Imageability - Case Study - Planning 2 - Group 1aa

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Course Description: ​Fundamentals of Urban Design and Community Architecture

A case study on _______​Legazpi Village, Makati, Metro Manila​_______

I. Location


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II. Description

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​Urban design is concerned with the harmonization, appearance and function of towns
and cities. It is both a process and an outcome of creating localities in which people live, engage
with each other, and engage with the physical place (built environment) around them and it also
influence health ​and the social and cultural impacts of a locality: how people interact with each
other, how they move around, and how they use a place. That’s why we decided to choose
Legazpi Village in Makati ​for our “Chosen Town”​. It offers safety, convenience, livelihood,
lifestyle and sustainability that attract people to live, work, and play; it is a very well developed
area that consists of structures like houses, commercial buildings, roads, and government offices
with a variety of restaurants and bars which makes the Legazpi village a cool place to hangout. It
also has an urban green space or parks like the Legazpi active park which is popular with joggers
and dog walkers.
Legazpi Village is a business village built by the Ayala Corporation within the Makati Central
Business District, or also known as the Makati CBD. Legazpi Village is the homier side of
Makati's CBD, its ideal location has a terrific mix of office and home, creating ​a cozy
community that contrasts the rest of the city’s fast-paced world​. Aside from the fact that it is
literally walkable, the variety of international hole-in-the-wall restaurants in the district makes it
a delightful place to live in and also its top-tier universities have made growing families consider
living in this homier side of Makati.
Urban design can determine the physical scale, space and ambience of a place and establishes the
built and natural forms within which individual buildings and infrastructure are sited. As such, it
affects the balance between natural ecosystems and built environments,and their sustainability
outcomes. Although urban design is often delivered as a specific ‘project’, it is in fact a
long-term process that will make ​Legazpi Village continue to evolve over time that will develop
the layering of building and infrastructure types, natural ecosystems, communities and cultures
that give each element their unique characteristics and identities.

III. Community Evaluation Part 1 - The Value of Urban Design

Local Character

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Urban design responds to and maintains local character. There is strong evidence that the
presence of local character encourages community life and reactivates people's sense of identity
with their particular neighbourhood. The presence of distinct localities within a city also helps to
satisfy growing demands for greater choice and for diversity over standardisation. Some people
are prepared to pay more to live in an area whose distinctive character they like.
● Legazpi Village is a very well developed area that consists of structures like houses,
commercial buildings, roads, and government offices.
● Aside from the fact that it is literally walkable, the variety of international
hole-in-the-wall restaurants in the district makes it a delightful place to live in and
also its top-tier universities have made growing families consider living in this
homier side of Makati.


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Image Source: Google Street View ​ ​Image Source:​Panoramio
Connected networks enhance access, and give people a choice of routes. But networks need to
offer people more than access alone. They must also provide high quality spaces and routes that
people find safe and enjoyable to use.
● Legazpi Village Makati is accessible from different parts of Manila, North to South
many establishments in the area are open 24 hours a day, even on weekends such as
Restaurants, food kiosks, convenience stores, and other shops are strategically
located around the city to cater to these needs.

These 'walkable' environments offer other significant benefits beyond improving people's health.
They can reduce the public costs associated with car use, such as traffic congestion and the
provision of road and parking facilities.
● Legazpi Village has urban gardens where residents jog, do yoga, walk their pet, and
saunter, Legazpi Village is an easygoing community where the usual fast-paced
setting of Makati is nonexistent.

Safety is also influenced by connectivity. There is evidence of a significantly reduced risk of

burglary when areas are well connected and visible, as there is more opportunity for natural
surveillance. The same is true for individual buildings: there are fewer burglaries where low
walls allow views in and out, 'active edges' face the street, and both cars and pedestrians use the
street. These conditions can also help reduce social isolation within neighbourhoods.

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To be safe, places must also be well used. For this to happen, good urban design should address
connectivity not in isolation, but alongside other qualities such as the mix of activities and land
● Legazpi Village offers safety, convenience, livelihood, lifestyle and sustainability that
attract people to live, work, and play.


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High urban density has potential costs in the form of congestion, noise and localised pollution.
But low density development - urban sprawl - can also be costly, reflecting the higher economic
and environmental costs of mobility. Much of the international research investigates this tension,
examining the kinds of value (both private and public) created by dense versus less dense cities.
Urban density and green space are sometimes suggested to be incompatible. It is certainly clear
that green space in the city contributes to public health, quality of life and biodiversity. This
value is reflected in property prices around iconic green spaces. But it is less clear how much
green space is needed to generate these benefits. Incorporating large tracts of green space into the
city can create problems elsewhere. It may push development to the periphery where it changes
the nature of adjoining rural areas, and generates more traffic and raises the costs of doing
business in the wider urban area.
● Legazpi Village is a haven for young professionals. It is the hipper and more
laid-back neighborhood in the Makati Central Business District. Although it houses
many offices and is near main thoroughfares, it is popular for its less crowded
tree-lined streets, pocket gardens, and cafés and restaurants where foodies whet
their palate.

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● Despite it being slightly older than its neighbor, Salcedo Village, it notably attracts
the younger population as it is nearby hangout spots. Also, it is where top executives
reside, work, and have fun.


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There is considerable evidence that mixed use (in conjunction with other design conditions, such
as connectivity) minimises travel distances. This allows people to make more trips by foot or
bicycle than by car, with clear health and convenience benefits. Car ownership levels do not
necessarily change - cars are still used for trips outside the neighbourhood, or for heavy shopping
trips - but people may not use their cars as often. Household spending on travel and
transportation may be reduced.
● Stereotypically, people in the Makati CBD are permanently on the rush but the
calm vibe of Legazpi Village is a reminder to slow down.
● From cafés offering artisanal drinks, under-the-radar restaurants serving delectable
cuisines, jolly jeeps serving affordable yet delicious food employees love (the famous
Sisig in Rada St. is a must try!).
● To urban gardens where residents jog, do yoga, walk their pet, and saunter, Legazpi
Village is an easygoing community where the usual fast-paced setting of Makati is

Benefits to the local economy also flow from mixed use. It improves people's access to work
opportunities, especially low income earners. Different people make use of an area at different
times and for different purposes, benefiting local shops and services.
● Perfect for those who seek an unhurried life in the metro. ​Residents and those who
work in Legazpi Village never worry about the insane rush hour traffic and crowd.
● A retreat in the middle of the busy Makati CBD, it is a go-to place even for those
who live nearby to unwind after a long day.

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● Its overall unhurried setting is an invitation to relax, meet friends to relish great
food in hip restaurants, and enjoy a leisurely stroll or exercise in the park.


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It is first of all about creating conditions for development which support a city’s capacity to
respond to changing circumstances. Adaptable urban public spaces that offer people choices
about how and when to use them are found to be better used than those designed for more limited
purposes. Individual buildings, designed at the outset to be more flexible are shown to be more
sustainable. The cost of changing buildings to suit new uses, technology or fashions can be high,
particularly when they have not been designed with change in mind.

● Legazpi Village is a business village built by the Ayala Corporation within the
Makati Central Business District, or also known as the Makati CBD.
● Legazpi Village is the homier side of Makati's CBD. Its ideal location has a terrific
mix of office and home, creating a cozy community that contrasts the rest of the
city’s fast-paced world.

High-Quality Public Realm

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The quality of the public realm relates to the physical and psychological comfort it offers people.
It also reflects less obvious 'comforts' such as aesthetic pleasure (from public art, architecture and
history), a sense of belonging and civic pride.
● Legazpi Village is a very well developed area that consists of structures like houses,
commercial buildings, roads, and government offices.
● It has an urban green space or parks like the Legazpi active park which is popular
with joggers and dog walkers.
● It has a variety of restaurants and bars which makes the Legazpi village a cool place
to hangout.
● It is also known for the outdoor Legazpi Sunday Market, selling organic produce,
artisanal crafts, and street food including grilled meats and fried noodles. Hip taco
spots and brunch cafes sit alongside upscale Filipino restaurants, while speakeasy
lounges and cocktail bars have an easygoing vibe. Green parks like Legazpi Active
and Washington SyCip are popular with joggers and dog walkers.

Integrated decision-making

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Just as the individual elements of urban design work best in combination, urban design decisions
are most effective when they result from integrated policies, objectives and values of many
The market alone does not always cater to the urban design needs of the public. In the case of
residential developments, developers may be primarily interested in meeting the needs of those
who can afford to live there, raising issues of equity and a lack of diversity. However, there are
many examples of local authorities working with private developers to ensure a residential
development offers wider community benefits (such as reserves and attractive landscaping) and a
greater range of housing types and prices.
● Legazpi Village manifests the importance of ensuring urban design policies and
initiatives are consistent between adjoining local authorities.
● In particular, they have urban design policy to be supported by complementary
economic and social policies: economic incentives, that may provide further
encouragement for people to switch from private cars to private transport.

User participation

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Successful user participation complements, rather than replaces, professional design and
technical expertise. There is no evidence that total citizen control over design - 'architecture
without architects' - is successful. Design, planning and policy professionals can extend the range
of possible solutions and options in ways that untrained users cannot.
● Legazpi Village people can see how their individual needs or concerns fit into the
wider picture; with realistic, more informed public expectations and understanding
can develop
● A stronger sense of community may develop the interests of people whose needs
might otherwise be ignored are protected.
Evidence points to the need for good management of the user participation process if it is to be
effective. Otherwise the result may be gridlock, or poor outcomes reflecting narrow or vested
interests at the expense of the wider public interest. A clear brief for participants, the selection of
representative participants, background research and analysis, and experienced facilitation are all
shown to be helpful in achieving effective user participation.

IV. Three Urban Design Concept

Urban Spatial Structure

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Urban spatial structure is a term frequently used to denote and discuss the distribution of activity
within a metropolitan area. A discussion has persisted until this day regarding present and future
urban spatial structures with respect to employment and population, in particular. It seems clear
that a continuing dispersal of employment and population has been occurring, particularly in
economically advanced countries.

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Legazpi Village Active Park
Across Washington Sycip Park, Rada cor. Gamboa Street, Legazpi Village

Perfect for: ​Those with the running shoes and the game face on.
It doesn’t matter what time of the day it is. All you need is your running shoes and
your game face on because you will always find company to run with at Legazpi
Active Park. Some people come here simply because it’s free and they can run any
time they’re available; others because they can only afford a few minutes or a few
laps in between their nine-hour jobs. The good thing is that this spot is being
enjoyed the way that it was meant to be-actively.

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Washington SyCip Park

Accessible from Legazpi, Gamboa, and Rada Streets, Legazpi Village, Makati City

Perfect for:​ Those who need peace and space

This may be one of the last ​green spaces standing in the city. Birds hopping on
benches and chirping, leaves rustling as you walk are only a few of the wonderful
things you’ll encounter at this park. Right in the middle of busy offices, shielded
by tall eucalyptus and mahogany trees. The park is a little pocket of green and
peace on this side of Makati’s CBD. People come here with their books, running
shoes, picnic mats, toddlers, lovers, and even in their own company. Find a spot
right by the pond, pause and be consoled by the tranquility of your own space and

Urban Beautification

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Urban Beautification is the process of making visual improvements to a town, city, or urban area.
This most often involves planting trees, shrubbery, and other greenery, but frequently also
includes adding decorative or historic-style street lights and other lighting and replacing broken
pavement​, often with brick or other natural materials.
Beautification projects are often undertaken by ​city councils to refurbish their downtown areas,
in order to boost tourism or other commerce. Often, this is also spurred by broken sidewalks,
which pose a safety hazard for ​pedestrians and potentially insurmountable obstacles for
wheelchair users. These projects are frequently part of other larger projects such as construction,
especially in conjunction with ones for transit, such as streets and roads and ​mass transit​.
Advocates of the philosophy believed that such beautification could promote a harmonious social
order that would increase the quality of life.

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Pause for a moment from the chaos of the city and take in the fresh air of Legazpi Park. The serene
surroundings and l​ush green landscape of the park provides visitors a peaceful abode right in the
middle of the city.​ Idyllic and beautifully maintained, this park sees a lot of locals and tourists throughout
the day. One can often spot entertaining games of Frisbee and badminton being played here alongside
regular joggers and walkers. The park also has a mini playground for kids. I​ mage Source: ​

Urban Decoration

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Street wayfinding signage in Legazpi Village is necessary or essential to address

the ​need of people, to ​orient themselves in the landscape, navigate between
destinations and to ​understand their next move. And also, to create a street
environment where information seamlessly fills navigational gaps, heightens the
sense of place and helps people interpret their surroundings.

Wayfinding allows both the pedestrian and people using all other types of
transportation to successfully navigate the environment.

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“​If the street and building do their job, it is legible. Elements of the street and buildings
contribute to understanding the city.​” Kevin Lynch’s understanding of the role of buildings and
streets in wayfinding has had a tremendous impact on evolution.

Makati Urban Patios

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Most of our "modern" street corners were designed to allow cars to change direction with ease.
The effect of large radii at corners was that pedestrians had to cross wider distances to get to the
other side, aside from having to look out for speeding cars. The intervention made for the Makati
Urban Patios Project aims to correct this injustice. Analysing several corners in Legaspi and
Salcedo streets, it was noted that large areas are devoted to turning cars.

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The re-designs closed the gap between corners without reducing lane widths for cars. We also
provided speed tables to slow cars down. The designs yielded people-friendly pockets we've
named Urban Patios. These are part of an overall pedestrian circulation and urban
design/landscape architectural improvement project for the CBD.

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Walking is encouraged in the district. It reduces the need for cars, is healthier for everyone and
the urban patios create more opportunities for trees and landscape to mitigate the harsh cityscape
of concrete, glass and steel.

V. Elements of Urban Design

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[1] Building

●​ ​Building is a relatively permanent enclosed construction on a plot of land.

​●​ ​Buildings are the most pronounced elements of urban design.


​Makati Diamond Residences

118 Legazpi Street, Legazpi Village, Makati

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Sunrise Terrace Apartments

100 Perea, Legazpi Village, Makati,

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Rufino Pacific Tower

​6784 Ayala Avenue cor. V.A. Rufino Street, Legaspi
Village, Makati, Philippines

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Feliza Building
​ 108 V.A. Rufino St, Legazpi Village, Makati, 1229
Metro Manila

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Makati Medical Center

2 Amorsolo Street, Legazpi Village,
Makati, 1229 Kalakhang Maynila

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Asian Institute of Management

​123 Paseo de Roxas, Legazpi Village,
Makati, 1229 Metro Manila

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Office of the Solicitor General

​134 Amorsolo Street, Legazpi Village,

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[2] Public Space

●​ A
​ ​ public space is a place that is generally open and accessible to people

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●​ G
​ ​ reat public space is the living room of the city – the place where people come

together to enjoy the city and each other.

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Legazpi Sunday Market

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Legazpi Sunday Market

Location: At Herrera st. cor Legazpi and Salcedo, V.A. Rufino St, Legazpi Village, Makati,
Metro Manila, Philippines

It’s a delightful gathering of stalls that offer everything you could hope to find in a marketplace.
They sell handicrafts like wooden houseware, handmade accessories, as well as straw bags and

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slippers. You’ll also find fresh fruits and vegetables, local and international cuisine, potted
plants, and lots of organic produce and healthy foods.

Legazpi Active Park

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●​ T
​ ​ he Legazpi Active Park is a privately owned public space and pocket park in the

Makati Central Business District

●​ T
​ ​ he park, best known as the location of the weekend market known as the Legazpi

Sunday Market
●​ I​ t is located in the San Lorenzo neighborhood on the western side of the CBD

adjacent to Washington SyCip Park and near Greenbelt.

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Washington SyCip Park

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●​ W
​ ​ ashington SyCip Park is a privately owned public park near Greenbelt mall in Legaspi
Village, Makati
●​ T
​ ​ he park is a no-smoking, no pet zone

​[3] Streets

●​ A
​ public road in a city or town, typically with houses and buildings on one or
both sides.

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●​ S​ treets are the connection between spaces and places as well as being spaces
themselves. They are defined by their physical dimension and character as well as the
size, scale, and character of the buildings that line them.



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[4] Transport

●​ a​ system or means of conveying people or goods from place to place by means of a

vehicle, aircraft, or ship.

●​ T
​ ​ ransport systems connect the parts of the cities and help shape them and enable

movement throughout the city

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Legazpi Car Park Corinthians Carpark

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Makati is one of these localities slowly

transitioning as a biker-friendly city with the
addition of a new parking rack along
Trasierra St. corner Gamboa St. in Legaspi.
The rack located behind the Asian Institute
of Management can accommodate up to
eight bikes and is conveniently located
alongside the parking spaces for regular
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[5] Landscape

●​ T
​ ​ he landscape is the green part of the city that weaves throughout – in the form of

urban parks, street trees, plants, flowers, and water in many forms
●​ T
​ ​ he landscape helps define the character and beauty of a city and creates soft,

contrasting spaces and elements.

●​ G
​ ​ reen space in cities ranges from grand parks to small intimate pocket parks.

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Legazpi Active Park

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​Washington SyCip Park

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VI. Imageability

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Image Source: ​​ Legazpi Active Park Walkway

The Path element that we observed within our chosen place are the:

● Walkways of the Legazpi Active Park, Washington SyCip Park and the ​Dela Rosa
Walkway (Overpass)
● Main Road: Ayala Avenue Road and Paseo de Roxas Road
● Streets: ​Rada Street, Legazpi Village, V.A Rufino Street, Legazpi Village, Dela Rosa
Street, Legazpi Village.

People in Legazpi Village will observe the surroundings of the city by walking on the
walkways of the parks that provide a peaceful abode or habitat right in the middle of the
city and also by riding a public or private vehicle along the streets or roads.

Washington SyCip Walkways

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Ayala Avenue Road

Image Source: Google Street View

Ayala Avenue Road

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Paseo de Roxas Road

Image Source: Google Street View

Rada Street, Legazpi Village

Image Source: Google Street View

V.A Rufino Street, Legazpi Village

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Image Source: Google Street View

Dela Rosa Street, Legazpi Village

Image Source: Google Street View

Dela Rosa Walkway (Overpass)

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One of the famous feature landmarks of Legaspi Village is the 1.1-km Dela Rosa Walkway that
extends from Greenbelt to Ayala North Exchange and Makati Medical Center. It's a walkway
that serves as a public art exhibition with wall murals which gives the area a vibrant atmosphere.
The mural was designed by a bunch of street artists.


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Image Source: Google Street View ​Esperanza Street, Legazpi Village

The Edge element that we distinguished from our chosen place are mostly streets with ​traffic
medians or median barriers between two lanes which is the area between opposing lanes of
traffic and it can either be open (pavement markings only) or they can be channelized (raised
medians or islands) to separate various road users which this barriers will noticed through our
given streets in Legazpi Village. These barriers are used mainly to direct traffic flows or
discourage pedestrians from crossing. Median barriers can be made of a range of materials
including concrete, steel, and wire ropes; that can also place some landscape such as trees and
bushes which can also be seen through some streets in Legazpi Village.

Esperanza Street, Legazpi Village

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Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave

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Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave

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Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave

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128 Amorsolo Street Makati, Metro Manila

Image Source: Google Street View

Amorsolo Street Makati, Metro Manila

Image Source: Google Street View


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Image Source:​ ​​ Legazpi Village Financial and Business

The District elements that we notice or observed in our chosen place are the Legazpi Village
Financial and Business District, the Community Area and the Makati Central Business District.
In which these are the epicenter of economic activity. It poses a competitive environment for
local and international corporations and rich, thriving settings for start-ups and burgeoning
enterprises. There’s more to Legazpi Village, Makati than being a corporate powerhouse. It also
promotes luxury and wellness through its various lifestyle hubs and establishments.

Makati CBD (Central Business District)

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Community Area

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Image Source: Google Street View ​Intersection of Rada Street and Legazpi Street

The Node elements that we discern or observed in our chosen place are the Intersection of Rada
Street and Legazpi Street, Intersection of Ayala Avenue and Makati Avenue, and Intersection of
Antonio Arnaiz Avenue and Makati Avenue and the Legazpi Sunday Market.

The Intersections of streets or roads ​are a critical aspect of street design as the point where
motorist, bicycle, and pedestrian movements converge. Successful intersection design addresses
all mobility and safety goals as well as opportunities to enhance the public realm. This part of
element focuses on intersection design and operation, from signal timing to crosswalks, corner
radii, visibility sight distance, leading pedestrian signals and investigates each concept as it
relates to citywide goals for safety, mobility, and more vibrant, accessible public spaces.

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Intersection of Ayala Avenue and Makati Avenue

Image Source: Google Street View

Intersection of Antonio Arnaiz Ave and Makati Ave

Image Source: Google Street View

Legazpi Sunday Market

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Organizing a community garage sale or a public market is one of the innovative ways to beautify
your city and focuses concentration of the community. Legazpi village established a weekly flea
market that opens every sunday. The Market offers a wide selection of furniture, home goods,
local produce, and street foods.


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Ayala Triangle Gardens Legazpi Active Park

The Landmark elements that we determine in our chosen place are the Legazpi Active Park,
Washington SyCip Park, Ninoy Aquino Monument and also we include the Ayala Triangle
Gardens. The reason why we included the Ayala Triangle Gardens in our landmarks; even if the
users live or going to Legazpi Village, their basis on where should they drop off if they riding a
public vehicle or if they are riding a private vehicle or even if they are just walking; their basis is
the Ayala Triangle because it is a well known landmark than Legazpi active Park and
Washington SyCip Park.

Washington Sycip Park

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Ninoy Aquino Monument

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