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Children benefit from being taken out of the Pre-school setting. The Pre-school makes use of the public
park adjacent to the Pre-school and we also make occasional visits to local Schools, local shops and
public library. Any outside play or visits will be subject to the agreement of the parent as per the
Registration document. Our policy in relation to these activities will be:

Outside Play.
 Whilst recognising the requirement for children to play outside, the safety of each child is
paramount and therefore the Manager will decide on a sessional basis if and when to use
the outside area. Decisions will be based on known risks i.e. age and behaviour patterns of
the children; other activities and users of the area.
 Our adult/child ratio will be at least 1:8 or 1:4 for children below 3 years of age.
 Children are reminded of the “rules” i.e. walking with their partner, staying with the group.

Other Visits
On outings e.g. to local Schools, shops and the Library we will:

 Have made a full risk assessment

 Review that full risk assessment of the outing according to its nature, the age and individual
needs of those children making the visit.
 Should it be deemed that a 1:1 adult/child ratio is required then this will happen
 At all times our adult/child ratio will comply with the ratio as set by the Registering Body.
 Adult/child ratio can be increased by the use of parents/carers or extra staff.
 All children will wear high visibility vests.
 All children will walk in pairs, holding hands.
 Adults will be spaced equally about the children with an adult at the head and rear of the group.
If roads are to be crossed one adult will stop the traffic until the group have crossed the
 At least one member of staff will be in possession of a mobile phone.
 Children’s contact details i.e. the registration forms for each child on the outing, will be in
possession of the Pre-school Manager or Deputy.
 A First Aid kit will be carried.
 A change of clothing will be carried.
 The children will be suitably clothed for the weather/forecast.
 Children will not be transported in vehicles belonging to staff.

Outings where possible are planned, however sometimes, they are spontaneous to take advantage of
the weather etc.

In the event that not all the children will be making an outside visit then the minimum adult/child ratio
will be that as set by the Registering body with the proviso that there will always be a minimum of 2
adults remaining in the Pre-School where more than 1 child remains in the setting.

Scout Hall Preschool Ltd Policy & Procedures – reviewed May 2020

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