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Literacy Class Weekly Lesson Plan   

Week of Today’s Lesson: Tonight’s
9/28/2020: homework:
Monday NONE

Talk- Home Room​: Information & Inspiration

Complete your My
Tuesday Today’s learning target​: To be able to acquire new vocabulary. Stuart Little Chapter 5
Vocabulary Chart
Lesson​: Stuart Little Chapter 5 vocabulary and close-reading of
Chapter 5, “Rescued”

Writing Home Room​: Information & Inspiration Re-read or listen to

Wednesday Chapter 5
Today’s learning target​: To be able to re-tell the ​PLOT​ of a Complete the MIDDLE
story. and END sections of
the Stuart Little
Lesson​: Recipe for a PLOT summary. Chapter 5 ​PLOT​ re-tell
Graphic Organizer
- Mini-lesson
- Listen to Stuart Little Chapter 5, “Rescued”
- Stuart Little Chapter 5 ​PLOT ​re-tell graphic organizer

Think- Home Room​: Information & Inspiration

Thursday Today’s learning target​: To be able to think critically by Finish Today’s Why
answering a WHY question. Question...

Lesson​: Why Question activity with Stuart Little, Chapter 5

Finish-it-Up Home Room​: Information & Inspiration

Friday No Homework…
Today’s learning target​: To be able work independently. Happy Weekend

Lesson​: Reading Quiz & Friday Letter

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