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New State Governments

 The Democratizing Impulse

 Limit power of governors
 Expand the Franchis
 More people voting
 Less limits on who can vote
 Still white men
 Republicanmis as a political and social philosophy
 Watching each other, public virtue gets big (too democratic)
 Backlash
 Adams’ Thoughts on government
  Mixed government
 Too democratic, lead to mob rule
 Debts and inflation run high
 More debtors than creditors
 Rhode Island has worst inflation
 States hold most of the power under the A of C

The A of C (Articles of Confederation) 1781-1789

 Continental Congress as a plural elective

 Council of States
 Each state had one vote
 Minor decisions a majority (7/13)
 Major decisions a supermajority of 9 (Most everything in A of C)
 Amendments unanimous
 Administrative duties handled by departments
 Finance, War, Foreign affairs
 Anti-tax, anti-central, anti-tyrannical
 Govt. built not to work, polar opposite of England

Accomplishments of the Articles

 The war (effective)

 Western Lands
 Source of income
 Only way to get money
 Ordinances of 1784 n 1785
 The Ohio Company
 Congress agreed on this because A of C needed some mula
 Northwest Ordinance
 Statehood (60K to enter)
 Bill of Rights (congress establishes rights for new territories)
 Slavery
 No slavery North and West of Mississippi congress in charge
 Indian claims
 Natives oppose

Financial Problems

 Robert Morris, Superintendent of Finance

 Use of public debt
 Good for young country so other will help so they can pay back
 The Bank of North America
 Public/private entry, fed deposits
 And there’s gold here!
 Impost duty fails to pass unanimously
 Rhode Island refuses
 Growth of government debt
 Cannot set tariffs of regulate interstate trade
 1783 Newburgh Conspiracy (Army officers ask morris about pensions)
 Nationalists
 Army and public creditors

Diplomatic Failures

 Trade and the Economy

 The British
 Troops remain in trans-Appalachian west
 Failure to make restitutions
 America Failures
 Debts
 Loyalists property
 Problems with Spain (Join ownership of Miss.)
 Borders
 The Mississippi

Domestic Opposition

 1786 Shay’s Rebellion

 Chain of debt (merchants, formers, and government)
 New government in position of British as oppressors
 Benjamin Lincoln (ends the force that tried to take Springfield)
 State’s response
 Jefferson :: good thing and Adams :: stupid hicks
 Failures of the Confederacy
 Calls for a stronger Union

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