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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 1

Unit one
Word Meaning Word Meaning
Accommodation ‫ مسكن‬Decide ‫يقرر‬
Adult ‫ شخص بالغ‬Expect ‫يتوقع‬
Attitude ‫ إتجاه‬/ ‫ طريقة تعامل‬Feel ‫يشعر‬
Celebrity )...- ‫ مشهور ( فنان – ممثل‬Improve ‫يحسن‬
Confession ‫ إعتراف‬Lead ‫يقود – يحيا‬
Contact ‫ يتصل‬Lie – lay – lain
Disaster ‫ كارثة‬Mean ‫شخص قاصى‬
Explanation ‫ توضيح – تفسير‬Scream ‫يصرخ – صرخة‬
Habit ‫ عادة‬suggest ‫يقترح‬
Mystery ‫ لغز‬Active ‫نشيط‬
Offer ‫ عرض – يعرض‬Alive ‫حى – على قيد الحياة‬
Order ‫ إمر – طلب‬Available ‫متاح‬
Presenter ‫ مقدم‬Cheerful ‫مبتهج‬
Psychologist ‫ طبيب نفسى‬Dishonest ‫غير امين‬
Scream ‫ يصرخ فى فزع‬Elderly ‫كبير السن‬
Secret ‫ سر‬Excellent ‫ممتاز‬
Suggestion ‫ إقتراح‬Fit ‫يناسب‬
Twins ‫ توأم‬Generous ‫كريم – سخى‬
Accept ‫ يقبل‬Healthy ‫فى صحه جيده‬
Appear ‫ يظهر‬Honest ‫أمين‬
Cancel ‫ يلغى‬Impatient ‫غير صبور‬
Compare ‫ يقارن‬Outgoing ‫إجتماعى‬
Insensitive ‫ غير مراعى للمشاعر‬Patient ‫صبور‬
Lively ‫ حيوى – بحيوية‬Pessimistic ‫متشائم‬
Mean ‫ يعنى قول شىء‬Optimistic ‫متفائل‬
Miserable ‫ بائس‬Polite ‫مؤدب‬
Sensitive ‫ حساس‬Rude ‫وقح‬

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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 2

Shy ‫ خجول‬Sensible C‫معقول‬

Silly ‫ سخيف‬Perhaps ‫ربماا‬
simple ‫بسيط‬ Especially ‫بالذات – باالخص‬
teenager ‫ مراهق‬Correctly ‫صحيحا‬

Choose the correct words in brackets:

1. (Adults - Attitudes - Offers - Twins) should be kind to the young.
2. His (attitude - altitude - gratitude - confession) in life is to collect money
whatever its source is.
3. Adel Emam is a (mystery - celebrity - celebration - attitude) actor. He makes
us laugh.
4. About 100000 people died after the quake. It was a horrible (disaster - mystery -
attitude - habit).
5. Smoking is a bad (habitual - offer - habit - order).
6. His sudden appearance is still a (mystery - offer – scream- order) we don't
know where he was.
7. My uncle is a famous (teacher - musician - psychologist - vet). He studies
the human's behaviours.
8. You should keep it (secret - habit - contact - mystery). Nobody mustn't
know anything about it.
9. Look! A plane has just (appeared - cancelled - led - lied) in the sky.
10. 1 won't have to attend the meeting. It has been (cancelled - expected
- ordered - decided).
11. I (decided - decision - meant - screamed) to give up working with him.
12. He is a good manager. He can (lead - leadership - leader - leading) a lot of
13. Don't (lay - laid - lair - lie) to me.
14. He likes doing his work. He is an (lazy - lair - active - activity) person.
15. He likes to tell us jokes. He is a (cheerful - cheering - cheered - lazy)
16. We never trust him. He is (honest - dishonest - alive - active).
17. We should be kind to the (elderly - fit - alive - available) people.
18. Practising games and sports keep us healthy and (fit - fat - elderly - honest).
19. My father is ready to help anyone who is in need. He is (available - alive -
generous - healthy).
20. (Health - Fit - Healthy - Available) food is necessary for our bodies.
21. He didn't want to wait for five minutes. He is (honest - dishonest -patient -
22. He never cares about our feelings. He is (sensitive - lazy- lively -insensitive).
23. It was a (lazy - rude - lively - available) discussion about the new project.
24. He is (miserable - mean - lively - lazy) because he has lost all his money.
25. Those who are (optimistic - patient - impatient - lazy) look at the good side
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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 3

of life.
26. Kami is a/an (patient - impatient - outgoing - impolite) boy. He is active and
27. Those who are (optimistic - pessimistic - sensitive - lively) look at the bad
side of life.
28. We love him because he is (rude-impatient-lazy-polite).
29. He sometimes says bad words. He is (rude - polite - cheerful - optimistic).
30. We dislike Manal because she is (simple - silly - sensible - polite).
31. 1 could answer that (simple - sensitive - lively - lazy) question.
32. (May - Might - Must - Perhaps) I'll pay him a visit tomorrow.
33. This car is (especially - especial - necessary - necessity) designed for races.


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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 4

Form ‫يتكون زمن الماضي البسيط من التصريف الثاني للفعل‬ 

‫ شاذة‬/‫هناك نوعان من األفعال منتظمة‬
?‫أوال األفعال المنتظمة‬
love---loved/ live---lived ‫ فقط‬d ‫ يضاف له‬e ‫الفعل المنتظم المنتهي بـ‬-1
ed cook---cooked/ clean---cleaned‫ يضاف له‬e‫الفعل المنتظم الغير منتهى بــ‬-2
. ‫ إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف ساكن وقبله حرف متحرك نكرر الحرف الساكن‬-3
stop----- stopped / travel---------- travelled
look----looked/book----booked‫ال يضاعف الحرف األخير إذا سبقه حرفان متحركان‬-4
‫ وقبلها‬y ‫ أما إذا انتهى الفعل بـ‬ied ‫ وقبلها حرف ساكن تحول إلى‬y ‫ إذا انتهى الفعل بـ‬-5
‫ فقط‬ed ‫ كما هي ونضيف‬y ‫حرف متحرك تبقى ألـ‬
carry----carried/study----studied/ play----played/ enjoy---enjoyed
:‫ثانيا األفعال الشاذة ويجب أن تحفظ وهى على ثالثة أشكال‬
No Change-1 One Change-2 Two changes-3
cut cut cut buy bought bought Eat ate eaten
shut shut shut catch caught caught Go went gone
:‫يستخدم الماضي البسيط للتعبير عن‬
.I watched a new film yesterday.‫أحداث انتهت في الماضي‬-1
.When I was young , I played football‫عادة أو موقف في الماضي‬-2
.‫ للتعبير عن عادة في الماضي‬used to ‫نستخدم‬-3
.When I was young, I used to get up late
.‫للتعبير عن أحداث متتابعة في قصة‬-4
Once upon a time , there were a cat and some mice .The cat killed a lot
of mice. So the mice had a meeting……..

Yesterday We travelled to London

in the ancient times last year.
once/last(week , month , She bought a nice dress
year) yesterday.
In the past I was in London four
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in 1999 of English
years ago. Mobile – 012-23660337
The Master of English 2nd Top Score 5

.did + inf ‫ وللسؤال نستخدم‬.didn't + inf ‫إذا كان للنفي نستخدم للنفي‬
I watered the flowers.-------I didn’t water the flowers.
?Yes, I watched the match .----Did you watch the match

Object +was ,were +P.P +by+ subject

The government built new schools in our city.(New schools)
New schools were built in our city.
I helped a poor woman yesterday. (was helped)
A poor woman was helped yesterday.

o Adel bought two shirts yesterday. (were bought)

 --------------------------------------------------------
o People watched the match all over the world. (The match)
 --------------------------------------------------------

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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 6

was ,were + v+ ing ‫يتكون زمن الماضي المستمر من‬ 

.‫يستخدم زمن الماضي المستمر للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمرا في الماضي‬ 

 I was playing tennis all day yesterday.
.‫يعبر أيضا عن حدث كان مستمرا في الماضي عندما قطعه حدث آخر‬ 
 While I was studying, the light went out.

While he was walking ,a tram

While hit him.
As I was washing, the water
As went out.
Just as we were having lunch,
Just as someone knocked on the door.
When When the light went out, she
was reading a story.

 While was/were +V+ ing past simple

 When past simple was/were +ving

 While I was shopping, I met Hala. (When)

 When I met Hala, I was shopping.

Object + was , were+ being +P.P

They were cutting down the tree. (the tree)
The tree was being cut down.
The girls were cleaning the rooms at the moment. (being)
The rooms were being cleaned at the moment.

o Mona was playing tennis and ping pong. (being)

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
o She was cooking a new dish . (A new…)
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 7

2) Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

)While( .Ali played football. He fell down)1
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
)Yesterday ( .I meet Amgad every day )2
 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
)ago( .He visited us last month)3
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
)When ( .I got lost and asked the policeman the way)4
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
)While( .He was writing a letter when the light went out)5
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
)When( .While I was going to work, it began to rain)6
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
)As( .When the fire broke out, he was sleeping-7
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.Just as he was crossing the street , a car hit him-8 )When(
 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.I was reading a novel , at that time my sister was watching TV-9 )Just as(
 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.They arrived during the time of dinner-10 )while(
 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3)Choose the correct answer
1- When the phone rang, I .......... a story.
a) read b) was reading c) am reading d) have read
2- While he ......... his bicycle, he fell off and broke his leg.
a) rides b) is riding c) rode d) was riding
3- Many was burning rubbish when his clothes ..... fire.
a) caught b) catch c) is catching d) catches
4- When the door bell rang, she ....... the dishes.
a) washed b) washes c) was washing d) is washing
5- It took them a long time to put ....... the fire.
a) off b) in c) out d) of
6- Magdy was very frightened, ...... he ran away as fast as he could.
a) so that b) but c) so d) while
7- .......... you sleeping when the telephone rag?
a) Have b) Were c) Are d) Did
8- Ali ....... when his flat caught fire.
a) studying b) studied c) studies d) was studying
9-It .......... all night yesterday.
a) rains b) is raining c) was raining d) will rain

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10- My sister ........ when mother arrived home.

a) sleeping b) sleeps c) was sleeping d) were sleeping
11-I was watching TV when the telephone ............
a) ring b) rang c) rings d) ringing
12- He ....... TV when they switched the electricity off.
a) watched b) watching c) was watching d) am watching
13- Hani was driving home when he ........ an accident.
a) has b) have c) had d) was having
14-I ....... the newspaper when the telephone rang.
a) was reading b) am reading
c) have been reading d) reading
15- The fire broke ....... at one o'clock in the morning.
a) out b) up c) down d) into
16- I ........ lunch when my friend phoned.
a) have b) was having c) have had d) am having

Choose the correct answers

1. Yesterday ,I (will go - have gone - went - have to) to the zoo with my
2. They (bought- can buy - have bought - buy) some new clothes two days
3. Manal (had been - was,- is - will be) aged ten last year.
4. How did you (carried - carrying - to carry -carry) such a heavy box?
5. Mr. Kami (punishes - will punish - punished - is punishing) a lazy pupil
last week.
6. Where (you went - you have gone -you will go - did you go) last week?
7. (They won - They did win – Did they win - Will they win) the final match
8. No, Manal (didn't clean - won't clean - can't clean - hasn't cleaned) her
room yesterday.
9. Just as I (walked - was walking.- am walking - will walk) down the street,
I met my cousin.
10.While she was cooking in the kitchen, the phone (rings - is ringing - rang-
will ring).
11. As we (played - were playing - are playing - play) a game of chess, our
friend entered the room.
12.1 (saw - can see - will see - have seen) a snake while I was fishing
13.What (did you do -do you do - have you done - were you doing) when I
saw you in the park?
14. (After - Before - Since - While) Hind was doing her homework, the door
bell rang.
15.Just as we were playing football, it (rained). - rains - is raining - will rain)
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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 9

Rewrite the following sentences using words in brackets.

1. I write my friend a letter. (yesterday)
2. Manal does her homework well. (an hour ago)
3. Where do you go? (yesterday)
4. They bought a new car. (not)
5. Kami forgot to take his umbrella. (not)
6. Yes, we visited our sick uncle. (Did)
7. No, he didn't attend the party last week. (Did)
8. They saw him playing tennis. (Just as)
9. AH goes for a swim. (yesterday)
l0.Do you enjoy such an action film? (yesterday)
11.While I was playing in the garden, I saw my friend. (they)
12Just as they were doing their homework, the phone rang. (she)
13.As he was cleaning his room, he dropped his mother's vase. (As I)
14.How did you repair your broken car? (How did he)
15.Yes, we stayed in Cairo for two days. (Did)

To+ infinitive
In order to + infinitive
To say why a person does an action
e.g. We go to school to learn.
We went to the cinema to watch a film.
Choose the correct answers:
1. I study hard (as - for - on -to} get high marks.
2.Heba saved money (for - to - as - on) buy a new mobile phone.
3.He ran quickly (to - for - of- on) catch the bus.
4.They went to bed early in order (for - at -to- on) get up early.
5.Manal used a dictionary (to- for - in - at) look up new words.
6.We get up early (as - for -to- on) catch the train.
7.You should do more exercise in order (to- for - as - so) keep fit.
8.I do my best to (got - get - gets - getting) the highest marks.
9.We had (as - to - for - on) take a taxi as we were late.
10.He works hard so as (for - on -to- with) earn money.
11.She goes to bed early in order to (get - got - gets - getting) up early.
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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 10

12.The police are making investigations (to - as - for - with) know how the
accident happened.
Rewrite the following sentences using words in brackets.
1. I phoned my friend because I wanted to meet him in the club. ( to)
2. They took off their clothes because they wanted to swim. (in order to)
3. He needs some flour and sugar. He wanted to make a cake. (in order to)
4. They broke into the bank for the sake of money. . (to)
5. He apologised for the sake of her forgiveness. (to)
Choose the correct words in brackets:
1. He was able to find a suitable (accommodation - celebrity - mystery-
contact) for his family to live in,
2. The police couldn't get a (confess - contact - confession - order) out of the
3. Telephones and computers help us (contact - celebrity - habit -secret)
with each others.
4. Mr. Ahmed's (explain - explanation - contact - offer) of the lesson was
easy, so we understood the lesson.
5. I accepted his (offer - attitude - mystery - contact) to dine together in a
6. We have to follow our teachers' (orders - contact - mystery - habit).
7. Amr Adeeb is a famous TV (present - presentation - presenter -adult). I
enjoy his programme very much.
8. We heard a loud (scream - secret - mystery - contact). She has seen a
snake on her bed.
9. His (suggest - habit - suggestion - explanation) to go for a swim, was
very good.
10.1 (acceptable - acceptance - accepted - appeared) his offer to work with

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11. Can you (compare - comparison - comparative - lead) between iron and
12.1 didn't (accept - except - expect - expectation) him to get high marks in his
final exam.
13.1 can't' go to school today. I (feel - fail - fall - fill) ill.
14. You should (improve - proof - prove - roof) your language by reading a
15. You .can get bread at any time of the day. It's (available -fit - active
16. Manal got 40/40 in the English exam. She is (excellent - excel -excelled -
bad) at it.
Fill in the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Sara : The summer holiday starts on 12th June.
Salwa : Yes. You're right...........................................................................?
Sara : I'll travel to the U.A.E.
Salwa : To the United Arab of Emirates!.............................................?
Sara : To see its places of interest and its modern hotels.
Salwa : Fantastic! I wish...............................................................................
Sara : You can if you really want. My father has a big house there.
Salwa : Really! Can you ask him?

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Unit 2
Word Meaning Word Meaning
Advert ‫ يعلن عن سلعة‬Cyclist ‫راكب الدراجة‬
Anti-racism ‫ ضد العنصرية‬Engineer ‫مهندس‬
Awareness ‫ الوعى‬Expert ‫خبير‬
Biography ‫ سيرة ذاتية‬Form ‫شكل‬
Bracelet ‫ سوار‬Hero )‫بطل (روائى – قومى‬
Cancer ‫ سرطان‬Luxury ‫الرفاهية‬
Champion ‫ بطل رياضى‬Manager ‫مدير‬
Charity ‫ التبرع– صدقة– عمل خيرى‬Net ‫شبكة‬
Childhood ‫ الطفولة‬Nickname ‫أسم الشهرة‬
Combination ‫ إتحاد‬Opportunity ‫فرصة‬
Costume ‫ رداء‬Pole ‫قطب – عمود‬
Court ‫ محكمة – ملعب‬Pitch ‫ملعب‬
Cross – country ‫ رياضة حول البلد‬Popularity ‫شعبية‬
Triathlon ‫ رياضة ثالثية‬Rocket ‫صاروخ‬
Trunks ‫ فرع الشجر الكثيف‬Slope ‫منحدر‬
Wristband ‫ ضمادة على الرسغ‬Success ‫نجاح‬
Choose ‫ يختار‬Track ‫مدمار – التراك‬
Collect ‫ يجمع‬Against ‫ضد‬
Disappoint ‫ ييأس‬Common ‫شائع‬
Focus ‫ يركز‬Competitive ‫تنافسى‬
Include ‫ يشتمل على‬Consecutive ‫متتالى‬
Miss ‫ يفتقد‬Dangerous ‫خطير‬
Organize ‫ ينظم‬Official ‫رسمى‬
Participate ‫ يشارك‬Perfect ‫تمام – متقن – مثالى‬
Raise ‫ ينهض – يرفع‬Personal ‫شخصى‬

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Autograph ‫ إمضاء‬Professional ‫محترف‬

Tough ‫ خشن – هائج‬Separate ‫مختلف – منفصل‬
Ever ‫ دوما‬Kick out ‫يركل‬
Positively ‫ بإيجابية‬Speak up ‫يرفع صوته‬

Choose the correct words in brackets:

1. We can watch a lot of (adverts - experts - courts - awareness) on TV
including goods, films and so on.
2. We object to (racism - antiracism - race - races). It's a very bad attitude.
3. We should have the (awareness - biography - champion - charity) of our
community needs so as to develop it.
4. Mona is wearing a gold (ring - earring - chain - bracelet) round her
5. He died of (cancer - headache - starvation - thirst). It is a very serious
6. He devoted much money to the (charity - court - port - childhood) so as
to help the poor.
7. (Child - Children - Teenagers - Childhood) is the period of being a child.
8. He is wearing the (costume - uniform - tie - socks) of wrestling.
9. They are playing tennis in the (port - ground - floor - court).
10. He can ride a bicycle well. He is a good (cyclist - cycling - expert - hero).
11. He has got a high level of teaching. He is a/an (engineer - expert -champ-
12. Saad Zaghloul was the (champion - expert - hero - player) of 1919
13. He is a millionaire. He lives in comfort and (luxury - misery -miserable -
14. Ali is responsible for our company. He is the (postman -employee
-manager - management).
15. His name is Ahmed but his (nickname - pen pal - pen friend - focus) is
16. They are playing football in a football (itch - ditch - pitch - scratch).
17. He took the (opportunist - opportunity - popularity- racket) of being
with manager to get a job in the bank.
18. She fixed two (poles - polar - holes - halls) to make a line of clothes.
19. Football has wide (popular - racism - popularity - pole) among all sports.
20. He was happy about his (succeed - successful - excess - success) in the
21. He won the (triathlon - wristband - racism - luxury) of swimming.
22. Some teenagers like wearing a (wristband - band - pole - ski slope)
around their wrists.
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23. You can (chose - chosen - choice - choose) any book you like from those
on the shelf.
24. His bad marks in the exam (disappointed-disappointing -disappointment
- disappoint) him last month.
25. You should (focus - collect - choose - miss) on the most important
grammatical points included in the text.
26. Her shopping list (contained - included - has got - had got) food, fruit and
mineral water.
27. Ahmed ran fast but he (lost - collected - caught - missed) the train.
28. His job is to (organize - do -have -get) the manager's meetings and
business deals.
29. Before asking your teacher in the class, you should (raise - rise -take-get)
your hand.
30. He didn't care about my advice. He acted(again -gain - against -opposed)
31. The Pyramids are (common -commonly - community -communicate)
ancient remains.
32. The (competition - competitor - competitive - compete) attitude is all in
all in the world of business.
33.1 enjoyed that (consecutive - institute - connect - connection) events of a
series on TV.
34. Snakes are (dangerous - danger - dangerously - dangers) reptiles.
35. Kami faced a (person - personal - personally - personality) problem so we
backed him to get it over.
36. He is cruel. He is a (tough - personal - common - communicate) person.
37. Have you (ever - never - rare - forever) seen a shark? No, I've never.
38. She is a good pupil. She studies her lessons (positive - negative -activity -
39. Could you (speak - speak with - speak to - speak up), please? I can't hear
40. When Mr. Ahmed entered the class, the pupils (stood - sat down -stood
up - are stand.

The present perfect tense

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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 15

G)The present perfect simple tense

I,We,you,They,People have
P.P+ ‫يتكون زمن المضارع التام من‬
He,She,It ,Mona,Ali has
‫يعبر عن‬
 He has just finished studying. ‫يعبر عن حدث أنتهي منذ فترة قصيرة‬
 I have lived in Cairo since 1996. ‫بدأ في الماضي و أستمر حدوثه في الوقت الحاضر‬
 She has lost her key. ‫حدث تم في الماضي ولكن له اثر حتى اآلن‬

just - already – yet – since-for-recently- so far- never - ever

‫ بمعنى لمدة ويأتي بعدها فترة من الوقت دون تحديد بدايتها‬for ‫تستخدم‬
)‫ بمعنى منذ ويأتي بعدها بداية الزمن أو رقم السنة ( نقطة زمنية محددة البداية‬since ‫تستخدم‬
ten years 1997
two months April, June, May
A day Sunday, Tuesday, Friday
four hours Five o’clock
a long time Yesterday
A week, a minute, ages Last(week, month, year..)
..……The last I was twenty, then
I’ve worked in this school for eight years. (since)
 I’ve worked in this school since 1999.

‫ملاحظات هامة‬
‫ و التصريف الثالث‬has ‫ أو‬have ‫ بين‬never, ever , just , already ‫ تستخدم‬-1
‫ في السؤال و النفي‬yet ‫ في اإلثبات و‬already / just ‫ تستخدم‬-2
 I have already mended the chair.
 I haven’t mended the chair yet.
 Have you mended the chair yet?
‫ في النفي‬never ‫ في السؤال و‬ever ‫تستخدم‬-3
 Have you ever seen a lion?
 No, I have never seen a lion.
a short time ago /a moment ago‫ بمعنى توا أو حاال‬just ‫يستخدم المضارع التام مع‬4-
 I have just met Ayman. (ago)
 I met Ayman a short time ago.

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 Fatma bought a new dress a short time ago. (just)
 --------------------------------------------------------
 The last time I watched a video was three years a go.(for)
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 My father has been a policeman since 1977. (for)
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Object+has /have +been +P.P+by+ subject

I have bought two shirts. (two shirts)
Two shirts have been bought by me.
People have watched the match all over the world.(been)
 Salma has swept the floor. (been)
 -----------------------------------------------------------

Choose the correct words in brackets;

1. I (already have - just have - have already - never have) done my
2. My friend (played - plays - can play - has played) tennis for a year.
3. We (have lived - lived - were living - will have lived) in Alexandria since
4. Manal (cleans - cleaned - is cleaning - has cleaned) the room since 8
5. He has bought a new car (ago - yet - since - for) last week.
6. (You have never - You have ever - Have you ever - Do you) caught a big
Kamel (succeeded - can succeed - has succeeded - will succeed) since he .7
.studied hard
8. They have left for Cairo since they (booked - book - had booked - have
booked) the train tickets.
9. The pupils have written an essay (since - for - yet - ago) an hour.
10. They (can't finish - won't finish - shouldn't finish - haven't finished)
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their work yet.

11. This is the most delicious tart I (ate - have ever eaten - can eat - will
12. Ali has never (to climb - climbs - climbed - climbing) a mountain.
13. My brother (has mended - mends - is mending - can mend) his bike for
two hours.
14.1 have joined the university (for - ago - since - yet) 2008.
15. Since he (saved - can save - had saved - has saved) money, he has
bought a new mobile phone.
:Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets
1 . I have just finished doing my homework. (He)
2. Mona hasn't tidied her room yet. (They)
3. Have you ever travelled to Mexico? (No, ...}
4. I haven't seen such a long snake like this. (This is the longest)
5. Heba studied hard so she got high marks. (since)
6. They booked a flight so they left for London. (since)
7. My uncle has lived in Cairo since 2007, (for)
8. Manal has worked in this factory for ten years. (since)
9. It's now 6 o'clock. He has repaired the car since 3 o'clock. (for)
10. It's now 8 o'clock. They have watched TV for two hours.
11. Rami has already phoned his friend. (yet)
12. We have decorated our classroom.
13. She has just done her housework.
14. We have never travelled to Australia.
15. He has never flown a helicopter.

Finish the missing using (since) or (for) :-

1 . I have been interested in tennis .................. five years.
2. She has lived here . ........................ last September.
3. He has travelled to France ............... he was a child.
4. I have been a teacher , ................... ages now.
5. We haven't met . _____ . ......... my birthday.
6. He has been away..............the last week.
7. He has been away.............a week.
8. They have studied English..............many years.
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9. She has known me................2002.

10.Man has lived in communities..........the history.

Choose the correct answers

1. He (has ever--ever has - never - has never) caught a big fish.
2. They (have ever- never have - ever have - have ever) travelled abroad.
3. Manal went to the market and came back. She (has gone to - has been in
– has been to - went) the market.
4. (You have - You have never - Have you ever - you haven't) learnt how to
play the piano?
5. My uncle travelled to Cairo but he is still there. He (has gone to - has
been to - was - had been to) Cairo.
6. They have studied science (for - ago - since - yet) 6 o'clock.
7. My mother has cooked in the kitchen (for - since - ago - just),an hour.
8. Has she ever made a tart dressed with ice cream? No, she has (yet -ever -
every - never)made it.
9. (Has he just – He has just - He has already - he has never) taken a photo
of the Nile at the sunset.
10.1 have never (forgotten-forget - to forget - forgetting) his name.
11. They have (ever -never - yet - already) been to South America before.
12.This is the best book I have (since - yet - ever - never) read.
13.It's three hours (for - already - since - ago) he last caught a fish.
14.The train has (yet - already - ever - since) left the station.
15.We haven't received any letters from her (yet- since - for just).
16.She has (ever - ago - never - just) arrived.
17.The last time I saw an Indian film was two months (yet - just -ago-
already). 18.We have been able to operate the machine (for -/6ince - when -
yet) we received the catalogue.
19.Have you (never - just - ever - yet) done Judo?
20.She hasn't turned up (just - ever - yet - ago).
Rewrite the following sentences using words in brackets.
1. I have just fixed my computer. (He)
2. She has already written a nice poem. (I)
3. We have already decorated the class. (yet)
4. They haven't yet arranged a journey to Alex. ( just)
5. He has never hunted a bear, (ever)
6. Have you ever swum in the Nile? (Never)
7. They have never played the guitar. (ever)
8. He hasn't finished his work yet. (already )
9. They have already solved the problem. (yet)
lO.Manal hasn't cooked the meal yet. (just)
11.1 last drove a car when I was 40 years old. (I haven't )
12.It's the first time I have ever eaten shrimps. (never)

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13.They're still making arrangements for the party. (yet)

14.She went to Cairo for 2 days and came back. (been)
15.The farmers haven't grown their crops yet. (already)
16.1 finished cooking a few moments ago. (just)
17.1 have never watched an interesting film like "Boha". (ever)
18.The train has already left the station. (yet)
19.We finished our homework 8 minutes ago. (just)

Choose the correct answers

1. Have you (never - ever) been to the High Dam?
2. This is the tallest tree I have (never - ever) seen.
3. She has (ever - never) written a long essay before.
4. I have (ever - never) met such a beautiful lady.
5. This is the most exciting movie I've (ever - never) seen.
6. I have (ever - never) gone shopping alone.
7. It's the first time she has (never - ever) had an accident.
8. Amira has (never - ever) been in such a critical situation before.
9. He has (never - ever) been to a dentist's before.
10. Nabil is the noblest friend I've (ever - never) known.
Rewrite the following sentences using words in brackets.
1. This is the first time I've ever been abroad. (never)
2. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. (never)
3. He has never been operated on before. (ever)
4. I have never eaten such delicious food. (ever)
5. It's the first time she's ever cut her hair. (never)
6. Titanic is the most exciting film I've ever watched. (never)
7. Abu Treika is the most popular footballer I've ever watched, (never)
8. She has never written such a long essay before. (ever)
9. It's the first time I've ever borrowed money. (never)
10."Top surgeons" is the most famous charity organization I've ever
heard about. (never)
Choose the correct answers
1. He (has been - has gone) to the cinema. He hasn't come back yet.
2. I haven't seen you for ages. Where (have you been - have you gone)?
3. I have never (gone - been) to the U.S.A before.
4. Mr. Adel isn't at home. He has (been - gone) out.
5. I (have been - have gone) to the dentist's. This is a message Mr.
Hassan left.
6. A : Where is Medhat?
B : I think he (has been - has gone) to Alex.
7. Miss Soha (has been - has gone) shopping. Can I take a message?

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Rewrite the following sentences using words in brackets.

1. She went to the cinema and came back. (been)
2. They went shopping and are still there. (gone)
3. She went out this morning but she isn't back yet. (gone)
4. I visited my grandparents last week. (been)
5. I was at the club. (been)
6. The Smiths left to Australia. (gone)
7. Mum isn't at home. (Where....gone)
8. The Browns travelled to England. They are still there. (gone)
9. Mum returned home. She was at the market. (been)
10.Tom is still at the park. (gone)

Word Meaning Word Meaning
Block of flats ‫ مجمع سكنى‬Sail ‫شراع – يبحر‬
Bridge ‫ كوبرى‬Sailor ‫بحار‬
Castle ‫ قلعة‬Skyscraper ‫ناطحة سحاب‬
Dhow ‫ كوخ‬Storey ‫دور فى مبنى‬
Insulation ‫ العازل‬Tower ‫برج‬
Mall ‫ مول تجارى‬Tunnel ‫نفق‬
Monument ‫ أثر تاريخى‬Villa ‫فيال‬
Motorway ‫ طريق سيارات‬Design ‫تصميم – يصمم‬
Palm tree ‫ نخلة‬Last ‫يستمر – يدوم– الماضى‬
Port ‫ ميناء‬Extraordinary ‫غير عادى‬
Remain ‫ يظل – يبقى‬Foreign ‫أجنبى‬
Survive ‫ يبقى حيا – ينجو‬Impersonal ‫غير شخصى‬
Ancient ‫ قديم‬Impossible ‫مستحيل‬
Eco - ‫ مناخى – بيئى‬Impractical ‫غير عملى‬
Inexperienced ‫ عديم الخبرة‬Unoriginal ‫غير أصلى‬
Informal ‫ غير رسمى‬Absolutely ‫مطلقا‬
Unadventurous ‫ غير مغامر‬Already ‫بالفعل‬
Unafraid ‫ غير خائف‬Just ‫توا – حاال‬

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Unconventional ‫ غير مناسب‬Recently ‫حديثا – مؤخرا‬

(And) finally , ‫ وأخيرا‬Since ‫منذ – حين‬
First of all, ‫ بادىء ذى بدء‬-‫ بداية‬According to ‫طبقا ل‬
Next , ‫ بعد ذلك‬Secondly ًَCl‫ثانيَا‬

Choose the correct words in brackets:

1. A(hall-block -block of flats - bridge) is a building with so many
2. You can cross the river over that (bridge - wall - hall - entrance).
3. In the past, the kings used to build (houses - block of flats - castles -
pyramids) to protect their countries against any foreign attack.
4. On the beach, the children like building (castles - houses - shops -bridges)
of sand.
5. The process of electric wires (insulate - insulated - insulation -desolated)
is very important to avoid electric shocks.
6. We bought so many things at a large (hall - wall - tall - mall).
7. You can enjoy seeing the ancient (moments -while - mountains
monuments) in a museum.
8. He drove his car fast along the (motorway - port - airport - motor)to
9. My uncle likes growing (palm - calm - leg - ear) trees. He likes dates.
10. You can see a lot of ships in Alex (airport - port - part - hall).
11. They enjoyed a (sale - sail – sell-seller) on the Nile.
12. He works on a ship. He is a (sailor - sail - pilot - driver).
13. A (flat - house - villa - skyscraper) is a tall building with 30 or 40 floors.
14. At the airport, the workers in a (watch tower - house - office - hall) can
watch planes taking off and landing.
15. There's a (runnel - street - canal - lake) underground where you can go
from place to another.
16. He lives in an expensive (villa - shop - hall - floor) by the Nile,
17. He is an engineer. He can (design - have - get - make) machines.
18. Our stay in Cairo (lasted - list - lest - lost) for ten days.
19. You should (remain - remains - remaining - to remain) in your place
until I come back.
20. After the accident/ he was the only one who could (survive - died -lie -
buy). He is still alive.
21. In Egypt there are so many wonderful (ancient-old -older-young)
22. He caught a very strange fish. It was an (extraordinary-ordinary -normal
- normally) fish.
23. Tourists from (foreign - foreigner - new - old) countries come to visit
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Egypt every year.

24. Your answer is (absolutely - absolute - complete - completion) right.
You're a good pupil.
25. When he went to the cinema, the film (already had - just had – had
already - now) started.
26. He (has just - just has - sometimes has - often has) arrived.
27. He has bought a new car (recently - recent - ago - before).
28. They have succeeded (for - since - ago - already) they studied hard.

Since & for
‫ بمعنى لمدة ويأتي بعدها فترة من الوقت دون تحديد بدايتها‬for ‫تستخدم‬
)‫بمعنى منذ ويأتي بعدها بداية الزمن أو رقم السنة ( نقطة زمنية محددة البداية‬ since ‫تستخدم‬
ten years 1997
two months April, June, May
A day ,Sunday, Tuesday
four hours Five o’clock
a long time Yesterday
A week, a minute, Ages Last(week, month,.)
The last +……….. I was twenty, then
I’ve worked in this school for eight years. (since)
 I’ve worked in this school since 1999.

Already: actually completed I have already washed my shirt.

(I washed it sometime earlier.)
Just: short time ago
• She has just eaten her lunch. (She is going to wash her hands)
Yet: any time up till now (for questions and negative)
• Have you bought a car yet?
• I haven't bought a car yet.

Finish the missing using (since) or (for) :-

1 . I have been interested in tennis .................. five years.
6. She has lived here . ........................ last September.
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7. He has travelled to France ............... he was a child.

8. I have been a teacher , ................... ages now.
9. We haven't met . _____ . ......... my birthday.
10.............................................He has been away the last week.
11............................................He has been away a week.
12............................................................They have studied English many
13.................................................She has known me2002.
10.Man has lived in communities..........the history.

Choose the correct answers

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1. I (already - already have -just have - have just) done

my homework.
2. My uncle (have already - already had - has to - has
already) booked
a ticket to Cairo.
3. Both of them (have just - has just - already have -
have to) arrived.
4. Neither of them (have already - have just - has just -
have had) written a paragraph.
5. I haven't met my cousin (ago - for - since - just) last
6. Manal has lived in Alexandria (since - ago - for - yet)
7. Ahmed has succeeded since he (has studied - studied -
was studying - studies) hard.
8. Since they played well, they (won - had won - will win
- have won)the final match.
9.Manal has studied French (since - for - ago - ever) 8
10.They have watched TV (since - for - never - ago) two
11.My uncle has painted his flat (since - for - ago - before)
the last week.
He hasn't finished painting yet.
12.I haven't repaired the broken bike (just - for - already -
13. Have you (forever - ever - every - very) seen a crocodile
in that lake?
14. I suggested going for a swim but he has refused it(yet-
already–so far- far).
15.He went to the market and came back. He (has been to -
hasn't been to - has gone to - had gone to) the market.
16.Mona went to the circus but she hasn't come back yet.
She (has gone to - has been to - has been in - went) the

Rewrite the following sentences using words in


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1. I have tidied my room.

2. We have watered our garden.
3. They have already finished their work.
4. Kami hasn't done his homework yet.
5. Manal hasn't cooked the food yet.
6. They have drawn a nice picture.
7. It's a week since I saw him.
(since last week)
8. I haven't met Kami since last week. (It's
a week)
9. He has already looked up new words in a dictionary.
10. It's now 6 o'clock. He has studied English since 4 o'clock.
11. Hani has tidied his room for an hour. It's now 4 o'clock.
12. They have already arranged a tour to Aswan.
13. It's 2 weeks since I last visited my uncle.
14. He writes short stories. He started writing three years
ago. (since)
15. I'm still doing my homework.
(I haven't)
16. They went to Luxor and Aswan. Now they're in Alex.

Fill in using since or for:

1. He has ridden a bike...........................his childhood.
2..............she was 18, she hasn't been to the cinema.
3. It's a long time...............I last saw Ahmed.
4. I haven't watched TV.......last week.
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5. They have revised for the exam.................the last week.

6. I have played the piano...............I was sixteen.
7. We haven't had any food...................eight hours.
8. This mall has made special offers..................last month.

Choose the correct

1) He can't repair a broken chair. He is (practical - practice -
2) He doesn't have enough experience . He is (experienced
-inexperienced - practical - personal).
3) We are friends so we talk to each other in an (informal -
formal -information - formally) way.
4) He doesn't like adventures. He is(unadventurous
-adventurous - practical - impractical).
5) He is brave. He is (afraid - frightened - unafraid - fear) of
6) He usually does strange things. He is (conventional -
- special - absolutely).
7) The Chinese people produce (origin - unoriginal - original -
products that are different from the original ones.

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Correct the mistakes;

1. I already have done my homework.
2. Heba just has tidied her room.
3. Have you never seen a crocodile?
4. They have ever caught a shark.
5. He has travelled to Cairo for last week.
6. Mona has studied English since two hours.

Clara Copperfield is David’s mother His father was dead .Miss

Betsy Trotwood is the aunt of David’s father (David’s great aunt).
Betsy was angry because Clara gave birth to a boy not a girl .One
Sunday Clara and David met Mr. Murdstone whom David did not
like him .Mr. .Murdstone used to visit them Clara asked David to go
on holiday at Yarmouth, with Peggotty, the servant. Peggotty’s
brother, Mr. Peggotty lived at Yarmouth with Mrs. Gummidge,
Emily and Ham. Mr.Peggotty’s house was like a boat Ham’s father
was dead. He was a fisherman. Emily’s mother was Mr. Peggotty’s
sister .Both her mother and father were dead .Mr. Gummidge was
Mr. Peggotty’s friend. He was a fisherman, too. Emily and David
became friends. Mrs.Gummidge was always sad and she
complained a lot. David returned back home and found out that his
mother married Mr. Murdstone
Questions & Answers
1-Who was Peggotty?
@ She was the servant.
2-Who was Miss Trotwood?
@She was David’s great aunt.
3-Why was Miss Trotwood angry ?
@Because Clara had a new boy not a girl. She did not like boys.
4-Who lived with Mr. Peggotty ?
@Ham , Emily and Mrs. Gummidge.
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5-How was Mr. Peggotty’s house like?

@It was like a boat .
6-Who was Clara married to?
@ She was married to Mr. .Murdstone.
Comment on the following quotations:
1-“ You ‘re only a baby ,aren’t you ?
@ It was said by Miss Trotwood to Clara Copperfield when
Clara was having a new baby.
2-“I don’t want a boy, I don’t like little boys”
@ It was said by Miss Trotwood to the doctor at Copperfield’s
home when Clara gave a birth to a boy.
3-“ May I call at your house?”
@ It was said by Mr. Murdstone to Clara outside the church.
4-“ You can have a holiday by the sea. “
@ It was said by Clara to David at home when she was going
to marry.
5- “ I’m afraid of it. Are you afraid of the sea? The
sea killed my father. “
@ It was said by Emily to David at the sea in Yarmouth when
she was talking about her father.
6- “Where ‘s mother ? Why isn’t she at home?”
@ It was said by David to Peggotty when he returned home
from Yarmouth. He didn’t find his mother at home as she had
gone for a walk with her new husband.
7-“ You have a new father.” …..Your mother is Mrs.
Murdstone now.”
@ It was said by Peggotty to David when he returned home
from Yarmouth and found out that his mother married Mr.

Answer the following questions:

1-Why did Miss Trotwood leave the house angrily?
2-Who did David live with when his father died?
3-Where did David and his mother use to go on
4-What was Mr. Peggotty’s job?
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5-Where did David and Emily use to go and do on

6-What surprise did David have on returning
home from Yarmouth?
1-“I haven’t seen you before “
2-“ Is this David, your little boy? “
3-“ He’s left me alone . He doesn’t care about me..”

Ch. Two

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David got angry and sad due to his mother’s

marriage . Mr.Murdstone and his sister Miss.
Murdstone lived in David’s house. Miss Murdstone 's
face was hard and her hair was black. Her dress looked
hard. She began managing the house , but Clara didn’t
like that , so Mr. Murdstone said she was foolish. On
Sundays they all used to go the church. Mr. Murdstone
taught David his lessons ,but David was always afraid
of him ,so he couldn’t learn his lessons with him .Mr.
Murdstone began to hit David . Peggotty told David
that he would go to school near London. The next
morning the cart took David .

Questions & Answers

1-Why was David sad on returning home?
@ Due to his mother’s marriage.
2-Who interrupted the peace of David’s family?
@ Mr. Murdstone and his sister.
3- Who managed the house? What was Clara’s opinion?
@ Miss Murdstone managed the house , but Clara
didn’t like that .
4-Who taught David his lessons? Did David learn well?
@ Mr. Murdstone taught him , but David learn
5- Why couldn’t David learn well at home?
@…Because he was afraid of Murdstone.
6-What did David do when he saw Mr. Murdstone holding a
stick ?
@ He was afraid and asked him not to hit . He
tried to learn , but he couldn’t.
7-What did Miss Murdstone do to David while his mother was
@ She closed his room with a key ,and he couldn’t
leave it very often.
8-What did Peggotty tell David about the school?

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@ She told him that he would go to school the next


Comment on the following quotations:

1-“David is sad , what did you say to him ? “
@It was said by Clara to Peggotty at home when he came back
from Yarmouth. David was sad when he didn’t find his mother at
home .
2-“You called my wife ,Mrs. Copperfield, “
@It was said by Mr. Murdstone to Peggotty at home when she
called Clara “ Mrs. Copperfield”.
3- “You’ve spoilt David .It has made him like a
girl .”
@ It was said by Murdstone to Clara when they were talking about
4-“I’ll manage the house”
@It was said by Miss Murdstone to Clara when she came to live
with them.
5-“Yhis boy is foolish , he can’t learn “
@It was said by Murdstone to Clara when he was complaining
about teaching David. He couldn’t learn well.
6-“ When my horse or dog is bad , I beat it.”
@It was said by Murdstone to David when he wanted to teach him
how to be brave and strong.
7-“ You must go to a school .It is near London.”
@It was said by Peggotty to David . She told him that Murdstone
would send to school the next day.
8-“ Good-bye, David, You’ll come home soon and
you’ll be a good boy.”
@ It was said by Clara to David when he was leaving for school.

Answer the following questions:

1-What changes which had taken place in David’s
2-Why was Murdstone angry with Peggotty?

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3-How did Miss Murdstone treat David while

Clara and Murdstone were away ?
4-Why did Murdstone hit ( beat) David ?
Comment :
1-“She is Mrs. Murdstone now. Remember that.”
2-“You can’t manage the house .You are foolish.”
3-“Remember your lessons or I’ll hit you.”
4-“Don’t forgot me .I won’t forget you . I’ll look
after your mother.”



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David went to Yarmouth by cart with Mr Barkis who

wanted to marry Peggotty. David ,then, took a coach to
London where he met Mr Mell. Mr Mell was a young
man . He was very thin .David went with Mr Mell to his
mother’s house . Mr Mell and David went to the
schoolroom which was big and empty. David saw a
board with “Take care . He bites” written on it ,David
had to wear it . The next day David met a lot of boys
.He and Steerforth became friends. Mr Mell took David
to meet Mr Creakle , the school owner, who had a red
face with small eyes. He told David angrily that he
didn’t like bad boys and asked him to be a good boy.
All the boys slept in one room . They talked about Mr
Creakle and thought he was very ignorant. The next
day Mr Creakle went into the school room and beat
David with a stick and all the other boys except
Steerforth . After weeks Mr Mell took the board away .
Mr Creakle fired Mr Mell after some rude words from
Steerforth. Mr Peggotty and Ham had some fish as a
present and came to see David at school. At last they
were going on holiday and David was glad to leave the

Questions & Answers

1-Who was Mr. Mell ? Describe him.
& He was a teacher at school . He was a young thin
2- How was the schoolroom like? What did David find on
the desk?
@ It was big and empty. He found a board on the
desk with “ Take care, he bites.” On it . M r. Mell
asked David to wear it.
3- Who was Mr. Creakle ? Describe him .
“He was the school owner . He had a red face with
small eyes. He was an ignorant teacher.
4-What did Mr. Creakle tell David?
Mr.Sayed Helmy Senior Master of English Mobile – 012-
The Master of English 2nd Top Score 34

He told him to be a good boy and made him wear

the board every day.
5- What did Steerforth ask David for ? Why?
He asked David for some money to buy wine and
6-What did Mr. Creakle do the next day?
@ He had a stick and went into the classroom to
David’s desk and hit David hard , THEN HE
7- Who was Steerforth ?
@ Steerforth was one of the boys at school. His
mother was very rich.
8- How did Mr. Mell lose his job ?
@ When Mr. Creakle knew he was a poor
teacher ,he asked him to leave the school and go
9- Who visited David at school? What did they take to
David ?
@ Mr. Peggotty and Ham were in London, so they
went to see David . They brought him some fish.
Comment on the following :
1-“ I teach at school . I ‘ll take you there.”
It was said by Mr. Mell to David in London when Mr. Mell went
to take David to school.
2-“ You must wear it everyday .”
It was said by Mr. Creakle to David in his office . David wanted to
take it off ,but Creakle insisted on wearing it.
3- “ I’m a gentleman and you ‘re only a poor
It was said by Steerforth to Mr Mell in the schoolroom when
Steerforth was noisy and talked to Mr Mell rudely.
4- “ I didn’t know that you were poor. All teachers
here are gentlemen.”

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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 35

It was said by Creakle to Mell in the schoolroom when

Steerforth was rude to Mell. When Creakle knew that Mell was
poor , he fired him.
5- “I’ll send him money . I’m rich.”
It was said by Steerforth to David when Creakle fired Mell due
tosteerforth’s rudeness.
6- “ We’ve brought you a present.”
It was said by Ham to David in the schoolroom when ham and
Mr.Peggotty were visiting him.
7- “Mr. Peggotty has a house in Yarmouth . It’s like
a boat.”
@ It was said by David to Steerforth in the schoolroom . He
was talking about Mr. Peggotty and his house.
Answer the following questions:
1- Where did Mell and David go first?
2- Where did David and the other boys learn and
3- Why didn’t Mr. Creakle hit Steerforth?
4- Why were the boys sad when Mr. Mell left school?
5- What present did ham and Mr. Peggotty bring to

Comment :
1-“We’ll go to my mother’s house and you can eat
2-“ Have you any money.”
3-“ I’m talking to you. You’re very rude.”
4-“ We’re visiting London. We have some work
5-“ I’ll come to Yarmouth soon. "

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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 36

1) David had a little brother .

2) David apologize to Mr. Murdstone for biting him.

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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 37

3) Mr. Murdstone described David as rude and

sullen. C‫مستفز‬
4) David stayed most of his time in his room or in
Peggotty's room.
5) Every night David had to sit with Mr. Murdstone ,
his sister and his mother until nine o'clock.
6) the holiday finished and David was back to his
7) Mrs.Creakle told David that his mother died and
his brother was very ill. David returned home.
8) David and Peggotty went to Yarmouth.
9) Peggotty married Barkis.
10) David would go to London and work for Mr.

1. What did David find at his home when he returned home

from his holiday?
He found that his mother had a new baby brother.
2. Why didn't Peggotty like Mr. Murdstone ?
Because he wasn't kind to David.
3. What did Miss Murdstone did when she saw David holding the
She cried to Clara and quickly took the baby from him.
4. Where did David stay and what did he do?
He stayed in his room and read stories and often sat
in Peggotty's room and talk to her.
5. How long did David spend at school after the holiday?
Two months.
6. What did Mrs. Creakle tell David?
She told him that his mother died and his
brother was very ill. He had to return home .

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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 38

7. Why didn't David go back to school?

Because it cost money and Mr.Murdstone
didn't want to send him there.
8. Why did Peggotty and David go to Yarmouth?
Mr. Murdstone did not want Peggotty there
and she had to find new work.
9. What big surprise did David have in Yarmouth?
It was that Mr. Barkis got married to
Peggotty .
10. What did Mr. Murdstone tell
David to do , when David returned home again?
@He would go to London and work for Mr.
Quinion at his office and would not go back to

1 - "He is not kind to David"

This was said by Peggotty to Clara when they were
.talking about Mr Murdstone
2- "I am sorry that I bit you, sir.
David to Mr. Murdstone when David met him the next
.morning of the holiday
3- "You are rude and sullen."
Mr. Murdstone to David when Murdstone asked him not
to stay with Peggotty and wanted him to stay with him ,
. Miss Murdstone and his father
4- "Your mother is dead ."
Mrs. Creakle to David in her room when she told him
.that his mother died
.Emily to David in Yarmouth
6 – " You will work for him and you will not go
back to school."

Mr.Sayed Helmy Senior Master of English Mobile – 012-

The Master of English 2nd Top Score 39

Mr. Murdstone to David when Murdstone was

talking about Mr. . Quinion and David would go to
.work for him

:Answer the following questions

1- What did David tell Peggotty about
Barkis ?
2- How long was the holiday ?
”.I’m very sorry that I bit you, sir“-1
”…You’re avoiding me“-2
This is Mr. Quinion, he has an “ -3
”.office in London

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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 40

1. David works with two other boys in the office .

2. David will live with Mr. Micawber.
3. Every week David was paid six shillings and spent
them on food.
4. Mr. Micawber was poor and he owed money to a lot of
people .
5. Mr. Micawber couldn't pay back the money and he was
imprisoned in London.
6. The Micawber went to Plymouth and left David alone in
the house .
7. David walked to Dover and went to Miss Trotwood.

1. What did David do in the office?

He and the two boys washed the dirty bottles.
2. Where did David live after work?
At Mr. Micawber' s home.
3. Who was Mr. Micawber?
He was a poor, unlucky man . He owed money to a
lot of people .

Mr.Sayed Helmy Senior Master of English Mobile – 012-

The Master of English 2nd Top Score 41

He went to prison as he couldn't pay people their

money back.
4. How could Mrs. .Micawber get money?
She often asked David to sell Micawber’s books and
things .
5. How was Mr. Micawber able to leave the prison?
Mrs. Micawber's family paid the money .
6. Why did the Micawbers leave for Plymouth ?
As Mr. Micawber had work there and would begin
anew better life there .
7. What did David decide to do?
He decided to go to his aunt Miss Betsey Trotwood in
8. How did David go to Dover?
He walked all the way.
9. How did Miss Trotwood receive David ?
She welcomed him , gave him new clothes and he
went to bed.

1. " Thereisn't any money in the house and we

haven't any food."
Mrs. Micawber to David when she asked him to take Mr.
Micawber's books to sell them to get money.
2. "Earn twenty pounds a year but only spent
Mr Micawber to David when he was giving him advice before
leaving for Plymouth.
3. "Please, aunt I am your nephew, David
David to Miss Trotwood when David walked to Dover to meet

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The Master of English 2nd Top Score 42

4. "You are very dirty, you must have a bath."

Miss Trotwood to David in her house when he entered the
house in dirty clothes.
”?I bring Steerforth -5

Mr.Sayed Helmy Senior Master of English Mobile – 012-

2nd prep

What is life if full of care?

We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to stand beneath the boughs.

And stare as long as sheep or cows?

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass?

No time to see, in board day light,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night,

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,

And watch her feet, how they dance?

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began?

A poor life this, if full of care,

We have no time stand and stare.

Leisure ‫وقت فراغ‬ squirrel ‫حيوان السنجاب‬

care ‫ مشاكل‬/ ‫هموم‬ broad ‫كامل‬
stare ‫ يحملق‬/ ‫يتأمل‬ streams ‫انهار صغيرة‬
boughs ‫فروع االشجار الصغيرة‬ glance ‫نظرة سريعة‬

Mr.Sayed Helmy Senior Master

43 Of English
2nd prep
woods ‫ غابة‬/ ‫أشجار‬ enrich ‫يثرى‬

1. Who wrote this poem ?

William Henry Davis.
2. How many stanzas does the poem consist of ?
7 stanzas of two lines.
3. Identify the rhyme scheme in the poem.
aa , bb , cc , dd , ee , ff , aa
4. Identify the figures of speech in the poem.
 Metaphor : ‫ " استعارة‬Streams full of stars"
The poet gives the reflection of the sunlight the image of stars.
. ‫الشاعر يعطى انعكاس ضوء الشمس على االنهار الصغيرة ( الجداول ) صورة النجوم‬
 Simile : ‫ " تشبية‬like skies at night "
The poet likens the streams to the lightened sky at night .
‫ الصغير ( الجداول) بالسماء المنيرة ليال‬z‫الشاعر يشبه االنهار‬.
 Personification : ( ‫)التشخيص‬
 " Beauty ' s glance / her feet / her mouth /her eyes"
The poet gives the beauty of nature the image of a beautiful girl .
 Alliteration : ‫ " الحروف الساكنة‬stand and stare "
 Anastrophe z‫ " عكس الترتيب المألوف‬when woods we pass"
 Contrast ‫ " تناقض‬broad day light "
 Anaphora ‫ " التكرار‬The repetition of No time "
The poet emphasize that he doesn't believe we have no time to enjoy the beauty of
nature .
 Why did the poet use " poor" in the last stanza ?
To show that if you are so busy making money that you can not enjoy the beauty
of nature , you are still poor because you have last the real wealth.
 What is the main idea of the poem ?
Life is so bad when it is full of worries .
 How are animals luckier than people in "Leisure"?
They can stay under trees and enjoy watching nature longer than people .
 What is the main personification in the poem " Leisure "?
The poet gives the beauty of the nature the image of a beautiful girl , but we have
no time to watch her feet to get the smile which startsin her eyes .
 Why does the poet repeated " no time " in his poem?
He repeated " no time " to emphasize the idea that we don't have time to enjoy
 How does the title of the poem "Leisure" contradict its content ?
‫كيف يتناقض عنوان القصيدة " وقت الفراغ " مع محتواها؟‬
Leisure means free time , but on reading the poem we find that we don't have time
to enjoy life.

Mr.Sayed Helmy Senior Master

44 Of English

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