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Complete the text using one of the verbs into SIMPLE PAST from the box:

arrive - take – be(2x) – break – call – see – decide – notice – cross – go

Last weekend was very funny: first , I called my friend to go to the shopping and then we went to the
bus stop to take the bus, but when we arrived there the bus had just gone and so we took a taxi. In
the middle of the way the taxi broke down and we decided to go walking. After about twenty minutes,
we saw the shopping and when we were crossing the street we noticed it had closed !! The only thing
to do : laugh and laugh a lot!!!

 Write the missing prepositions on the lines

One minute Abigail was standing right next to me, and the next she was gone. I finally spotted her
On the other side of the gym talking With her friends. I walked Over to them, but
before I got there they all went into the girls’ bathroom together. I have no idea what it is about girls
that makes them go to the bathroom in groups, but something about it happening NOW really made
me nervous. I didn’t know what Abigail thought of me, but I figured she was probably telling her friends
right at that moment. They boys’ bathroom is right next to the girls’ in the gym, so I
went in there and pressed my ear to the wall. I could hear a lot of giggling, but I
couldn’t really make out the conversationbecause of all the racket in the boys’ bathroom. I
tried to make people stop making noise, but it was no use. It got quiet on the other side of the
wall, so I walked back the gym, and Abigail and her friends were over by the pool
At 7:50, Uncle Gary turned up the music, and it looked like the dance was gonna get started for real.

to - with – on - out - on – next to – of – to - in - over to – up - into – at – in – of – of – into – by – at

 Adjective or adverb? Circle the right option

1. I accidental / accidentally knocked over a wedding photo of my parents.

2. Rodrick didn’t actual / actually have the authority to give Greg time-outs.

3. The Stingers have a real / really nice house.

4. Wesley had a huge / hugely fit.

5. I knew I could probable / probably sneak it out of the house later in the day.

6. The answer machine picked up real / really fast, and the next thing I knew I was leaving a message.

7. Eventual / eventually, the bell rang and we both had to go to class.

8. I stood there and waited patient / patiently for her to finish her things.

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