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I.Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the Best answer. Write letter of your answer before the number.

1. Which among the following volcanic cone is formed from ejected lava fragment, cinder and ash?
a. Composite cones b. Cinder cones c. shield volcanoes d. stratovolcanoes
2. How will you classify volcanoes with no record of eruption?
a. Active b. inactive c. A and B d. cannot be classify
3. How does the windward side differ from the leeward side of a high land?
a. The windward receives more precipitation and it is an area where wind blows, the leeward side is protected in wind.
b. The leeward side has more vegetation than the windward side.
c. The windward side receives more heat than the leeward side.
d. The leeward side receives more precipitation than the windward side.
4. Which of the following refers to the dry region on the leeward side?
a. Rain shadow b. Perihelion c. coastal area d. Aphelion
5. What zone or region of the earth receives the colder climate?
a. Polar region b. temperate region c. tropical region d. none of the above
6. Why do mountain climbers bring thick jackets when they go up the mountain?
a. The temperature increases as the altitude increases. c. The altitude increases as the temperature increases.
b. The temperature decreases as the altitude increases. d. The altitude decreases as the temperature increases.
7. Stars can be found in large groups throughout the universe. What are these groups called?
a. Solar system b. comets c. constellations d. asteroids
8. Which of the following refers to the brightness of the stars as seen from the earth?
a. Apparent Brightness b. Absolute Brightness c. Luminous Brightness d. A and B
9. What is a type of volcanic eruptions that characterized by fountain of lava?
a. Strombolian b. vulcanian c. plinian d. phreatomagmatic
10. The higher the altitude the higher the temperature. The statement is___________.
a. True b. false c. none of the above d. all of these
11. Can be found in the summit of the volcano formed when a part of the wall of the volcano collapses following an
explosive eruption.
a. Caldera b. crater c. cone d. crate
12. It is a heat energy generated and stored in the Earth.
a. Geothermal energy b. electrical energy c. kinetic energy d. potential energy

13. The hotter the star the redder it is and the colder the star the colder it is. The statement is______
a. true b. false c. none of the above d. all of these
14. If the start is closer on the earth it appears_________. The farther the star it appears________ on earth.
a. Bigger, bigger b. bigger, smaller c. smaller, bigger d. smaller, smaller
15. What do you call the imaginary group or cluster of stars forming pattern in the sky and given a name?
a. Cluster b. constellation c. satellite d. moon
16. When ocean current carries cold water, the air above it becomes ________ when it moves toward coastal region the
temperature becomes lower.
a. Hotter b. colder c. a and b d. none of the above
17. What do you call the steam driven volcanic eruptions?
a. Plinian b. phreatic c. phreatomagmatic d. strombolian
18. Which of the two toy cars was more difficult to stop, the lighter one or the heavier one?
a. The lighter toy b. the heavier toy c. a and b d. none of the above
19. Consider the two identical cars. Car A is travelling at 80km/h while Car B is traveling at 30 km/hr.Which of the two cars is
more difficult to stop?
a. Car A b. Car B c. none of the above d. all of the above
20. Two cars, one twice as heavy as the other, moves down a hill at the same time. The heavier car would have a _________
a. Lesser b. greater c. equal d. cannot be identified

II. Problem Solving: Give the given, what is being asked and solution.
1. A car moves from rest with a final velocity of 30 m/s. What is its average velocity?
2. At an initial velocity of 10 km/min the boat reaches its destination with a velocity of 18 km/min on a time of 16 min. What
is the acceleration of the boat as it reaches its destination?

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