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IETE Journal of Research

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Asymmetric H-Bridge Single-Phase Seven-Level

Inverter Topology with Proportional Resonant

P. A. Salodkar, P. S. Kulkarni, Manoj A. Waghmare, P. C. Chaturvedi &

Sandeep N

To cite this article: P. A. Salodkar, P. S. Kulkarni, Manoj A. Waghmare, P. C. Chaturvedi

& Sandeep N (2017): Asymmetric H-Bridge Single-Phase Seven-Level Inverter
Topology with Proportional Resonant Controller, IETE Journal of Research, DOI:

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Published online: 06 Dec 2017.

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Asymmetric H-Bridge Single-Phase Seven-Level Inverter Topology with

Proportional Resonant Controller
1 2 3
P. A. Salodkar , P. S. Kulkarni , Manoj A. Waghmare , P. C. Chaturvedi2 and Sandeep N 4

Electrical Engineering Department, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, India; 2Electrical Engineering
Department, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India; 3Electrical Engineering Department, Yeshwantrao Chavan College of
Engineering, Nagpur, India; 4Electrical Engineering Department, NIT, Surathkal, India

This paper presents an asymmetrical H-bridge single-phase seven-level inverter topology with Asymmetric source
modified gating scheme for reducing the number of high-frequency switches. Due to configuration; Current
controller; Multilevel
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 01:22 18 December 2017

shortcomings like steady-state error and problems in removing low-order harmonics associated
with proportional integral controller, proportional resonant controller is used for grid-connected inverters; Power quality;
Pulse-width modulation
converter current control. A practical application of proportional resonant current controller is
developed using a low-cost dsPIC33EP256MC202 microcontroller to keep the current injected in to
the grid. The validity of proposed inverter and control scheme is verified through simulation and
implemented for low-voltage laboratory prototype.

1. INTRODUCTION applications like flexible AC transmission systems FACTS,

electric drives, and renewable energy integration to grid
The recent advancement in power electronics is the multi-
level inverter and its suitability for grid connection. The
most industrial recommended topologies are the cascaded
Multilevel inverters has a limitation – for increased
H-bridge (CHB), neutral-point-clamped (NPC), modular
number of output voltage levels, they require large num-
multilevel converter (MMC), flying capacitor (FC), and its
ber of power semiconductor devices. So the topologies
variants [1–4]. The installed capacities of wind and PV
with reduced switch count are presented [12–15].
systems have witnessed an exponential growth over the
last decade. This quick growth has created an arena in
A hybrid operation of power semiconductor switches
view to exploit the wind and PV energy fully, wherein
with few operating at switching frequency with lower
many expeditious technologies in the field of converter
blocking voltage and remaining switches at line fre-
structures for enabling the integration of renewable-
quency with higher blocking voltage is found to be
energy-based system for electric power generation have
attractive at high power levels [16–18]. The topology
emerged. In the recent years, many efforts have been put
which is best suited for application and cost consider-
by the researchers to develop innovative topologies and
ation is more advantageous. A new power multilevel
pulse-width-modulation techniques, and this has led to
inverter with two power switches and one DC input
the advent of several structures with a claim of reduced
source named as “Packed U-cells” offers high energy
part count. Cascaded multilevel inverters produce a
conversion quality using small number of active and
medium output voltage based on a series connection of
passive devices is presented in [19,20]. A real-time
power cells to achieve high-quality output voltages and
implementation of seven-level packed U-cell Inverter
input currents. Therefore, the cascaded multilevel inverter
with a low switching frequency voltage regulator and
has been recognized as an important alternative in the
model predictive control (MPC) has been proposed
medium-voltage inverter market [5,6]. The current trends
[21,22]. Seven-level CHB inverter with a single isolated
and challenges faced by energy applications, such as
DC source and one capacitor with its voltage regulated
renewable power conversion and distributed generation
at the half of the DC source is presented [23]. Similarly,
systems, together with the recent developments in multi-
a DC source and one capacitor DC link are applied to
level converter technology, are opening a new vast area of
seven-level PUC inverter [24]. The application of seven-
applications. The recent advancement in multilevel con-
level PUC inverter as an active power filter is presented
verters and modulation strategies is presented in [7,8]. The
[25]. A hybrid multilevel inverter integrating half- and
multilevel converters are found useful in widespread
© 2017 IETE

full-bridge converter to generate seven-level output volt- illustrate its practicality, and the experimental results
age is detailed in [26]. obtained are included.

Neutral point potential (NPP) regulator for a three-level

diode-clamped inverter employing a sine-triangle regu- 2. PROPOSED TOPOLOGY
lator in conjunction with a closed-loop controller with 2.1 Working Structure
reduced switching losses and comparison of total har-
monic distortion (THD) and switching losses in conven- The proposed inverter structure is developed by consid-
tional two-level inverters with multilevel inverters ering a single-phase H-bridge inverter as a fundamental
(three-level and five-level) at different switching fre- building block, wherein, the two H-bridges are cascaded
quencies is presented in [27,28]. to form a seven-level inverter. Unlike conventional CHB
inverter, all the power switches do not operate at high
Due to the development of distributed power generation frequency. Figure 1 shows the circuit of the proposed
with renewable energy source, the research is more multilevel inverter. As it can be observed, it requires
focused on grid interface systems. The multilevel inverter eight switches and two isolated sources.
topology suitable for grid interface is presented in [29,30].
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Among which, the external switches S4 and S4 are

DC offset current problem is more critical in the case of responsible for polarity reversal of voltage across the
photovoltaic inverters connected to grid. So, control load and will operate only once in a half cycle of funda-
strategy of suppressing dc current injection to the grid mental voltage.
for PV inverters is required [31].
The magnitude of the inner source voltage is half of that
The generalized solution for grid converter is PWM cur- of the outer one such that
rent-controlled voltage source converter used in
single-phase and three-phase grid-connected system. Vdc1 ¼ 2Vdc2 (1)
Generally, PI controller with voltage feed forward is
For simplicity, Vdc2 ¼ Vdc =2 and Vdc1 ¼ Vdc are consid-
used for single-phase grid-connected system. However,
ered. This requirement of isolated sources makes it very
the major drawback of PI controller is stationary error
attractive for an application like photovoltaic power gen-
in stationary frame control. Hence proportional reso-
eration and it also obviates the need for an external bal-
nant current controller is used in single-phase grid-con-
ancing circuit of dc-link. The proposed topology is
nected system [32,33,34].
modular in nature and can be easily extended to a higher
number of levels by cascading additional inner
In this paper, an attempt is made to devise a novel topol-
H-bridges. From the reliability point of view, if the inner
ogy with reduced-part-count suitable for renewable
H-bridge fails, it can be bypassed, and the inverter can
energy integrations to the power system. Structurally, it
be operated with the three-level output voltage at its full-
consists of eight power switches split into two H-bridges.
rated power. Thus the proposed inverter exhibits an
These bridges are fed with an isolated source of magni-
improved reliability. Output voltage with seven-level
tude Vdc and Vdc/2, respectively. A logic-gate-based
including (3Vdc =2; Vdc ; Vdc =2; 0; Vdc =2; Vdc ;3Vdc =2)
PWM technique is developed for the generation of the
can be synthesized with proper switching sequence. Table 1
output voltage with seven levels. The notable feature of
shows the valid switching combination for generation of
the proposed PWM method is that half of the total
number of switches operate at line frequency (50 Hz)
and hence is more efficient. Generally, PR controller is
used in renewable applications or active filters. In all
the applications, the grid converter has to control the
current, dc voltage, and synchronization with the grid.
As the reference is always sinusoidal, PR controller can
be easily adopted. The PR controller is used to check
the suitability of proposed inverter topology for grid
integration. To validate and verify the concept, MAT-
LAB/SIMULINK-based simulations have been carried
out, and the results are presented. Also, the hardware Figure 1: Asymmetrical H-bridge single-phase seven-level inverter
implementation of proposed inverter is carried out to topology

Table 1: Switching sequence for seven-level inverter nal b is connected to the positive; the voltage applied
S1 S2 S3 S4 Vinv across the load is 3Vdc =2 as shown in Figure 2(f).
(7) Maximum negative output (3Vdc =2): S2, S4 from
0 0 1 0 Vdc/2 the upper half and S1, S3 from the lower half are
0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0 ON, connecting the two sources in series. All other
1 1 0 1 ¡Vdc/2
0 0/1 0/1 1 ¡Vdc switches are OFF. The load terminal b is connected
0 1 0 1 ¡3Vdc/2 to the positive dc rail and a to the negative dc rail;
the voltage across the load is Vdc as shown in
Figure 2(g).
seven-level output voltage. In Table 1, the entry with “0”
represents the particular switch is OFF and “1” represents 2.2.1. Output Voltage
the particular switch is ON, respectively. As mentioned in modes of operation, four switches are
conducting in each mode. For the structure shown in
2.2 Modes of Operation Figure 1, switchesðSp; Sp Þfp ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4g are complimen-
tary. So the switching function associated with the
The operating mode throughout the generation of each switch S is given as
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 01:22 18 December 2017

level is as follows.
tðtÞ ¼ 1 S is ON
(1) Maximum positive output (3Vdc =2): S1, S3 from (2)
¼ 0 S is OFF
the upper half and S2, S4 from the lower half are
ON, connecting the two sources in series. All other Then the load voltage VL ðtÞ can be expressed in terms of
switches are OFF. The load terminal a is connected nodal voltage g p ðtÞ as
to the positive dc rail and b to the negative dc rail;
the voltage applied across the load is 3Vdc =2 as X
shown in Figure 2(a). VL ðtÞ ¼ g p ðtÞ (3)
(2) Two-third maximum positive output (Vdc ): S1
from the upper half and S2, S3, S4 from the lower
half are ON. All other switches are OFF. The load Nodal voltage
terminal a is connected to positive dc rail and b to
the negative dc rail; the voltage applied across the g p ðtÞ ¼ ð1Þp f1  tðtÞgðVdc;p þ Vdc;p1 Þ (4)
load is Vdc as shown in Figure 2(b).
(3) One-third maximum positive output (Vdc =2): S1, whereas p ¼ f1; 2; 3; 4g and Vdc;0 ¼ Vdc;3 ¼ Vdc;4 ¼ 0
S2, S4 from the lower half and S3 from the upper
half, are ON. All other switches are OFF. The load From (3) and (4), the voltage across the load
terminal a is connected to the positive dc rail of
the inner source and b to the negative dc rail; the VL ðtÞ ¼ ð1Þp ð1  tp Þ ðVdc;p þ Vdc;p1 Þ (5)
voltage applied across the load is Vdc =2 as shown p¼1
in Figure 2(c).
(4) Zero output: S1, S2, S3, S4 from the lower half This simplifies to
are ON. All other switches are OFF. Both the
load terminals a and b are short-circuited; the volt- VL ðtÞ ¼ f1  t2 ðtÞgðVdc2 þ Vdc1 Þ (6)
age applied across the load is 0 as shown in
Figure 2(d). The output voltage expressed in terms of input dc volt-
(5) One-third maximum negative output (Vdc =2): age and switching function is shown in Equation (6).
S1, S2, S4 from the lower half and S3 from the upper
half are ON. All other switches are OFF. The load 2.2.2. Output Current
terminal a is connected to the negative dc rail of Source current IpðtÞ through the source Vdc ; pfp ¼ 1; 2g
the inner source and b to the positive dc rail; the can be presented in terms of switching function and load
voltage applied across the load is Vdc =2 as shown current:
in Figure 2(e).
(6) Two-third maximum negative output (Vdc ): S1, S2, IpðtÞ ¼ ð1Þpþ1 ðt p  t pþ1 ÞIL ðtÞ (7)
S3 from the lower half and S4 from the upper half
are ON. All other switches are OFF. The load termi- For p ¼ 1; I1 ðtÞ ¼ IL ðtÞ and p ¼ 2; I2 ðtÞ ¼ IL ðtÞ


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Figure 2: Switching sequence required to obtain the seven-level output voltage (Vinv). (a) Vinv = 3Vdc/2, (b) Vinv = Vdc, (c) Vinv = Vdc/2, (d)
Vinv = 0, (e) Vinv = ¡Vdc/2, (f) Vinv = ¡Vdc, (g) Vinv = ¡3Vdc/2

2.2.3. Voltage Across Blocking Switches It shows that the four switches (S2 ; S2 and S3 ; S3 ) need to
Voltage stress Vstress;p for the switch pair (SP ; SP ) can be block the voltage of Vdc =2 and four switches (S1 ; S1 and
given as S4 ; S4 S4 ; S 4 ) are to withstand the voltage Vdc .
Vstress;p ¼ ðVdc;p1 þ Vdc;p Þ (8)
From the above analysis, the significant features of the
where p ¼ f1; 2; 3; 4g and Vdc;0 ¼ Vdc;3 ¼ Vdc;4 ¼ 0 proposed topology are as follows:

(a) Equal load sharing is possible with symmetrical

(b) Additive combination is possible but subtractive
combination is not possible, hence cannot be
used for trinary combination of DC sources.
(c) Number of switches conducting simultaneously
to synthesis various voltage level is the same, i.e.
4, so conduction losses and switching losses are
the same.
(d) Four switches are operated at fundamental fre-
quency, so the switching loss is comparatively
(e) In this topology, inner four switches have to
block Vdc voltage and outer four switches have to
withstand 2Vdc.
(f) This topology is modular, by duplicating the
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 01:22 18 December 2017

inner bridge; it can work for higher level.

(g) The use of isolated DC sources makes the topol-
ogy suitable for renewable application.

2.3 Modified Gating Scheme (MGS)

Unlike multicarrier-based PWM, a modified gating
scheme (MGS) is presented in this paper. A logic-form-
equation for each junction is developed using the tech-
nique proposed in [17,18]. Three reference signals
(Vref1(t), Vref2(t), and Vref3(t)) are compared with a car-
rier signal (Vcarrier(t)). These reference signals are in
phase, and have the same frequency and amplitude. But
they differ only in terms of an offset added. The value of
the offset added is equal to the maximum amplitude of
the Vcarrier(t). Since the proposed inverter uses three ref-
erence signals, the modulation index is described in
Equation (9) as follows:

ma ¼ (9)

where Vm is the peak value of the reference signal

and Vc is the peak-to-peak value of the carrier signal.
Figure 3 demonstrates the arrangement of these refer-
ence and carrier signals. Each of these reference sig-
nals is compared with the high-frequency carrier.
The outputs of this comparison are termed as com-
parator output C1, C2, and C3. Further to distinguish
the level transition, three region signals (R1, R2, and Figure 3: From top: multilevel PWM reference and carrier signals,
R3) are generated as expressed mathematically in comparator output signals, region signals
(10). R1 = 1 designates the level to be generated
either zero or Vdc/2; similarly, R2 = 1 indicates the cycle of the fundamental voltage. Once the region
voltage swing between Vdc/2 and Vdc; and R3 = 1 and decision signals are ready, the PWM signal gen-
indicates the voltage swing between Vdc and 3Vdc/2. eration for each power switch is carried out in the
These region signals repeat themselves for every half following way:

R1 ¼ 1 u1  vt  u2 and u3  vt  u4 where V+ and V¡are defined as follows:

¼ 0 elsewhere
R3 ¼ 1 u2  vt  u3 Vþ ¼ 1 f or Vref > 0
(10) ¼0
¼ 0 elsewhere elsewhere

R3 ¼ 1 u2  vt  u3 V ¼1 f or Vref > 0
¼ 0 elsewhere ¼0 elsewhere

where The PWM signals generated using utilizing the proposed

technique mentioned above is illustrated in (11) and
Vc 2Vc (12). Except for gate signal for S1  S1 and S3  S3 ; the
u1 ¼ sin1 ; u2 ¼ sin1 ; u3 ¼ P  u2
Vm Vm remaining four devices operate only once in half cycle,
i.e. zero-voltage crossings. It is significant that the num-
u4 ¼ P  u1 ber of power switches conducting the load current at
any instant plays a vital role in determining the overall
At a distinct instant of time, if the load voltage is Vdc, inverter efficiency. For example, in seven-level inverter
then switches S1 ; S1 ; S3 and S4 are ON and the remaining topology, the number of power devices that conduct the
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 01:22 18 December 2017

switches are OFF. If the load voltage is 0, then switches load current in each instance is six in number. Also, all
S1 ; S2 ; S3 and S4 are ON and the remaining switches are these six switches operate at high frequency. However,
OFF. Repeating this process for the whole cycle will lead in the proposed topology, half of the total number of
to multilevel stepped output waveform. In this manner, power devices, i.e. four switches, conducts the load cur-
the gating signal for each switch is determined. The rent at any given instance. Among which two operate at
redundancy in some of the levels (§Vdc and 0) is 50 Hz frequency. Therefore, the MGS and simplified
selected such that the number of switching transitions is logic-gate-based (LGB) PWM are the main contribu-
minimum. tions; i.e. a new efficient PWM for reducing the number
of high-frequency switches is proposed. The proposed
However, to express and implement the PWM technique inverter has a better efficiency as the number of active
in real time, a mathematical relation defining the gating switches is less at any instance in comparison to well-
signals is required. Difficulty mentioned above is established topologies available in the literature
achieved by constructing the PWM signals through [11,14,16].
appropriate logic operation among region and decision

Using the Boolean operation, the gating pulses for each 3. PROPORTIONAL RESONANT CONTROLLER
power switch are derived as expressed in (11). During For grid connection, it is important to select the cur-
the implementation stage, signals C1, C2, and C3 come rent controller that provides a high-quality sinusoidal
from the respective comparators; while the region signals output with minimal distortion to avoid creating har-
are obtained from a look-up table approach. The gating monics. Generally, proportional integral (PI) control-
signals are generated after passing these signals through lers are used to control the current of grid-connected
appropriate logic gates built using (11). Another advan- converters. But it is not able to follow a sinusoidal ref-
tage of the proposed logic-gate-based PWM is that it can erence without steady-state error due to the dynamics
be implemented using a low-cost digital signal processor of the integral term. Hence PI controller with voltage
(DSP) since it does not involve any complex computa- feed-forward term is necessary to get good dynamic
tion to be performed. Once the gating signals are gener- response. The proportional resonant (PR) controller is
ated, using suitable gate drive circuit, the power switches a good alternative in the case of single-phase grid-con-
are to be triggered: nected system. It provides gain at only one frequency
(resonant frequency) and no gain at other frequencies.
S1 ¼ ð½ðR2 C2 Þ þ R3 V þ Þ þ ð½R1 þ ðR2 C2 ÞV  Þ It easily follows the sinusoidal reference without the
S2 ¼ ½ðR1 þ R2 þ R3 V þ use of voltage feed-forward term. Hence, in this paper,
S3 ¼ ð½ðR1 C1 Þ þ ðR3 C3 ÞV þ Þ þ ð½ðR2 C2 Þ PR current controller is used for grid interface. It has
an advantage over conventional PI controller to
þðR3 þ C3 Þ þ R1 V  Þ
remove the stationary error and lower order harmon-
S4 ¼ S2 (11) ics in current.
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Figure 4: Bode plot for PI controller

The performance of PI and PR controllers is verified current controller can be calculated using frequency-
using frequency-domain analysis. domain analysis. It concludes that PR controller can be
easily tuned for the desired frequency.
The transfer function of PI controller is defined as
Figure 6 shows that single-phase asymmetric seven-level
Ki PV inverter is connected to grid with PR current
GI ðsÞ ¼ KP þ (13)
s controller.

whereas the transfer function of PR current controller is In normal practice, PI controller is used, but it leads to
defined as stationary error in tracking sinusoidal input and inability
Ki s to remove lower order harmonics in current. Hence PI
GI ðsÞ ¼ KP þ (14)
s2 þ v2 controller is replaced with PR controller to reduce the
complexity and to get desired output.
whereas Kp is the proportional gain term, Ki is the inte-
gral gain term, and v is the resonant frequency.

The bode plots of PI and PR controllers for Kp = 1, Ki = 4. SIMULATION RESULTS

1, 10, and 100 at v ¼ 2p50 are shown in Figures 4 To verify the feasibility of the proposed inverter, MAT-
and 5, respectively. LAB/SIMULINK is used to simulate the power circuit
along with the proposed MGS and simplified LGB PWM
PR controller provides an infinite gain at the ac frequency technique, wherein the characteristics of power devices
v and no phase shift and gain at the other frequencies. are assumed ideal. The voltages of the outer dc-source
Hence it has very high gain in a narrow frequency band and inner dc-source are set to 30 and 15 V, respectively.
centred at the resonance frequency, whereas PI controller A carrier frequency of 2 kHz at modulation index set to
mentioned in (13) has wide range of band for high values one is employed. The system parameters used for simu-
of integral constant as shown in Figure 4. lation are listed in Table 2. The inverter output voltage
and current waveforms with DC link voltage are shown
Figure 5 shows bode plot for PR current controller, in Figure 7. It is clearly inferred that the output voltage
which attains very high gain in narrow frequency band is made up of seven levels (¡45, ¡30, ¡15, 0, 15, 30,
centred on the resonance frequency v. For grid interfac- and 45 V). The THD for the inverter current is found to
ing, the grid frequency is almost constant but 1% varia- be 2.1% and the inverter output voltage is 18.03% for the
tion is allowed. Hence appropriate value of v for PR load considered.
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Figure 5: Bode plot for PR controller

Figure 6: Block diagram of single-phase seven-level inverter con-

nected to grid

Table 2: System parameter used for simulation

Parameters Range/Ratings
Load voltage frequency 50 Hz
Inductive filter (Lf) 2.5 mH
DC voltage source (Vdc1) 30 V Figure 7: Simulated waveforms of inverter output voltage and
DC voltage source (Vdc2) 15 V current at RL load applied to filter
Switching frequency 2 kHz
AC grid voltage 25 V RMS
RL load 70 V, 10 mH
TLP250-based driver circuit. It is worth mentioning that
isolated dc power supply for each driver circuitry was
A down-scaled prototype shown in Figure 8 was devel- A low-cost dsPIC33EP256MC202 microcontroller is
oped in the laboratory to validate the performance of the programmed with MGS and simplified LGB PWM tech-
proposed inverter and its PWM control. A modular- nique to generate the necessary gating signals. Hioki
integrated PCB was developed housing both the switches 3196 power quality analyser is used to measure the THD
and drivers on the same board to reduce the effect of of current waveform. The values of the switching fre-
parasitic loop inductance between the gate driver and quency, load, and dc source voltage employed for experi-
the power devices. IRFP250N (200 V, 30 A) MOSFET is mental verification are the same as that of the simulation
employed as switching power devices gated with as listed in Table 3.

Figure 8: Laboratory prototype of single-phase seven-level inverter

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Table 3: Comparison of the proposed inverter with other

inverter topology
Inverter type [1] [3] [11] [14] [16] Proposed
Power switches HF HF 6HF + 2LF 6HF + 2LF 6HF + 4LF 4HF + 4LF
Clamping 0 30 0 0 0 0
DC bus 3 6 3 3 3 2
Flying 0 0 0 0 0 0

In this part, an asymmetrical H-bridge seven-level

inverter has been tested as a stand-alone supplier, which Figure 9: (a) PWM signals for S1 ; S1 and S2 ; S2 : (b) PWM signals
is connected to RL load with a small-size filter. The out- for S3 ; S3 and S4 ; S4
come of the PWM technique: after proper logic opera-
tions on the comparison of reference and carrier signals
resulting in the switching patterns of Figure 9(a) 9(b)
were obtained from the microcontroller which clearly
shows that the switches S2 ; S 2 and S4 ; S 4 are operating at
fundamental frequency, S3 ; S 3 at high switching fre-
quency, and S1 ; S 1 are operating at moderately high
switching frequency. So out of eight power electronic
switches, four switches are operating at fundamental fre-
quency. DC link voltage is supplied through rectifiers.
Figure 10 depicts the experimental output of the inverter
with seven-level voltage and load current while the
inverter is feeding a resistive and inductive load. The
voltage stress of each power switches is demonstrated in
Figure 11. One can notice that four switches (S2 ; S 2 and
S3 ; S 3 ) need to block a voltage of 15 V and only the
remaining four switches are to withstand 30 V. Figure 12 Figure 10: Measured waveforms of inverter voltage (Vinv) and
shows the steady-state operation of the seven-level current (Iinv) at RL load applied to filter terminal
asymmetrical inverter in grid-connected mode. Grid
voltage and current are synchronized, and the unity
power factor mode is successfully achieved. Figure 13 Experimental results show that grid current follows the
shows the THD of grid current which is found to be reference with the desired value without voltage feed-
2.88% when the inverter is connected to grid with PR forward term. Hence the practicability of the proposed
current controller. inverter with PR current controller is verified.
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 01:22 18 December 2017

Figure 11: Measured experimental waveforms of voltage across active switches of inverter

frequency components. Power electronic devices with high

frequency are the weakest link in comparison to low-fre-
quency switches from the system reliability point view.
Among the total eight switches, half of them operate twice
in full cycle (50 Hz) of the output voltage. This feature ele-
vates the overall efficiency since the average switching
power loss (Psw) in the device due to transition is given by

VDS IO ðton þ toff Þ

Psw ¼ (15)

where ton and toff are the turn-on and turn-off delay time,
respectively; VDS is the blocking voltage across the switch;
and Io is the total current flowing through the switch; Ts is
the switching time interval. From (15), considering equal
turn-on and turn-off time, the average power loss is pro-
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 01:22 18 December 2017

portional to the VDS and fsw ¼ 1=Ts . From Table 3, it is

Figure 12: Steady-state voltage and current waveforms for grid-
seen that the proposed inverter has the maximum number
connected inverter
of devices operating at low frequency, indicating a signifi-
cant reduction in switching power loss (Psw ) compared to
other topologies. The outcome of the comparison results
indicates a significant reduction in overall components
requirement for the proposed inverter topology; therefore,
emerging as a potential candidate for high-power applica-
tions like HVDC and FACTS. Wherein, the use of pro-
posed inverter obviates the need for phase-shifting
transformer to generate a higher number of voltage levels.
It also suits as a custom power device like STATCOM,
thereby eliminates the need of multiple configurations
required in the conventional system to comply with the
stringent IEEE 1547 std. Currently, large-scale integration
of renewable has opened up a new platform for the advent
of innovative topologies. For which, the proposed inverter
appears to be a qualified candidate among the current
converter structures due to reduced size, cost, and control

Figure 13: Total harmonic distortion of grid current measured Applications urging a higher number of voltage levels
with power quality analyser escalate the number of overall power components
required. In this paper, a new seven-level inverter is pro-
posed with superior characteristics over conventional
inverters regarding the number of power devices
To clearly illustrate the distinctive features of the proposed required, isolated dc source, and reliability. A significant
inverter topology, a comparison of the number of compo- reduction in the number high-frequency switching devi-
nents among the proposed inverter and some of the classi- ces is an important merit of the proposed topology.
cal multilevel and recent topologies is carried out and
tabulated in Table 3. Considered are some of the essential It requires only eight power switches among which four
and critical contributors in determining the overall inverter operates at low frequency for generating the seven-level
cost and reliability. As mentioned earlier, the very promis- output voltage. Moreover, an MGS and simplified LGB
ing feature of the proposed inverter is the significant PWM are the main contributions. The injected current to
decrease in power switches and the number of high- grid was successfully controlled with PR current controller

to have synchronized waveform with grid voltage at unity 9. F. Blaabjerg, Z. Chen and S. Kjaer, “Power electronics as
power factor. A comparative study furnished at tests the efficient interface in dispersed power generation systems,”
merit of the proposed topology over conventional inverters, IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1184–
1194, Sep. 2004.
qualifying the proposed topology as a potential candidate
for power applications such as FACTS, HVDC, PV sys- 10. J. Carrasco, L. Franquelo, J. Bialasiewicz, E. Galvan, R.
tems, etc. Simulation and experimental results obtained on Portillo Guisado and M. Prats, et al., “Power electronic
a laboratory-scale prototype presented depict a clear agree- systems for the grid integration of renewable energy sour-
ment confirming the ability of proposed inverter in gener- ces: A survey,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., Vol. 53, no. 4,
pp. 1002–1016, Aug. 2006.
ating the multilevel waveform.
11. Y. Liao and C. Lai, “Newly-constructed simplified single-
phase multistring multilevel inverter topology for distrib-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS uted energy resources,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol.
26, no. 9, pp. 2386–2392, Sep. 2011.
The authors are grateful to the authorities of VNIT, Nagpur,
and SRCOEM, Nagpur, for providing facilities to carry out the 12. S. Gui-Jia, “Multilevel DC-link inverter,” IEEE Trans. Ind.
research work. Appl., Vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 848–854, May/Jun. 2005.
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 01:22 18 December 2017

13. G. Ceglia, V. Guzman, C. Sanchez, F. Ibanez, J. Walter and

ORCID M. I. Gimenez, “A new simplified multilevel inverter
topology for DC-AC conversion,” IEEE Trans. Power Elec-
P. A. Salodkar tron., Vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 1311–1319, Sep. 2006.
P. S. Kulkarni
Manoj A. Waghmare 14. N. A. Rahim, K. Chaniago and J. Selvaraj, “Single-phase
0122 seven-level grid connected inverter for photovoltaic sys-
Sandeep N tem,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., Vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 2435–
2444, Jun. 2011.

15. E. Babaei, “A cascade multilevel converter topology with

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Prachi Salodkar (S’09) was born in Nag- Pradyumn Chaturvedi received the BE,
pur, India, in 1981. She received the BE ME, and PhD degrees in 1996, 2001, and
degree in Electrical Engineering in 2002 2010, respectively. He is currently work-
from Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engi- ing as an assistant professor in the
neering, RTM Nagpur University, Nag- Department of Electrical Engineering,
pur, India. She received her MTech Visvesvaraya National Institute of Tech-
degree in Integrated Power System, RTM nology, Nagpur, India. He is having
Nagpur University, Nagpur, India, in more than 15 years of teaching experi-
2009. She is currently working towards ence. He has published more than 70
the PhD degree in Department of Electrical Engineering, Vis- research papers in international refereed journals and refereed
vesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India. international/national conferences. He is Sr. Member IEEE
She has total teaching experience of 10 years. Her research USA, Life Member ISTE India, and Member IET UK. He is
interests include application of power electronics in power sys- holding the position of Chair, Joint Chapter of Power Electron-
tem and renewable energy systems. ics, Industrial Electronics & Industry Applications of IEEE Nag-
pur Sub-Section. He is also actively involved in IEEE
E-mail: conferences as Track Chair, Technical Program Committee
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 01:22 18 December 2017

and Advisory Committee. He is regular Reviewer of research

P. S. Kulkarni graduated in Electrical articles for IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, IEEE
Engineering from the Walchand College Transaction on Industrial Informatics, Electrical Engineering
of Engineering, Sangli, Maharashtra, in (Springer’s), International Journal of Electronics (Taylor &
1987, He received his ME degree in Elec- Francis), International Journal of Power Electronics (Inder-
trical Power System from Government science Publisher), Electric Power Components & Systems, IEEE
College of Engineering, Amravati, in Student Conference SCEECS. His research interests include
1994 and his PhD degree for his thesis power electronics, improved power factor converter, power
on “Emission Constrained Economic quality improvement, multilevel converters, electric drives,
Dispatch”, from RTM Nagpur Univer- and renewable energy harvesting.
sity, Nagpur, in 2002. He has total teaching experienced of
30 years at diploma, degree, and post-graduate level. He is E-mail:
presently working as an associate professor in Electrical Engi-
neering Department of VNIT, Nagpur. His fields of interest Sandeep N. was born in Bengaluru,
are AI applications in power operation and control, renewable India, in 1991. He received the diploma
energy system including wind and PV systems. and the BE degree in electrical and elec-
tronics engineering from the Sri Jayacha-
E-mail: marajendra (Government) Polytechnic
and B. M. S. College of Engineering, Ben-
Manoj A. Waghmare (S’16) graduated in galuru, and the MTech degree in power
Electrical Engineering from B. D. College electronics and drives from the Visves-
of Engineering, Wardha, Maharashtra. varaya National Institute of Technology
He received his MTech degree from Shri Nagpur, Nagpur, India, in 2009, 2012, and 2014, respectively.
Ramdeobaba College of Engineering, He is currently working towards the PhD degree with the
Nagpur, in 2016. Currently, he is work- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
ing with Yeshwantrao Chavan College of National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Man-
Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra. His galuru, India. His research interests include multilevel power
research interests include application of converters and grid-connected photovoltaics. He received the
power electronics and drive. Best Poster Presentation Award for his paper at the 18th IEEE
National Power Systems Conference 2014, Indian Institute of
E-mail: Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, India.


CONTACT P. A. Salodkar

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