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DNA:DNA is nucleic acid that is found in the nucleus of cells and

is the main constituent of the genetic material of living beings

Chromosome:A chromosome is a string of DNA wrapped around

associated proteins that give the connected nucleic acid bases a

Chromosomes contain the recipe for making a living thing. They
are found in almost every cell’s nucleus and are made from
strands of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Segments of DNA called
"genes" are the ingredients. Each gene adds a specific protein to
the recipe. Proteins build, regulate and maintain your body.  

GENETIC MAPPING :Genetic mapping is the localization within

the genome of genes underlying a disease on the basis of
correlation with DNA variation, without the need for prior
hypotheses as opposite to the candidate gene approach.  

KARYOTYPE:Karyotyping is a laboratory procedure that allows

your doctor to examine your set of chromosomes. “Karyotype”
also refers to the actual collection of chromosomes being
examined. Examining chromosomes through karyotyping allows
your doctor to determine whether there are any abnormalities
or structural problems within the chromosomes.

Why Genetic Mapping and Karyotype are useful for our society? :
Genetic mapping offers evidence that a disease transmitted from
parent to child is linked to one or more genes and provides clues
about which chromosome contains the gene and precisely where
the gene lies on that chromosome.
And for karyotype, allows your doctor to determine whether
there are any abnormalities or structural problems within the
chromosomes. This can help to know if a child will have down

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