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Initial test 11th form

Name: Baraghin Petru

Date: 17.09.2020

I.Choose the right words and fill in the gaps 5p

1. Andy visited his cousin last week.

a) visit b)visited c) visits

2. Dan usually wrote letters to his friends.

a) writes b) write c) wrote

3. Diana bought a new book yesterday.

a) bought b) buy

4. They go shopping every day

a) go b) goes c) went

5. I went to the zoo last weekend.

a) go b) goes c) went

II. Use there is/ there are 4p

1.In the garden where are three big trees.

2.There are many children in the park.

3.There is a banana in this basket.

4. In London there are a lot of museums.

III. Write the plural form of the following nouns 4p

A satchel three satchels

A cherry many cherries

A man two men

A child three children

IV. Write the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives 4p

Ex: Short shorter the shortest

Noisy noisier the noisiest

Clean cleaner the cleanest

Happy happier the happiest

Good better the best

Difficult more difficult the most difficult

V. Make the sentences negative and interrogative. 12 p

1 They went to the theatre last week.

- They didn’t go to the theatre last week

? Did they go to the theater last week?

2. We run in the park yesterday.

- We didn’t run in the park yesterday

? Did we run in the park yesterday?

3.She had a wonderful holiday in London.

- She didn’t have a wonderful holiday in London

? Did she have a wonderful holiday in London?

VI. Fill in with with: my, your, his, her, their 5p

1.She is my best friend. her name is Ann.

2.These are Mr. and Mrs. Brown. That is their house.

3. Are you a driver? Where is your car?

4. My mother is a doctor. She works very hard every day.

5.This is Dan’ s room. His room is very clean.

  Numărul maxim de puncte acumulate: 34    

Nota: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Max 34,0 32,6 30,3 26,9 21,8 16,3 10,9 6,5 3,4
Min 33,0 30,6 27,2 22,1 16,7 11,2 6,8 3,7 1,7

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