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Ethics and behavior at work can help make or break a company because
values and ethics helps to maintain order in the office, helps the company’s
operations to run smoothly and they help to maintain the company’s
profitability. Virtues often work hand in hand with ethics when it comes to
an employee’s behavior at the workplace. There are many employees whose
positive traits and moral character guides their decisions, but
unfortunately, these employees are often overlooked. People are expected
to act in an ethical manner at work, including displaying virtues such as
honesty, trustworthiness, respect and empathy. Virtue ethics is a unique
approach in the workplace because it does not focus on employees as a
whole. Additionally, the approach does not focus on only work behaviors.
Instead, the theory holds that a good person will be a good employee. 
Their virtue ethics are often displayed in the workplace in many ways.

 Displaying Trustworthiness: Superiors and co-workers are able to

count on employee in any given situation. They know they will put
100 percent into their job and they are always forthright with others,
but they also display compassion and empathy during the encounters
with them. They are seen as a team player and always have their
colleagues back.
 BEING RESPECTFUL: In order to get along with others at work, whether
co-workers or members of management, an employee should always
treat people with respect, listen to their opinions and accept others
for whom they are. This makes employees respected in return and a
valuable part of the company. Being honest is important to and
he/she should not gossip about others behind their backs.
 TAKING RESPONSIBILITY: If an employee makes a mistake, he/she own up
to it instead of trying to blame others for the failure. This makes a
responsible person in the eyes of the superiors and they know they
can count on him/her to give his/her all at work and they often allow
to have more responsibilities at work. This may mean assisting them
on a project, being a team leader or taking on bigger clients.

Though displaying virtue ethics does not reward, but it can help to achieve
more than others.
 Virtue Ethics in the Workplace: Approach & Examples. (2017, November 11). Retrieved from

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