504 Staff One Pager 002

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What is section Who Qualifies?
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of Students may be eligible under Section 504
1973 is a civil rights law that prohibits if a team (using a variety of sources of data)
discrimination based on disability in determines that:
programs & activities that receive federal 1. A student has a physical or mental
funds. impairment
2. A major life activity is affected by the
Section 504 ensures children with impairment
disabilities have equal access to education. 3. A major life activity is substantially
limited by the impairment
Section 504 is enforced by the Federal
Office of Civil Rights (OCR) not VDOE. It is important to note:
Learning does NOT have to be impacted
School districts do not receive federal funds for a student to be eligible under 504
for Section 504 (it is locally funded); and require classroom accommodations
however violations can result in the loss of Major life activities can include but are
federal monies. not limited to: attention, body systems,
eating, standing, thinking, breathing,
concentrating, communicating, etc.
School counselors serve as case RESPONSIBILITIES
managers for students eligible under Staff participation in the 504 process is
504. critical.
Case managers facilitate the 504 Staff participation in the 504 process includes
process by: but is not limited to the following:
Ensuring 504 teams have the Implementing the 504 plan
appropriate members Documenting the provision or refusal of
Notifying parents/guardians and accommodations and/or services
team members of meetings Attending 504 meetings (Referral, Eligibility,
Ensuring that team members are Re-evaluation, Annual Reviews,
aware of any specific Manifestation Determination Reviews)
responsibilities related to Actively participating in 504 meetings
meetings (provide information about the student,
Facilitating the various 504 effectiveness of accommodations/services,
meetings utilization of services, etc.)
Completing documentation for Collecting data or conducting observations
504 meetings as needed by the team
Distributing & ensuring receipt of Notifying case manager if adjustments to
504 documents to the the 504 plan need to be considered
appropriate staff Notifying administration of all incidents of
Answering staff questions about disability related bullying
504 and student-specific 504 Making referrals of suspected disability to
questions the school counselor
Nisha Jones - 504 Coordinator
(804) 343 - 6500


Ask questions - ensure that you understand how all accommodations and/or services are to be
implemented upon receipt of the 504 plan from the case manager
Review student eligibility documents or request information from the case manager regarding how a
student is individually impacted by her/his disability (avoid making assumptions based on the
Staff members do not have the discretion to decline or refuse to implement any component of the
504 plan (only the 504 team can modify or make adjustments based on data). If a staff member has a
concern about implementing the 504 plan, they should reach out and discuss their concern with the
case manager
Offer accommodations and/or services at all times (even if a student always refuses and even if the
student does not personally request)
Maintain documentation that demonstrates your compliance with a student's plan (provision of
service, refusals)
If problems arise related to the 504 contact the case manager immediately
Communicate with parents/guardians
Contact the 504 Coordinator for implementation support

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