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September 8, 2020
What to expect
Thoughts from the Teacher
this week
I am super proud of snacks we need cook-
this class for having ies, cupcakes, and can-
9/9 Spelling every student make dy. We can have more
home- an A on the last test! than one person bring
work As promised, each kind, be-
we will be cause we would
9/10 Numbers
having a piz- love to have
za party different fla-
and quiz
next Monday. I will be vors! If you are in-
supplying the pizza terested in bringing
9/11 Quiz on
and drinks; however, something, please
the class has voted email me at bmhamil-
words on having other
snacks as well. So, if
you would like to bring
Next Week:
15 minutes from both. Next week’s
Monday, we will begin learning our spelling words will
new spelling words and start our be: “happy,” “lunch,”
lesson on addition/subtraction. Our “bookbag,”
pizza party will occur in between “computer,” and
our ELA and Math lessons, taking ”learn.”

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