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Test Time: 15 minutes

The exam will be recorded.

Interlocutor to Student:
Teacher: “Hello. I’m (My name’s) ....”
”What’s your name and surname?”
“Can you spell your surname please?” (Do not repeat letters.)

Task 1 (5 minutes)

(You will not be prompted)

The teacher will ask you:

Teacher: “Now, to start with, I’d like to ask you some questions about your department/your hometown.”

Your Department Your Hometown

1. What department did you choose to 1. Where are you from?

study in?
2. Do you like living in ______(there)?
2. Why did you choose this department? (Why/Why not?)

Topic 1 – Best Friend

Now, the teacher will ask you:

Teacher: “Let’s move on to talk about your best friend.”

1. Who is your best friend?

2. What does your best friend look like?
3. What do you like doing with your best friend? (Why?)
4. Why is this person a good friend? (Why?)

Topic 2 – Cooking
Now, the teacher will ask you Topic 2:
Teacher: “Now, let’s talk about cooking.”

1. Do you like cooking? (Why/Why not?)

2. Who usually does the cooking in your home? (Why?)
3. What do people usually cook at home in your country (Why?)
4. Do you prefer to cook at home or eat in restaurants? (Why?)

Task 2 (4 minutes)

(1 minute for preparation + 2 - 3 minutes talking time)

Now, in Task 2 the teacher will share the screen below with you:
Teacher: “Now, in task 2 you are going to give your opinion about your favourite type of holiday. You will
talk on your own for 2 to 3 minutes. Here is your topic. You have one minute to read your task and get
ready. You can take notes if you like.”

The screen below will be shared with you (online). You will not be prompted.

What is your favourite type of holiday (e.g., camping,

holiday resort, sightseeing holiday)?
 Why is it your favourite type of holiday?
 Why is it better than the other types of holiday?
 What is the best holiday you had?

(1 minute later)

Teacher: “Now, you can start.”

The screen sharing will now be stopped by the teacher.

Task 3 (6 minutes)

(You will not be prompted)

In Task 3 the teacher will ask you the following questions below:
Teacher: “In this task, I’m going to ask you some questions about activities.” (Pause)
1. What do you like to do in your free time? (Why?)

2. Would you like to try any new activities or have any new hobbies? (Why/Why not?)

3. Do you think it’s best to try new activities alone or with other people? (Why/Why not?)

4. What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first time?

Teacher: “Thank you. This is the end of the test. You can go now. Good-bye”

(Please, do not give any clues about the students’ grades.)

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