfer to public transport (and other nonmotorized modes) on
ban toll is not carried out between the drivers that decide not to which the SRC is based [Fig. 1(a)] searches for a similar reduction
use the regulated road or the population of the area of influence in demand for trips in private vehicles (Q) by means of a spatial
that endures the negative effects of the traffic. Nevertheless, in penalty changing from an initial road supply (S1) to a final road
this paper, an indirect redistribution of the toll collected can be supply (S2), assuming that in the short term, the road supply
considered as an investment to improve the public transport (S) is constant. The reduction in road supply generates a reduction
service. in demand for trips in private vehicles from q0 to q , because it
7. The net profit generated by this alternative tool (SRC) can be situates the driver in a scenario where given an initial additional
understood as the set of negative externalities that the society delay, he can opt to choose an alternative route or public transport,
stops enduring with the reduction of private vehicle traffic. which presents a better trip time. The users that stop using the road
This net profit is increased to the detriment of the marginal make a new scenario possible where there is a better mobility.
benefit of private vehicle users.

Penalty for the Private Vehicle in Time Units:

Relation between Scheme Reduction of Road Space Approach to the Problem, Mathematical
Supply and Congestion Tax Formulation, and Resolution Method
The reduction of the road supply for private vehicles and the opti- Following part of the methodological approach used in Daganzo
mal tax by congestion are tools with a similar capacity to reduce the (1995), in which a simple model of supply and demand is used
quantity of trips in private vehicles, because their penalties (mon- to explore the possibilities of an alternative strategy of control,
etary penalty and a spatial penalty that affects the trip time) reduce to the classic pricing by congestion; as such, a simple scenario
the disposition of the driver to use the regulated link by reducing is considered, with two routes that consist of only one congested
the consumer’s surplus. As shown in Fig. 1, because the initial link and other alternatives to go from an origin to a destination. The
quantity of trips (or equilibrium quantity) q0 is linked to the average spatial nature of the regulation tool presented here (SRC) has re-
costs (Cme) and initial road supply (S1), a relation between the quired some adaptations of the mentioned methodology.
variation, or reduction, of trips in private vehicles (Δq) of both Four basic assumptions are made:
schemes can be established. This relation has to be understood from 1. One congested link (bottleneck);
the perspective that both tools can generate a similar reduction in 2. Fixed time and cost for nonusers;
the individual benefit for private vehicle drivers. 3. Linear utility; and
A variation in the number of trips in private vehicles (Q) can 4. Nondirect returned revenues.
depend on variations in the trip cost (C) road supply (S). Reduction The assumption allows the extra utility of the bottleneck to be
of the road supply (S) generates a reduction of the number of trips expressed for a specific class i, as a function of the relative cost and
(Q). This reduction of trips can be related to that generated by the time of the bottleneck (ci yt i ) experienced by class members, the
imposition of a tax by congestion that internalizes the social mar- congestion status of the bottleneck (T), and the toll paid (τ ).
ginal costs of private vehicles. Because this is a spatial regulation tool for reduction of the road
The classical theory of the optimal tax on which the tax by con- supply, the toll paid τ is the monetary penalty that includes the ex-
gestion is based [Fig. 1(b)] searches for a reduction of the trips in ternal cost of the trip in a private vehicle for an initial road supply
private vehicles (Q) by means of the imposition of a monetary and the extra cost linked to the reduction in road space until a final
road supply.
S C ( /hr)
Specifically, the extra utility of the bottleneck for the user of
specific class i is
Cmg A
Cme A U i ¼ bci ðΔci þ τ Þ þ bti ½Δti þ TðqÞ ð1Þ
Ce τ*
where τ = monetary penalty that includes the external cost of the

trip for the initial road supply and the extra cost linked to the re-
D D duction of the road space until a final road supply; TðqÞ = time
attributable to the congestion, when q trips choose to use the bottle-
neck; Δci , Δt i = differences in costs and time between the bottle-
* 0 * 0
neck and other modes when q ¼ 0 and there is no tax; bci , bti =
q q QA q q QA marginal utilities of money and time; bti =bci = value of the time
q q i for the class i
Nothing has been said about how society should value the util-
(a) (b) ities of different users or user classes. This (controversial)
assumption of the social welfare approach can be avoided if a single
Fig. 1. Relation between schemes reduction of road space supply and
measure for the resulting improvement in society’s welfare is not
congestion tax


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Consumers’ surplus
Because this tool intends to maximize the utility of each class i, in time units Congestion function T
Y (hours) T
there is no interest in knowing how society values individual util- (new supply with penalty)
ities, therefore it is a matter of minimizing the generalized cost C i dτ
of each category: C i ¼ U i =bci ¼ ðΔci þ τ Þ þ αi ½Δt i þ T ðqÞ . Congestion function T - τ/α
T −τ
This equivalent expression would be more appropriate than the util- ( )
S R q* α (initial supply without penalty)

ity expression, because it is easier to esteem the value of time αi T*

than the conversion constants of time and money, bci and bti . d* τ
T1 α
One Socioeconomic Class T ´´ GR
Latent Demand
q* q0 Q (trips)
It is convenient to describe a bivariable function, q, of time and
money, which gives as a result the latent demand for the bottleneck
Fig. 2. Equilibrium analysis with the new supply curve according to
as a function of the congestion time T, and the charged toll, τ .
penalty, with costs in time units
Latent demand refers to the quantity of trips that would be disposed
to use the bottleneck under specific conditions. Without a regula-
tion, the latent demand is carried out, and becomes the flow q.
Because the utility is assumed to be linear, which points out that projection on the curve without a tax is the short list
the bottleneck is chosen by the class i if the relative utility in time (q ; T 00 ; T  ). (T 00 on the y-axis corresponds to q on the x-axis in
units for the bottleneck is positive, then for those who use the the curve without tax).
bottleneck Ci < 0 (U i > 0), the demand can be defined as the fol- The increase of the trip time (Y) generates a reduction of the
lowing probability function: quantity of trips in private vehicles (Q). This increase in Y is done
by means of a reduction in road supply for private vehicles, chang-
qðτ ; TÞ ¼ PrfU i > 0g ¼ PrfC i < 0g ing from an initial congestion curve to a new congestion curve with
regulation. The reduction of road space for private vehicles is based
¼ PrfðΔci þ τ Þ þ ðΔt i þ T ðqÞ Þ < 0g ð2Þ on a real penalty in trip time (d  ), established from a monetary pen-
¼ PrfðΔci =α þ Δti Þ > T ðqÞ þ τ =αg alty τ (which includes the optimal tax for an initial road supply and
the variation in cost of the trip linked to the reduction in road sup-
The quantity ðΔci =α þ Δti Þ from Eq. (2) can be seen as a ran- ply) and a subjective value of the time α.
dom variable R, which represents the equivalent advantage in time For the i class, the utility relative to the bottleneck expressed in
units of the bottleneck when q ¼ 0 and τ ¼ 0 (that is, as though the time units is the difference between the time of advantage (saved
bottleneck was not congested). The quantity T ðqÞ þ τ =α can be time) of the bottleneck, r i , and the penalty time implied by the con-
interpreted as the penalty time attributable to the congestion and gestion and tax, y.
the tolls. For the i class, the utility of the bottleneck should not be neg-
Thus, if F R denotes the complementary function of distribution ative, because negative differences between the time of advantage
of the variable R (which is a decreasing function independent of the and the penalty time result in a nonuse:
control strategy), then qðτ ; TÞ can be expressed as
U i ¼ maxf0; U i g ¼ maxf0; bci C i g
qðτ ; TÞ ¼ F R ðT þ τ =αÞ ð3Þ
¼ maxf0; bci ½ðΔci þ τ Þ þ αðΔti þ TÞg
This establishes that, if the advantage in time (saved time) of the ð5Þ
U i ¼ maxf0; bti ½ðΔci =α þ Δt i Þ  ðT þ τ =αÞg
bottleneck exceeds the penalty time implied by the congestion and
toll, y ¼ T þ τ =α, the users will choose to use the bottleneck; oth- ¼ ðbti Þ maxf0; ðr i  yÞg
erwise, they will not do so. Because every user who chooses to use
the bottleneck will be allowed to do so, the equation qðτ ; TÞ ¼ where r i ¼ ðΔci =α þ Δt i Þey ¼ ðT þ τ =αÞ.
F R ðT þ τ =αÞ gives the flow q, of the bottleneck, the trips that The relative utility of the bottleneck expressed in time units is
are willing to use the bottleneck.
The complementary function of distribution F R of the variable R maxf0; U i g=ðbti Þ ¼ maxf0; ðr i  yÞg ð6Þ
is represented in Daganzo (1995), with the flow on the y-axis and
the costs of time and tax on the x-axis, that is qðτ ; TÞ ¼
F R ðT þ τ =αÞ. Like in Robusté and Sarmiento (1999), here an in- Utility in time units for class i ¼ maxf0; ðr i  yÞg ð7Þ
verse function GR ¼ F 1 R will be used to continue using the con-
vention of placing the costs on the y-axis and the flow or quantity of The utility in time units for class i in equilibrium is given by:
trips on the x-axis. Then, instead of expressing the demand as
qðτ ; TÞ, it will be expressed as pðt; T ðqÞ Þ, that is, cost in time units U i in time units ¼ maxf0; ðr i  yÞg; being y ¼ T  ð8Þ
according to q (Fig. 2):
According to Fig. 2, T  is increased by increasing the tax τ ; there-
p½t; T ðqÞ  ¼ GR ðT þ τ =αÞ ð4Þ fore, U i in time units ¼ maxf0; ðr i  yÞg cannot grow for no i
when the tax τ is increased. The utility of all the users is reduced
Fig. 2 represents a hypothetical curve associating the resulting when a tax is introduced.
flow q (or quantity of trips) with a penalty time y. This figure also The prospect of U i in time units ¼ maxf0; ðr i  yÞg, through i,
shows a supply curve with a tax expressed as T. A differential in- is the surplus of the consumer expressed in time units, given by the
crease of the tax displaces the supply function T in dτ =α time units. shady area above T  in Fig. 2. This surplus of the consumer de-
The elimination of the tax produces a displacement τ =α, which creases when the tax τ is increased.
gives a supply curve without a tax T  τ =α, and a point of equi- If there are different socioeconomic classes and f i is the fraction
librium (q0 ; T 1 ). The intersection of the curves GR and T and its of users that belong to each class, the benefit surplus for the


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consumer (user) in time units is ðf i maxf0; U i gÞ. Therefore, the certain flow of private vehicles (Q), there is a new trip time (t)
benefit for the consumer (user) is bti E½maxf0; ðR  yÞg. greater than the initial time. The road capacity has discrete values
Equilibrium is found when y ¼ T  , and the benefit for the con- (number of lanes).
sumer in time units, SR , is In a practical way, the tool will work with a simple model
of congestion, the Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) function
SR ¼ E½maxf0; ðR  T  Þg ð9Þ (BPR 1964). This model relates link travel times as a function
of the volume/capacity ratio according to
which is represented in Fig. 2 by the shady area SR above the y-axis   β 
T  , where E is the operator of mathematical expectancy. This ben- v
t ¼ tf 1 þ α ð10Þ
efit for the consumer also can be written as SR ¼ SR ðq Þ, where q c
is the x-axis of T 00 þ τ =α. This benefit for the consumer diminishes
when τ increases, as shown in Fig. 2, when the tax is increased where t = congested link travel time; t f = link free flow time; v =
dτ =α equivalent time units. link volume; c = link capacity.
The expression τ =α is a theoretical penalty for the private With this model, congestion in two different scenarios of road
vehicle in time units. Because this theoretical penalty is material- capacity, C 0 and C 1 , is calculated. Even if this model implies a
ized in practice by means of a reduction in road space (for example, crude simplification in calculation of congestion, it is sufficient
by reducing one lane for private vehicles), it turns into a real penalty for the objectives formulated in the present study.
in time units called d  , which will be greater than the theoretical
one because of the spatial nature of the measure (reduction of road
space) and because the number of lanes is a discrete value, which in Numerical Example for the Simple Case of Two
practice always implies an overcharging (which maximum levels Routes
have to be established depending on the initial road supply). In this
way, the real penalty in time units d  includes both the optimal tax A first example for the simple case of two routes is developed
calculated from the external costs for an initial road supply and the (under an analytical approach), which considers one congested link
extra costs linked to the reduction of the road capacity. (where a regulation tool will be implemented) to travel between an
origin-destination pair (A-B) and other alternatives (route, mode) to
travel between the same origin-destination pair
Reduction of Road Space for Private Vehicles Four basic assumptions are made:
1. One congested link (Link 1);
From the perspective of traffic engineering (Fig. 3), a reduction in 2. Fixed time and cost for nonusers;
road capacity from C 0 to C 1 implies a change in the congestion 3. Linear utility; and
curve of the road, moving its saturation point to the left. Therefore, 4. Nondirect returned revenues.
for a certain level of flow of private vehicles, q1 , an increase in trip Other aspects to consider:
time from t 0 to t1 is produced. 1. The congested road identified as Link 1 to travel between
Fig. 3 shows that the reduction in capacity of private vehicles an origin-destination pair (A-B) is classified as Urban Street
ΔC will be optimal when the resultant variation of travel time Δt is Class III according to Highway Capacity Manual (TRB
equivalent to the previously calculated penalty in time units d  2000), with the following characteristics: length 10 km, speed
(Fig. 2). That is, the optimal point of reduction of road space des- at free flow 55 km=h, 4 lanes per direction, and a capacity of
tined for private vehicles, with which the private vehicle internal- 2,960 vehicles/h/direction (for a level of service D).
izes its marginal social costs by means of a penalty in time units 2. A monetary cost of the trip in a private vehicle of 0.325 Euro
added to its travel time, is achieved when Δt ¼ d  . per km. An opportunity cost of the travel time of 0.14 Euro per
A reduction in road capacity for private vehicles (C) on a certain min means 8.4 Euro/h [values derived from a study by the
road generates a new congestion curve for this road, so that for a Technical University of Catalonia and University of Barcelona
Considering first the side of the demand of urban transport in the
C1 C 0 market, Fig. 4 shows the demand curve of trips along Link 1 for an
t, time
(monetary and time cost)

t1 14,00
Trip cost

t0 12,00
8,00 PTC
q, flow MB
q0 ´ q0 q1
∆C 0,00
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Free flow Congestion 0
Q trips
C STC. Social Trip Cost (Marginal cost)
Free flow Congestion 1 PTC. Private Trip Cost (Average cost)
C MB. Marginal Benefit (Demand)

Fig. 3. Congestion and reduction of road capacity for private vehicles Fig. 4. Trip cost for Link 1 with an initial road supply (4 lanes)


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initial road supply (4 lanes). The horizontal axis measures the num- on a theoretical time penalty of 15.76 min, increasing the trip time
ber of vehicles/h/direction. The vertical axis measures the costs of from an initial time of 30.55 min to a provisional time of 42.81 min.
commuting trips, the sum of the monetary and time costs of the Because this is a simple case of two routes, the penalty only
10 km trip. The demand curve shows, for each trip cost, how many applies on one link (Link 1), and the supply of road space (n)
travellers use Link 1. The demand curve is a marginal-benefit presents discrete values, that is, it is expressed in number of lanes
curve; for each traffic volume, it shows how much the marginal (for Link 1, n ¼ 4). The minimum reduction and transference of
traveler is willing to pay for the trip on Link 1. road space will then be one lane; it is a matter of evaluating the
The equilibrium volume of private vehicles, 2,960 (given by the effect on the network when one lane of the supply destined to
intersection of the curves of private cost and demand) exceeds the the private vehicle (n  1 ¼ 3) is reduced on Link 1 (see Fig. 5
optimal volume, 2,773 (given by the intersection of the curves of and Table 1).
social cost and demand) because the driver ignores the external Fig. 5 shows that reduction in road capacity for private vehicles
costs of his trip, which necessitates the use of regulation tools that implies a change from congestion curve S1 to congestion curve S2,
internalize them. In the particular case of a tool of spatial nature so that for an optimal volume of 2,773 there is a final trip time of
such as the reduction in road space, one must also bear in mind 49.18 min (greater than the provisional trip time of 42.81 min cal-
that the final trip time in the optimal volume will be calculated culated for the S1 scenario).
in the new generated scenario with a reduction in capacity. Table 2 shows that in the scenario of the new road supply for
Table 1 shows the relationships between traffic volume and private vehicles (3 lanes), for an optimal volume of 2,773 there is a
trip time, trip costs, and theoretical penalty time for an urban road final trip time of 49.18 min (greater than the provisional trip time of
(Link 1) with 4 lanes: 42.81 min calculated for scenario S1), so there is a real time penalty
1. Column B lists the trip time (per driver) for different traffic of 22.12 min, which in practice means an overcharging of 14.87%
volumes. For traffic volumes up to 800 vehicles/h (per 4 lanes), in the trip time.
there is no congestion: everyone travels at the legal speed limit The trip time with n  1 on Link 1 (Column K) would be
of 55 km/hour, and the 10 km trip takes 10.91 min. For traffic 49.18 min, implying a real penalty time (Column L) of
volume above 800 vehicles, the computation is based on the 22.12 min, which means an overcharge of the penalty time of
BPR curve for a road capacity of 2,960 vehicles/h/direction 14.87% (Column M). It is estimated that an overcharge close to
(with parameters α ¼ 1:8 and β ¼ 3:0). 15% (because the road supply has discrete values) is acceptable
2. Column C shows the effect of the marginal driver on the trip because the users that continue on Link 1 after having applied
times of other drivers.
the measure could be favored in the medium term because of a
3. The increase in total travel time (Column D) is simply the extra
residual reduction in demand beyond the optimal one calculated
time per driver multiplied by the number of other drivers,
which is the congestion externality.
This makes it possible to state (for the case specified here and
4. The external trip cost (Column E) equals the monetary value of
under specific circumstances) that a penalty in the trip time of pri-
the congestion externality.
vate vehicles (d  ) of 22.12 min carried out by means of a reduction
5. The values in Column E are based on the assumption that the
opportunity cost of travel time is 0.14 Euros per min. of 25% of its road space would have the same effect as the appli-
Table 1 (Fig. 4) shows two reference levels of traffic for Link 1. cation of an urban toll based on an optimal tax (τ  ) of 2.21 Euro per
First, it shows an equilibrium traffic level of 2,960 vehicles/h trip, with regard to the reduction of the quantity of trips in private
(with a trip time of 30.55 min), which is the level of traffic pro- vehicles (Q) on a regulated link, changing from 2,960 to 2,733
duced without regulation tools because the users of Link 1 do vehicles/h/direction.
not internalize the costs they generate for other users, that is, where Thus, because both tools, optimal tax by congestion and the
the marginal benefit shown by the demand curve is the same as the SRC, can cause a similar reduction in the quantity of trips in private
private cost of the trip (7.53 Euro). Second, it shows an optimal vehicles, they can be considered equivalent for this purpose.
traffic level of 2,773 vehicles/h (with a trip time of 27.05 min) that This statement is considered valid, bearing in mind the different
can only be reached if regulation tools are used to force the users of nature of the two tools (the first monetary and the second spatial).
Link 1 to assume the costs they generate for the other users, that is, This is not a direct conversion from an optimal monetary tax to an
where the marginal benefit is the same as the social cost of the trip additional delay of trip time (by means of a reduction in road space)
(9.24 Euro). from a subjective value of time, but rather an approximation of the
Table 1 also shows the theoretical time penalty for the initial reduction in road supply from an optimal tax by congestion.
scenario (15.76 min) that should be implemented to generate a re- In general, the implementation of the SRC implies an advantage
duction of the traffic from an equilibrium traffic volume (2,960 ve- over an unregulated situation, and in this way it fulfills its role of
hicles) to optimal traffic volume (2,773) and to reach, in this way, a being an alternative mobility management tool.
provisional trip time of 42.81 min that includes the theoretical time Fig. 6 shows that a reduction of the quantity of trips of private
penalty. vehicles (Q) can be achieved by means of a monetary penalty or
The provisional trip time of the initial scenario (Column J) optimal tax (τ  ) that internalizes the external costs of the trip or by
will be later contrasted with the trip time of the final scenario means of an equivalent penalty in trip time (d  ) generated by a re-
(Column K), calculated with the new congestion curve BPR of duction in road supply for private vehicles. Because this is a spatial
Link 1 once the reduction of the road space for the private vehicle regulation measure, the penalty in trip time (d  ) for an optimal
has been carried out (capacity of 2,220 vehicles/h/direction), as quantity of trips (q ) must include both the external cost of the trip
shown in Table 2. (marginal cost) in time units for the initial road supply (S1) and the
In the initial scenario with a road supply of 4 lanes, a reduction additional delay generated by the reduction of the road capacity
of the volume of private vehicles from 2,960 to 2,773 vehicles/h/ from an initial road supply (S1) to a final road supply (S2). Because
direction can be achieved if the cost is increased from 7.53 Euro to both tools can cause, under specific circumstances, a similar reduc-
9.24 Euro. A similar reduction could be achieved with a hypotheti- tion in the quantity of trips for private vehicles, they can be con-
cal reduction of the road space for the same scenario, based sidered equivalent for this purpose.


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Table 1. Link 1 with Initial Road Supply (4 Lanes): Traffic Volume, Theoretical Time Penalty, and Provisional Trip Time
Traffic volume Trip time: urban road Increase in travel Increase in total External trip cost Private Social trip Marginal Theoretical Provisional trip time with
with 4 lanes time per driver travel time or optimal tax τ  trip cost cost benefit penalty time theoretical penalty time (B+I)
Vehicles Min Min Min Euro Euro Euro Euro Min Min
200 10.91 0.000 0.00 0.00 4.78 4.78 32.92 0.00 10.91
400 10.91 0.000 0.00 0.00 4.78 4.78 31.08 0.00 10.91
600 10,91 0.000 0.00 0.00 4.78 4.78 29.24 0.00 10.91
800 10.91 0.000 0.00 0.00 4.78 4.78 27.40 0.00 10.91
1,000 11.67 0.002 0.37 0.05 4.88 4.94 25.56 0.37 12.04
1,200 12.22 0.003 0.92 0.13 4.96 5.09 23.72 0.92 13.14
1,400 12.99 0.004 1.69 0.24 5.07 5.30 21.88 1.69 14.68
1,600 14.01 0.006 2.71 0.38 5.21 5.59 20.04 2.71 16.72
1,800 15.32 0.007 4.03 0.56 5.40 5.96 18.20 4.03 19.35
2,000 16.97 0.009 5.67 0.79 5.63 6.42 16.36 5.67 22.64
2,200 18.97 0.011 7.67 1.07 5.91 6.98 14.52 7.67 26.65
2,400 21.38 0.013 10.08 1.41 6.24 7.65 12.68 10.08 31.46
2,600 24.22 0.015 12.92 1.81 6.64 8.45 10.84 12.92 37.14
2,773 27.05 0.017 15.76 2.21 7.04 9.24 9.24 15.76 42.81
2,800 27.53 0.018 16.23 2.27 7.10 9.38 9.00 16.23 43.76
2,960 30.55 0.020 19.25 2.69 7.53 10.22 7.53 19.25 49.79
3,000 31.35 0.020 20.06 2.81 7.64 10.45 7.16 20.06 51.41
3,200 35.72 0.023 24.42 3.42 8.25 11.67 5.32 24.42 60.14
3,400 40.67 0.026 29.37 4.11 8.94 13.06 3.48 29.37 70.04
3,600 46.24 0.029 34.94 4.84 9.72 14.61 1.64 34.94 81.17

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T (time) C ( /q)
Table 2. Link 1 with Final Road Supply (3 Lanes): Traffic Volume, Trip
Time, and Real Penalty in Trip Time S2 Cmg A

A K L M S1 Cme A
Traffic Trip time: urban road Real penalty Overcharge in penalty T* C*
volume with 3 lanes time (K–B) time (K 100=J) d* τ*
Te Ce
Vehicles Min Min % T´ DA C´ DA

200 10.92 0.01 0.13

400 11.02 0.11 1.05
* 0 * 0
600 11.30 0.39 3.55 q q QA q q QA

800 11.83 0.92 8.42

1,000 12.70 1.04 5.55 Fig. 6. Trip time and optimal tax in reduction of number of trips in
1,200 14.01 1.79 6.64 private vehicles
1,400 15.83 2.85 7.88
1,600 18.26 4.25 9.19
1,800 21.38 6.05 10.45
2,000 25.27 8.30 11.62
2,200 30.02 11.05 12.66
2,400 35.72 14.34 13.56
2,600 42.45 18.24 14.32
2,773 49.18 22.12 14.87
2,800 50.31 22.78 14.95
2,960 57.45 26.91 15.38 Link based toll Cordon toll Hybrid cordon toll
3,000 59.37 28.01 15.48 (spatial charge) (spatial charge) (spatial and
3,200 69.72 34.00 15.92 monetary charge)
3,400 81.45 40.78 16.29
Fig. 7. Alternatives for practical application of SRC
3,600 94.64 48.41 16.60

70,00 exaggerated overcharging in penalty trip time would distort the

S2 model owing to the discrete nature of the road capacity) where,
Trip time (minutes)

3 lanes
50,00 first, it is necessary to implement or to improve the performance
40,00 of the public transport service, and second, it is necessary to give
30,00 S1
4 lanes priority to other nonmotorized transport modes (walking or
20,00 cycling).
10,00 The goal of this kind of application will never be the elimination
0,00 or substantial reduction of congestion on mixed traffic lanes. This is
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Q trips because the success of the measure is based on the remaining pri-
vate vehicle drivers experiencing a certain level of congestion,
Fig. 5. Congestion curves for Link 1 with initial and final road supplies which encourages them to a modal shift toward public transport
for private vehicles (which improves its performance with the implementation of an
exclusive lane)
This case is susceptible to the use of the first best (or taxing
Alternatives for the Practical Application of the SRC according to the marginal costs) as a system for fixing prices, be-
cause this is a single link in which the user of a private vehicle
The practical application of the SRC offers various alternatives, would assume the total of the social marginal costs. For the case
which are enunciated here (the first case corresponds to that of more complex road networks, the second best must be used as a
analyzed in this paper and the other two are formulated for future system for fixing prices to avoid inequities in taxation of the differ-
research). The following presents the conditions under which the ent links of the network.
application of the SRC can be recommended (see Fig. 7).

SRC in a City Center (Cordon Toll)

SRC in a Congested Urban Travel Corridor (Link
Based Toll) A second alternative would be to put the SRC into practice not in a
specific urban corridor, but in a regulation zone such as the center
This first alternative deals with the application of the SRC on a of a city, because the center concentrates the greatest congestion
congested urban corridor that is strategic for the mobility of the levels. In this case, starting with a cordon that delimits the regula-
town. It is a matter of calculating externality by congestion pro- tion zone of the city and for which externality has been calculated,
duced on the chosen congested urban corridor, so that it can be it is a matter of applying the SRC in different links (identified as
charged by means of application of the SRC to the users of private strategic for mobility) according to the necessities that each one
vehicles that choose to travel through this corridor. formulates. For example, whereas in links with more commercial
This is an application on congested multiple-lane urban arteries activity, the enlargement of pedestrian pavements is more conven-
with no less than 4 lanes per direction (in smaller capacity roads, an ient, in other strategic links it is more suitable to give priority to


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public transport (bus lane or tramway), or in special itineraries, to management tools of different natures (economic and spatial
provide a bicycle lane. Thus, the SRC could be expressed in linear measures); this implies not only an economic evaluation in the
meters of road, which can be carried out through different interven- typical sense, but a multiobjective evaluation of these measures.
tions on the included links in the area. In this way, applications of transport economics that are more in
keeping with the needs and realities of urban environments can be
SRC and Road Pricing in a City Center (Hybrid
Cordon Toll: Spatial and Monetary Charge)
A third alternative deals with the possibility of a mixed application
in which the externality calculated for the regulation area (city The simple case of two routes suggests that internalization of the
center) is charged to the user of the private vehicle, part as a mon- externalities generated by private vehicles (in this case, congestion)
etary charge at the accesses of the regulated area (with electronic carried out by means of spatial measures (reallocation of urban road
road pricing), and another as a spatial charge upon a strategic urban space) could be an efficient tool to promote sustainable mobility in
corridor (with SRC) where there is an evident need to redesign the urban environments. This is in the context of three specific objec-
road section to give priority to public transport. tives: to diminish the number of private vehicles on the corridor
In this specific case, it would be convenient to involve various until an optimal number is reached; to contribute to a more bal-
externalities in addition to congestion. It is possible to approach the anced reassignment between the available options (links) for a
subject not only from the concept of functional capacity of the road given origin-destination pair, and simultaneously to favor public
but also from the environmental capacity, as postulated in Ferrari transport by means of designating a lane for the exclusive use
(1995) and Yang and Bell (1997). This method would rebound to a of busses or tramways; to generate certain conditions where
more robust general tax that should be sufficient to discourage driv- encouragement for changes in modal choice are feasible.
ers to enter the regulated area (through the monetary toll at the The alternative tool for travel demand management presented
accesses), and to cause a more equilibrated traffic reassignment here could achieve better social welfare with respect to the uncon-
in city center areas. This method could also promote modal shift trolled user equilibrium condition. Under specific circumstances,
toward public transport, through the spatial charge on the urban the proposed alternative tool could have similar results to those
corridor identified as strategic. by road pricing regarding discouragement of the travel demand
of automobiles.
This alternative tool is also considered to have greater accep-
Discussion tance on behalf of citizens and local administration than the road
pricing. First, because it is not a direct monetary payment for the
Even if the improvement in social welfare achieved by implemen- users; second, because of its double function as a tool for sustain-
tation of the proposed tool, in comparison to the inefficient user ability in urban transport: optimal distribution of the use of the road
equilibrium state, is easily proved, the optimal condition equiva- network and promotion of a change in the modal choice toward
lence between the two regulatory tools analyzed here (the marginal public transport as an alternative of greater environmental effi-
pricing theory and the proposed supply control strategy) can gen- ciency; and third, because its materialization is used to carry out
erate an interesting debate. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify some urban planning actions for improvement of public space.
points regarding this subject. Other positive environmental and social effects derived from a
It is necessary to understand that this is not a direct conversion more rational use of public space could be considered by local ad-
using a subjective value of time from an optimal monetary tax to an ministrations to gain citizen support to carry out such initiatives.
additional delay in trip time (by means of the reduction of road
space to private vehicles), but rather an approximation of the reduc-
tion of road supply for private vehicles from an optimal tax by con- Acknowledgments
gestion (to internalize the externalities). Here, this topic is dealt
with by establishing a relative equivalence between the optimal The authors would like to thank the guest editor, the anonymous
tax and a trip time penalty by road space reallocation, and not reviewers, and Professor Harvy Vivas of the University of Valle,
by establishing equality in the complete sense of the term. Thus, who have made valuable suggestions and comments on an earlier
the equivalence between these two regulatory tools could be con- version of this paper. The authors are solely responsible for all
sidered valid owing to their different natures: one monetary and the statements in this paper and any remaining deficiencies.
other spatial.
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