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I have been looking

I visited

I have thinking

i havent decide
¿qué ha sucedido

elección de tema

qué problemas han estado afectando al mundo últimamente

¿Qué ha estado haciendo la gente para enfrentar estos desafíos?

resultado: qué tema ha decidido elegir para su tarea

Según los temas mencionados en la clase por algunos compañeros el tema que me llamo la
atención fue la economía y los negocios internacionales en la pandemia

Due to the pandemic, the issue of international negotiation has been complicated since before it
was handled personally according to the country from which it was desired to import into

everything has been handled in virtuality but the import and export issues collapsed due to the
economic crisis

According to the topics mentioned in class by some classmates, the topic that caught my attention
was the economy and international business in the pandemic. I decided to choose this topic since I
study International Business and for me all the topics related to economy and trade in Colombia
and in the world are interesting

The economy and businesses are affected since by decreasing imports and exports in Colombia,
companies go into crisis, unemployment and informal work increase, which also causes damage to
the economy.

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