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Daily Diary 9.1.


Constituent Mail

10:30 Prince William HD Trends

• Questions about why the percent positivity for the district is higher than the others – partial
explanation, testing tends to be in areas lf need—people in multi-generation households/multi-
family households and people who are out working. Retail, cleaning, construction, who may not
have proper mitigation measures at work. No ability to isolate or quarantine at home, no ability
to take off from work. Culturally, they take care of ill, so that person may also be taking care of
the children. They can’t social distance in the household.
• When complaints about worksites, it’s the bigger sites where people could be working
anywhere in the capital region. But they don’t hear about smaller, family owned businesses.
• Which mitigation measures would help best?
o Andrea – we feel like we are doing what we know should be done, but are not sure what
else to try next
o Within region there is still
o Increase testing, etc.?
o Problem is pockets of community – did CDC evaluation, going to have higher burden of
illness in those settings.
o Challenge is that the pockets have a higher positivity rate that is driving the overall
community %positivity rate. Tried to work with health equity and diversity to do
targeted outreach, gave out face coverings and hand sanitizer, provided information,
access to free testing. Testing events almost every day, geared to areas where access to
care is a bigger challenge.
o A place for homeless who are contacts or are positive, or have medical conditions that
put them at risk.
o With CDC study they found the Latinx population have a larger # of positive cases, by
the time they go for testing and care they’re pretty sick. They need to work so they
keep working.
o They would like the opportunity to isolate/quarantine but they can’t bc they have family
obligations. County is working on arrangement,s but afraid no one will use it due to
o High household transmission because livign in household conditions
• Prince William is unique bc lots of rural, wealthy homes who want to get things open, not
wanting government control, vs. urban areas which are open to trying to follow expectations,
EOs, etc. Which is majority of prince William but it’s a balance.
• Central Mostly Latinx, but also diverse in other areas of the county butprobably Latinx is major
• People don’t have sick leave, so they don’t quarantine.
• Need more targeted interventions—business, church, other community leaders to help with
townhalls or other meetings?
o Need radio or tv adds to get to older parts of the populations
o Social media seems to be working well for younger populations.
o Need to help educate about risks/options rather than saying they must do something
that isn’t practical.
o Maybe something around spectrum of mitigation measures
o Doesn’t seem like religious organizations aren’t really involved, as far as trying to get
access to services, etc.

11:30 Pandemic Metrics Dashboard

• Discuss regional points of contact/central office contacts, etc.

• Announcements:
o Use screenshots in public meetings
o Decision memo for access to dashboard for the public, being considered in Governor’s
office but no timeline right now
• Walking through process, example with Eastern Region
• Dr. Lindsay
• Dr. Kornegay
• Review Dashboard Metrics --

2:00 Press Briefing

• Critical infrastructure workers – if teacher then access to testing, but follow usual
quarantine/isolation guidelines

3:00 Coal Miner and Shipyard

• What do we do next with the shipyards?

o Regional/local epis haven’t given good, specific direction to their questions
• How do we best respond to the request from SW about coal mines?
• Olivia
o Suggests that for regional issues we reach out to the regional epi to take the lead. We
can provide support, but maybe not take the lead.
o Something statewide, like Halloween –sure, we should work on that in Central Office
o The calls with poultry were helpful solutions—maybe the LHD or regional folks could set
up a call, maybe someone from Community Mitigation could discuss some mitigation
measures. Listen to their experiences, and try to pinpoint some solutions?
o Should we work with Dawn to set up the expectations for the regional/local epis about
how to work through these kinds of situations?
• Jessica
o Problem is that there isn’t any guidance/expertise on this
o i.e. if coal miners association can’t think of good solutions, then how can we?
o Provide general “high density workplace” guidance? Does NIOSH or CDC have
something general?

• Constituent Mails
• Memo and budget for CM team hiring proposal
• Schedule meeting with Deloitte
• Schedule meeting with MVP
9.15.20 Daily Diary

To Do:

o Tracking spreadsheet
o Private school responses
o IHE guidance
o Infographics for dashboard
o ASTHO – voting?
o Rec sports guidance doc, follow-up
o Amy – onboarding email, description of the work, folders in drive, relevant links.

Constituent Mail

Responses to private school complaints?


11:00 Mountain Valley Pipeline: Rob Shinn (Capital Results, working on MVP for past 5 years, has
previously worked with Marvin), Jessica Brisendine (Deputy General Counsel, has been seeing COVID-
preparedness for MVP), Laurie Forlano, Kristin Clay, Julie Henderson, Marvin Figueroa

• Conversation with Matt Manzell – Governor’s policy director – they had suggested with MVP
getting ready to initiate work on pipeline and bring up to 2000 workers to VA (probably half
already there, half coming in), to have conversation with VDH to share planning process, get
feedback and advice from VDH about relevant DOLI, EO, VDH regs.
• They didn’t want to send plan due to FOIA, but they will walk through it on this call.
• Equitrans oversees contractor work. Plan tells contractors minimum requirements to work on
the poroject, they come up with a plan and submit for approval.
• Most of people are from the community, others are new to the community but have been there
already for a few years.
• They have requirements for quarantine, etc. for international travel and recognize any state
requirements. The number of people coming in is much smaller than the letter written by the
delegates indicates.
• They have a summary of the plan on the mvp website; we could follow up with more meetings
to get access to the document.
o Cohorting—are the people who will be housed or transported or working closely
together going to be cohorted for those other times when they will be close contacts?
o What about the people who are going to be moving to the area?
o Housing – they don’t know about the independent contractors. The policy requires that
if someone is symptomatic or close contact they have to quarantine, and then positive
they have to isolate. So this should extend to housing as well.
o They may consider quarantine for people coming in from high areas. If they have the
labor to cover it.

2:00 Press Conference

• Elections –

3:00 DHCD/VDH Check-in (Lead) – Michael Asante, Seth Levine, Ashley Koski, Amy Hayes, Andrew

• Michael Asante – specialty in risk assessments, etc.

• VDH –
o Put page on website about their program and referrals, contact info, etc.
o Create a one-pager or other document to discuss the DHCD program to show people
how to link ot the program as they’re working with the LHD (provided by case manager).
LHD could
• DHCD – wants
o Wants help getting word out to LHDs about the program
Daily Diary 9.16.20

7:30 Check-in with Veronica

8:30 Constituent Mail

10:30 Community Mitigation

• Spreadsheet activity tracker

• Pandemic Metrics dashboard timeline
o Adjust k12 doc to align with CDC’s new guidance
o General one
 Feedback from Governor’s office
 Use 9.4.20 version of the document
 Remove procedural/VDH-specific
 Soften language to make it feel more optional and recommended
• Amy is new to the team – looking into libraries and Halloween
• Halloween – what are the specific requests?
o Trick or treat
o Events
o Haunted houses?
• MVP follow up—what next? Do we pursue reviewing their plan?
o Laurie will follow up with Marvin
• Fine Arts guidance
• Sports
o Follow up with Cass next week
• Laurie –
o We are still negotiating with pandemic metrics dashboard and associated guidance
o They have approved the decision to make the dashboard public, but with contingencies
with addressing certain concerns
o They are going to suggest edits to our document, but we don’t have them yet
o What happens after Phase 3? We need to determine the new normal soon…what is
VDH’s recommendation for our new baseline. Phase 4?
o K12 schools – new CDC guidance, seems like some communities are wanting to get back
to normal soon? More comfortable with living with risk?
o Dr. Franck – when businesses are reporting outbreaks to DOLI and VDH, then both
agencies are reaching out and businesses are complaining. They need clarity.

2:00 Branch Call

• Peninsula HD/York County Schools, concerns with who is responsible to share data with
stakeholders (and the public)
• 1. Key decisions made since last meeting that are of import to the Ops Branch
o Removal of additional mitigation measures in the Eastern region
o CDC has published a new framework for K12 schools, we are considering
revising our guidance and the dashboard accordingly.
• 2. Goals for upcoming week
o Provide edits to guidance document for the governor’s office
o Finish IHE guidance for the dashboard
o Update K12 guidance for the dashboard
• 3. Any points of discussion or collaboration needed for group?
• Dashboard review
o We’ve been in the second peake for awhile now, but with much lower death and
morbitity. Hospital capacity is also fine?
o Should look to some of the demographics differences and other indicators to look more
into it
o Maybe consider an additional tab just for schools to allow easier use of new CDC
guidance, maybe also for nursing homes in the future?
• CDC school guidance
o Add a tab to dashboard to use the CDC metrics?
o Should we just defer to the new guidance?
o Rachel is going to try to combine the VDH and CDC guidance
• 3:00 call
o Try to get all of the regional reps (testing, PIOs, containment) to get them to talk to each
other weekly.
o Hopefully regional Epis are involved, too, and can take the lead on walking thru the
dashboard, the data, etc.
o Then the functional areas decide how to respond.
o Elena—should there be a template report? So they know how to report back to the
central office?
o A planner will be on board to make sure the meetings happen, and the right information
is being collected and moved up.

3:00 Regional Coordination meeting

• Should Community Mitigation figure out what we’re doing?

IHE – call Laurie

• Partner’s call – what does Suzi want?

• Should we follow up with Fran about anything?
• Any follow-up from the CRAFT call?


• Whats going on in higher ed

• Overview of recommendations from CDC and VDH
• Then IHE make their own decisions based on the recommendations

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