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Learn Chinese from Movies

Scene One Vocabulary:

The entries under the red headings are part of your homework. For Scene One, half of
these entries have been done for you. For Scene Two onwards, however, these
columns are left blank and it is up to you will fill them in and complete the chart.

To see how to complete this chart, please refer to Homework section of this guide.

Chinese Pinyin Meaning Trad. Each Radical Genealogy of

Chinese Character Each Character
piànmíng movie title 片 slice; flat 片 slice tree (木 mù) split in
片名 thing; MW for half
名 name; title 口 kǒu Mouthed(口 kǒu) in
mouth the dark (夕 xì)
xiǎochéng small town 小 small 小 small Line I dividing 八 bā
小城 (8, or ideograph
城 city; town 土 tǔ Made from earth 土 t
earth ǔ, 成 chéng is the
phonetic part (ie, the
part of the character
that tells you how to
pronounce it)
zhī possessive 丿 piē Plant 屮 chè
之 particle slash (altered) sprouting
(literary from the ground __
of 的)
chūn spring 日 rì sun Plants(艸 căo,
春 altered) growing(屯 t
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ún, altered) in the

sun (日 rì )
zhù live; reside 人 or 亻 ré A person (人 rén) still
住 n man like a candle. 主 zhŭ
is the phonetic part
zài in; at 土 tǔ Gift (才 cái, phonetic)
在 earth on Earth 土
yī gè a
一个 一個
lǐbiān inside 里 inside; 里 Field 田 tián and
里边 裡邊 within Earth 土
边 edge; 辵 or 辶 Movement 辵 on
margin; chuò walk edge. Simplified 边
verge uses 力 lì power.
měitiān every day 每 every; 母 mŭ Blade of grass 屮 ch
每天 each female; è with 母 phonetic:
mother flourish
天 day; sky; 大 dà big The expanse 一
heaven (horizon, heaven)
above humans 大
(pictograph of a
standing person)
guò pass-by 辵 or 辶 Move 辵 with 咼 guō
过 過 chuò walk (twisted mouth)
phonetic and
suggestive of
whirlpool 涡 wō
zhe like -ing 目 mù eye
着 ending; 著
after verb
to indicate
action in
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méiyǒu no; not 没 not; have 水 氵 shuǐ
没有 have not water
有 have; be 月 yuè
present; exist moon
biànhuà change 变 change; 又 yòu
变化 變化 transform again
化 transform; 匕 bǐ
convert spoon
de used with 白 bái
的 adjectives white
rìzi day 日 sun; day; 日 rì sun
日子 Japan; time
zǎochén early 早 morning; 日 rì sun
早晨 morning early;
晨 early 日 rì sun
mǎi buy 大 dà big
买 買
wán finish 宀 mián
完 roof
le particle: 亅 jué
了 completed hook
cài groceries 艸 艹 cǎo
菜 grass
zǒng always 八 丷 bā
总 總 eight
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xǐhuān like 喜 like; joyful 口 kǒu

喜欢 喜歡 mouth
欢 happy; 欠 qiàn
pleased lack
dào to 刀 刂 dāo
到 knife
chéng qiáng city wall 城 city; town 土 tǔ
城墙 城牆 earth
墙 wall; fence 土 tǔ
shàng on top 一 yī one

zǒu walk 走 walk;
走 run
yī a; one

tang a time; a 走 zǒu
趟 trip run
zhè this 辵 辶 chu
这 這 ò walk
wǒ I 戈 gē
我 halberd
(war axe)
yǐjīng already 已 already; 巳 snake /
已经 已經 finish; stop fetus
经 糸 纟 mì
chéng turn into 戈 gē
成 halberd
xíguàn habit 习 learn;
习惯 習慣 follow; repeat
惯 habitual; 心 忄 xīn
customary; heart
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used to
rén people

chéngtóu top of city 城 city; town 土 tǔ
城头 wall 城頭 earth
头 大 dà big

jiù just 尢 尣 wā
就 ng lame
hǎoxiàng seems like 好 nice; good 女 nü3
好象 woman
象 outward 豕 shǐ pig
or expression
líkāi leave 离 leave; 禸 rǒu
离开 離開 depart track
开 start; 廾 gǒng
begin two hands
zhège this
这个 這個
shìjiè world 世 the world; 一 yī one
世界 generation;
person’s life
界 world; 田 tián
boundary; field
yǎnjīng eyes 眼 eye; look; 目 mù eye
眼睛 tiny hole
睛 pupil of 目 mù eye
the eye; eyes
lǐ inside 里
里 裡
kànjiàn see 看 look; 目 mù eye
看见 看見 examine
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见 observe; 見 见 jiàn
perceive see
shénme anything 什 what; 人 亻 rén
什么 什麼 miscellaneou
s man
麼 么 tiny

xīnlĭ mind (in 心 heart; 心忄

心里 one`s heart mind;
and mind) conscience
里 inside

yě also 乙 yì
也 心裡 second
bù not 一 yī one

xiǎngzhe thinking 想 think; 心 忄 xīn
想着 想著 suppose heart
着 “ing” 目 mù eye
yàobushì if not for… 要 襾 覀 yà
要不 necessary; west
must; want

是 日 rì sun

shǒulǐ in (my) 手 hand 手 扌 shǒ

手里 hand 手裡 u hand
názhe holding 拿 take; 手 扌 shǒ
拿着 拿著 grasp; hold u hand
lánzi basket 篮 basket 竹 ⺮ zhú
篮子 籃子 bamboo
子 offspring; 子 zǐ child
child; son;
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small thing
gēn and… 足 zú foot

xiānsheng husband; 先 first; 儿 rén
先生 mister before legs
生 life; alive 生 shēng
shēngbìng illness 病 illness; 疒 chuáng
生病 disease sickness
chī eat 口 kǒu
吃 mouth
yào medicine 艸 艹 cǎo
药 藥 grass
yěxǔ perhaps 许 maybe; 言 讠 yán
也许 也許 allow speech
zhěngtiān all day long 整 entire; 攴 攵 pū
整天 whole; intact rap
jiā home 宀 mián
家 roof
xiǎoxiàng alley 巷 alley; lane 已
jīngguò pass 过 pass 辵 辶 chu
经过 through; go 經過 through; ò walk
through across; pass
tiáo MW for 木 mù
条 long thin 條 tree
river, road,
xiǎo small

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qiáo bridge 木 mù
桥 橋 tree
jiùshì is; exactly
就是 is…
wǒmen our; us; 们 indicates 人 亻 rén
我们 ourselves 我們 plurality
hòumén back door 后 after; 口 kǒu
后门 後門 behind mouth
门 gate; door 門 门 mén
xiànzài now now; appear 玉 王 yù
现在 現在 jade
jiālǐ home
家里 家裡
zhǐyǒu only (have) 只 only; just; 口 kǒu
只有 隻有 simply mouth
yòngrén servant 佣 hire; 人 亻 rén
佣人 employ;
servant man
Lǎohuáng Laohuang 老 old; 老 lǎo old
老黄 always
黄 yellow 黄 yellow

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