Jordan Saria Oram Activities Resume

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Jordan Saria Oram

The International School of Stavanger

Stavanger, Norway
Møllegata 100, Stavanger, Norway, 4008

High School Plays
12th – (Director Written Play) Leading Role
11th – (Director Written Play) Major Supporting Role
10th – (Director Written Play) Supporting Role
9th – (Director Written Play) Extra
ISTA Festivals International Schools Theater Association, a Festival in which actors meet to learn,
grow and expand on techniques based off of a theme.
12th – Vienna (Theatre of the Opera)
11th – London (Importance of the Audience theme) (Tech Crew)
10th – London (Manipulation of the Actor theme)
9th – London (The Soul of The Mask theme)
CAS Documentary Video A documentary on the CAS program within the IB diploma to inform
new IB students on the obligations of CAS.
11th – Founder/Editor/Narrotor
International Award Video
12th – Narrator/Editor
Introductory Video For New ISS Students
12th – Narrator/Editor
Poetry Café Video An artistic expression on the concept of depression
12th – Founder/Editor/Narrator
ISS Vikings Varsity Basketball
12th – Position: Center
11th – Position: Center/Power Forward
10th – Position: Small Forward
AWARDS: 2010 NECIS Tournament Second Place (Best of 7 teams)
2010 First Place Norwegian League (Out of 6 teams)
2009 NECIS Tournament Champions (Best of 8 teams)
2009 Second Place Norwegian League (Out of 7 teams)

ISS Vikings Junior Varsity Basketball

9th – Position: Center
2008 Junior Varsity’s Most Inspirational;
IBA Coaching International Basketball Association: A junior league divided into 3 Divisions meant
to encourage younger children into playing basketball.
12th – Head Coach
11th – Division A (Head Coach); Division B (Head Coach); Division C (Assistant Coach)
Elixia Fitness Gym
12th – Single Membership
11th – Single Membership
Tall Ships Race 2010 Hartlepool A race which tall sail ships come from around the world to
race each other. I crewed on the Norwegian vessel “Sørlandet”
AWARDS: 2010 Tall Ships Race First Place for Class A Ships
NSBC Youth Group North Sea Baptist Church Youth organization
12th – Membership
11th – Membership
10th – Membership
Spanish Learning Excursion A week abroad studying Spanish in Spain. Staying in foster
homes for 10 days
11th – Barcelona, Spain
10th – Malaga, Spain
ASA Program (Berkeley) Academic Study Associates : College Prep Course
International Award Helping out with service activities as well as challenging, and different
physical activities.
12th - Membership
ISS Honor Roll
12th –
11th – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Quarters
10th – 1st, 3rd Quarters
9th – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Quarters
Jordan Saria Oram
The International School of Stavanger
Stavanger, Norway
Møllegata 100, Stavanger, Norway, 4008

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